
Chapter 10


(Elia Martell POV) 

Arriving at Storm's end for the tourney was boring, but she was sure many knights would make a name for themselves, but no one was here for the melee, jousts or to eat cake. No, they were here in hopes of meeting the royal family but more specifically, Daemon Targaryen. She had seen the prince a few years ago when the royal family traveled to Sunspear, and what a sight he was to behold, she had heard the many rumors surrounding him. "He's blessed by the seven" or "he's beautiful beyond words," but seeing up close was overwhelming. She was flustered by his carefree demeanor and his charming words, and to top it off he had displayed his magical healing and healed her brother's pending sickness, along with her mother's frail state. He healed her as well. She saw changes immediately in her body, her body became fuller, and she looked a lot healthier. 

The prince had earned the eternal gratitude of House Martell so how could she not wish to marry him, But she wasn't the only person who wanted him, her best friend Lady Ashara Dayne was even more lovesick than she was, she talked about him every chance she had. House Dayne was a prestigious house and had married into the Royal Family before but like all the other Houses, they all wondered and were nervous of the price to pay to wed try and secure a match. 

After she and her family were received in Storms End and made the introductions with House Baratheon, her mother and Doran went on to speak with Lord Steffon and his wife. While she and Oberyn were walking the grounds accompanied by Martell guards when they saw The King and Prince Rhaegar flanked by white cloaks watching the tourney grounds. 

She and her brother approached further enough to see Prince Rhaegar notice them and announce it. "Princess Eli and Prince Oberyn, it's a pleasure to meet you again," he said with an easy smile. By then, the King turned to them and they gave a half bow, The king's eyes narrowed a bit but remained silent until he gave a smug smile. "Ah, Princess Elia and Prince Oberyn, I see you made it for this fine tourney. I'm sure you know every lord in my kingdoms and from the Free Cities and beyond has come to bear witness to House Targaryen's strength," he said with a voice filled with pride and arrogance. 

She saw her brother about to reply but she noticed the smirk he always wore when he was about to get himself in trouble, so she beat him to it and quickly replied. "Of course, Your Grace, we hoped to enjoy the tourney and enjoy the festivities," she said evenly. 

"Yes, very good, I have seen the letters for marriage to my-" His words trailed off as he heard the cries of pain from men nearby the stands. 

They whipped their heads to see in the distance a flash of bright silver gold hair fluttering in the wind as all they saw was a muscular back tossing around knights and each punch he threw sinking into the flesh with cracks of bones. Flanked by a white cloak who easily dispatched some men while trying not to kill. 

"It's Daemon!" the crown prince shouted as he rushed to aid his brothers, the Kings guard and the king following on his heels. Not wanting to miss the uproar, she and Oberyn followed behind them. 

As they got close, she can hear prince Daemon laughing as he kept beating and tossing grown men around like a father play fighting with his children. She could hear him singing a song she never heard before. 

"AND I SET FIR-EEEE TO THE RAIN-NNNNN" he sung loudly and slurred a bit as he lifted a man above his head and drove his body down onto his knee, earning a piercing scream from the downed man. 

'So, the realms delight has a violent side...curious' she thought as the prince continued his onslaught, shirtless with a devilish grin plastered on his face. 

Sorry for the really long wait but here is chapter 10, I will continue to update this story, I have an idea for a Dance of the Dragon fic but I don't really know how to start it, I thought of an Aegon son of Baelon is alive but someone else takes his place or 'A son of whatever character you think would work' I just wanna hear some ideas.

writingoutofbordemcreators' thoughts