



"... Why are we encouraging this behavior again? It feels like we're just going to see Yang throw up literally everything she just drank," Weiss deadpanned, watching as her girlfriend slugged back yet another shot of some kind of liqueur, slamming the shot glass down onto the table and grinning wildly at Qrow, who was the only one to keep up with this kind of shenaniganry so far.


"We're not, but Qrow said that it's practically tradition to have a drinking contest before a team's fourth year and for some reason everyone agreed to it," Blake deadpanned right back, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms as she watched Yang stand up and roar victoriously, flames burning in her hair as a heavy blush crossed her face and her Aura flared from the amount of actual, literal fluid burning away through her system. "Even though we're only going into third year and it was supposed to be Cinder's party."


Cinder, as the subject of the party, was actually nowhere to be seen in the kitchen, though for fairly obvious reasons once anyone actually bothered to look for her. 


She was already passed out on the couch with an ice pack on her forehead and Neo's chilly, glittery presence comforting her. Emerald was also there, but Emerald was sort of dithering back and forth from the kitchen to Cinder's side, making sure that the Maiden had plenty of snacks and water once she woke up from her alcohol induced nap.


Thankfully, no one had vomited yet, but… really, it was only a matter of time.


Penny and Ruby were also nowhere to be found, but then again that was also obvious because the two of them were too young for that kind of thing… also because Penny was a robot and therefore couldn't get drunk at all, and Ruby was an eldritch nightmare blob made of pure annihilation and thus also couldn't get drunk.


And seeing as Yang was the only one brave enough to take Qrow head on in a drinking contest…


"I can't help but think this will end poorly for everyone involved. Hopefully Yang doesn't set the house on fire," Blake sighed, shaking her head and looking around the kitchen slowly- watching Yang continue to make ill advised life choices while being cheered on by Mercury, Coco, Velvet, and strangely enough, Professor Goodwitch.


Why the normally stoic professor was at their house during winter break and also cheering wildly while Yang chugged down shot after shot and met Qrow's pace without pause was a mystery to the both of them. That Winter was currently in the middle of making sure Taiyang didn't vomit all over himself was also a surprise to Weiss specifically, but then again apparently the two of them had a half decent working relationship?




It probably had something to do with how much time Winter had spent in Vale during the reconstruction efforts and during the reopening of Beacon in the last year. That General Ironwood even let her stay in Vale after the Vytal Festival had ended was kind of a miracle, but apparently the reasoning had been that Winter had earned her vacation, and also that she should stay with family for Wynterfest?


Weiss had no idea.


"It likely will, but thankfully we can at least make sure that Yang doesn't set anything on fire if she starts to get unruly," Weiss sighed, shaking her head and idly examining her nails and huffing as she looked back towards the display of excess and stupidity going on. "Maybe we should have just stayed in the living room and played video games with Fox."


"... Fox can play video games?" Blake muttered, thinking about the fact that the soon-to-be fourth year was blind and while his ADA was apparently really good at making sure he didn't bump into things and could read books without braille, she hadn't known it could actually let him play video games . "... But he's…?"


"Apparently he figured out how to use his Semblance to share senses with people he has a close enough bond with, and Yatsuhashi is acting as his eyes while he plays RUIN Infinite," Weiss explained, then paused and tilted her head slightly as she tapped her chin. "I actually still have no idea what the main plotline of the RUIN franchise is beyond being trapped in some kind of hellish realm full of mutant grimm and needing to kill all of them."


"... That's the entire plotline, more or less," Blake deadpanned.


"... No wonder boys like it so much. Still. It seems fun, albeit complex and very hard to master. I was more thinking about seeing how good both of us are at Slash Sisters, given that Yang made us learn," Weiss shrugged, turning back to observe the scene with Yang and Qrow, which had changed to her and Taiyang arm wrestling now instead because Yang sure knew how to be the life of a party. Also now Professor Goodwitch was starting to chug down half a bottle of vodka… huh. Her being drunk explained a lot actually.


"Would you mind terribly if I joined? I find myself with nothing to do… little sister," Winter cut in somewhat awkwardly, waving her hand slightly as she approached. Somehow, the fact that she wasn't wearing anything even remotely Atlesian and was instead wearing a Wynterfest themed sweater dress looked… wrong on her- especially with her hair down and without her usual touch of makeup to make herself look ever so slightly more intimidating and professional. "I figure… instead of what we normally do, I should try bonding more on your terms. Relax and let my hair down, as it were."


"Oh- Winter! Of course you can join! Though- I'm not sure how much experience you have with Slash Sisters as a franchise… Yang made Blake and I learn over the course of our time in Menagerie, but…" Weiss shrugged a little, not too worried about seeming prim and proper in front of Winter when they were all very much "off duty" and they weren't in any kind of public setting. "Do you?"


"Unfortunately, I've had many hours of experience playing various forms of entertainment while in the military. It turns out that even being a superior officer does not preclude me from getting invited to game nights with the off duty soldiers," Winter sighed, shaking her head a little. "I've played more sessions of Crypts and Creeps than I'd like to admit."


"... Huh. Crypts and Creeps was really popular with the White Fang too, come to think of it," Blake muttered idly, walking along with Weiss and Winter as they left the bustle of the kitchen behind and entered the living room, which was much quieter seeing as Fox and Yatsuhashi were talking telepathically and Cinder, Emerald, and Neo were mostly silent as the Fall Maiden slept in her favorite armchair (Tai's apparently) with Neo awkwardly curled around her and Emerald keeping watch over the both of them. "You'd think that the Atlesian Military and the White Fang would have different hobbies when it comes to their downtime but somehow everyone really just likes playing TTRPGs of any kind, it seems. Even I got into it at one point… before… Adam at least."


"... Is there any part of your time in the White Fang that bastard didn't ruin?" Weiss scoffed, crossing her arms and huffing irritably at the fact that even after his ignoble death, he was still somehow finding ways to ruin the things that Blake had fun with. "I swear, if he wasn't dead already I'd find a way to bring him over here just so we could all take turns beating him half to death one at a time for all of the damage he's done to so many of our lives."


"... Well, he didn't ruin… uh…" Blake paused, then shook her head. "It's not worth dwelling on it. At least I had Ilia around at first. Regardless- Winter…"


"I'll get everything set up if Fox wants to swap over," Winter sighed, shaking her head a little bit as well. "Though I can't say that I'll be effective in getting him to move. He's not one of my soldiers and I'm only a guest here after all-"


"Blakeeeeyyyyyyy~!" Yang cried, interrupting their conversation as she appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, making the three of them turn around from where they'd awkwardly stopped halfway between the main hallway and the living room. "What're you doing out heeeere! C'mon, we got more drinky drinky to do! I'll let you do body shots off of me~!"


"... Yang, I love you but there is no force on this planet that will make me take body shots off of you while your family is around," Blake groaned, palming her face at Yang's drunken antics. "Babe, please. You're drunk."


"Weisssyyyyyyyyy~! How 'bout youuuuuu~!?"




"... Please tell me you aren't seriously thinking about doing body shots off of your girlfriend at a family gathering," Winter hissed, nudging Weiss with an elbow as the shorter Schnee blushed , unable to say anything as her brain visibly short circuited and her Aura flared with a crackle of ice around her feet. "... Weiss!"


"Yang is really hot okay!?" Weiss spluttered, nudging Winter right back and shaking her head. "S-shut up! Like you've never considered it!"


"I never did because I don't have a significant other! And besides- why would I possibly even think about doing that around family!? It's not appropriate!"


"I-I- just sh-shush! An-anyway! I'm not going to do body shots here and now! A-and I don't even like alcohol anyway!" Weiss shot back… only to receive some two hundred pounds and two meters of muscle and boobs to the face as Yang made her way over and draped herself all over Weiss with a loud, drunken giggle. "W-wah! Yang!"


"Weissyyyyyyyy~ Love youuuuu~!" Yang slurred out, hugging Weiss close and squeezing as their Auras met and produced a loud hiss of steam, with Blake just tittering behind one hand as she watched Weiss splutter and struggle to get out of Yang's drunken bear hug. "Blakeeyyyyyyy! C'meeeeeere! Wanna hug youuuuuuuuu!"


"Oi…" Winter deadpanned, crossing her arms and looking decidedly put out as the three younger girls sort of conglomerated into a mess of hugging and giggling- Yang sloppily kissing both Blake and Weiss in clear and open defiance of any sense of propriety. "... Well. This has long since passed any kind of propriety that I could stand for. I'm going to go see if Fox and Yatsuhashi want to play Immortal Combat instead."


And with that, Winter turned, left, and proceeded to spend the next two hours getting absolutely decimated at the one fighting game she thought she was halfway good at.


As of today, I'm finished with the Black Rose documents.

I wonder if you can guess what the christmas surprise will be...
