

Chapter 23: Behold, a Dumb DumbNotes:


Chapter Text

Yuri yanked her jacket off while dropping to her knees besides Spiderman. She slapped the jacket down on his stomach and pressed down with her body weight. "Spiderman! What do you need?"

Spiderman wheezed, his blood hot under her hands. His hand flopped to his side. "Daisy."

She frowned but realized he was going for a slim pocket in his suit. Thank god, she wasn't sure if she needed to call for an ambulance or not. Did he heal? "I got it." Yuri held the jacket down, slowing the bleeding. With her other hand she unzipped his pocket and pulled out a cellphone. "Thank fuck."

"It hurts. It really hurts." Spiderman's voice was tight, his stupid goggles were jarred to one side.

Yuri swiped at the screen and pulled up the numbers. She saw the name Daisy and hit call. Cramming the phone between her shoulder and ear. "I'm calling Daisy, you're going to be ok. Just hang in there."

"I stopped him yeah?" His voice was wet.

She nodded. "You got him. You did really good. Best partner I've ever had, even if you like puns way too much."

Spiderman's voice was scared. "I don't want to die." He sucked in panicked breaths.

"You're not going to die." Yuri grabbed the bottom of his mask and yanked it up over his mouth so he could breathe easier. "I promise you're not going to die."

She would have kept talking but the phone stopped ringing and a voice came through.

-"Kid? You need me to come pick you up?"- A female voice asked.

Yuri felt a thread of alarm at the word 'kid'. There was no way. "Spiderman is hurt, do I call an ambulance?"

-"Stay on the line."- The voice cut out.

Spiderman struggled limply. "I can't see."

"That's, fuck it." Yuri adjusted Spiderman's goggles so they were lined up with his eyes again. "See, your mask was just messed up. Right? You're good. Daisy is coming." She winced. "I think."

He let out a whine of pain.

Yuri knew she was starting to panic slightly. But this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. He was just supposed to be some super powered back up. Hell she liked New York's resident heroes. As much as she had been dreaming of throttling him, well she agreed with their version of vigilante justice. "Hang in there. You're going to be irritating me on comms about your weird Noir Spider drama in no time."

She wasn't sure how she stayed there kneeling over a bleeding Spiderman before the air began to vibrate. And then there was a crash, filled with red light. And Quake was there.

Quake hissed as she realized the situation. "Pietro please."

There was a blueish blur and Yuri found herself knocked to the side. And then Spiderman was gone, just some blood stained asphalt.

"What happened?" Quake's voice was harsh as she kicked at the still unconscious werewolf. Actually Yuri could feel her teeth vibrating in her head.

"Enough." And shit that was the Scarlet Witch grabbing Quake's shoulder and pulling her back. "Go, I've got this. He'll need you."

The two heroes stood there staring each other in the eye. Finally Quake nodded. She took a step backwards and then launched herself into the sky.

Yuri let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. The very air felt lighter. She fell back a step.

Scarlet Witch..her name was Wanda? turned to face her. "Are you injured officer?"

"Detective." She corrected automatically. "Sorry, no I'm fine. What..is Spiderman going to be ok?"

Wanda, or she was still sparking with red magic whirling around her like some sort of otherworldly being. "My brother has speed. Spiderman will be fine." Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the unconscious werewolf, it's legs still webbed to the road. "What is this creature?"

Yuri watched uneasily as the woman knelt besides the creature. "It's a werewolf. I was tracking reports around the last several full moons. I needed enhanced backup so I asked Spiderman."

"I see." Wanda's hand rose and red light leached into the creature. "Oh you poor man. You took something you should not have."

And huh, werewolf had been wearing a necklace. It'd been impossible to see with all the fur. But now it was rising, surrounded in red light. And then it snapped into Scarlet Witch's hand. She looked up at Yuri. "He should return to his normal form with the sun, for good this time."

Yuri winced. "I'm gonna need the necklace for evidence."

"It's not of this world." Scarlet Witch held out the necklace dropping it into her hand.

Yuri frowned, it was cold to the touch, the gem embedded in it surprisingly heavy. It was over...but. "Tell Spiderman to swing by, when he's better." She looked up at the far more terrifying hero than Spiderman. But it needed to be said.


Wanda was barely keeping from rushing as she made her way to the medical floor of the tower. She ignored the various people and went straight in. Her eyes found Pietro first. He was laying on a medical gurney with an IV in one arm. But he was fiddling with a phone and no one was bothering him. So he was fine. She could see in his face someone had given him painkillers. "Pietro."

"Heeeeyyyyy." His head lulled towards her. "Doctor said I can go home in the morning."

She reached out straightening his hair. "You didn't hurt anything too badly running?"

"Eh, I knew you would need me." His face was oddly serious. "The kid will be alright. Dr Cho is making new skin for him."

Wanda sighed in relief. She looked over to where several medical types were circling a bed. There was a glimpse of red and blue. Daisy was standing guard, her entire figure looking like it was carved from stone. "But Peter will be alright?"

"The creature tore through his stomach muscles, several puncture wounds on his leg. But the doctor said he was lucky, none of his intestines were badly damaged. Lots of blood loss though." Pietro reached up pulling her hand away from his head, and pulling her attention back to him. "Ms Parker isn't here yet." His voice was meaningful then.

She stilled, her powers automatically connecting them. Wanda leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Thank you."

"Eh, no permanent damage. Just pulled some muscles...all of my muscles." Pietro grinned up at her. "But I get the good stuff and a cute nurse to give me juice. I'll be back on my feet tomorrow."

Wanda softened. "You're ridiculous brate." She gave his arm a final squeeze.

She walked cautiously, till she was standing besides Daisy. "Is there anything I can do?"

Daisy didn't move, her feelings a tightly controlled storm around her that Wanda knew better than to touch. "What happened?"

"Detective Yuri flagged him down and asked for help with her werewolf case over a week ago. She thought she needed enhanced assistance. He agreed. They had the creature till a bike messenger almost rode into the fight." Wanda had a bad feeling about how Daisy was going to take this.

Daisy twitched slightly. "Oh."

Wanda reached and took Daisy's hand.

Daisy finally moved, threading their fingers together and squeezing. "He's going to be ok."

"He is." Wanda agreed.

They stood there for who knows how long. Wanda could properly see Peter now. He was out, an oxygen mask strapped to his face, his whole midsection wrapped in bandages and gauze. But he was getting some color back. It felt like time had stopped, at least until the door burst open and May arrived. "Peter!"

"Hey, no he's ok." Daisy caught May. "I promise he's going to be ok."

Wanda went to pull back only to find Daisy was still hanging onto her hand. So she stilled and stayed there as May hugged Daisy as tightly as possible. She stayed when May released Daisy to go sit on the edge of Peter's bed. Wanda just...stayed.



Wanda wasn't sure why she woke up, but she did wake up. Blinking blearily she looked around the room. She was wedged half sitting, pressed against Pietro. Daisy had clearly passed out at the foot of the same bed. Wanda blinked as she realized Daisy was using Pietro as a human pillow as well. She smiled slightly, and eased herself out of the narrow and uncomfortable bed. It was as she was considering finding a bathroom that she realized what had woken her up.

Peter was groggily looking at May who was passed out in a chair next to his bed.

She padded over. Reaching out she caught one of his fumbling hands before he could jostle himself. "Hey, you're in Stark Tower, medical floor."

"Wan?" His voice slurred.

Wanda prevented him from pulling out the oxygen tube under his nose. "Easy, you were hurt." She kept her voice even and soft.

He settled frowning.

"Sleep, you're safe." She didn't add that the morning would be rough. Or that there would be consequences. Wanda waited till he drifted off again. She sighed looking at the clock. Four am. Well, she could go get coffee. No one was going to stay asleep much longer. She could feel their dreams fading. Coffee...and maybe hunt down Darcy.


Peter winced, they really hadn't done more than use Dr Cho's artificial skin to piece his shredded skin back together. They'd had to do more to repair his abdominal muscles. Which it had all hurt, but what made it worse was the air of disappointment. No one had said anything about how stupid he'd been. Which was...not a good sign. He'd never been so stupid no one actually got mad at him for it before.

"Three days bedrest, with your healing factor we'll talk about the next step then." Dr Cho looked at Aunt May. "We're keeping him on a vitamin rich, protein high and easy to digest diet while he's here. But you can take him home after dinner if you want. I just want to make sure there's no signs of his body rejecting the grafts."

Aunt May nodded. "Of course, medications?"

"He'll have his last dose of the prescription pain meds with dinner. After that you can give him ibuprofen as needed. If there's any change you can always call me." Dr Cho patted his leg. "And stay off that leg of yours. If you do that, everything looks promising though." She looked between them and seemed to notice the… general air. "I'll leave you to it then. If you need anything just hit the button." Dr Cho paused on her way out by Daisy, but she didn't say anything and left.

Daisy was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, and that was very much a gun holstered on one hip. She was plainly standing guard. And she hadn't so much as cracked a smile since he'd woken up. Or spoken to anyone.

"Why don't you work on finishing off your jello." Aunt May set his tray back on his lap.

He nodded. "Sure." It was suffocating. Peter prodded at his jello, but took a bite. It was...well he was not a fan but would rather eat his own tongue than complain about anything at the moment. "So...uh is Darcy here?"

"She's down in the lab with Tony." Aunt May gave him a pointed look. "They both ducked in briefly while you were unconscious last night. We've all been really worried."

Peter winced at that. "I'm really sorry."

"What do you think you did wrong?" Aunt May looked at him, and oh god her eyes were red from crying earlier and it made him want to sink through the floor into a hole of misery.

He picked at the blanket laying over his lap. "I lied and said I was at Ned's when I wasn't. And I didn't tell anyone I was out as Spiderman. And I didn't have backup, or have any way of asking for help if I got in over my head." His shoulders curled inwards. "I was stupid."

"Yes you were." Aunt May agreed. "Are you ever going to do it again?"

Peter touched his midriff. "No."

"Then we won't talk about it again." Aunt May leaned forward and kissed his head. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." Her voice cracked.

He hugged her as best he could with a tray on his lap, her awkwardly above him. But he managed it, his eyes burning with tears. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

"I know." Aunt May hugged him back before pulling back. "Now, I already called the school and said you have chicken pox."

Peter blinked. "Uh… I had chicken pox when I was four?"

"Well high school doesn't accept being clawed by werewolf as an excuse for missing class." Aunt May gave him a look.

He settled, it wasn't like she was wrong. His eyes darted to Daisy, was very pointedly not looking at him. Peter ate his jello. He didn't deserve the understanding and kindness from Aunt May. Definitely not forgiveness from Daisy after everything she'd done for him. So he ate his jello.



Peter looked up from the soap opera May had put on the tv. Which he knew she had put it on knowing it bored him to tears. Passive aggressive for the win apparently. So the sound of the door was a sound of salvation. He beamed, a relieved exhale at the sight of Darcy.

"Hey Dumb Dumb." Darcy shoved a drink of some kind, probably super surgery and comforting into Daisy's hands.

He accepted the new nickname. "Hey."

"So I have news. MrWolfy is Jameson from the Daily Bugal's son. He got a magic rock on the moon when he was doing his astronaut stuff. He's being held for observation for a month, but he's doing fine. So the bullets, dendrotoxin and two entire cartridges of webbing and he's doing better than you. And some bozo filmed most of the thing." She passed May a cup of something hot and yummy looking. "News is calling him Man-Wolf. Which..who names these idiots?"

Peter relaxed, she wasn't mad at him. "Man-Wolf?" That was actually really bad.

"Yup." Darcy was jittery, and now that she was closer, sitting on the end of his bed actually, he could see the dark circles under her eyes. "Now, everyone is freaking out about the health of their favorite Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman."

He accepted he wasn't going to be wearing the suit again for a while. And he wasn't going to fight it. Not to mention even with the painkillers he felt sore. "Uh...I can't really go back out there for...awhile. If I'm still allowed out there."

"We'll slap your mask on you for one of your videos later." Darcy reached out and flicked his nose. "Tony and I are fixing your suit so this never happens again."

Peter blinked. "What?"

"Bulletproof clearly isn't going to cut it." Darcy's eyes narrowed. "No dumb Man-Wolf is slicing you up again."

"You really don't have to do that." Peter's face heated with shame, looking down at his lap. "It was my mistake."

Darcy reached out and tapped his cheek with an open palm. The gentlest of pats, but the fact the gesture was a slap no matter how painless still hurt. "You're my brother. If I can protect you I'm going to protect you. No if and or buts."

"I uh...oh...you still didn't have to." He poked at his blankets.

She looked over at Daisy. "Speaking of Tony, he made an AI for you two heroic idiots. We're incorporating it. But after Daisy takes a look and makes sure it doesn't have any dumbass protocols."

"I'll take a look and fix it." Daisy pushed off the wall. "Can I borrow your laptop?"

Darcy gave a sloppy salute. "Go for it. I've got the fort till you get back. I could use a break from suit building."

"Thanks." Daisy gave Darcy a nod and then slipped out of the room.

Peter groaned, letting his head fall back, eyes closing. "I deserved that."

"You really do." Darcy replied without a hint of sympathy, which again fair. "That's going to take some work Dumb Dumb. Your future training afternoons aren't going to be fun."

Peter winced. "Can I help with the designs?"

"You have a scheduled nap in twenty minutes, so no Dumb Dumb." Darcy squeezed his non injured leg. She looked at May. "You want to take the chance to stretch your legs?"

Aunt May smiled, setting her drink aside and stood with a slight groan. "I think I will." She kissed his forehead.

Darcy waited till May had left the room before turning and flicking his nose. "Wow you stepped in it."

"I know." Peter groaned.

Darcy gave a great dramatic sigh. "Yup, and it's going to be worse for you."

"Huh?" He tilted his head slightly.

She rolled her eyes. "Kid, look when I snuck out to get drunk, sleep with my boyfriend, smoke weed, that sort of thing my parents were just mad at me. I even stole the family car and hit the mailbox once. But you know they were just my parents."

"I...is there a moral to this?" He stared at her in confusion.

Darcy huffed. "You're not just May's kid. You're her whole family. I mean she's kinda adopted Daisy and I, but she did that for you. You are all she has. And she's way more involved with your life than most parents. I mean my mom barely could keep up with which band I was into. May learned to shoot a gun for you."

She reached out patting his shoulder. "And Daisy is a wreck of survivors guilt and angst around family. You just hit like... all of her buttons. This whole thing isn't going to blow over for a while. Not because we're mad at you, but because you scared us and we love you."

"I'm sorry." Peter looked her in the eye. "I really am! I didn't mean...I was trying to prove I didn't need to be babysat and then...that bike messenger could have died if I wasn't fast enough! And what if I'm not fast enough next time?" His blankets bunched under his hands. "People could have died and I...just made it about me."

Darcy sighed. "Even if you could get strong enough that none of us worried, which I'm pretty sure is impossible, would you even want to be? It seems kind of lonely to me. But what do I know, I'm the normal one."

"I don't think you're normal." Peter's lips twitched up. "But you're probably right."

"I know I'm right. Now be a good little Dumb Dumb and start thinking sleepy thoughts. If you're out before our angst bucket of a sister gets back you might not be stuck with angsty dreams."

Peter smiled, but let himself be bullied into being tucked in. "She's not that bad."

"Oh she really is. Let's not forget her 'I'll punch things with my shattered bones'." Darcy's eyes twinkled slightly.

It hurt a little bit but he couldn't help a laugh at that. But he waited for the joke to pass. "Are you mad at me?"

"Eh, you were due for some teenage rebellion. You were making the rest of us look bad by comparison. And you got in trouble without me helping you. So no judgement." Darcy smiled. "You're my baby Dumb Dumb."

Peter closed his eyes, his chest felt all warm and fuzzy. "Thanks."

"Hey, it's going to be alright. Even if you're stuck eating jello. Which, urgh flubber much?" Darcy teased.

He smiled. "We should watch Flubber."

"Sounds fun Dumb Dumb." Darcy patted his cheek. "Now budge up, I didn't sleep at all last night and you have enough blankets to share."

Peter happily scooched over a bit so Darcy could squeeze in with him. She smelled nice, like something fruity and sweet and engine oil. It was a weird mix but it worked. And...he'd been scared, so very scared. But with Darcy squished in next to him..he felt safe.


Peter sensed more than heard it when Daisy came back. He cracked an eye open, and there she was in the chair by the side of the bed. She was typing diligently away on Darcy's laptop. Somehow she must have felt his eyes on her. Daisy looked up and she just stared at him for a long minute. And then she smiled ever so slightly. It felt a little bit like hope.
