

Class 1-B led by Vlad King walked through the forest yawning. It was just a little past sunrise the star barely having risen above the horizon. As they walked they could hear voices and what sounded like screaming. "What are those idiots in class 1-A doing now?" Monoma asked as they came out of the tree line seeing the students of 1-A in various states of physical exertion.

"I wouldn't call them idiots Monoma after all Class A has had the spotlight for the entire first semester. This training camp to strengthen your quirks will see to it that class B will be the headliners of the second semester." Vlad King explained as the full quartet of the Pussy Cats made their debut striking a group pose.

"Umm Mr. Vlad how are we going to be trained, there's like forty students here?" Kendo asked as the Pussy Cats took over the explanation

"Don't worry your precious heads about that with all four of us here training forty kids is a walk in the park. That's right we'll be taking over your training now, try not to bawl your eyes out after we start. I'm Ragdoll my quirk is Search and with it I can keep track of a hundred people." Said Ragdoll her eyes bright as she laughed at the students.

"That's right all of you with strength quirks get over here! I'll tear your pitiful quirks apart and turn them into something amazing at my boot camp!" Shouted Tiger as he pointed at several other students who were each performing various exercises. "Midoriya show me what you've got!" Shouted Tiger as Izuku dropped down from a tree having been doing inverted sit ups. He landed going into his snake cowl and shot off an ambush smash his fist rocketing straight towards a tree only to turn left and then continue further into the forest avoiding tree after tree his fist accelerating until it slammed straight into a large oak leaving an imprint of his fist in the bark as his arm retracted.

Class 1-B noticed imprints of Izuku's fist in several trees each being further than the last. "Not good enough you only managed to go three trees past your previous one, now give me some hanging crunches!" Shouted Tiger as Izuku saluted jumping into a tree and grabbing hold of a sturdy branch and began lifting his knees to his chest repeatedly. Tiger turned to the power based students of class 1-B crooked a claw. "Come on you want to go plus Ultra don't you?" He said with an evil grin.

The day ended with all the students sore and exhausted so much so that not even Monoma could waste the breath to insult class A. "Ok kiddies if you're hungry I suggest you get to work. Like we said we won't be cooking for you anymore, from now on you'll be cooking your own meals, so get started, and don't think we'll settle for some run of the mill cat chow!" Ragdoll said shaking her paw at the students as they broke into teams to get started on the curry for dinner.

Izuku volunteered to grab the firewood and was assisted by Ojiro. "I've got the axe Izuku." Mashirao said only to see Izuku punch into the logs of wood to split them.

"Thanks Mashirao, but I'm good like this." Izuku said as Ojiro shook his head.

"You're really something else you know that, even after all that you still want to train, well don't hog it all for yourself." Ojiro said grabbing the next log of wood and split it with his tail.

"Those two are insane!" Denki shouted looking at the two boys breaking wood with their respective limbs.

"Fucking Izuku, thinks he's hot shit!" Bakugou growled completely eviscerating an onion with his knife without even looking at the cutting board.

"Wow with knife skills like those you'll make a great wife someday." Kirishima said teasing Bakugou who glared at him.

"The fuck you say to me!" He shouted as Iida went to intervene.

"That's enough you two we need to work together to get this job done." Iida instructed as Mashirao and Izuku returned with the firewood.

"Hey Midori come put some wood in my stove!" Shouted Mina causing Izuku to nearly drop all his wood if not for the help of Mashirao's tail.

"W-w-w-what!?" He shouted stuttering heavily as he looked around seeing that no one had gotten Mina's double entendre. He walked up to her blushing heavily as he began to load some of the wood in the oven. "Mina t-that's not funny." He said looking at the pink girl and judging by the look in her eye not only did she disagree, but she had no intention of stopping.

"Gently now Midori don't just force it in there, she's a tender little stove." Mina said licking her lips as Izuku tried his best to ignore her teasing. "Oh that's a big one, I don't know if she can take it all. You've already stuffed so much in her." Mina whispered heavily as Izuku shot up.

"Umm I think that's enough, you can handle it from here right." He said shambling away ashamed to admit that Mina's joke had gotten him really aroused. As Izuku went to distribute more firewood throughout the ovens he noticed Kota every now and then still with that permafrown on his face. He sighed wondering what he could do and this caught the notice of Todoroki who saw what Midoriya was looking at.

"You're really invested in the boy hunh?" He asked as Izuku nodded watching the two tone boy light the wood on fire. "That's just you isn't it? You can't help, but meddle in other people's problems can you?" Shoto asked as Izuku thought about his words and realized that Todoroki was speaking from experience.

"Oh yeah I kind of did the same to you didn't I? I'm sorry it's just when I see people unhappy I want to help in any way I can." Izuku said as Shoto nodded.

"I can see that, but take it from someone who's had your help before it's really annoying to have someone poke at your sensitive spots. I know you're trying to help, but think of it from their point of view. A virtual stranger is prying into things you'd rather not think or talk about. Whether it's good natured or not it's still an invasion." Todoroki said wiping his hands off as someone called for him to light their stove as well. Izuku thought on Todoroki's words and understood what he was getting at.

"Maybe I should apologize." Izuku said to himself.

Kota sat on the edge of a cliff looking over the forest as he scowled. "Those guys are idiots thinking they can be heroes, and training their stupid quirks thinking it really matters. Being a hero is the worst thing ever." He said as he noticed a bit of metal next to him. He picked it up flipping it over between his fingers. "What is this?" He asked aloud as he heard footsteps. He jumped to his feet and saw that one guy from before. The one he'd tried to hit but couldn't.

"Wow you're really good at disappearing I didn't even know you were gone. Guess I still need to work on my awareness. Oh you found a bit of the testing ball that I threw. I destroyed it accidently." Izuku said rubbing the back of his head.

"Go away this is my hideout get out now!" Kota shouted clenching his fists.

"Oh sorry I didn't know this was your hideout it's really cool. I saw you didn't eat anything so I thought I'd bring you a plate of curry. It's not great, but I'm told hunger is the best spice there is." Izuku said laughing a little before Kota shouted at him.

"Why do you even care I don't know you and you don't know me, so just leave me alone. I don't want your stupid curry so go away already! Go back to trying to improve your quirk so you can show off and get killed." Kota shouted again as Izuku dropped his head some.

"Ok full disclosure I wanted to apologize. I've been trying to get to know you and maybe help you get out from under your anger. I know that you're parents were the water hose duo." Izuku explained which caused Kota to grit his teeth.

"People always tell me that my parents were heroes and died doing a hero's work. That's stupid, heroes and villains they're just people with an excuse to kill each other with their quirks."

"You know I had a friend who was a lot like you once. He didn't have a quirk you see, so he was really sad at first and then he was angry. It felt like the whole world had turned its back on him and left him behind." At those words Kota looked up at Izuku. "But after a while he realized that he could either stay mad at the world or he could do something about what was making him so angry. He decided to work hard and make a world where people aren't left behind whether they have a quirk or are heroes even villains have people that care about them." He said thinking about how Shigaraki devoted himself to All for One.

"Is this your way of telling me to get over what happened, because if it is you wasted your breath." Kota said as Izuku nodded.

"No it's nothing like that I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone now." He said setting the plate down before heading back down the path. Kota stood there watching him go before turning around to look at the plate of curry on the ground.

The next morning Izuku looked at Ashido who was nearly asleep on her feet. "Are you ok Ashido?" Izuku asked as the pink skinned girl gave a shaky thumbs up.

"No prob Bob I'm A-OK." She said swaying on her feet. "Mr. Aizawa kept us up late studying we didn't get to bed until like midnight and then had to wake back up at five, so I'm just a little sleep deprived." She explained as Izuku patted her on the back.

"Hang in there." He said before going back to his own exercise regimen as he saw Aizawa chewing out Kirishima as well Ochaco, and Aoyama. "Mr. Aizawa is All Might going to be appearing at this training camp?" Izuku asked hoping he could maybe get in a sparring match with the hero to gauge his progress so far.

"No he won't be, now get back to work." Aizawa said as Izuku felt Tiger grip his head.

"If you've got time to talk you've got time to work boy." Tiger growled hauling Izuku off for even tougher training.

Later that night all forty students were gathered in a clearing in front of the Pussycats. "Alright kiddies you worked hard today so we figured it would be good to give you a little reward. Here we have the test of courage!" Pixiebob explained which immediately got a cheer from the students.

"Oh yeah what a manly way to end the night!" Kirishima shouted as Mina giggled.

"In a dark and scary situation with a guy who knows what might happen." She said causing several girls to blush before Aizawa's scarf wrapped around her, Kirishima, Sero, Sato, and Kaminari.

"The only tests you five will be participating in are supplementary mock tests." At this Mina's eyes shot open.

"You've gotta be joking Mr. Aizawa!" She shouted as the other four complained.

"Come on sir we worked hard today don't we deserve a break!?" Kirishima whined as the five were being drug away.

"No you don't I told you, those of you who failed would wish you hadn't been allowed to come to this camp, so let's go." He explained as they left.

"Well that's unfortunate oh well, now then onto the rules. First off it will be class1-B's turn as the scare team. You will do your absolute best to terrify the class1-A pairs. You are free to use your quirks, but no physical contact is to be made alright." Ragdoll explained shaking her paw.

"Class 1-A come on up and grab a number from this box those with matching numbers will be paired up." Mandalay said as the students approached giving class B some time to enter the forest and prepare. The remaining five girls of class A looked at their numbers hoping that they would be paired up with Izuku with none having any luck as the boy was by himself.

"Aww man." Izuku said as he stood on his own as his classmates began their trek through the path. Taking the time to get in some more awareness training Izuku sat down crossing his legs and closing his eyes as he took in his surroundings. He could hear the wind rustling through the trees the sound of the crickets chirping in the night. He could smell various scents from the people around him Momo's perfume, Yuga's body wash. He could feel the slight vibrations from people walking around him and those shifting their feet nervously. All this was used to create an image in Izuku's mind the hazy background of the forest appeared and suddenly a red spark came to life in the trees away from him.

Pixiebob was talking to Mandalay about how the test of courage was a great idea when she was suddenly jerked forward towards the tree line. She turned to face whatever was pulling her only for something to slam into her side and wrap around her as she and whatever had hold of her slid across the ground before she opened her eyes and stared into the face of none other than Izuku Midoriya. "Pixiebob are you ok?" He asked causing the woman to blush as she realized that Izuku had her wrapped in his arms.

"L-let go of me what are you doing?" She said scrambling out of his arms as she looked to where she'd been pulled seeing a red haired man in shades an open orange button up shirt revealing a white t-shirt underneath, jeans and dress shoes.

"I can't believe he ruined my entrance I was going to crush that little kitty's head under my magnet!" Shouted the man as next to him stood a lizard male with a bandana across his face and a large sword across his back dressed in clothing similar to Stain.

"The kid's reaction speed is amazing. You should be thanking him for saving you Blondie. I will acknowledge you boy as a true hero. You will not die this night. Allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Spinner disciple of Stain and this is Magne we are members of the League of Villains Vanguard Action Squad!" Said Spinner. Pixiebob looked at Izuku who was staring squarely at the two villains.

"This is bad I need to warn the others." Mandalay said before activating her quirk Telepath.

In the forest Ochaco and Tsu were holding hands against the darkness of the forest when Mandalay's telepath came through. "Attention everyone the training camp has been invaded by villains!" Tsu and Ochaco looked at one another before rushing back towards the entrance to the trail with one thought on their mind. Izuku always charges head on against the bad guys we can't let this be another USJ!

In the classroom where remedial classes were being held by Aizawa and Vlad King. "All students are to return to the lodge immediately do not engage the villains at any cost. I repeat the camp has been invaded by villains and all students are to return to the lodge!" Aizawa looked at Vlad before rushing for the door. "Vlad protect the students I'm going to go out and try to meet up with any students heading this way." Aizawa said as he rushed out the classroom door barreling to the entrance and looked to the side seeing a grinning Dabi right before he was engulfed in blue flames.

As Mandalay relayed her message she realized she hadn't seen Kota since before dinner. "Oh no Kota where are you always sneaking off to?" She asked herself before sending out another telepathic message.

Kota looked out over the forest from his Cliffside hideout and saw the blue lights in one section as well as a mass of purple smoke in another. "What's going on did one of those idiots start a fire." He growled before hearing his aunt's voice in his head. "Kota if you can hear this I don't know where you are, but try to find a place to hide until I can find you, don't move from there until I ask you to!" Mandalay said as Kota turned around about to hide in the cave only to find a hulking masked figure approaching him.

"This is just fucking great I've got the worst position just because I'm new." The masked male growled walking up to the cliff's edge as he pulled off his mask. "And then they tell me to where this piece of shit mask, because I'm too recognizable, what a bunch of shit!" He growled turning to Kota and the face Kota saw brought back memories of his parent's death. The picture of their killer appearing on his TV screen a blonde haired man with a menacing scowl and of course the most noticeable fact was that the murderer of his parents had lost his left eye in the process and was known by the name Muscular.

"Nice hat kid tell you what I'll trade you this mask for it?" He said reaching for Kota.

"You killed my parents!" Kota shouted stopping the man's hand as Muscular thought about the accusation. Of course he wasn't going to deny it. If this kid said he killed his parents then he was probably right, the only question was which pair were they? He looked the kid over taking notice of the eyes and he grinned.

"Now I remember your parents were the Water Hose team right? Man that takes me back you know for a pair of C listers they were able to give me this before I killed them." He said pointing at his scar and missing eye. Kota clenched his fist and punched the man's hand.

"It's your fault they're dead if it wasn't for you I'd still have my mom and dad!" Kota shouted as the man drew up to his full height.

"Kid's these days are always quick to blame someone else for their troubles. You're not wrong I did kill your parents and I enjoyed it, that was my choice but it was their choice to stand in my way so whatever happened to them after that point was on them. I don't hold a grudge for them taking my left eye, so why are you holding a grudge for me killing them?" He asked before clenching his fist. "But if you really want to see your mommy and daddy again I'll send you to them on express!" The man shouted as he drove his fist downward slamming it down to the ground the cliff erupting in dust.

The hulking blonde pulled his fist back noticing there was no blood on it. "Oh I see." He said turning around and seeing Kota in the arms of Izuku Midoriya as green lightning arced around his body. "The only person being sent somewhere on express is you to prison!" Izuku said standing tall as he set Kota down behind him. "Don't worry Kota I'm here to protect you." He said before turning around as Muscular appeared before him fibers sprouting from his skin as he punched at Izuku his first crashing into Izuku's blocking arm and sliding him across the ground into the wall with another explosion of dust and rock.

"Is that the best you've got? You can't protect anyone with that weak ass shi-!" Muscular was cut off as Izuku's fist slammed into his stomach driving the villain before seeing that Izuku's hand was gripping his shirt. He looked up tracing the arm back to its source only for his vision to be filled by Izuku's frowning face right before his fist crashed into his face slamming him back even further. Muscular drove his legs deep into the stone as he slid back cracking the rock as he came to a stop. Dust rose from the furrows in the ground as it cleared revealing Muscular's smiling face as he spit out a bloody tooth. "Now that's a punch kid. Looks like I can get serious after all!" He shouted as muscle fibers sprouted from his skin covering him as the building fibers burst through his shirt. Izuku stood in front of Kota as he watched this transformation.

"Kota I'll distract him so run as fast as you can back to the lodge. Don't look back ok." Izuku said as Kota looked at the older boy.

"But what about you?! You can't beat that guy we should both run as fast as you are we can get away!" Kota shouted grabbing onto Izuku's leg.

Izuku shook his head. "I can't if I do he'll just chase us or go after someone else, no I have to keep him here no matter what. I promised Mandalay I'd protect you; don't make a liar out of me." Izuku said turning to face Kota and giving a grin as he remembered his conversation with Mandalay.

Izuku looked at Mandaly hearing her say something about Kota. "I know where he is Mandalay I can go get him and bring him back to the lodge." Izuku said as Mandalay looked at him. She didn't want to endanger Izuku's life for such a personal reason, but before she could reject his offer Izuku disappeared leaving a trail of red steam behind him. Mandalay grit her teeth.

"He took the choice out of my hands before I could tell him no. Eraserhead you have really disobedient students." She said before looking at Spinner and moving towards him.

"This is what it means to me to be a hero." Izuku said as he felt muscular rush towards him and took off at the same time sinking his fist into his arm as the two came within range of each other Izuku's fist rocketed forward slamming into Muscular's chest only for there to be no reaction. "What!"

Muscular laughed as his massive arm came from the side clotheslining Izuku and throwing him back into the mountain. The boy coughed as blood shot from his mouth his back being gouged by the broken stone. "That was a solid hit kid if I was anyone else I'd be on my ass right now, but my fibers can take heavier hits than that!" Muscular shouted pounding his chest like an ape before rocketing towards where Izuku landed.

Izuku saw Muscular coming and jumped up into the air before firing his foot downward landing on Muscular's back and driving him to the ground. "Stamp Smash!" He shouted as Muscular hit the ground on his hands and knees as Izuku withdrew his foot and started falling towards Muscular landing on the cliff. "Kota Run now!" Izuku shouted as the boy took off the last thing he saw was Muscular jumping from the ground he'd face planted into and kicking Izuku in the stomach driving him back into the Cliffside further cracks erupting from the stone.

"My fibers can take a lot more than that. Come on and let loose on me!" Muscular shouted before remembering what he was told by Shigaraki. "Damn I have to ask do you know a guy named Bakugou we're here for him for some reason." Muscular shrugged.

"That's right he's basically covered himself in muscle fibers they're meant to stretch and bend it's a lot like my Snake Cowl. If I want to beat him I have to tear those fibers apart, but what do they want with Katsuki? No, one thing at a time." Izuku thought to himself. Muscular shot forward toward Izuku right as a pulse of energy erupted from where the boy stood throwing Muscular back. "What the hell is that!?" He shouted as the cloud of dust was blown away revealing Izuku but instead of either his green lightning or the red steam of either of his known Full Cowls he was instead cloaked in bright yellow energy like sunlight. It covered his body and formed the outline of what appeared to be a fox with its long ears atop his head and at his back were 9 tails wafting gently behind him.

"Sorry I had to hold back because Kota was here I couldn't risk blowing him away or collapsing this place with him around, but now that he's gone I'll do as you say and give it my all! I call this my Kiyuubi Cowl and with it I'm going to beat you!" Izuku shouted.

As Kota ran down the path from his hideout he heard another explosion and saw the cliffside light up as if the sun was rising there. He watched the brilliant yellow light and stopped there. He knew what Midoriya told him, but he couldn't run away not when he was risking his life, so he'd wait for him down here no matter what. Something his aunt said to him came to his mind. Kota you may not understand it now but someday you will. You'll find a hero that lights up your life with their actions and show you that in the dark is when heroes shine brightest. That hero will be your sun.
