

Chapter LXV: Endgame.

Last Time.

"There's one more thing." Mari said walking in the room.

She hasn't changed much outside of her hair being a lighter color.

"What?" Naruto asked holding Lian in one arm as he was given Quentin in his other arm.

Jade brought up a screen showing a hologram of Wonder Woman cuffed.


"Hello Love." She replied with a smile.


Rimbor June 20, 00:16 UTC.

"Let the defendants rise." The middle tribune said to the six Leaguers that stood cuffed behind a laser tape.

"You have been accused of willfully attacking the planet Rimbor. Is there nothing 'More' the defense would (Ahem!) offer the tribune before the final verdict?" He asked for a bribe after clearing his throat.

"None tribune." Icon replied. "I believe we've presented enough evidence to fully exonerate my clients."

"(Sigh) Then you leave us no choice. The High Tribunal of the High Court of Rimbor, find the defendants… Guilty!" The Tribunal said getting those in the audience to cheer outside of Hawkman.

The Leaguers were lowered into the floor as the crowd dispersed.

Suddenly, Miss Martian, Superboy, Oni, and Adam Strange floated in the court just as the audience members leave.

"Icon, Hawkman! We brought new evidence. Holographic evidence of the Light and the Reach admitting they framed the League! It should easily clear them of all charges!" Miss Martian said holding a flash drive.

"I'm sorry, you're too late."

New York City June 20, 06:16 EDT.

"It's time to leave this meat infested world." Black Beetle said as he and the Scientist stood in their ship.

"Warrior, look!" The Scientist pointed to several screens showing the Team and several League members attacking their troops on board. "The infestation is aboard the ship!"

"Enough! The Ambassador tied my hands, but the Ambassador is gone. Now, all the hero meat will die." Black Beetle said bringing up his blade.

"I would not be so sure." They turned to see Aqualad, Kage, and Blue and Green Beetle before Blue stapled the Scientist to the windshield of the ship.

Green and Blue Beetle subdue every Reach agent with their staple guns, while Aqualad and Naruto took on Black Beetle.

"You're alone." Naruto said as Black Beetle smirked.

"I'm sufficient." They exchange blows, but Black Beetle overpowered Aqualad before Naruto kneed him in the face.

Naruto dropped his quiver, bow, and placed his glasses down before going into Kyūbi Chakura Mōdo (Kurama Chakra Mode) and sped to him.

"Kurama Wangeki! (Kurama Arm Strike!)" Adding more Chakra to his arm, Naruto punched Black Beetle with enough force to create a shock wave, destroying the equipment, and sent Black Beetle crashing into the wall. (1.)

"Guys, destroy his Scarab. I don't think he was controlled."

Rimbor June 20, 01:30 UTC.

"Your new evidence is compelling, Icon. But the tribunal has already ruled. Why the fact we even reconvene so late-!"

"Apologies your honor. This is a confession! Solidly placing the attack on Rimbor on the true criminals, the Light. Their motive: Bringing the Earth's to the Reach's attention."

"Yes, yes. But have you nothing 'More' to offer?"

"How about two options?" Oni asked walking up.

"Option one: You release the Justice League with this new evidence, saying they were framed. Or option two: We release this evidence to every planet in the known universe. And they don't come to a tribunal that will convict innocents unless bribed and you won't get anymore, 'More', ever again. Now, what's it going to be?"

New York City June 20, 06:25 EDT.

Blue looked down at the now Scarab-less Black Beetle before speaking. "What have you done?"

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked going out of his cloak.

"The Reach started a plan to erase all evidence of them being here. By destroying the Earth."

Gotham City June 20, 06:20 EDT.

In a park, two beetle-like Reach drones emerge from a lake, followed by a red device which activates an energy sphere above it. Almost immediately, black thunderclouds form and spread over the city, raining lightning to the ground.

Paris June 20, 12:20 CEST.

A super-cell shrouds the city in darkness, and six stationery tornadoes appear around the Eiffel tower.

Taipei June 20, 19:16 NST.

Much like Gotham City, lightning strikes hit the city, emanating from a black thundercloud. The red Reach device causing the instability is in the courtyard of a League of Shadows monastery, guarded by a drone.

The Watchtower June 20, 07:16 EDT.

"The disasters have escalated. The League is spread thin saving lives across the globe." Captain Atom said as he, Kage, Blue Beetle, Nightwing, the Atom and Aqualad discuss the ongoing chain of natural disasters.

"It's Black Beetle's M.F.D., the Magnetic Field Disruptors the Reach scattered along the Earth." Blue explained as they looked at pictures of the League helping people.

"The disruptors are causing a deterioration of the Earth's magnetic field, which in turn is causing all the not-so-natural disasters." Blue continued before bringing up a hologram of the Earth from his chest cannon.

"I located twenty disruptors, each protected by Reach drones. Upon reaching critical mass, they turn into their "chrysalis" mode which will completely destroy the world." He finished showing the Earth blowing up after it was covered by a large cloud.

"So how do we shut them down?" Captain Atom asked as the Atom was on his shoulder.

"I don't know, because Black Beetle didn't know, there's no failsafe. This was an Endgame."

'Why do I have the feeling to say roll credits?' Naruto thought before the computer spoke up

"Incoming call from United Nations Secretary General Tseng Dangun." A screen came up with Lex standing in front of Tseng.

"Luthor?! What are you-!" Captain Atom was interrupted by Lex.

"General Tseng was kind enough to let me borrow his frequency. As I have a possible solution to our mutual problem."

"A problem created by you and the Light!" Atom said crossing his arms.

"And you know the Light always intended to betray the Reach. LexCorp. has developed Anti-Reach software. A virus that should disable the Magnetic Field Disruptors." Lex explained holding a flash drive. "Now I believe time is of the essence."

Rimbor June 20, 02:45 UTC.

While waiting for the Tribune's decision about the accused Leaguers, the group quietly talked. Soon, the Tribunal exit from their chambers, finally reaching a verdict "All charges against the League are dropped, and they will be released forthwith."

The others cheered as Icon and Hawkman walked over. "The Justice League owes its freedom and reputation to you and the Team." Icon said before Superboy spoke.

"Yeah, we gotta get back to Earth. Can you handle the rest?"

Icon Nodded at that as Miss Martian, Superboy, Oni, and Adam Strange run to Zeta back to Earth.

Metropolis June 20, 08:16 EDT.

Kage stood in front of nearly 50 heroes including the Team, both past and present members as he saw Garth there, the League, the Outlaws, the Runaways, and several heroes not affiliated with either teams.

He and Captain Atom watched Blue Beetle create twenty blue cylinders that Lex then put the virus in. "Every single Magnetic Field Disruptor must be disabled before they chrysalis to guarantee Earth's safety." Captain Atom said to the group.

"Each M.F.D. is protected by a group of Reach drones." Naruto continued after Captain Atom. "Blue has found 20. So we'll be in teams of two for the easy ones while larger teams will go after the harder ones if they start a safety protocol after we disable several of them. One or several heroes will run interference while one member handles the egg."

"All you have to do is simply touch the egg to the M.F.D. to disable it." Lex finished holding onto one of the eggs.

"Do we trust him?" Wonder Girl asked Robin who was standing by her.

"It's his world too. Pretty sure he doesn't want it reduced to space dust. Besides… we don't have much of a choice.

"OK! We have the eggs and your assignments, MOVE OUT!" Naruto yelled having the heroes scramble.

"Spoiler, wait." Naruto said getting Spoiler who was in her original costume to stop and look at him.

"Here." Naruto handed her a purple modified crossbow with what looked like a quiver on the bottom. (2.)

"260-pound draw weight, it can shoot both arrows and crossbow bolts. They exit the gate at 400 FPS. Adjustable mount scope, quick detach quivers, pistol grip, finger guards, non-slip rubber insert."

"Why are you giving me this?" She asked pulling the butt having the crossbow extend to a rifle's length.

"To make you more of my protege instead of Canary's. Plus, it'll be for these types of missions where you can't get close to your targets like these drones. I don't think you can attack them if they fly in the air out of your reach." Naruto replied before walking off.


Naruto turned to see Artemis in her outfit looking at him.

"Yeah, dear?"

She took a breath and walked over to him, grabbing his hands and placed them on her stomach.

"I'm pregnant."

"Really? When?"

"Father's Day night."

"Ah." Naruto said before giving her a chaste kiss and left.

Japan June 21, 20:30 JST. (3.)

Kage shot his arrows at the drones as Black Canary used her screech on the others.

Asami, wearing a pink half mask shot forward to the disruptor, sending it, and herself back several feet before touching her egg to it.

"Well done, Asami-san." Naruto said with a grin.

"Arigato (Thank You) Kage-san." She replied back.

"Remember, even if you don't want in this business, I'm just a phone call away. To help you train." He said as she gave a nod.

Atlantic Ocean June 20, 09:32 AST.

Aqualad and Lagoon Boy engage a couple of Reach drones protecting a disruptor.

"You plant the egg." Aqualad ordered Lagoon Boy to plant the egg in Atlantian. "I will provide cover."

"So now you trust me?" Lagoon Boy asked, still mad at Aqualad not informing him about his deep-cover mission.

"La'gaan, I have always trusted you. Did I not trust you to take my place on the Team?" Aqualad asked getting Lagoon Boy to smirk

The Atlanteans begin their attack. Using his hydrokinetic powers, Aqualad creates a sea monster-like creature and smashes two drones. Lagoon Boy uses his Atlantean sorcery to inflate himself and smash another. Aqualad cuts the remaining drones with two water swords while Lagoon Boy deactivates the disruptor.

"Neptune's Beard! We did it!"

Paris June 20, 14:34 CEST.

Kid Flash is running around evading the Reach drone's attacks. Spoiler tries to shoot one down with her new crossbow but misses. The drone shoots a nearby school bus, blowing it up. Spoiler is sent flying, but is caught by Kid Flash.

"Ah, ze Eiffel Tower and the ever romantic city of lights. We're definitely coming back here, babe, y'know, when we don't have a world to save." He said in a terrible French accent.

"There will always be a world to save. Now drop me and go." Spoiler said then shoots an arrow at the drones. It appears to miss, but disperses powerful magnetic pellets that attach to the drones and draw them towards each them until they short-circuit.

Kid Flash deactivates the disruptor, and runs up to Spoiler.

"We got th-HUMPH!" Before she finishes her report, they kiss passionately, over the confused inquiries of Snapper Carr.

Dakota City June 20, 07:35 CDT.

In the sewers beneath the city, Virgil and Black Lightning battle two Reach drones.

"Gotta say, playing hero… it's starting to feel pretty sweet." Virgil said as Black Lightning takes care of the drones.

"I'm not surprised. You show real potential for this gig." Lightning said as Virgil flew over and deactivates the disruptor.

"You ever need a mentor, Virgil, you just let me know." Black Lighting said offering to be his mentor.

The Watchtower June 20, 08:42 EDT..

"Kage, Asami, and I got our disruptor." Black Canary reports to the Watchtower as all twenty squads reported they deactivated theirs as well. They have now deactivated all twenty disruptors.

Kid Flash, Spoiler, Artemis in her costume, Killer Frost, Talia, Captain Marvel, Captain Atom, and Green Arrow stood behind Snapper.

"Hate to burst everyone's bubble." The Atom said bringing up a hologram of the Earth, showing that the Earth's magnetic field is still being disrupted.

"Blue Beetle to the Watchtower. I'm reading a twenty-first disruptor in the North Magnetic Pole, and was previously hidden from my previous scans by Earth's magnetic field. Sending coordinates now."

"I'm on it!" Flash said over the earpiece as Kid flash disappeared.

"Recognized: Kid Flash, B04."

North Magnetic Pole June 20, 13:48 UTC.

The Flash races to the final Magnetic Field Disruptor, with Impulse providing him with backup as there's no Zeta-Tube near the M.F.D. to transport anyone close.

They find it inside an ice cave, but the device has reached its chrysalis stage.

"Guys, we're too late." Flash said dropping his egg.

The Earth's magnetic field begins to destabilize. Flash and Impulse escape the collapsing cave, and a vortex forms around the chrysalis.

"What do we do?!" He asked before Luthor spoke up.

"Run in the opposite direction of the vortex's energy flow! It might be possible to siphon off the energy through your speed trails, but a massive amount of kinetic energy is required."

"Run! And don't slow down until it's completely neutralized!" The Atom said as the pair of speedsters begin their run. The pair begin to run in the opposite direction of the tornado. They successfully create a counter-cyclical vortex that is beginning to siphon off the chrysalis's energy.

"Ha! It's working!" Impulse yelled out.

"No, we only weakened it. It's not enough!" Flash tells him. "Even at our top speed, we still can't generate enough kinetic energy."

"How about with me?!" The duo looked to see Kid Flash running beside them to contribute his kinetic energy. "I may not be as fast as you two, but I can add my fair share of Kinetic Energy! Besides, I can't let the new kid take all the credit for saving the world!"

The three speedsters begin to add more of an impact as they ran.

Suddenly, the Bio-Ship descends on the location, disengaging Nightwing, Starfire, Kage, Troia, Superboy, Blue Beetle, Miss Martian, Aqualad, and Spoiler.

"It's working!" Blue said as the heroes are starting to stabilize the Earth's magnetic field,.

"Earth's Magnetic Field is stabilizing." The Scarab informs Blue Beetle.

"Yes!" He yelled out with a fist pump.

"But there is a problem Jaime Reyes. The Kid Flash is in danger. His slower speed has turned him into an exit valve for the chrysalis's energy. If he continues absorbing it, he will 'cease' in 16 seconds."

"Cease?! Cease what?!" Blue Beetle asked as Kid Flash started to glow.

With the speedsters, Flash notices the problem.

"Bart! Slow down! We need to absorb the impact on Wally." He yelled as Kid Flash was hit again. Flash reached out and had his hand phase through Kid Flash.

"No good, Barry." Kid said as he realizes what's happening. "Man! Stephanie is so going to kill me for this! And that's not counting mom and dad!"

"Kid?" Flash asked as they kept going.

"Just tell them-!" Kid Flash said but fades away before completing his sentence.

"KID!" Flash yelled reaching for his nephew just as he disappeared.

Shortly after, the chrysalis is neutralized, and Flash and Impulse finally stop running, completely exhausted. The Team, minus Naruto who saw Wally disappear cheered before Spoiler looked around for her boyfriend.

"Wally? Wally!"

"He's… He wanted me to tell you..." Flash said walking up to her.

"No..." She said as her tears start welling in her eyes.

"He loved you." She breaks down and cries as she is comforted by Miss Martian.

Mount Justice June 20, 23:16 EDT.

The Leaguers that were on Rimbor and all three Green Lanterns return to Earth, and the destroyed base.

"Are we… too late?" Superman asked but they are greeted by the Team flying down with the Super-Cycle carrying the members who don't fly, mirroring the night the Team formed six years ago.

"Kage, report." Batman said as Naruto was in front of him.

"Don't worry, the threat is gone. Though, not without a terrible cost."

Central City June 20, 22:16 CDT.

Stephanie stops in front of Wally's parents house. As soon as they open the door, she breaks down into tears, and the three comfort each other.

Gotham City June 25, 19:25 EDT.

Naruto sat on his bed as he stared at his wives. It was quiet, someone had to say something. Naruto decided to say something.

"(Sigh) OK, I guess you want to talk about me retiring, right?"

"Retire?" Diana asked, in blue pajama pants and a dark blue tank top.

"While you were gone, the others and I had a dream of Naruto dying during what was just now the Reach's endgame." Dinah said crossing her arms under her bust. "And when we brought up our concerns and asked Naruto to quit, he said no."

"Well, I didn't." Talia spoke up sitting on a chair by the bed, crossing her legs and arms. "That would be hypocritical of me if I asked him to quit being a hero when he never asked me to quit the Assassins. When I was still with them, that is."

"And I don't care either way." Crystal replied cleaning her ear out with her pinkie before crossing her arms under her bust.

Diana was thinking long and hard about this while listening to the conversation.

"Of course you would like for him to retire someday but with everything going on, would it be right? Naruto on the other hand, wants to still help the people but he also wants to keep his family safe and now he's in this mess? He's really trying to not get into an argument that he's trying to avoid."

"Look Naruto, I understand it's the thought to keep everyone safe that's most important, but you have to think of the bigger picture. You have a family, a daughter who loves you, a newborn on the way. What happens if you aren't able to make it for the 1st word, step, hell for the actual delivery?" Artemis asked with both worry and confidence.

Jade was just watching over there with Lian before she handed her over to Zatanna.

"Look, when I first met you I saw you as a kid that needed to be protected. But what we didn't know is that you changing our lives. You helped me when I needed you most and helped my little sister. You helped our mom to walk again. But all they want you to do is retire so that you can help me raise our baby and our new family."

He just stood there listening but surprised that he meant so much to them like that. "When I was growing up I didn't have anything. I had no parents, no friends, no family. I didn't even know who they were at the time, but you have to understand I have to give back to keep our family safe and for our kids to have a future."

Diana uncrossed her arms and decided to say something. "As much as I agree with you beloved, I believe they have made some good points, and I believe so did you?"

Naruto couldn't believe what he heard.

"I know what you're going to say, but that's the Amazons, this is different. You are our husband. If you died in battle our children will not know their father, they wouldn't have shared these precious moments. We didn't even know Cadmus made our own daughters!"

"But now we have a chance. A chance to raise them, to hopefully have our own, but you have to understand I want to take your side but I'm thinking of our children, our families and most importantly… us." Diana finished looking into her husband's eyes.

Naruto was in shock and awe at the fact that Diana chose their side and the fact that she actually agree that he should retire.

"If I retire, then all of you should, as well. You worry I'll be killed. Well, what about Dinah? She has no powers. Zatanna? With the evil magic users? Diana? There are threats out there that can hurt you if not worse. M'gann? All it would take was someone with fire powers to do you in."

This got the women to quiet down. Outside of Jade, Talia, Crystal, and Artemis who have retired, or hasn't done all that much in the way of heroism in the first place.

Artemis and Jade agreed this wasn't going anywhere so they need a middleman, or middle baby in this case. "Okay we will have her decide to break the tie." Jade said as Naruto was shocked that his fate and career was in Lian's hands.

"Okay Lian. Now you decide should daddy quit his job and help us, or should he keep doing what he's doing?"

Lian was curious and looked like she was thinking hard about it. But what surprised Naruto was she held the mother's hand but also his. Both of them are just trying to figure out what it means.

They ask Megan to read the baby's mind to see the purpose of this, when she raised her mind it shows an image of all of them hugging having fun laughing at the end of image she's saying family together strong.

"She says, 'Family stays together. Family stronger together'. I think she means we can fight together instead of full on quitting. WE can slow down on the missions, we don't need to do the dangerous ones, or at least do them by ourselves."

The family was touched by this. It got him thinking maybe they should slow down and he's on by even though he has Kurama and he's the king of the tailed beasts doesn't mean he can't die there may be a person or team that is able to cancel out their healing factors.

"How about this? I'll do a list of the 'dangerous suicidal missions' as they call it, and I'll stay at home, or up in the Watchtower when I'm leading the Team and I only go on those missions if they really need me. And unless you guys are with me, no going on dangerous missions unless they really need us and we do this as a family. We make the decisions together like you guys said."

His wives were shocked at this having Jade put her hand on his forehead. "Are you okay? Are you getting sick?" Even the baby was very worried as Naruto deadpanned at her.

"Yes, I'm okay and I'm serious."

The wives had to do discuss this over in private after much of discussing back and forth, they turned to their husband who was holding Lian on his lap.

"After thinking it through, talking about it, we came to the conclusion you're right we both are at risk of losing each other in the field it may be out of the fields, and in the end we just want to be a family as much as possible."

"So let's agree from here on out no secrets, no lies, no dangerous missions that are life-threatening solo. If we do those missions we do these together and no one else cuz these rings are a symbol of our commitment, togetherness, and love."

"Agreed." Naruto pulled all of his wives together for a hug, kissed them all on the lips. "Do you know how much I love you guys?!"

"You can mention it more often!" Artemis replied.

"How about I just show you what I can do besides being awesome good-looking hero?"

The wives deadpanned at him. "We may have to punish you then, for worrying us?"

It was at this moment Naruto fears came to realization as anime sweat came down but God was listening.

'Maybe you can persuade this if you know what I mean?' it was at this moment till Naruto leaped into action.

Zatanna put the baby to sleep with her magic. "Peels ot og. (Go to sleep.)"

It was at this moment the baby thought to herself 'I love my family.'

Once that was done Zatanna went after the wives and husband celebrating their victory and their newfound resolution to their problem they will now be a unified family both in the field and off the field now nothing separate them.

'I have a feeling, our family is going to grow!' the women thought as they walked to Naruto, swaying their hips or in Talia's case, pull his hand into her pants.

New York July 4, 21:15 EDT.

"This is Cat Grant reporting live from the U.N. where the entire planet Earth is celebrating a very special Independence Day free of Reach invaders!" Cat Grant reports celebrations while the League escort the Reach ship.

"Thanks to the brave heroes of the Justice League!"

Outside, Blue Beetle followed the Lanterns, Captain Marvel and Mary, and Superman as the last ship left Earth's orbit.

"The Green Lanterns escort the Reach ship to stand trial before the Guardians of the Universe. Thus completing your triumph over those who sought to use you against your own world. It is over, Jaime Reyes." The Scarab told him having Blue smile.

The Watchtower July 4, 21:16 EDT.

Later, Superman, Batman, Black Canary, and Captain Atom watch G. Gordon Godfrey announce Secretary General Tseng's resignation on a holo-screen.

"Sounds like someone's listening to old G. Gordon. The lone voice of reason. Calling for the ouster of U.N Secretary General Tseng after his disastrous collaboration of the Reach. Well, guess what folks? Tseng finally resigned! You're welcome. Now, his successor has not yet been chosen."

"But I think there's only one man for the job. The man responsible for saving all of us from the Reach's M.F.D.'s, ladies and gentlemen. Lex Luthor!" He then welcomes Lex onto the show

"You have got to be kidding me." Superman said as he turns off the broadcast in disgust.

"And on that note, I officially hand over my chairmanship of the League to you." Captain Atom said to Black Canary.

"Wow, thanks so much." She said sarcastically.

"I offered it to Naruto, but he said you were better for the job."

She narrowed her eyes as she glanced back to see her husband sneaking off. "Oh he did, did he?" She turned to face Naruto who froze as he felt a chill go up his spine.

"Oh dear~"

Naruto started to sweat before quickly turning around and pointed out. "Holy shit! A distraction!" He yelled getting her to look back behind her.

"I can't believe that worked!" Naruto yelled as he took off for the elevator, his wife hot on his heels.

He past Nightwing, who is walking with a clone who had his hood down and Aqualad.

"You sure about this?" Naruto asked Nightwing.

"I'm just taking a leave of absence. Beside, Barbara's more than qualified to help."

"Agreed. Plus she's better looking." Naruto said as Nightwing sighed.

"I need a break. Kaldur, Wally, Artemis, and I… We founded this Team. Without him..."

"I get it. Hopefully I won't call you back like we did with Kaldur when he took one back in 2015." Naruto said before walking to the Leaguers.

He saw his future self with Grifter who spoke up. "We'll need to talk when the Team gets here."

"Why" Aqualad asked.

"(Sigh) Now that there's no Reach invasion of Earth. Only one of us needs to stay. My younger self and I agree. Bart will always come back here now. He has records of becoming Kid Flash for a few more years. He needs to come back and make sure the changes we did always happen. If he didn't come back saving Flash to at cleansing Green if not both him and Blue will not happen."

Down in the new memorial garden, Bart wearing one of Wally's costume looked at Kid Flash's hologram.

"You look good." Stephanie said in her Black Bat costume holding on her helmet under her arm.

"Really? Because I feel like a fraud." Bart said turning to her.

"Don't. He wanted you to take the mantel. You're honoring Wally's memory, he would be proud."

"You're suited up.. But as Black Bat?"

"Spoiler was Wally's partner. I need some distance. I need a change. So, let's see how Black Bat does." Stephanie replied putting on her helmet. And revealed a hole in the back letting her blonde hair fall out.

"As a hero?" Bart asked raising an eyebrow.

"As a blonde."

"Team, report to the Mission Room." Naruto said over the speakers as Virgil, now going by Static floated up wearing a black shirt with yellow lightning bolt inside a circle.

Wonder Girl flew up, holding Robin. Naruto smirked seeing them holding hands while in the Watchtower, signaling they're together.

Naruto stood in front of the Team with the Justice League behind him.

"Before we start, I would like to say... My family and I have decided on not taking any suicide mission alone. Either one of us, or another member of the League, or Team if it's one of their missions then it will be with us." Naruto said as Batman took a step forward to speak to the Team.

"Having stopped the Reach Invasion, and broken the Light in half. The Team will now operate out of the Watchtower. Side by side with the League. Not because Mount Justice and the Hall of Justice are destroyed, but because you earned it."

The League then walked away after both Wonder Woman and Black Canary kissed Naruto on both cheeks.

Naruto E., who now had his real arm, stood with Grifter whose mask faded away, revealing his blue eyes.

Naruto looked at Grifter as he, and his future self started to fade as their clothes change.

"Bart." Naruto E. said getting the speedster's attention.

"Like I told my present self. Now that there's no Reach invasion of Earth. Only one of us needs to stay. You will always come back here. There are now records of you becoming Kid Flash. You're the one that needs to come back and make sure the changes we did always happen. You need to save Flash, cleanse Green if not both him and Blue." (4.)

Washington D.C. July 4, 21:25 EDT.

"Did you take the damn remote?!" Red Hood asked Nyssa.

"No! Just walk to the TV and press the button."

"Lady. You are evil!"

"Oh my God! You two are like a married couple! Just screw and get it over with already!" Meg yelled as she went to the platform.


"Never in a million years!" Red Hood yelled before taking off his helmet.

And showed an older Jason Todd.

"She isn't my type!"

"Oh please, you couldn't handle me!"

The Watchtower July 4, 21:30 EDT.

Naruto smiled as he stood in front of the entire Team after the two future heroes disappeared.

"This Team has had it's fair share of successes, but there's still much to do. Superboy, Troia, Miss Martian, Mary Marvel, and Beast Boy. You're Alpha. You're going to Mars to help Green Beetle. Black Bat, Kid Flash, Bumblebee, Guardian, You're Beta. You'll search for proof that LexCorp is bringing out the Reach's drink under a different name."

"Everyone else, you're Gamma. You'll look for any leads on what's left of the Light and their plans. Move out!"

As the Team left, Nightwing with Starfire looked on from a doorway. "Business as usual." He said before leaving.

To Be Concluded.
