

060 - Dawn of the Final Day.

Tohsaka Rin.

For maybe the first time in my life, I wake up in the early morning without any external prompt. There's a stupidly soft and comfortable bed underneath me, a warm arm of Emiya-kun wrapped around my naked waist and the small and equally naked frame of Illya nestled between the two of us. My first impulse is to smile.

Then, the circumstances involved come to mind and I find myself frowning. A bitter rival turned ally of convenience, who somehow wormed her way into my heart in three short days. A student turned enemy by the circumstances, who somehow blew all my expectations out of the water and got me to submit to him in a barely any longer period of time.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. I've somehow found my way into a harem full of beauties. Half of which are Heroic Spirits, while the other half are magi, seemingly without anyone scheming for position or power. For Akasha's sake, Caster is both and she somehow seems the most on-board with the whole thing.

There's also the possibility of my male lover being a long-lost blood relative, with a smaller but not zero chance of him being some sort of secret twin Father kept from me for whatever the reason. Something that, in the heat of the moment, only made me hornier.

Well, there's a lot to unpack there.

It's while mulling over the whole mess that I slip away from the bed, find a big shirt to throw on and make my way towards the kitchen.

"Good morning, Nee-chan." A voice that's criminally chipper for this early in the morning greets me as soon as I reach my destination. "Did you have as much fun tonight as I did?"

She offers me a coffee mug that I accept without thinking, taking a sip of the strong and bitter liquid while I observe my estranged sister go about the kitchen.

Sakura looks… relaxed. Well, she looks a lot of things, only half of which can be said in polite company, but the one that jumps at me is how relaxed she looks. For all that she's usually a calm and gentle person with an easy smile, there's always been a tension about her that I only notice now that it's missing.

There's also a glint of victory in her eyes that rubs me the wrong way.

"Don't get coy with me, Sakura." I grumble out. "I was with Emiya-kun the whole night. And you weren't there."

"But Nee-san." She retorts innocently. "You are talking as if Senpai is the only one worth bedding in this home."

It's at that moment, as I process the very much not innocent comment, as Sakura smiles at me with that infuriatingly well-fucked smile she's sporting, that the full implications of sharing a harem with my estranged but actually blood-related for sure little sister finally sink in.

There's a good chance of us ending up in the same bed at some time and that makes me feel…

Well, let's say there's a lot more to unpack than I originally suspected.

Matou Sakura

I think I broke Nee-san.

She's been staring into space with a contemplative look on her face, barely acknowledging attempts at conversations and overall being poor company since I indirectly revealed having spent the night with Haku-senpai.

I don't know if it was the shocking revelation that girls can have sex with other girls, having stolen the march on her with the other Emiya-senpai too, the fact I don't acknowledge her spending a night with Senpai as any sort of victory or… some other stuff.

Something I said rattled her and that… that's not a particularly unpleasant realization. Which I guess means I'm not a particularly good person. I will probably feel horrible about that at some point. Later, when the fumes of sexual high I'm running on start fading and I don't have anything to distract me from thinking too hard about things.

For now though…

Both Emiya siblings are going through their morning routine in the courtyard. Light in clothing and covered in sweat, powerful muscles coil and uncoil in a display of control and discipline that begets fascination. I'm too busy drooling over them to pay much attention to anything else, much less for self-pity.

Then again, the little attention I do have on 'anything else' tells me I'm far from being the only one drooling over their perfect bodies. Activity pretty much ground to a halt as soon as they started and everyone was suddenly too busy watching to be productive.

I mean, I can't see what half the Servants are doing, but I can only assume they're ogling like the rest of us and just happen to be better at hiding it.

The only apparent exception is Captain Mitsuzuri, who got out there with them and gave her best effort at keeping up. At first I felt pity for her.

Then they finished for the day and started their cool down exercises and the captain's ploy became obvious. One pairs up for stretching exercises. Which isn't all that big of a deal during the warm up, but after an hour of intense activity? Watching their flush, sweaty and half-naked bodies pressing together like that is enough to make me reconsider my life choices.

Maybe I should look into buying some sports clothes? I already practice archery, so getting interested in joining the exercises wouldn't be too strange, I think.

"That vixen thinks herself so clever…" Nee-san grumbles under her breath, eyes locked on the way Senpai's hands are all over the captain's tights as they stretch together. "Why, if Lancer hadn't wrecked my wardrobe–! Just wait until it's safe to go out and pay a visit to the mall!"

…On second thought, I'm pretty sure I can mail-order something to have it delivered today.

The cool down exercises run their course and they're eventually done, grabbing some towels to deal with the sweat before it gets uncomfortable.

"Oh, Rin-chan." Senpai calls Nee-chan out while drying himself up. Heee…? Is it Rin-chan now? I see how it is. "I had something I wanted to bring up with you."

For some reason, Nee-san looks distrustful of Senpai's words. "You aren't going to drop another bomb on me like last night, are you?" Like last night, heee…? I see, I see.

"Of course not." Senpai chuckles carefreely. "Nothing like last night, I promise."

It's at that point that I feel my interest in the situation wane and leave the courtyard altogether. After some aimless walking, I find myself making my way towards Medea-san's lab. I'm not going to step inside another magus' workshop without permission, of course, but now that I'm here, it comes to mind something I've been thinking about doing since yesterday.

So I stop myself at the door, watching her busy herself inside and waiting until she notices my presence.

"Sakura-chan?" Medea-san calls out almost immediately. "Did you need any help?"

"Ah… there was something." I answer hesitantly. This is probably stupid, but… "I wanted to talk with the woman Senpai rescued yesterday?"

"The Irish girl?" The witch of legend questions idly. "I doubt she'll be a very good conversational partner at the moment, being unconscious and all."

"Still, maybe she can hear it if someone speaks to her?"

"Well… nothing I have seen suggests that…" Medea-san trails off, her voice losing conviction as she speaks. "But I guess there's no harm in you trying anyway."

I frown slightly at her change of heart. Was it something in my face?

"I was just giving the final touches to Ayako-chan's armor and need to go make my rounds around the perimeter about now, so I'll give you some privacy." She continues speaking, putting away the tools she was working with and grabbing her jacket. "Just be careful not to touch anything else, okay? Everything is warded so there's no accidents, but some of the reactive defenses might get a bit… rough."

I nod quietly, waiting for her to leave before making my way towards the glass vat containing the naked woman missing an arm. She's… Not exactly beautiful, I guess. Not in the traditional sense, not with her inexpressive face, her muscular build or the way her clashing magenta hair is clearly styled for practicality over aesthetics.

But she's certainly not hideous either and that dot under her left eye adds some charm to her otherwise plain face. For a moment I wonder how she'd look laying on Senpai's big bed, face twisted into a rictus of pleasure as her insides get stirred by his girthy meat pole.

Then I shake my head and dispel the mental picture. This really isn't the time for that.

"McRemitz-san, right?" I speak out, stepping even closer to stand mere inches away from the protective glass. "Everyone says you're asleep and can't hear anything, but I thought you might be feeling a bit lonely there?

"Medusa encouraged me to go for it when I mentioned you might like hearing someone's voice, so…" I continue, feeling a bit silly about trying to talk with someone who cannot answer. "Here I am?"

"I'm… actually not sure what to talk about." I admit sheepishly. "What's a magus interested in? I'm not much of a magus, myself."

Of course, the unconscious woman doesn't answer and continues floating silently inside her pod.

"Senpai told me a bit about you." I press on. "Seal Designation Enforcer, huh? That sounds like a scary job. You must be very brave."

"What will you do after this, I wonder? Will you go back to the Clock Tower?" I ask with a frown. The very idea of a place like the Clock Tower sounds distasteful to me. A single magus is bad enough, but an entire organization of them? "I certainly wouldn't do it in your place, but I'm hardly a proper magus."

"Nobody here is." I continue, finding myself smiling at the idea. Even failure can feel good, if you just so happen to fail at the right thing. "Not even Nee-san, no matter how much she tries to pass off as one."

Not being a twisted parody of a cartoon mad scientist spiced up with supernatural powers isn't exactly a high bar to clear, but I guess I can be proud that Nee-san reached that point, at least.

"I hear you aren't exactly normal either, but maybe you're normal enough that you'll choose to leave." I continue speaking, shaking my head as I press a hand against the glass, right beside her face. " I just don't know."

"But… whatever you wish to do… Know that Senpai won't hold his assistance hostage." I tell her with a smile. "He'll save you either way."

"That's what he does, he saves people." Thinking back on his track record, I can't help but correct myself with a soft chuckle. "Or, at least, he saves pretty women."

I pull the hand away from her glass again, taking a look around as I search for something else to say. I'm not good with words, I've never been, but talking with someone who isn't even conscious to judge you shouldn't be that hard. I can just… say whatever goes through my mind, I guess.

"I hear that's supposed to make the girls jealous. I wouldn't know, it seems to work just fine for us." I blurt out. "And me… well, it was his own sister who first opened my eyes to the concept of harems. Just because Senpai is the only male around, doesn't mean we're short on partners!"

I can feel my cheeks flush at the confession. In spite of her closed eyes, the neutral expression on McRemitz-san's face somehow feels judgemental all of a sudden.

"I guess… I should be leaving now." I squeak out, no longer feeling comfortable with just speaking my mind at an unconscious woman I don't even know. "There's some cute sports clothes I want to mail-order and they won't be delivered today if I don't call soon, you know?"

With that last blurb of unnecessary and unasked for information, I turn around to flee the room.

Have I accomplished anything here at all, or just wasted time? The talk hasn't been– No, to be fair I didn't even know what I hoped to accomplish in the first place, so it's not like I can say I failed. Sudden mortification aside, it hasn't exactly been a horrible experience, so maybe I'll try again tomorrow.

If I hadn't been so flustered and had just paid attention to the mirror by the door, I would've noticed McRemitz' eyelids fluttering open all of a sudden as soon as I turned around, revealing bright red orbs marked with black, cross-shaped pupils.
