

Chapter 6-A Change in Destiny

Harry, Lily, Adam, and Isabella screamed loudly as they hit the ground. Luckily, their Auras protected them, and they only felt a tad sore from the fall. Harry groaned as he stood up. The cave they had landed in was dark. Very dark. Luckily, thanks to his Faunus genes, the darkness didn't bother him.

The cave was barren. A large cavern that stretched out as far as the eye could see. He looked up at the hole they made and scowled. Damn that was very long fall. He continued looking around when he noticed several spider webs adorning the ceiling. This wouldn't be much of a problem…if there wasn't so many of them that it looked like Aragog's old haunt.

He swallowed down the nervousness that had begun creeping into his throat and turned to the other three. "Everyone okay?" he asked.

"Oh! Just peachy!" Lily snapped as she stood up. "Never better!"

"A slight headache, but I'm fine nonetheless," Isabella said.

Adam just stood up and wiped the dust from his clothes. He frowned at his surroundings and asked, "Where are we?"

"We're all in a cave. That's the extent of my knowledge," Isabella mumbled.

"This place is dark," Lily commented. "I can't even see two feet in front of me!" She sighed dramatically. "What I wouldn't give for a Faunus's night vision."

"Luckily, you have three good friends who just so happen to be Faunus," Adam said grinning.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Lily grumbled.

Harry opened the secret compartment on Hunter's Moon and grabbed his wand. He frowned when he couldn't gather enough Dust to replicate a Lumos. Huh. That was odd. Usually the air always had trace amounts of Dust particles he could gather together. But there seemed to be none in the air around him.

That worried him.

Deciding to see more of the cave, he told the others to cover their eyes and he raised his wand into the air. "Lumos Maxima," he mumbled and the tip of his wand glowed brightly. So bright in fact that he was momentarily blinded by the glare of the light. He hissed as the light died down.

He was once again shocked to discover just how much power he possessed. Sometime after arriving on Remnant, he learned that his magic had been sealed off (his money was on Dumbledore, if only because he was being spiteful over the man's lack of help during his Fifth year at Hogwarts). Because of this, he had to work harder to access it; and it had grown stronger to compensate.

And when whatever was locked inside his scar (Padfoot had been very vocal on his distaste of whatever it was. Turns out Anamagi can speak with their animal form) had been leeching off what hadn't been sealed off, and, when it was forcibly removed, it took the majority of the remaining magic that hadn't been sealed off. And after his Aura was unlocked, his magic also burst forward, as magic is closely tied into one's soul. It was how he could replicate some spells with Dust and Aura.

He also learned that he couldn't use his magic alongside his Aura. It had something to do with his Aura fueling his magic and vice versa or something, but Harry wasn't too sure on the specifics. So if he used magic, his Aura couldn't defend him. And if he used his Aura for defense, he couldn't activate his magic because it was directed elsewhere.

He cast the light charm again, this time with less power. He noted with some amount of a dread that the walls of the cave seem far too smooth for any naturally occurring cave. The walls were also spaced widely apart. More giant spider webs adorned the ceiling and the only sunlight came from their newly made sunroof. And the ceiling itself! Dammit, how far did they fall?!

"Well, it looks like I'm going to need to fly us out of here. Where the hell did my Firebolt land?" he grumbled as he held his wand high.

"Your broomstick?" Lily asked, looking around. "Huh. Odd. It was in your hand when we were falling."

"That reminds me, what kind of trick was that?" Adam asked. "I saw you flying around on that. Was that broomstick infused with Dust and activated by your Aura?"

Harry couldn't help but smirk as he said, "No. No it's not, Adam. Actually, it's ma…"

A sudden tremor startled the four. They looked behind them and in the light of Harry's Lumos charm, they saw a large, hulking behemoth of a Grimm. Its solid black fur shined in the light, and the glare of the light on the white bone plates almost blinded Isabella when she looked at them. Eight beady red eyes stared down at them hungrily and maliciously as the eight bone covered legs kept the massive beast upright. All four teens looked up at the beast in sheer terror.

"D-D-D…" Isabella stammered. "D-D-DEATH EATER!"

"RUN, YOU BITCHES, RUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" Lily screamed and the large spider Grimm roared at them and began chasing them. They ran at top speed, but the Death Eater stayed right on their heels.

They came up upon another tunnel to their immediate right; one that was too small for the large Death Eater to fit in. "RIGHT!" Harry shouted. They turned quickly and dived into the tunnel while Harry brought up the rear. Jumping towards the cave while facing the Grimm, he quickly twirled his wand and shouted, "Arania Exumai!"

With a bright flash of light, the Death Eater was thrown back into the wall. Harry's eyes widened as he saw the large spider-like Grimm smash into the wall with enough force to crack it! He landed on the ground with a thud as the resulting crash of the Death Eater caused several rocks to block the entrance of the small enclave they had entered.

Harry stared at the rocks for a few minutes, then back down at his wand. "Damn." What else could be said to that?

Shaking his head, he got up and went to catch up with the others. He found them in another large tunnel. They all stopped and tried to catch their breath. "I-Is everyone…Okay?" Isabella panted in exhaustion.

"NO! I'M NOT OKAY! THAT WAS A FREAKING DEATH EATER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" Lily screamed as she began stomping around the group. "A DEATH EATER!"

"I thought they were just a myth," Adam mumbled. "A scary story that the old man told to scare kids into not going into the woods at night! You mean to tell me that old fart was right?!"

Harry, who had been trying his hardest to be calm, finally lost it. He roared and slammed his hand into the wall, surprising the others. "A GIANT BLOODY SPIDER?! SERIOUSLY?! ARE YOU BLOODY SERIOUS?! I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THEM AGAIN?!" He looked up at the ceiling and screamed, "YOU HATE ME, DON'T YOU?! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE ALMOST BEING EATEN BY GIANT MAN-EATING SPIDERS AGAIN?!"

The three watching this were shocked. He had to fight these things once before…? Again, they were startled by a noise. But…this time there was nothing behind them. They looked around and watched in shock as another Death Eater, much, MUCH larger than the one that was chasing them, appeared and fell to the ground not ten feet from them.

They stared at the dead Grimm, wide-eyed, as a figure dropped in front of them. The figure was obviously female (they could all tell by the figure's build) and just shorter than Adam. She panted heavily as she stabbed her rusty scimitar into the ground for support and leaned against it. The two girls (Lily's eyes having adjusted enough for her to see) rushed over to her to help her.

"Oh my, gosh! Are you ok?!" Isabella asked in alarm.

"Y-yeah," the woman whispered hoarsely. "Just…just wish I had a little water…"

Harry quickly dug into his pockets and pulled out a miniature water bottle. Adam raised an eyebrow at this, but was quickly shocked when Harry waved his wand and the bottle suddenly grew into a normal sized bottle!

Harry paid him no mind as he walked over to the woman and held out the bottle. "Here you go, ma'am," he said with a smile.

The woman, who still had her head down, looked up. Isabella gasped softly to herself as Harry raised an eyebrow, the only amount of shock he allowed to appear on his face. The woman smiled at him. "Thank you," she said gratefully, and quickly unscrewed the top off of the bottle and took a couple of sips. She sighed contently. "That really helped."

Harry smiled back. "Not a problem at all, ma'am. All in a day's work. I'm Harry, by the way. This is Adam, Lily, and Isabella," he said, gesturing to the other teens respectfully. "What's your name?"

She smiled at them. Her silver eyes, very similar to one Ruby Rose's, seemed to twinkle. "Summer," she introduced. "Summer Rose."

Back atop of the Beacon Cliffs

Ozpin stared at his scroll in shock. 'I'm dead. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm SO dead!' he thought dreadfully. 'My time has come sooner than I thought! I just hope Glynda is capable of handling Beacon by herself when I'm gone.'

Glynda was in a similar state of shock. "How?! How is this possible?! Ozpin, what is going here?!" she asked in alarm.

"I…I haven't the slightest idea, Glynda," Ozpin admitted. "Hopefully, if this IS Summer Rose, THE Summer Rose, mother of Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long, we can get some answers when Misters Potter and Taurus and Misses Vulpes and Nightingale reappear again."

Glynda's eyes widened. "You mean we're not going to help them?! Even if this is Summer?!"

"What good would it do right now, Glynda?" Ozpin asked. "Not only do we not know where they are, but we told them we would not interfere. Doing so would ruin the purpose of this test, and it would also have a negative effect on the four students themselves. Need I remind you about what happened with Team STRQ (Stark) during their initiation?"

Glynda frowned. Oh, she remembered. "So, what? We just stand here and hope for the best?"

"That's what I'm doing, at least," Ozpin confirmed with a nod. "I'm not in the least bit of hurry to find out if this truly is Summer Rose or not."

"How can you say that?!"

"Because, Glynda," Ozpin said as he turned to look at her, and Glynda was shocked to see him crying crocodile tears! "I allowed Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long, her two only daughters, to be accepted into Beacon Academy when she specifically ordered me never to do so. Threatened me with bodily harm, in fact! I'm not too eager to face Summer's wrath right now."

Glynda Goodwitch stared at Ozpin for a good two minutes. She stayed silent until the gravity of what he said hit her all at once. She laughed vociferously.

With Ruby and Weiss

"I'm. Not. Perfect!" Weiss growled as turned her back to Ruby. "Not yet. But I'm still leagues better than you."

"You don't even know me," came the low, soft reply of the young Rose, and Weiss had to suppress a wince. Things had started out well enough between the two of them. However, after a run-in with a pack of Beowolves, the two almost set the forest on fire, due to their colliding fighting styles.

The two had been at odds since.

Weiss was irritated with herself for falling into her old ways before she met Harry. She chastised herself for saying what she did to Ruby. It wasn't fair to her. Weiss, despite the cold exterior she put on in public, was not heartless. She understood that Ruby must be having a rough time being accepted into Beacon two years early, and she wasn't making it easier right now.

But sadly, she was still very prideful, and it was that pride that kept her walking forward.

She heard light footsteps behind her, so she knew Ruby was following. It amazed the Schnee heiress how quiet the girl could walk, especially since that said girl's Semblance was speed. One would expect her to have heavier footsteps in light of her preferred weapon as well as her unorthodox and rather exhaustive fighting style, but not Ruby. She moved like a predator, skillfully stalking her prey.

"So, um," Ruby tried restart a casual conversation, "you, uh, you're good friends with Harry, right?"

Weiss turned slightly and saw Ruby looking apprehensive and sporting a light blush on her cheeks. Weiss couldn't stop the smirk from spreading. Seemed like Harry had an admirer. She turned back around and said slyly, "Why yes I am. Why do you ask?"

Ruby blushed harder. "W-well, i-it's just he's so nice and when I have been around him he doesn't look at me like I'm crazy for appreciating weapons," she admitted. "I…I'd just like to know more about him, that's all!"

Weiss chuckled. "Well, I can't tell you much, because Harry likes to keep things to himself, and it's not really my place to tell you all about him," she said, making Ruby deflate slightly. "Having said that, I can tell the doesn't like-"

Suddenly, a loud screech took the two by surprise. They tensed and turned around to see a large Nevermore diving right at them!

With Harry and the others

Everyone stared at who they all assumed was a dead woman from their conversation with Ruby the day before. She was just shorter than Adam and was wearing a nearly shredded armored vest and pants under a tattered white cloak. Her hair was long and wavy, falling just under her impressive chest. Her silver eyes were darting from teen to teen, analyzing whether they were a threat or not.

"Summer Rose, huh?" Harry mused. "Any relation to Ruby Rose?"

Summer turned sharply to stare at Harry. "You know my little Rose?" she asked in a hopeful tone. She bolted towards Harry with a burst of speed that surprised him and tackled him to the ground.


"Is she okay?! Is she eating well?! Oh! I'm sure she's become soooo beautiful! Just like the rose I know she is! How about Yang?! Oh, she must be a heart breaker by now! How's she?! Is she eating well?! Wait, did I already ask that one? Ah, who the hell cares! My babies must be A-Okay if you know 'em!" she yelled cheerfully as she hugged Harry tightly and rubbed her cheek against his.

"Ack! Help, please!" Harry called out, making everyone laugh at his misfortune. "Can't…breathe!"

"Oh! Right, right. Sorry!" Summer said sheepishly as she jumped up from their position. Harry gasped for air and got up quickly. He quickly regained his breath and looked back to the white cloaked woman.

"Man, you have a wicked grip," Harry commented as he rubbed his arms.

"Well, I am a Huntress, after all," Summer said happily. "Now talk! My daughter! How's she?!"

Harry blink at the sudden mood change. "Well, she was fine last I saw her," he said. "Though, she seemed a bit nervous about team placements. Ozpin was extremely blunt during initiation."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Summer waved her hands in front of her face and narrowed her eyes. "Team placements? Oz? Initiation? You're from Beacon, right?" A nod. "Okay, first off, Oz would never allow Ruby OR Yang join Beacon. I would know. I threatened to cut his balls off with a pair dull rusty shears if he did. Or was it disembowel him with a spoon?" She looked confused and thought aloud, "Hm. I don't remember which. Perhaps I used both? I did want to put the fear of God in him." She shook her head and shouted, "And secondly! We're nowhere near Beacon! We're under the Snowy Forest!"

That shocked everyone. "Um, Ms. Rose? I think you're misinformed. We're under the Emerald Forest, just outside of Beacon," Isabella affirmed to the huntress.

Summer was about to retort, but suddenly stopped and thought about it. "Huh. Damn, these tunnels must go farther than I thought," she mused quietly. "To be right under Beacon and not even know it!" She suddenly remembered what Harry said about Ruby. "Wait. You said Ruby was at Beacon?" She growled. "Grimm dammit, Ozpin! I TOLD you NEVER let her join Beacon! That tears it! I'm gonna disembowel you with that spoon! Then I'm gonna use 'em like marionette strings and tie you to the ceiling with 'em! And then…"

Back with Ozpin

Ozpin began shivering violently. Glynda became concerned. "Ozpin! Are you ok?!" she asked.

"It's Summer, alright," he whimpered. "Only one person can send shivers down my spine like this and not even be near me."

Back with Harry and the others

Harry and the others stared at Summer in awe as she ranted. It was like watching a train wreck. You didn't want to turn away. Summer paced in front of them as she shouted to the ceiling.

"…and if that's not enough, I'll filet your ass with your damn cane, Ozzie! YOUR cane, Ozzie! You hear me?! YOUR CANE!" she ranted wildly, throwing her hands in the air. "You won't be able to sit for the rest of your damn life!"

"Um, ma'am?" Harry asked uncertainly. Summer whirled and glared at him. "I know you're kinda mad right now, but we really need to get out of here. I don't want to meet up with another Death Eater down here."

She stared at him expressionlessly before she sighed. "Hate to break it to ya, kid, but there ain't a way out of here. I've looked for one for nearly eleven years now," she said tiredly. "Hell, I'm surprised I haven't died here."

Lily gasped. "You've survived eleven years down here?!" she questioned in horror. 'I can't even imagine living elven days down here!' she thought.

Summer nodded grimly. "That's probably the only thing I bothered keeping track of down in this hell," she explained. "I used to think that I could get out before Ruby's or Yang's next birthday, but I could never find a way out.

"Not only do these tunnels go on forever, and apparently stretch out a ways across the continent, but there's no way to the surface from the ground. The Death Eaters can climb the walls, so they never bother creating tunnels up to the surface. They make them on the ceiling, waiting for unfortunate souls to walk across them."

Adam frowned. "Then how'd you survive?" he inquired.

"You'd be surprised what falls down those holes I mentioned," Summer said. "Normal animals to caravans from the nomads from outside the walls, I've made due by scrounging up what I needed. And before any of you think it, no I haven't had to eat any humans just to survive. The Death Eaters usually kill them before I get there to salvage." The teens seemed grateful for that.

"That can't the only reason," Isabella observed.

"I discovered an underground lake down here," Summer admitted. "That helps with water, and Death Eaters don't swim, or at least they don't chase me when I jump in. There are fish in that lake."

"Seriously?" Adam asked incredulously.

"No, I already told you Adam, my godfather was Sirius," Harry said automatically.

Lily and Isabella deadpanned at the lame joke as Adam chuckled. Summer blinked at the joke. She stared at Harry for a moment before breaking into loud laughter. "That was good, kid!" she praised. "I haven't laughed in a long time!" Her face became serious after her laughter died down. "In all seriousness, yes, there are fish in the lake, thought why and how is beyond me."

Before anyone could say anything else, a loud screech resounded from behind Summer, and a large Death Eater appeared and was about to bite the Huntress's head off! Summer turned quickly, but was knocked to the ground. She gasped when the hit the ground, and heard the sound of teeth piercing flesh and a loud cry of pain.

"HARRY!" Lily, Adam, and Isabella shouted in panic. Summer looked up and gasped in dismay. Harry stood above her, his arm held up above him and the Death Eater's fangs digging into his skin. His blood flowed down his arm and dripped to the ground in a slow, steady stream. What shocked Summer was that he was actually holding the Death Eater back. Death Eaters were rumored to be stronger than Deathstalkers, and Summer could attest to this. Yet somehow, Harry was holding it back with his strength alone.

But despite this, his face betrayed now pain. No, the only emotion Summer saw was anger. His green eyes were literally glowing in a malevolent green light as he growled at the Grimm. "I've…HAD it…with…you…EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS!" he shouted. It took a lot to get him to use the word "Freak," given his own history with the word. But given the circumstances, he would make an exception.

Then, much to the others' shock and horror, he ripped his arm out of the Grimm's mouth, the large fangs scrapping across his arm. He thrust his wand at the Death Eater and shouted, "Arania Exumai!"

Summer and the others immediately felt a surge of power, one that felt remarkably similar to Aura but more primal and wild, and the Grimm was suddenly thrown into the wall in a burst of white light. Harry wasn't done as he thrust his wand forward again and screamed, "Aqua Eructo!" Another surge later, the four stared wide eyed and slack jawed as a pressurized jet of water erupted from the wand and hit the Death Eater dead center of its abdomen, soaking the large beast.

"Glacius!" A gust of wind later, and the Death Eater was frozen to the wall. The four watched in awe as Harry stalked towards the incapacitated Grimm. "You know? You're really starting to test my patience, you Acromantula wanna-be. Let this be a lesson to your kin. CONFRINGO!" The blasting curse hit the Death Eater dead center, and blasted a large, gaping hole straight through the Grimm and even left a crater in the wall. The ice holding the Grimm up evaporated instantly in the heat, and the Death Eater fell to the ground, dead.

Harry took a deep breath to calm down. The day's events were working on his nerves, and fighting giant spiders was pushing his limits. Summer walked up to him cautiously, not wanting him to register her as an enemy. "Um, kid? You okay there?" she asked hesitantly.

"…Yeah," he sighed after a moment. He clenched his left fist, wincing as he strained the ruined muscles of his arm tightened.

"You're definitely 'not fine!'" Lily snarled as she ran in front of him and glared viciously at him. He flinched back from her angry visage. "You just stuck your arm out for a Fucking Death Eater to take a chomp out of! Not only does your arm look like it's been through a food processor, you were more than likely poisoned by that Death Eater! They're venomous!"

Summer, Isabella, and Adam panicked. They had forgotten that detail. Harry, however, seemed like he could care less.

"Not like it's the first time I've been bitten by a highly venomous animal," he said tersely, worrying the others even more. "That's not what's important right now. What is, is getting out of here before I lose my temper and torch the whole place."

"Kid, there's no way out of here!" Summer exclaimed. "If there was, I wouldn't be here right now! It's impossible! Let's just get your arm taken care of and let's get somewhere safe-"

Harry whirled and grabbed her by her cloak. He pulled her close, and Summer winced at his furious glare. "'Impossible' isn't in my vocabulary, lady!" he snarled.

This made Summer angry. "Then get a damn word-a-day calendar, kid! 'Cuz you can't get out of here! Even if you somehow found a way, the Death Eaters more than likely made it to lure you in! These things are damn smart! Some of them have had years of experience on you!"

"I will NOT be bested by a giant bug!" Harry shouted. "I've outwitted a three headed dog and bested a troll at eleven! Survived these monsters' nasty cousins and slayed the damn Serpent King at twelve! Fought soul sucking demons and werewolves at thirteen! And outflew a Grimm damned DRAGON at FOURTEEN!" he bellowed at Summer, shocking her, as well as Harry's other compatriots.

"I have even endured the torture of a demonic toad at fifteen before coming here! Don't DARE tell me I can't do anything! And NEVER, EVER tell me something is impossible! I've DONE the impossible for simply having the audacity to live! I AM IMPOSSIBLE!" he continued heatedly and turned towards the passage he and his companions ran through. "So I won't sit here and do NOTHING! For the last two years, I have finally been allowed to live a life of MY choosing! And I won't let ANYTHING keep from that life!"

Isabella, shaking off her shock, looked to Harry and asked, "Uh, hey, where are you going?"

"Going back to get my Firebolt," he said, walking through the passageway. "Then getting us the hell out of this hellhole."

"But didn't a cave-in block the way?" Adam asked, remembering the sounds of rocks falling.

"Not. For. Long," Harry said, not breaking stride.

Lily stood watching Harry for a moment, an unreadable expression on her face. She suddenly sighed and yelled out, "Hey, partner! Wait up!" She ran off after him.

Adam grunted, but started after them. Isabella looked at Summer for a moment. "Ms. Rose, Harry seems fully convinced he can escape. Whether it works or not, isn't worth the shot to see your daughters again?" she asked the older woman, before she took off after them.

Summer continued to stand there, contemplating what had just been said. She reached into her cloak and pulled out a beaten up old locket. She opened it and saw a picture of Taiyang (her husband), her daughters Ruby and Yang, and Qrow (her best friend) posing in front of their house smiling. She stared at faces of her daughters and sighed tiredly. 'Ruby. Yang, Tai, Qrow,' she thought forlornly. She shook her head and steeled her emotions. She grabbed her scimitar and ran off after the teens.

With Pyrrha and Jaune

"I don't think this is it," Pyrrha remarked as she and Jaune walked deeper into a cave.

"Pyrrha, I made the torch," Jaune sighed resignedly. "Could you humor me for about, five more feet?" He tripped soon after saying that, making the torch fall into a puddle.

Pyrrha again wondered if Jaune was acting this clueless on purpose or was it all an act. Her father had warned her of the Arc's craftiness when it came to seducing women. She really didn't think Jaune was like that and he was the only other one in the whole school (except Potter) that didn't want to know her because of her fame.

And she was curious as to why his Aura hadn't been unlocked before now. Surely his parents should have unlocked it when he was about nine or ten. Yet his wasn't. Why?

As Jaune picked himself up, Pyrrha noticed something else wrong with this cave. "Do you feel something?" she asked.

"Soul crushing regret?" he asked morbidly.

"No," Pyrrha said. "It feels…warm."

They walked a few more feet and noticed a light. They moved closer and saw it was imitating from a large object hanging above them. Jaune brightened.

"That's the relic!" he exclaimed. He carefully reached out to grab it, but instantly lurched out of reach. "Hey!" He tried to grab it, but it kept moving out of reach.

"Um, Jaune?" Pyrrha cautioned, but he didn't listen as he finally grabbed hold of the "relic." Slowly, he was lifted up and came face to face with several beady red eyes.

He screamed.

With Yang and Blake

Yang heard a scream and whirled around. "Some girl's in trouble!"

With Harry and the others

Harry waved his wand, and instantly the rocks barring his path moved out of his way. Lily was still in awe at his power. She had never imagined some of the things she saw Harry do with his Aura.

She also was worried since his arm wasn't getting any better. Normally, Aura would help stop the bleeding of major wounds and even try to heal the wound. But Harry's wound was still as grizzly as when he forcefully pulled his arm out of a Death Eater's mouth. She was worried that the Death Eater's venom was affecting his Aura healing, but she knew that wasn't the case. Death Eater venom incapacitates the victim within three minutes of biting, anaphylactic shock within five, and finally lung and heart failure in ten.

Harry was still alive and kicking. It had been perhaps five minutes since he stupidly stuck his arm out of the giant spider Grimm, but he wasn't even slowing down! "Not like it's the first time I've been bitten by a highly venomous animal," is what he said. Just what bit him that he could have such a high resistance to one of the most venomous monsters in the world?

Harry stopped in the middle of the tunnel and turned to the only source of light in the blacked area. Lily looked as well. The light streaming from the hole they fell through was a Godsend to the redhead. She was forced to cover her eyes as they adjusted to the change in light.

The others walked out of the enclave, alert and ready for anything. Lily looked back to them and saw Summer bringing up the rear, grumbling something inaudibly. She turned hissed at the light. "Damn, that's bright," she complained. "I don't remember light being that bright."

Lily had almost forgotten that the older Huntress had been down here close to eleven years. "Don't worry, ma'am," she assured. "Your eyes will adjust eventually."

"If I don't go blind first," she grumbled. "Why haven't the Death Eaters fixed the hole yet? They usually fix it immediately after someone falls in."

"That's because it's a trap," Harry said aloofly.

The four tensed as they heard the loud footsteps of the Death Eaters resounding through the tunnel. They're eyes widened as they began to make out the unmistakable outlines of Death Eaters in the darkness. Lily abruptly turned to their exit, and saw Death Eaters galore surrounding the circle of light.

Looking up, she saw several more standing on the ceiling, guarding their exit. A glint in the corner of her eye caught her attention. She looked towards it, and her eyes widened. "Harry," she breathed, pointing at the object.

He looked to her and saw her pointing. He followed her gaze and what he saw made him smile. "Perfect," he grinned as the tip of his wand glowed. To the others, he ordered, "Cover your eyes. When I say 'run,' make for where the hole is situated."

"What about you?" Adam asked.

"I'm going to give this things something to remember me by," he said, not breaking his stare with the Death Eater in front of him. "Now get ready…"

"Hold it!" Summer called. "I'm going to help you."

Harry turned to glare at her, but she didn't back down. He sighed. "Fine. But when I tell you to bolt, you best be running. We've only got one shot at this."

Summer was wondering how he intended to get them out of this hellhole, but she decided to stay quiet and find out. "Right."

Harry nodded and looked back at the spider Grimm. "Cover your eyes! LUMOS MAXIMA!" he shouted, and light flooded the tunnel, temporarily blinding the Grimm. "RUN!"

Adam, Isabella, and Lily (though she was rather reluctant to leave her partner behind) ran for the circle of light. Harry bolted forward with a cry of "Expelliramus!" followed by several other spells. Summer opened her eyes and charged towards the nearest Death Eater, her scimitar at the ready. She slashed at the Grimm just under its jaw, and sent the beast's head flying up from the force.

However, it also caused her scimitar to shatter. Her eyes widened in dismay. "Shit!"

Harry turned to her and grimaced. He grabbed Hunter's Moon and threw it at Summer. "Use that!"

She reacted quickly and grabbed the sword out of the air, twirling around and slicing the Death Eater's head in two. She stared at the blade. It felt awkward in her hands, mainly because of the personalized grip, but it would have to do. She let out a battle cry and charged another Grimm.

Harry was slinging spells around at anything that moved and didn't have a sword swinging. He ducked under a Death Eaters leg as it flew towards him and pointed his wand at a Death Eater. "Expluso!" he shouted and the Death Eater exploded in a mess of blood and guts.

"Harry!" Harry turned and saw Lily, Adam, and Isabella were surrounded by Death Eaters and struggling to keep their ground. He turned to Summer and saw her tiring out quickly. He cursed.

Well, now or never. He swung his wand in a wide arc and screamed, "FIENDFYRE!"

The cursed fire sprang from his wand. The blackened flames spread across the expanse between the two groups, immediately setting several Death Eaters ablaze. The flames went full circle and encircled Summer and Harry, igniting more Grimm and illuminating the entire tunnel. Everyone stared in awe at the flames, but then they saw something shocked the hell out them, even Harry.

The flames converged and formed a corporal image of an animal. Harry wasn't surprised, as the knowledge Sirius had passed to him told him that Fiendfyre did form large spirits of fire, but the animal was what surprised him. From Sirius's knowledge of the spell, Fiendfyre usually took the form of snakes mostly. Birds in some cases. This animal was neither.

It was Prongs. His Patronus was now the size of the biggest Death Eater (which stood about the size of a two story house) and made entirely of the curse fire. The massive stag stared at Harry for a moment and nodded his way.

Harry was stunned for a moment. However, his shock wore off and he grinned. This worked out even better for him! He motioned towards the Death Eaters with his head. "Sic 'em!" he commanded.

Prongs nodded and turned to the nearest Grimm. He charged, antlers at the ready. The antlers pierced the large spider, and Prongs thrust his head up, sending the Death Eater into the wall. He bucked at a Death Eater behind him, and pranced around the area, attacking any Grimm unlucky enough to get in his way.

Harry grinned wider. He turned and grabbed Summer's arm and asked rather happily, "Well, I think we overstayed our welcome, don't ya think?!" He pulled her behind him and shouted the others, "Hey! When I give the signal, jump as high as you can!"

The group, who had to fight off Death Eaters from behind him, looked at him simultaneously and shouted, "Huh?!"

"Trust me!" he shouted back. He pointed his wand at some roots that had been displaced when the Death Eaters created the hole. "Accio Firebolt!"

His prized racing broom quickly dislodged from its resting place in the roots and raced to Harry. Harry pulled Summer along as he ran towards it. A Death Eater tried to block their way, but the fiery Prongs rammed into it, sending it off course. The Firebolt rocketed over the cursed flames and flew straight at Harry.

He moved to the side slightly and grabbed the broomstick with his free hand when it flew past him. Using the superior strength he gained as a Faunus and training for two years, he hauled Summer and himself onto the broomstick. Once he was situated and ordered Summer to hold on, he took off.

Summer Rose-Xiao Long considered herself an expert on all things weird. It was why she didn't question a lot of things. Like how Death Eaters could tunnel under the continent of Vale for so long and no one know it. How Harry's attacks seemed to not be Aura, or at least not a pure form of Aura. Or how freaking fire can form itself into a corporal stag. But riding on a broomstick? She would admit: that impressed her.

She didn't see that one coming.

And the ride itself was nothing short of amazing. As soon as her arms locked around Harry's waist, the wind rushed by her. She was in awe at how they sped up so fast. She liked fast.

Harry made a fast U-turn and rushed towards the others. "Now! JUMP!" The three did as they were told and reinforced their legs with Aura and jumped as high as they could. Harry raced towards them and was a few feet from them when he point his wand at them and shouted, "Alarte Ascendare!"

Isabella, Lily, and Adam suddenly felt themselves flying towards the hole, as if they had been thrown. Harry angled upward and soared after them. He reached them, and they all soared towards their exit. They were almost there when two more Death Eaters appeared on either side of the hole, reading to grab them. One even moved to block their path.

They all raised their eyebrows. They were going to crash into the Grimm. Harry, however, growled angrily at the beast. He couldn't use many of his deadlier spells or curses because he risked hurting his friends or knocking them back into the darkness with the other Death Eaters. Even the lighter spells he knew he didn't think would harm the armored Grimm.

But he had to try something! There had to be something he could use! Racking his brain, he could only come up with one spell. One that he was positive wouldn't work in this situation.

Though, he was using it against a soulless monster…

He concentrated hard on his spell, gathering his magic energy for it. He would only get one shot at this, so he wanted it to count. A memory came to the forefront of his mind, and he smiled happily before he turned to glare at the Death Eater.

Only he didn't see a giant armored spider. He saw something else. One of the many monsters he had faced in his extremely long and excessively short life. The only one that truly scared him…

With a shout that his four companions would not soon forget, Harry thrust his wand forward (not bothering with the proper wand motion), and screamed:


With Ozpin and Glynda

As they waited for the remaining students, a loud explosion caught Ozpin's and Glynda's attention. They looked to see a large dust cloud in the southwest portion of the forest. Their eyes widened as a large, silvery stag burst from the cloud, an equally large Grimm flailing on its antlers. The stag swung its head and the Grimm slid off its horns and hovered above the massive stag.

With Yang and Blake

Yang and Blake were wondering what to do about the "girl" that they assumed was in trouble when the explosion rocked the ground. They looked around and their eyes widened when a silvery stag shot out of a dust cloud with a Grimm on its antlers. Yang looked at Blake in astonishment.

"What the hell is that?!" she asked loudly.

"I…" Blake was at a loss for words. "I don't know…"

With Ruby and Weiss

"Ruby! I told you this was a terrible idea!"

"We're fine! Stop worrying!"

"I'm so beyond worrying!"

"…In a good way?!"

Weiss was about to retort angrily when something caught her attention. Her eyes widened as a silver stag shot into the air with a large Grimm stuck on its antlers. 'Prongs!' she thought in amazement.

"What's that?!" Ruby exclaimed.

Weiss turned and grinned at Ruby. "Harry."

Back with Ozpin and Glynda

Ozpin and Glynda were in shock at the display, so shocked that they couldn't form any words. Ozpin dropped his coffee mug, spilling its contents across the ground. Glynda's glasses almost slipped off her head, but she quickly realized this and pushed her glasses back up.

Ozpin shook off his shock quickly and opened his Scroll. "Get me feed from the area now!" he ordered over the speaker. Something was happening from that sector; the very sector his four missing students had been. He wanted to know what was going on now.

Luckily, Professor Peach was able to turn the cameras to the location. Ozpin and Glynda watched as five silhouettes flew from the ground and out of the dust cloud.

With Harry and the others

Adam exited the hole first.

He reacted quickly and motioned himself towards solid ground, falling into a roll as he made contact. Lily shot out next. She was disoriented for a second, but quickly corrected and motioned herself towards the ground. She landed on her hands and quickly flipped onto her feet. Isabella shot out a little after Lily. She was a bit further from the edge, but Adam was able to grab her and pull her away from the hole.

"Got ya," he told her.

She landed next to Adam. "Thank you," she thanked him as Harry and Summer shot out of the hole. Harry angled his broomstick for the forest and shot towards it. However, it seemed his last attack wore him out slightly, and he and Summer crashed to the ground, the broomstick rolling towards Lily as Summer and Harry rolled across the ground.

Harry hit a tree and groaned as it impacted his back. "Harry!" Lily called out and ran to help him.

"I'm fine," he grunted. He picked himself and stood up, holding his head. Crap, that last attack had drained him quite a bit. He hadn't felt magically drained in a long time. It was mainly because he had not been using his magic for such an extended period of time, but it was mute at the point.

Honestly, he felt great, despite everything. He had forgotten what it was like to use magic. It felt amazing to call upon it again. Not to mention it was worth it to see Prongs again.

Meanwhile, Summer was groaning in pain. The light of the sun had been unbearable when she was still in the Death Eaters' tunnels, migraine inducing when she was flying up out of the hole Harry and his friends made, and now…it was drop dead painful. Everything was an unidentifiable blur. Black spots flooded her vision and seemed to pulse, furthering her pain.

"Hey, you okay?" Harry's voice broke through her pain. "Hold on. I think I can help." He began to murmur something, and Summer felt her headache ease. Her vision began clearing up, and she found herself looking at something green. Grass?

She looked up and saw Harry looking at her in concern. For the first time, it struck her at how green his eyes were. Like pools of crystalized green flames. He was a Faunus, that much she had gathered in the tunnels; but now that her vision had cleared, she was shocked at how handsome he really was.

Suddenly, it hit her all at once. She stood slowly, looking at the tall trees of the Emerald Forest. The sounds of birds singing and crickets chirping was a welcoming contrast to the horribly silent tunnels she had been forced to live in for eleven years. She turned her gaze upward and watched as white, fluffy clouds glided lazily across a beautiful blue sky.

"I…" Summer whispered. "I…I'm out. I'm out." Looking back to the hole again for a moment, she said, "I'm…I got out."

A scoff reached her ears. "Of course you're out of that hellhole," a sarcastic voice said. "What? Did you expect me to lie?" She whirled around and saw Harry smirking at her. Her lips trembled as a true, genuine smile (one she had not smiled in many years) made its way across her face and she jumped forward and tackled/hugged Harry.


"THANK YOU!" she shouted happily. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She continued shouting this for a while. She was out of Hell! She had escaped Hell! And it was all because of a stubborn little idiot!

"Hey! Ow! Stop that! You're crushing me!" he complained, but his laughing showed he wasn't in distress. He was glad he could help her out. No one should live in darkness for so long with only spiders as company (though the ones she roomed with were larger and way more vicious than the ones he shared a cupboard with).

The others were laughing with them, clearing enjoying life. Why wouldn't they? They just survived a horde of Death Eaters, the most scarcely seen and one of the most deadly Grimm on the planet! They might as well be legends now!

Their celebration was cut short, however, when the ground around the hole began breaking up! Adam, Lily, and Isabella, being the closest to the hole, reacted quickly and rolled to safety, running towards Summer and Harry to regroup.

A large Death Eater, much, MUCH bigger than the others they faced forced itself out of the earth. The four Huntsmen-in-training stared at the behemoth, scared out of their wits. It was on old Grimm, they could tell. Most of its body was covered think bone armor, with only the underbelly and its joints being uncovered. The Grimm's bones were scratched up badly, giving the beast an even more ferocious look to it. And the most usual thing that Adam noticed was a rusty scimitar was sticking out of one of its eight eyes.

Summer blinked at the massive Grimm and grinned slightly. "Oh, hey! It's Sparky!" she said cheerfully.

The four teens looked at her in horror. "Sparky?!" they screamed. She NAMED this beast SPARKY?!

"Yeah! He's the first Death Eater I met when I fell into the tunnels! Can't you tell?! My scimitar is stuck in his eye!" she continued, still sounding very cheerful, though Harry could tell she was hiding unbridled fear. Just like back in the tunnels. You didn't become good friends with a guy who was terribly afraid of spiders and not recognize the signs.

Still, he was terrified too. This thing was bigger than Aragog! "So, uh, what do we do?" Harry asked.

"The only thing we can do, silly boy!" Summer giggled. She turned and raced through the forest. "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

"Don't need to tell me twice!" Isabella screamed and bolted after Summer.

Lily, Adam, and Harry looked at each other. They nodded in synchronization and ran after Summer and Isabella. Sparky had finally pulled its body free of the earth and raced after them, intent on killing its perceived prey.

With Ozpin and Glynda

The headmaster of Beacon and his deputy headmistress stared in shock as they confirmed that, indeed, Summer Rose; the infamous White Hurricane; was alive and well…

And apparently been living in nest of freaking Death Eaters.

"You can see the irony in this, can't you Ozpin?" Glynda asked with a hint of amusement.

"You mean Summer is apparently alive and possibly had to live in a den of Grimm that are in the shape of her worst fear?" Ozpin asked rhetorically. "Oh yes! I totally see the irony!" He laughed exuberantly. His mood quickly deflated and mumbled, "Won't make the beating hurt any less, though."

Glynda laughed as well. "Oh yes!" she said to the 'Dead-man-walking'. "Well, despite the shock of her being alive, I can't wait to see that!"

"Traitor," he mumbled.

With Ruby and the other initiates

Blake stared at the scene with wide eyes. "Did your sister just fall out of the sky?" she asked Yang.

"Uhhhh…" Yang answered, but was interrupted by a loud screech. An Ursa ran out of the forest, swiping widely at nothing. A large, pink burst of energy flashed from behind it, accompanied by a loud yell.

The Ursa fell, and Nora was seen on its back. The bear Grimm hit the ground, and Nora rolled off. "Ah! It's broken!" she said gloomily as she jumped back on top of it and started to examine it. Ren ran up and braced himself against the Grimm, panting in exhaustion.

"Nora!" he said breathlessly. "Please…don't ever do that again." He looked up to her to find she was gone! He could even make out the outline of where she was standing! He looked around frantically, trying to locate her.

"Oooooh," Nora breathed at the white rook piece. She grabbed it and held it up proudly. "I'm Queen of the Castle! I'm Queen of the Castle!" she sang as she made different poses with the rook piece. "I'm Queen of the-"

"NORA!" he snapped in irritation. He wasn't angry with her; it was just the only way to make her listen.

Nora froze in her position with the rook on her head. She straightened up and snickered. "Coming, Ren!" she said sunnily, tilting her head and having the rook fall into her hand as she skipped towards Ren.

"Did that girl just ride in…on an Ursa?" Blake asked in a bland tone, hiding her shock.

Another screech caught their attention, and they all turned to see Pyrrha running from a Deathstalker! The scorpion Grimm snapped at the redhead with one of its pincers, but Pyrrha jumped over it. The other pincer came towards her, but she rolled under it. "Jaune!" she cried.

Jaune, being stuck in a tree when the Deathstalker flung him, turned slightly. "Pyrrha!" he exclaimed.

Ruby, who had fallen from a Nevermore (don't ask), shook off her disorientation from the fall and stood. "Whoa!" she breathed as she jumped off the branch she stood on.

"Ruby!" Jaune shouted.

Ruby hit the ground and rolled to a stop. "Ruby?" Yang asked.

Ruby turned, and threw her arms up with a smile. "Yang!" she cried and rushed to hug her.

"Nora!" Nora shouted and jumped in-between Yang and Ruby, shocking the two girls.

"…Did that girl just run all the way here with a Deathstalker on her tail?" Blake asked.

Yang had been steaming since Ruby had fallen from the sky, and was about to finally burst when a loud crash caught everyone's attention. They all turned to the source and saw the tree line explode!

Four minutes earlier

"Herbivicus!" Harry shouted behind him, causing the plant life to spring to life and grow at blinding speeds. He turned and motioned his wand around in a circle, and the plants began to ensnare the old Death Eater Summer had eloquently named "Sparky."

The Grimm roared in annoyance, and started breaking through the plants easily. Harry frowned and pointed his wand at the Grimm. "Arania Exumai!"

The Grimm was sent flying backwards. Harry growled as he continued running. Why didn't wizards create a more effective spell to specifically counter giant spiders?

Oh wait.

They were idiots!


"WHAT ABOUT US?!" the two males shouted back with shark teeth.


"AMEN!" Lily shouted.

"TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM!" Isabella contributed.

"FUCK THAT SHIT!" Adam roared.

"I DID NOT SURVIVE HELL AND PURGATORY JUST TO DIE HERE!" Harry snarled back. He looked ahead and saw the tree line approaching fast. Sparky was approaching fast, and Harry growled again.

'Okay then! Try THIS!' he thought. He jumped and turned in midair, shouting, "EXPECTO…PATRONUUUUMMM!"

Prongs sprang from his wand and slammed into Sparky, sending the Grimm flying backwards. Harry smirked as he hit the ground and turned to run. It would appear the Patronus was an excellent weapon against Grimm. He suspected that Grimm were like the Dementors of Remnant, but he couldn't dwell on that fact right now. The five reached the tree line, Harry shouted, "DIVE!"

They dove out of the tree line. Harry followed suit and turned to see Sparky right behind him. Damn, this Grimm was tough! He scowled and pointed his wand at it.

"TURBINE IGNIS!" he cried, and a literal firestorm shot from his wand and hit the Grimm dead on. The tree line was destroyed when Sparky began flailing wildly when he was sent crashing to the ground.

Harry hit the ground and rolled back to his feet. He looked to the others and saw them at the ready. He nodded to them and got ready for a fight.

"M-Mom?" a soft, timid voice reached Summer's ears, and she tensed. She turned around slowly. There, standing in front of her, was a miniature version of herself, in a red cloak, silver eyes watering slightly. Summer's grip on Hunter's Moon slacked, allowing the blade to crash to the ground. Her hand came to her face as she stared, slack jawed, at the young woman in front of her.

"R-Ruby…" Summer breathed, her own eyes watering as her emotions started bubbling to the surface. She turned and her eyes widened considerably. "Y-Yang…?"

"M-Mom?" Yang asked, equally stunned. Her own lilac eyes were wide as saucers as she stared at the woman before her.

"Y-you…" Ruby stuttered. "Y-you're alive?" she asked shakily, not sure what to say.

Summer couldn't speak. She just nodded as she reached up to the breast pocket on her vest, something Harry missed initially. She pulled out a dusty, slightly yellow piece of paper. Ruby stiffened and gasped softly. Summer hesitantly held it out to Ruby.

With trembling hands, Ruby reached out and grabbed the paper. Everyone else watched in shocked silence as Ruby unfolded it carefully. Her eyes widened as she stared at the crayon colored picture drawn onto it. The picture was of five stick figures. One was done in a red crayon. Two in yellow. One in gray. The last in black.

"I…I drew this," Ruby whispered quietly. "J-just before you left." She looked up at Summer with wide, hopeful eyes.

Summer nodded, her own eyes misty. "And I've never lost track of it. It was my only source of light in the dark hell I was imprisoned in," she told Ruby. "It kept me sane, knowing I had two little girls waiting for me at home. Waiting for me to come home." Her tone became amused when she continued, "Though, I think my youngest only wanted my cookies, knowing they were made with King Taijitu venom mixed with Beowolf blood…"

"MOMMMM!" Ruby wailed, throwing herself at the woman. Only her mother made that joke. It was her way of teasing them when she and Yang asked for cookies. She threw her arms around the woman and cried into her shoulder. "Oh, Mom! It…it's really YOU!" she cried as she tightened her grip on the woman.

Summer finally broke down and cried as well. She looked to Yang and saw the blonde staring at her wide eyed. She smiled at her and held her arm out for Yang, pulling her into the hug was well. Yang didn't object, her own eyes tearing up slightly as Summer hugged her daughters for the first time in eleven years. "Yes, Ruby," she said softly. "It's me. And this time, I'm not leaving you. Ever."

Ruby sniffled, trying to control her crying. She smiled, however. Her mother was just as warm as she remembered. The other initiates, despite the situation, were smiling and/or crying at the scene. Nora was balling.

"T-that's so…SO BEAUTIFUL!" she sobbed into Ren's shoulder. Ren wiped a single tear from his own eye as he tried to comfort Nora. Jaune had finally gotten out of the tree and was watching the scene with a smile. He was happy for Ruby and Yang. Nothing beats a mother's love.

Adam just smirked softly at the scene while Isabella wiped her eyes and Lily grinned widely. Harry just smiled. Blake allowed a small smile as well.

Yang looked up to Summer and asked, "How?"

Summer looked up at Yang and smiled sadly, "It's…"

"LOOK OUT!" Blake shouted, and the three turned to see Pyrrha being knocked to the side by the Deathstalker and saw its stinger flying towards Summer and her girls! Summer pushed Ruby and Yang behind her, but she soon found out that it was unnecessary.

"REDUCTO!" A powerful blast of magic shot forward and destroyed the ground under the scorpion Grimm, sending it flying backwards, and landing on its back. It flailed wildly as it tried to get up.

Everyone stared slack jawed at Harry (save Summer, Adam, Lily, and Isabella). He in turn was glaring at the Deathstalker. "Damn beast," he growled. "Read the damn mood next time and stay out of it."

Ruby stared at Harry, star-struck. He just saved her, Yang, and her mother! When her mother pushed Ruby behind her, she had thought the worse. She was going to lose her mother again! But then Harry saved her!

Summer wasn't thinking when she saw the Deathstalker's stinger fly towards her. Her only instinct was: 'Save Yang! Save Ruby!' She had pushed them behind her, but then Harry came to save the day again! She turned back to the young Faunus, his arm still mangled from the Death Eater. He was tiring. She could see him hiding it well, but she could just make out his labored breath.

She stood up and walked to the young Potter heir. He looked to her with a raised eyebrow. His eyes widened as she hugged him tightly. Not the suffocating, desperate hugs from before, but a strong, loving hug. "Thank you," she told him. "You saved me. Even when I had almost given up all hope. You brought me back. You allowed me to see Ruby and Yang again! I…I can't think you enough!"

Harry scowled and very gently pushed Summer away, confusing her. He gave her his large, lop-sided smile. "And didn't I tell you not to sweat it? Like I said before, it's all in a day's work," he said humbly. "I mean, really, I was just doing what anyone else would do! And you looked right terrified down in those tunnels! You may be good at hiding it, but I had a friend would was daftly afraid of spiders back at my old home. You can't hide that kind of fear from me."

Summer stared at him, slightly irritated at his modesty and slightly in awe of his observation skills. Ruby stared at Harry in shock. He was responsible for finding and saving her mother?

The girl vanished in a flurry of rose petals and reappeared hugging Harry tightly. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she repeated gratefully.

Harry just grinned and patted her head. "It's no problem, Ruby," he told her. "Geez, you really are just like your mum. She tackled hugged me as well when I got her out of those Grimm infested tunnels!"

Summer scoffed. Lily snickered. Nora giggled. Harry looked around and frowned. "Hey, where's Weiss?"

Ruby blinked. She released Harry and chuckled sheepishly. "Um…about that…" She looked up tentatively. Harry looked up as well, and gaped in shock. Weiss was holding onto a Nevermore's talon! Everyone looked up as well.

"How could you leave me?!" Weiss shouted.

"I said jump!" Ruby shouted back.

"She's gonna fall," Blake said.

"She'll be fine," Ruby told her.

"She's falling," Ren deadpanned.

Summer, however, was smiling. "That looks fun!" she chirped. She turned to Harry and asked, "Hey, you think you could fly me up there and drop me? I wanna see what it's like to fall from that height!"

"No time for that!" Harry snarled and snatched his Firebolt from Lily. He mounted it and soared into the air towards the falling Weiss. He reached her and pulled her onto the Firebolt behind him. He leveled out and looked back to her.

"You okay, Weiss?" he asked.

"Y-yeah," Weiss said, blushing slightly. She looked him in the eye and teased, "My hero."

Harry rolled her eyes and glared at the Nevermore that was coming back for a return trip. Weiss looked at Harry and her eyes widened when she saw his left arm was nearly destroyed! "Harry James Potter! What in the world happened to your arm?!" she cried.

"Later," he said. He turned to her and grinned. "You wanna see something awesome?" he asked.

Weiss was wondering what he was talking about, but she nodded. He grinned. "Then watch this!" he said joyfully. He pointed his wand at the Nevermore and shouted, "Expecto Patronum!"

A bright silvery light shot from the wand and morphed itself in Prongs. Weiss watched in awe as the massive stag hit the Nevermore with a strong head butt and sent the large bird-like Grimm to the ground. Harry was grinning widely.

"Ha! Take that, devil bird!" he cackled. Weiss looked at him in surprise.

"Your Patronus can hurt Grimm?!" she asked.

Harry grinned and nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! Pretty awesome, right?!"

Weiss smiled at him. "Very. Now get me down. I know how you fly, and I don't want to be airsick."

Harry pouted at her, but she just gave him a look. He sighed. "Fine," he relented.

He descended quickly, but not so Weiss would kill him. He landed gracefully, and he and Weiss dismounted. Harry shrunk his Firebolt and put it in his pocket. The other initiates (including Pyrrha, who had picked herself up sometime after the Deathstalker had been incapacitated by Harry) were staring at Harry in amazement.

Summer was grinning. "And that's even cooler!"

Harry rolled his eyes at her. Weiss stared in shock at the older version of Ruby standing before her. Harry saw this and said he'd explain later, but that the woman was Ruby and Yang's mother. Suddenly, Summer felt herself collapse. She gasped, and Ruby and Yang quickly caught her.

"MOM! Mom! Are you okay?! What's wrong?!" Ruby shouted, worried her mother was hurt.

"Shit," the older Rose mumbled. "Exhaustion's setting in."

"Exhaustion?!" Ruby screeched.

"I haven't eaten…or slept…in five days, Sweetie," Summer summarized to Ruby. "I'm dead tired."

"Well, you're no good to me tired," Harry bluntly said, getting a glare from several people. He reached up to one of the compartments on his jacket and opened it. He pushed a phial of some orange substance out of the compartment. He pulled the cork out and held it to Summer, who eyed it warily.

"What is that?" she asked.

"Vitamix potion," Harry said. "Think of it as a powerful energy drink. Now drink."

Summer was skeptical, but she shrugged. She grabbed the phial and chugged the contents in one gulp. She grimaced at the taste. She swallowed, and suddenly, she felt her sleepiness slip away, and her strength being restored. Her eyes widened. "Whoa!" she breathed. She sounded a lot like Ruby when was amazed at something.

Or was it the other way around?

Isabella was in awe as well. "How'd you do that?" she asked.

Harry smirked. "Magic," he said, causing Weiss to shake her head in amusement and others to look at Harry, confused.

Adam meanwhile turned to stare at the Nevermore and saw it getting up. 'Not good,' he thought as he turned to see the Deathstalker was about to bet back up. 'Definitely not good!' He looked to the burning tree line and swore silently. 'Shit!' Sparky was getting up!

"Guys! The Grimm are getting up!" Adam called out. The initiates and Summer looked to the three giant Grimm, momentarily forgetting Harry's proclamation. Jaune sweated nervously.

"What do we do?!" he asked frightfully.

Weiss rolled her eyes. "Look," she said and walked forward, "we can't waste time on these things. Our objective is right there." She motioned to the relics.

"She's right," Ruby said, walking up. "Our mission is to grab a relic, and return to the cliffs." Weiss smirked at her, and Ruby returned it. "There's no reason to fight these things." Summer stared at her daughter and smiled. She had the makings of a great leader in her.

"Run and live," Jaune sighed. "That is an idea I can get behind!" He pounded his fist against his armor.

"I really don't think our new buddies will just let us waltz out of here," Harry said succinctly, glaring at the area Sparky was. "I want everyone to be ready for a fight. Summer." He turned to the white cloaked Huntress and asked, "Can I count on you to help me finish off Sparky?"

The initiates were wondering who the hell "Sparky" was, but Summer trembled slightly. She picked up Hunter's Moon and twirled it around. "Bring it!" she said with a confident grin. Harry smiled and nodded. The initiates walked up to the ruins and grabbed one of the relics.

Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren took the white rook.

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang took the white knight.

Harry, Adam, Isabella, and Lily took the black king.

Harry smirked at the piece as he threw it in the air and caught it as the Deathstalker finally pushed itself back to its feet. "Time we left!" Ren said curtly.

"Right!" Ruby waved them off, and they started to move. Yang and Summer stayed stationary for a moment as the others ran. Blake and Isabella noticed and stopped.

"Is something wrong?" Blake asked. Ruby jumped on a rock and stared at the others. She motioned them to hurry up and took off. Yang sighed.

"Nothing," Yang told her partner, making the Faunus smile as they both took off.

Summer smiled softly. "My little girl is a natural born leader," she whispered. It warmed her heart to know her little girl took after her, despite her reservations on Ruby being a Huntress.

Isabella smiled. "She does seem to have the right qualities," the fox Faunus admitted. Summer smirked, and they both took off after the others.

With Ozpin and Glynda

"How did these twelve Huntsmen and Huntresses in training, plus a highly skilled Huntress, piss off three of the most dangerous Grimm in the Emerald Forest?" Glynda asked incredulously.

"How did you manage to scare a Draco in the Black Forest in your third year?" Ozpin asked, but was slapped by Glynda's riding crop.

"You said you'd never bring that up again!" Glynda shouted, her face completely red.

Back with the initiates

The group of thirteen ran towards the cliff, and reached the ruins of an abandoned structure. They took cover behind several of the old columns as the Nevermore flew overhead. The Nevermore circled a large structure that stood jutting out of the gorge separating the forest from the cliff. The large avian Grimm landed on the structure and screeched loudly.

"Well, that's great," Yang grumbled.

The Deathstalker crashed through the tree line and screeched as it raced towards the group.

"Ah, man! Run!" Jaune shouted, but before anyone could do anything, Sparky the Death Eater crashed through the tree line as well, roaring in fury. Parts of its bone armor was charred black, and Summer's scimitar was glowing red hot, which was no doubt very painful for Sparky. The hunters-in-training (except for the four who knew) went rigid at the sight of a Grimm they all thought to be a myth.

Summer's eyes widened. "Sparky!" she yelled. Ruby and Yang looked at their mother in shock.

"You named a fucking Death Eater SPARKY?!" Yang shouted. Summer bonked her on the head. "Ow!"

"Language, young lady," Summer reprimanded, causing Yang to scowl. "And yes, I named him Sparky! That's not important right now! We need to run! NOW!"

No one disagreed. They all started running for the cliff. Ren looked to Nora and nodded to the Nevermore. "Nora, distract it!"

"You got it!" Nora raced out in front, right in view of the Nevermore. The Grimm screeched and sent its feathers towards the orange haired girl. She jumped over several and dodged under the last barrage. She pulled Magnhild off her back and switched it to its grenade launcher form.

She fired a Dust grenades at the avian Grimm, forcing the Grimm to move closer to the cliff to avoid getting shot. One Dust grenade made contact with the Nevermore's face, disorienting the beast; which allowed more grenades to make contact with it.

The Deathstalker closed in on her, but Blake and Ren appeared and knocked its pincers away from Nora. Weiss jumped to Nora and created a glyph under them. She grabbed Nora and jumped to the bridge with Nora in tow.

Isabella, Summer, Lily, Adam, and Harry, however, moved to intercept Sparky. Using his superior speed, Adam jumped to Sparky's legs and lashed out with Wilt at its joints. He made several straight slashes at the joint of the first leg. He braced himself against the leg and jumped to the other, utilizing one strong, diagonal slash at the joint whilst firing Blush at Sparky's underbelly.

Sparky roared pain. Adam landed and was hit by one of Sparky's legs. He blocked the attack with Wilt, but was pushed back into a pillar. Lily had jumped onto a broken slab and transformed Grimm into its bow form. She grabbed a Dust arrow, an Earth Dust arrow, notched it, and fired at one of its legs. The arrow pierced the bone armor and the Earth Dust began forcing the bone to crack open violently. Sparky screeched as the pain registered and glared at Lily.

She noticed another arrow and fired at one of its eyes. The Ice Dust arrow made contact and froze part of Sparky's face. He roared in displeasure and charged Lily. Lily responded by switching Grimm back to hunting knife form and charging forward. The two ran at each other, but Lily slid to a stop and bent over.

Isabella quickly appeared and used Lily's exposed back as a spring board. The fox Faunus brought Painbringer up and slashed down across the frozen area of Sparky's head, shattering the ice and slicing one of his eyes. Isabella swung her whip-lance around brought the bladed turret mounts on the whip to bare against the Grimm's unprotected neck, just where it meets the body.

Painbringer slashed through the black flesh and fur easily, making Sparky screech. Isabella dropped to the ground, and she started to slash at Sparky's underbelly. But Sparky jumped away and bit at her head.

Summer, however, appeared in a rush of wind, grabbed Isabella, and vanished before Sparky could take the Faunus's head off. She reappeared next to Lily and dropped Isabella next to her, before vanishing again.

She reappeared next to her old sword and kicked it further into the Grimm's head, making Sparky screech again. She vanished and reappeared under Sparky, but the Grimm simply pushed off the ground with its feet to roll away from Summer. It came back up and shot webs at Summer. She vanished into the wind again and reappeared in front of Sparky's face. She slashed at one of its fangs, and successfully, cut it off, causing Sparky to screech loudly.

However, Summer looked to Harry's sword and saw the Death Eater's venom was eating through the metal! She cursed and threw the disintegrating sword at his face.

"Depulso!" Harry shouted, sending the sword through the bone armor forcefully. Sparky roared in pain as Summer vanished, and Harry appeared via Apparition. He stood ready, wand raised. Sparky roared and rushed Harry.

"Arania Exumai!" he shouted, making the Grimm fly up. "Confring…" He was interrupted, because Sparky shot webbing at him. He cursed and dodged to the side. Sparky landed and used his momentum to get back to his feet. He turned and charged the five.

"Expluso!" he screamed, and the ground below Sparky blew up, sending the Grimm flying. "Scindendi!" The tearing curse shot towards the Grimm, but Sparky shot some webbing at the ground and pulled itself down to the ground, avoiding the curse. "CONFRINGO!" The spider Grimm jumped to the side, avoiding the blasting curse. Harry scowled.

"EXPECTO PATRONUMM!" Harry roared, and Prongs appeared and clashed with Sparky. He fell to the ground, panting. He was pouring too much magic into his spells, and it was starting to tire him out. He winced as he felt his arm pulse again in pain. He cast a quick spell and wrapped his left arm up in tight bandages. It didn't help, but it would have to do.

"It's no use!" Lily shouted. "It keeps moving away from us! How the Dust is keeping us away from its underbelly?! Spiders can't do the shit this one's doing!"

"It's an old Grimm," Summer groaned, the potion was starting to wear off. "It's not like ones you've faced before. This one learns. Quickly."

"But if we can't get to its soft spot, how do we kill it?" Isabella asked.

Harry growled. "We'll just have to make a new soft spot," he said.

"And HOW do you suggest we go about doing that?!" Lily demanded.

"I can make one," Adam said in a low tone. The others turned to him for an explanation. "My Semblance allows me to absorb energy. All kinds of energy. Give me enough time, I can gather enough energy to crack the Grimm's bone armor."

Harry mulled over what Adam said. He looked over the battlefield and noticed a large stone pillar, broken and lying on the ground. He looked back to Adam and asked, "How long to you need?"

"Not long. I've been gathering energy for a while now," Adam admitted. "A minute at most."

Harry nodded. "Alright." Prongs vanished at that moment, allowing Sparky to start running towards them. "I have a plan. Everyone follow my lead!"

(An: You don't have to, but I recommend playing Messing with the Best by Miracle of Sound now.)

Meanwhile, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren were stuck on an unstable piece of the bridge, fighting the Deathstalker. "We gotta move!" Jaune ordered. The others nodded, and as one, they charged the Deathstalker. The Deathstalker attacked with one of its pincers, but Jaune raised his shield, forcing the pincer to grate across it. He then slashed at the pincer at the joint, forcing the Deathstalker's pincer away.

It tried to use the other, but Pyrrha appeared and did the same tactic as Jaune, leaving the Grimm wide open. Ren charged forward, dodging the stinger as it crashed in front of him. He grabbed hold of it and started firing Stormflower at the stinger. The Deathstalker roared in displeasure and swung its tail around, sending Ren flying into a pillar.

"REN!" Nora shouted. She narrowed her eyes at the scorpion-type Grimm. That things going to die!

Jaune noticed that the stinger was just barely hanging onto the tail. "Pyrrha!" he shouted, pointing at the stinger.

Pyrrha understood. "Done!" She threw her shield at the stinger, disconnecting it from the tail, and sending it falling onto the Deathstalker's head, sinking into the bone armor. Her shield returned, and she grabbed it.

"Nora! NAIL IT!" Jaune shouted.

Nora grinned. "Heads up!" she shouted to Pyrrha. She jumped up and landed on Pyrrha's shield while sitting on Magnhild. She pressed the trigger just as Pyrrha pushed her into the air, causing the ground beneath them to crack and send pieces into the air. Nora laughed happily as she soared into the air.

When she was high enough, she held her hammer up, looking back down at the Deathstalker and fired. She spun towards her target as she descended. When she was in range, she slammed her hammer into the stinger, sending it straight through the Grimm's head. It also destroyed what support the piece of the bridge had, and sent Jaune and Pyrrha flying back onto solid ground. Nora pulled Magnhild's trigger and used the recoil to send herself back to solid ground, making her land on her butt. Jaune face planted, and Pyrrha landed on one knee in more graceful manner than her teammates. Ren walked up to them, exhausted and simply fell out.

The four got up shakily, and saw Harry and his group about to take on the Death Eater. "Alright! Go! Summer! Lily! Take out the two front legs!" Harry commanded sternly. Adam took the command to start charging his attack. He placed a hand on Wilt, and the accents on his outfit began to glow brightly.

"Right!/Roger!" the two shouted. Lily switched Grimm into its bow form and pulled out a special Dust arrow. She quickly turned and pulled out two different arrows and shot them at Sparky as a distraction. The fire and ice Dust arrows hit near the Grimm's eyes, blinding him while Lily shot her arrow at the first leg. The arrow made contact, and instantly, the joint connecting the leg to the body exploded, making Sparky roar loudly.

"Isabella! Get Summer her old sword!" Harry shouted.

"Got it!" Isabella shouted and raced forward. She switched Painbringer into its lance form, the whip stiffening up and the turret mounts expanding to cover the metal. The blades tilted their sharp edges away from her, allowing her to grab the staff safely.

She pole-vaulted to Sparky and slashed at one two of its eyes, blinding it those two. Sparky screeched, but Isabella wasn't done. Switching Painbringer back into a whip, she threw the whip up and wrapped it around the hilt of the scimitar. She removed it with a forceful jerk, making the beast screech louder. She swung the blade up and forced Painbringer to unwrap itself from the sword.

Summer appeared next to it and grabbed it. She vanished in a flurry of wind and reappeared next to the other leg. Using all her remaining strength, she roared as she slammed the blade through the joint, separating it from the body. Her task done, she vanished into the wind again and appeared behind Adam.

"Adam, NOW!" Harry shouted.

"MOVE!" the bull Faunus screamed, making Isabella run the opposite direction and dive for the ground. Sparky tried to move forward, but without two of its legs, it was difficult.

"When the rose wilts," Adam mumbled under his breath, "the petals, SCATTER!" he roared and unsheathed Wilt at blinding speeds.

An explosion of force racked across the area. Adam's attack hit Sparky dead on, destroying a good chunk of its armor. Sparky screeched in pain, and Adam sheathed Wilt. "Harry! Nail 'em!" Adam shouted and looked to Harry.

Harry smirked. "Alright!" he shouted, and pointed his wand at the large stone pillar. The pillar began to expand. The stone turned into bright green scales, and one end morphed into a serpentine head with several protrusions at the back, giving the beast the illusion it had a crown on its head. The head also grew several long fangs, with the front two being the longest.

Bright, yellow eyes began to glow as Harry stared in awe at what he just transfigured. The beast stared at him, and Harry grinned. The giant being hissed loudly: {Masssster.}

Of course, to everyone else, it sound like a normal hiss. Harry just grinned. {Kill that giant Ssssspider!} he hissed in return, pointed at Sparky. The monster hissed loudly and challengingly.

{Your will be done, Masssster!} it hissed, and the giant serpent known to many in Britain as the King of all Serpents lunged forward grabbing the massive spider with its mouth, the two largest fangs burying themselves into the large gap in the armor Adam made. With this leverage, the Basilisk used its superior strength to crush the Death Eater. Sparky struggled, but the massive snake would not be denied. While it lacked venom and its killing gaze, it still had monstrous jaw strength.

The Transfigured Basilisk wrapped around the Grimm's abdomen, twisted, and pulled. It had pulled a Grimm in two different pieces. Everyone watching stared in awe at the scene.

Several gunshots went off, and everyone turned to stare at another amazing scene. Yang stood atop a pillar shooting at the Nevermore. She fired one good shot at its face, sending it off its flight path, and sending it straight towards her. She jumped to meet the Nevermore, and the Nevermore opened its beak, intent on swallowing her.

Yang, however, anticipated this, and held the Grimm's mouth open, holding onto the top part of the beak. "I. HOPE. YOUR. HUN-GRY!" she growled as she punched with each word and syllable, sending a blast of kinetic energy barreling down the Grimm's throat. She turned to see the Nevermore flying at the cliff, and Yang quickly jumped out its mouth. It slammed into the cliff, but it did little to hurt it. It landed on its feet and screeched at them.

Yang looked up and saw Ruby and Blake on top of some of the pillars. Weiss shot forward, and Yang smirked. She jumped forward as Weiss jumped towards the Nevermore and froze its tail feathers to the top of the structure it was on, preventing it from leaving. The Nevermore screeched. Weiss created a glyph and jumped back to the others.

Blake threw Gambol at Yang, and the two quickly stretched one of Blake's ribbons, making an improvised sling shot. Ruby fired a round behind her, propelling her towards the ribbon, and she twisted in the air, and landed on Crescent Rose as Weiss created a glyph behind her. "Of course, you'd think of this idea," Weiss scoffed. Honestly! This was something she thought only Harry could come up with!

"Think you can make the shot?" Ruby asked.

"Hm. Can I?" Weiss smirked, making Ruby blink.

"Can you?"

"Of course I can!" Weiss snapped.

Ruby steeled herself and pulled the bolt of her sniper-scythe back, reloading. Weiss's glyph turned red, and Ruby fired, vanishing in a burst speed and leaving many rose petals in her wake. Ruby soared through the air, firing her sniper-scythe to keep her momentum. She soon met up with the Nevermore, and her scythe made contact with its neck. She continued firing until she touched down on the cliff.

Weiss quickly made a line of glyphs, allowing Ruby to run up the cliff. Ruby started running up the cliff, firing her sniper-scythe to help lift the massive grin. She let out a fierce battle cry as she reached the top of the cliff, and, to everyone's surprise, with one last shot, Ruby beheaded the Nevermore! She spun in the air and landed in a crouch, her scythe laying across her shoulders.

(End Messing with the Best, if you played it)

"Whoa," Jaune said as he and his group stared at the scene. His group was in agreement. Harry smiled and turned to Summer, who was gazing at the scene in amazement. Adam, Isabella, and Lily were staring as well, astonishment written on their faces.

"I know you didn't want them to become Huntress, Miss Rose," Harry said, "but I think that scene speaks for itself. They can protect themselves, Miss Rose. They're strong, just like you."

Summer nodded and stared lovingly at Ruby's silhouette on top of the cliff. "That's my girls," she said wistfully, a small smile on her face.

Back with Yang, Blake, and Weiss, the three girls stared up at Ruby, who was surrounded by flying rose petals. "Well! That was a thing!" Yang said with a smile.

After everyone caught their breath, the remaining sixteen in the forest reached the cliff to see Ruby, Ozpin, Glynda, and several other instructors staring at them in shock. It was mostly Summer's presence, really, but it was a minor detail. Ruby squealed and ran over to her mother. She hugged her at the waist and looked up to her mother.

"Mom! Mom! Did you see that?! Did you see how awesome I was?! Was I good?!" the excited girl asked rapidly.

Summer laughed and hugged Ruby back. "Yes! I did see it! You and Yang were amazing! I couldn't be more proud of both of you!" she said, making Ruby blush, but smiled nonetheless. Yang blushed as well, but not as much as Ruby. She also smiled slightly, the praise making her happy.

"Summer," Ozpin said, making the woman look to him. He walked forward and said, "Is it really you? I mean, not an impostor?" His tone was pleasant, but Harry could make out the wariness in it.

Summer, however, smiled. "Why Ozzie," she chided childishly, making Ruby and Yang stare at her oddly. "Don't tell me you forgot the woman who taught you some humility! Come on, now! Which was it? The time I nearly removed your shoulder for grabbing my ass? Or was it the time I almost succeeded in cutting your balls off?" Ruby and Yang stared at their mother in shock. Their mother nearly took off the headmaster's arm for grabbing her ass? And nearly cut his balls off?

Every male shivered at the last one. Ozpin shivered the most. "The latter," he whimpered. "I was an arrogant little ass back then." He sighed and said, "Yes. I believe you are Summer Rose. No one knew about that last interaction…" He frowned at her. "'Til now."

Summer snickered. "Well better late than never, Ozzie! Now, I think these young Huntsmen and Huntresses in training have just succeeded in your test. I believe they are ready for their team placements!"

Ozpin nodded. "Yes, of course, but perhaps we should stop the infirmary first," he said, staring at Harry's bandaged arm and Summer's exhausted form.

Summer scoffed. "If you're worried about me, Oz, don't be," she said dismissively. "I still got some energy left, and I want to see my daughters be placed in their teams."

"And I'm fine," Harry told the headmaster, making many of the students and teachers stare at him like he was crazy. "But if you insist, I can last until team placements are over. Let's get it done first, so we don't have to postpone it and piss off a lot of guys with guns and pointy objects."

Ozpin sighed. He could tell they were going to budge on the subject. "Alright."

"Dove Bronzewing, Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, and Sky Lark," Ozpin announced, staring at the four young men in front of him. "The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces, henceforth, you shall be called Team Cardinal (CRDL). Led by…Cardin Winchester." The students clapped politely as the four teens walked off the stage. Summer was leaning against a wall alongside Glynda, waiting for Ruby's and Yang's turn.

"Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren, and Nora Valkyrie," Ozpin continued as the four walked onto the stage. "The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces, henceforth, you shall be called Team Juniper (JNPR). Led by…Jaune Arc." The students clapped again, and Jaune looked shocked. Pyrrha was smiling at him.

"Huh? Me?" he asked.

"Congratulations, young man," Ozpin said. Pyrrha playfully punched his shoulder, which sent the blonde to the ground, much to everyone's amusement. Pyrrha smiled sheepishly as she helped him up, and they walked off stage.

"Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose," Summer perked up at Ruby's name, "Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long," Ozpin said, and Summer looked positively giddy at her daughters being on the same team together. "The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces, henceforth, you shall be called Team Ruby (RWBY)," Ozpin finished, making Summer giggle at the ironic title. "Led by…Ruby Rose." The students began clapping again.

Ruby looked shocked she had been chosen. Yang ran up and hugged her. "I'm so proud of you!" Yang gushed.

"Way to go, Sweetie!" Summer exclaimed loudly, clapping just as loud. Ruby blushed, but she smiled widely. Weiss was a little disappointed she wasn't chosen as team leader, but she bit it down.

Team RWBY walked off stage and Ozpin continued on. "And finally: Lilith Nightingale, Harry Potter, Adam Taurus, and Isabella Vulpes." Harry and the others walked onto the stage. "The four of you retrieved the black king pieces, henceforth, you shall be called Team Hail (HAIL)." Everyone started to clap. "Led by…Harry Potter."

Harry blinked. He was team leader? "Congrats, man," Adam grinned.

"You earned it," Isabella said smiling.

"Just don't expect us to follow every order you give," Lily smirked.

Harry, finally over his shock, grinned at her. "Wouldn't dream of it."

"Great! Now that that's out of the way!" Summer said cheerfully, appeared next to Ozpin and grabbed his shoulder tightly.

Ozpin felt fear grip him. "S-Summer? What are you doing?" he asked fearfully.

Her grin turned sadistic, and Ozpin began to sweat. "You didn't think I forgot about you letting my girls into Beacon, did you?!" she continued, still cheerful. Ozpin paled. "Now come along! We need to stop by the kitchen! I need to grab me a spoon for your disembowelment." Ozpin paled even more. "Then we're going to the sheds to find some rusty and dull shears! If we can't find any, well, I'll just use my scimitar! It's got way more rust than is needed and is dull as hell."

"Stay away from me!" Ozpin screamed in fear and took out of the audience hall.

"Wait! Stop! I just want to punish you for breaking your word to me! It won't hurt! I promise! Well, maybe a little, but don't be a pansy about it!" Summer shouted after him, skipping after him.

Every student stared at her as she walked out. Yang and Ruby were in shock. "Y-Yang? What's wrong with Mom?" Ruby asked.

"Oh! Nothing's wrong with her, Miss Rose," Glynda said. She pulled out her Scroll and said, "You're mother is just reminding Ozpin not to break promises. Now, if you all excuse me, I need to go make sure she doesn't go overboard." 'And video tape the whole damn thing,' she thought with a mental smirk. She walked out of the room, and Lily stared at the door as Glynda shut it behind her.

"Summer scares me," Lily said.
