
Chapter Eight: Training Begins.

Author Note: Please tell me if you see any grammatical errors.


Main Character POV:

I continuously rubbed my chin as I seemingly zoned out everything and everyone and delved into my thoughts. Unlike everyone else who seemed to have left with a solid plan and goal in mind. I have yet to actually decide on my next course of action. 

However, it seemed that I was too engrossed in my thoughts as I heard a loud voice call me out.

"NOCYR!" Hera yelled, as she had been trying to gain my attention for the past minute however, I was too zoned out to have been able to hear her.

I rubbed my ears as they itched in a bit of pain.

"What?" I complained, noticing that everyone was looking at me. 

I noticed the gazes of Gaea, Rhea, Hestia, Demeter and Hera on me.

"About time! You really zoned out on us, what were you even thinking about?" Hera asked in slight annoyance, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"It's nothing important." I replied with a small shake of my head earning a deadpanned look from several those present.

"Considering how much you were staring into space, it definitely does not seem like 'Nothing Important'" Demeter added with a blank expression.

"I bet it has something to do with his training, he did seem to really be passionate about that sort of stuff." Hestia thoughtfully deduced, making her two sisters look at each other in realization.

"Ah, yes I suppose that does make sense." Demeter replied, a finger on her chin as she glanced at me thoughtfully.

I looked at Hera and spoke.

"Why were you calling my name out anyways?" I quickly asked Hera who after hearing my question sighed as her face went from showing a hint of curiosity and annoyance back to her usual cold and aloof expression.

"I was going to ask about whether or not you have anything planned regarding your training." Hera quickly spoke and looked away.

Her reply gaining the attention of everyone who waited for my response.

"Well, I was thinking about it. I have come to a decision to stay here until tomorrow and leave by dawn." I quickly answered as I stroked my chin thoughtfully.

"Tomorrow?" Rhea asked as she looked at me in surprise.

"Yeah, there is no reason to rush myself into this. I am going to leave tomorrow for my training and be back by the time the year is over." I answered her.

"That's a wise decision, that gives you more time to think through your plans and adjust to them." Gaea spoke as she sent me a look of approval.

"In that case, I will also come with you tomorrow." Hera quickly added in a tone of indifference, surprising everyone as we all looked at her.

"You want to come along?" I asked in surprise, wondering why she made such a decision.

"Yes, I had realized that I myself needed to train in order to not lag behind everyone else. As such, seeing as to how you seem experienced in this sort of matter. I will be joining you to help improve my abilities." Hera quickly began to explain herself in a nonchalant manner as she glanced at me.

"Oh, I see. you made a rather valid point! In that case then, I hope you don't mind if I tag along then, or do you?" Demeter added playfully and teasingly to her sister as she gazed at Hera who merely looked at her in annoyance and huffed.

"Do whatever you want!" She spoked clearly, sounding a bit annoyed for some reason. But her face betrayed her voice, as she looked completely neutral before she decided to turn away.

"You want to join too?" I asked not expecting this as I had expected her to also stay with her mother just like Hestia, to which she began to walk close to me.

"Yes, I am looking forward to it. I have very high expectations when it comes to training, you know?" She spoke, the last part with a hint of mystery in a very chilly tone. A glint of playfulness in her eyes.

Why do I feel like she is the 'dangerous woman' type who is extremely ruthless?

Considering that this Demeter is the Fate Type Moon and has the humanoid design of the Demeter from the Atlantean Lost Belt, I suppose her personality made sense.

Fate's Demeter was very caring towards people who mattered to her, but extremely ruthless, cold and indifferent when something ticked her off the wrong way.

When the Lost Belt Zeus forced her to kill her own daughter, Persephone. She had become extremely crazy and didn't care about anyone anymore.

"Okay then that settles it, tomorrow you three will leave at dawn, daughters please behave and make sure to take care of yourselves." Rhea added, rolling her eyes at her daughter's behaviour.

"As for you, I expect you to protect my daughters from any kind of danger. If anything happens to them, I won't forgive you if you turned a blind eye to them whilst in a dangerous situation." Rhea added seriously, looking at me with a completely serious expression.

"No need to worry, I am not that kind of person." I tried to assure her with a smile, to which she sighed and nodded.

"I will put my trust on you this once, please don't let me down." She added, her daughters rolling their eyes.

"My, you sure are overprotective mother." Demeter spoke with a chuckle as she covered her mouth with her upper palm.

"Too overprotective." Hera spoke with a deadpanned expression added with her cold and aloof expression.

Hestia giggled as her mother looked at her two daughters and spoke.

"I already lost you two once, I am NOT losing you two again." Rhea spoke, making her daughter's smile at their mother's words.

Just like that, we all went inside the cave and went our separate ways inside to our rooms. I went to the male section of the cave which was empty now and finished my small preparations for tomorrow and took a nap.

~ The next dawn~

It was now time, we all gathered back outside the cave as the Sun began to show signs of rising from the Horizon. 

I was now in front of the cave and watched as Demeter and Hera bid farewell to their grandmother, Mother and Eldest Sister.

"I am going to miss you sisters." Hestia told her sisters who smiled.

"I know I said this yesterday, but I will say it again make sure to always take care of yourselves and do not get yourselves in any trouble." Rhea told her daughters, Demeter giggled, and Hera scoffed as she rolled her eyes, and assured their mother with some words.

"Make sure to train very seriously during this time period and not slack off, the Titans are not easy foes." Gaea advised to which the two of them nodded.

After that, they both bid their goodbyes and walked towards me as Gaea, Rhea and Hestia watched.

"Okay, let's get going." I told them as we left.

After a couple minutes of walking, we entered the woods and left open view. But that didn't stop us as we kept walking for a while before anyone decided to speak.

Eventually however, my companions grew rather a bit curious.

"So..." Demeter asked as she looked at me with a neutral expression.

"Where are we going?" Hera continued, also looking at me.

I stopped and turned around and looked at the two who also stopped as they gazed at me curiously. I can't help but notice their sheer beauty, it's really distracting considering how completely supernatural and flawless their facial and bodily features appear to be.

Hera's usual cold, aloof and sharp look, not to mention the queenly and dignified aura mixes perfectly well with her appearance. She really had the appearance to much her status as a Goddess. Making her both a Goddess in appearance and stature. Her smooth, silky and long silverish white hair made her beauty really stand out, and those sharp scarlet red eyes only enhanced it.

Her personality, aura and beauty creating a unique combination that only adds to her attributes.

Meanwhile, Demeter's usually gentle yet sharp eyes and perfectly proportioned maternal features that would have probably been a result of her domains that would have made anyone think of her as a motherly figure made her not lack in any way compared to her younger sister.

She in her own right, was a flawless beauty that had the appearance of a Goddess and the status to match. Her light and smooth pale blonde locks that was wrapped in a massive singular braid that went down her back, and warm purple eyes that seemed to deepen the more you look at them, adding to her allure.

I put these thought's aside and opened my mouth to answer them.

" I was originally planning on training in rather hazardous and inhospitable climates with no signs of life and perform deep meditations to help improve my connections with my Domains, my goals for this training were to be able to sync with my Conceptual Aspect Domains and completely reel them in through perfect control and mastery." I began to explain, giving them some different training methods.

The reason why training in inhospitable and hazardous climates would be so effective, especially in this realm is due to its divine origin. Which means the effects of these conditions will be FAR GREATER than anything earth or any mortal planet could provide.

Not mention that there are also denser gravity spots in this place, I was able to spot some on my earlier flight before I met Zeus and during the time I travelled to and back from Kronos's Palace during the Rescue Mission.

As I was thinking this, I closed my eyes and was continuing my explanation to the two

"If you wonder why I picked those two particular methods, I trust you both realize why we should all focus on improving our control and syncing with our Conceptual Aspect Domains, just as your mother Rhea said beforehand during the explanations she had given, it is completely important and essential to be able to use 'True Ascension/ True Descension', as it is the trump card of the Divine without it one cannot call himself a proper divinity." I continued my explanation.

"By performing Meditation, you will be able to learn how to be patient and gain perfect inner focus which will aid you in syncing with your very essence which will bring you one step towards becoming one with your Conceptual Aspect's." I added with a finger pointing upwards and continued.

"The other part of training, which includes putting your body through immense strain and stress, will help you in gaining absolute control of your bodily functions and how your body moves. It will also sharpen your instincts which will prove useful in battle. We will go through very specific steps throughout this process of physical and mental training. if we are successful, we will be able to perfectly utilize our Domains and completely absorb them into our being and sync together to embody all those Conceptual Aspects." I concluded, opening my eyes and gazing at the two Goddesses.

I saw them look at me completely stunned and surprised.

There was a long silence for a moment before Hera broke out in laughter.

"Hah! See, didn't I tell you that going with him was going to work out extremely well? Here you were worried about him not having a proper plan." Hera spoke, looking at her sister with a haughty and victorious expression which make her sister Demeter roll her eyes at her before looking at me.

"My, My, I must admit that I am quite impressed by how much you were able to plan so quickly. It's certainly good to know that you already have everything figured out for this long training trip." Demeter spoke as she looked at me strangely, with a smile.

"Well, it just so happens that one of my Domains involve being a God of Combat. Not to mention, my species is extremely well versed with these types of matters, so coming up with a plan to become stronger and efficiently work up a properly structured training regimen and routine was something as simple as second nature to me." I decided to share with the two of them.

"A God of Combat? I must say, that is certainly an interesting Domain to have it also seems quite useful." Hera spoke with a glint in her eyes.

"Considering all of our conversations and your ideology, I am not surprised that you would have something like this. Rather, I would even say it's to be expected." Demeter spoke with a knowing look, as if she expected something like this.

"Now, whilst we are on the topic of Domains, I have something I need to ask of you two." I began, gaining curious looks from the both of them.

"In order to train both of you efficiently I need to know what sort of Domains we are working with here. I would like to ask you both to reveal your Domains with me." I asked and ended my question with a curious look.

My requested prompted both Hera and Demeter to look at each other with unreadable expressions on their faces. 

They then turned to look at me with serious expressions as they spoke.

"We don't have an issue with that, however there is a condition that we must add." Demeter began with a mysterious tone, and then looked at her sister.

"You must also show us your Domains too in return after we reveal our Domains to you." Hera continued, looking at me. Her intrigue was palpable on her face, clearly interested in knowing what sort of Domains I had.

"Do you two already know about each other's Domains?" I asked curiously.

Demeter nodded as she answered my question.

"Ah yes regarding that matter, you see yesterday Me, Hera, Hestia had seen each other's domains after Mother asked us to show our Conceptual Aspect Domains to her." Demeter revealed with a smile, whilst pointing a finger upwards.

Hera nodded to her sister's words.

I began to stroke my chin as I thought about their condition.

Well, it's not like I am hiding it or anything like that, besides Gods can sense a Domain and identify it when you use it anyways.

There is really no issue in showing them my Domains.

"That's fine with me, I don't really see any problem with showing it to you." I spoke with a nod, making them both smile at my response.

"My, what a good answer! I am really curious to see what sort of Domains you have." Demeter spoke with a small laugh, her laughter sounded like a beautiful melody of nature.

"I can't deny that I also have been curious about it for a while." Hera also added, her tone somewhat curious.

I chuckled.

"So, which one of you will go first?" I asked, the two looked at each other before one of them looked back and responded.

"I will go first; I don't mind being the one to start us out." Demeter offered with a neutral expression, which we both nodded to

She smiled widely as she used her Status Inspect and shared her Racial Statistics, but she only chose the parts that we needed so only her Domains and Core Essence appeared.

Racial Statistics & Authorities:


Core Essence: Divine Core of Earthen Goddess


Conceptual Aspect Domain: 

You have a total of 20 Domains-

Major Domains: [Five]

1. Fertility

2. Harvest

3. Agriculture

4. Vegetation

5. Seasons

Moderate Domains: [Seven]

1. Nourishment

2. Sustenance

3. Abundance

4. Starvation

5.  Hunger

6. Nature

7. Earth

Minor Domains: [Eight]

1. Fruits and Vegetables

2. Bread

3. Grains

4. Life

5.  Order

6. Law

7. Wealth

8. Afterlife


I quickly read through the list that appeared before me and whistled, 20 Domains? That's even more than what I have.

She certainly has a lot of Domains related to the Earth, no wonder she is considered an Earth Goddess.

"Impressive, you have a lot of Domains. Some of them are even more useful than they appear at first glance." I looked at her Domains and saw that there are many ways she can be versatile using them.

"Oh, thank you! Now, I don't mean to brag or anything, but the truth is that out of all my sisters I have the greatest number of Domains." Demeter proudly revealed with a beautiful warm smile.

"You merely got lucky, sister." Hera retorted nonchalantly, whilst she doesn't really care about that. She can't help but feel a little bit annoyed that her sister keeps bringing this up every time she has the chance to about this in front of her and Hestia.

"Whatever you say, my dear sister." Demeter playfully teased her sister and stick out her tongue out and winked as she wagged her fingers in front of her.

Hera merely scoffed at her sister's provocations.

I think they don't realize that as Gods they can easily gain some more Domains over time.

"I suppose I should go next." Hera spoke as she also did the same as her sister and revealed her Domains and Core Essence.

Racial Statistics & Authorities:


Core Essence: Divine Core of Heavenly Goddess


Conceptual Aspect Domain: 

You have a total of 16 Domains-

Major Domains: [Five]

1. Heaven

2. Marriage

3. Queenship

4. Protection

5. Motherhood

Moderate Domains: [Four]

1. Women

2. Emotions

3. Childbirth

4. Fate

Minor Domains: [Seven]

1. Prophetic Visions and Foresight

2. Divine Influence

3.  Beauty

4. Fortune

5.  Misfortune

6. Mind

7. Luck


I looked at Hera's Domain with intrigue especially after seeing Domains such as 'Protection' and 'Heavens', as I look through, I notice more interesting domains such as 'Fate', 'Divine Influence' and several others.

Divine Core of Heavenly Goddess, Eh? Must be due to her Heavens and Queenship Domain.

Whilst a lot of her Domain's doesn't seem to be combat orientated. She does have control over powerful things. Especially if one of her conceptual aspects is beings a Goddess of Fate. Not to forget, she has a Major Domain of Protection.

The title 'Goddess of Protection' implies that she has potential to create powerful Protective abilities, this Domain does make sense as Hera was stated in Myths to protect women from Childbirth.

"Wow, that is certainly not bad Hera. You do have some interesting Domains; I can think of various ways on how to use these Domains in which they could prove to be useful in combat." I spoke as I observed her Domains.

"I know right? My Domains sure are amazing, aren't they? Perfectly fit for a Goddess such as me." Hera, ever the proud one replied pridefully as she joyfully began to boast.

'How cute.' I couldn't help but think as I saw how excited she looked; she was really unbelievably gorgeous.

Demeter on the other rolled her eyes and giggled at her sister's antics.

'Man, I don't know how, but I somehow ended up going on a trip with two extremely beautiful Goddesses.' I thought as I couldn't help but watch the two of them.

I coughed, getting their attention.

"I suppose it's my turn now, Isn't it?" I spoke, gaining their attention.

"You better believe it is, mister." Demeter spoke playfully however I saw a hint of seriousness in her eyes.

She really is a bit teasing, but I think she does have a more serious side behind that playfulness.

"She is right in that; However, I must admit though that I have been curious about your Domains for quite a while myself." Hera seemed somewhat excited.

I chuckled and nodded as I brought it up in front of them.

"You might be a bit surprised by what you see, so here is an early warning." I spoke to them, getting an intrigued look from Hera and a hum from Demeter who covered her mouth with her hand and closed her eyes making an eye smile, looking quite curious and intrigued by the implications behind my words.

Racial Statistics & Authorities:


Core Essence:  Divine Core of Outer God


Conceptual Aspect Domain: 

You have a total of 18 domains-

Major Domains: [Six]

1. Inner & Outer Space

2. Energy

3. Nothingness

4. Null

5. The Great Beyond

6. Saiyan's

Moderate Domains: [Six]

1. Destruction

2. Creation

3. Special Ki Energy

4. Celestial Bodies

5.  Boundaries

6. Beasts

Minor Domains: [Six]

1. Combat

2. Time 

3. Reality

4. Rage and Madness

5.  Instincts

6. Luck


As I revealed my Conceptual Aspect Domains to both of them, I can see surprise and a bit of shock flash through their eyes as they read through it.

There was a short moment of silent before Demeter voice rang out loudly, seeming quite surprised.

"My! I certainly knew that you would have had some rather interesting Domains and Conceptual Aspect's, but this is a bit..." Demeter loudly remarked and drawled out her statement at the end. Seemingly delving into her thoughts.

"I certainly did not expect it to be this amazing, I am seriously amazed!" Hera surprisingly spoke with a bit of excitement in her eyes, as she ended up making a warm smile for the first time since we met which left me stunned at how beautiful she looked.

Demeter broke out of her thoughts after hearing her sister and giggled at her sister's proclamation.

"I know right?" Demeter began after a small laugh.

"Most of them seem to be more specialized towards abstract Conceptual Aspects, taking another look these domains. They sure do suit you rather perfectly. I am also not surprised at sight of Domains such as destruction and combat though, considering what we know and have heard of you so far. I however must admit, you are quite an interesting man." Demeter added with another laugh as she looked at me interestedly.

"Well, this is certainly a surprise! We even share a Domain, take a look at that sister." Hera spoke as she looked at Demeter teasingly whilst pointing at my Minor Luck Domain.

Yeah, I guess we do share this Domain with each other, at the same level too. However, she would probably be better at manipulation the abstract concept of luck due to having more specialized Domains such as Misfortunes, Fortunes and even Fate.

I chuckled.

"Your right, it's quite a coincidence." I replied with a smirk as Hera continued to gaze at Demeter teasingly.

Demeter, however, was undisturbed by Hera's provocations as her smile widened smugly as she seemingly noticed a certain detail.

"Oh my, I had just realized something." Demeter spoke rather seriously with a serious expression or a moment which switched to a small smile that had a bit of playfulness; her eyes looked at us quite teasingly.

"It seems that I have the most Domains out of all three of us." Demeter finally let out her words as she started giggling.

Hera snorted and was about to let out a snarky comment, but I managed to speak first.

"Yeah, you do. That's quite amazing, and here I thought I had a lot of Domains." I replied to her with a chuckle.

Hera looked at me with amusement before chuckling herself.

"Still, I can't help but be curious about some of your Domains, Nocyr." Hera told me with a small smile.

"I agree, some of them do seem a bit Odd and Mysterious. For example, what does a title and Conceptual Aspect such as the God of Nothingness and the Concept of Nothingness mean or imply exactly? What kind of God does it make of you? I It is quite curious as I hadn't heard of such an Intriguing Domain before, you also have several other ones that are just as interesting and mysterious." Demeter adopted a serious expression as she seemed quite thoughtful.

"The implications of the Domain of Nothingness is rather complex. However, you will eventually be able to understand the implications of that domain considering how we are going to be training together, we will eventually understand each other's Domains better. So, you two don't need to worry, after all we haven't even started yet." I spoke enthusiastically.

Both of them chuckled at my enthusiasm.

"You do make a valid point there; we still have a long year of training left, but we were already able to learn a lot especially regarding you." Hera said, crossing her arms with her expression going back to her usual aloof expression before stroking her chin and looking at me thoughtfully.

"My, how could I forget about that? I can already tell I am going to enjoy tagging alone on this training trip with you to two. I believe it would turn out to be quite the fruitful endeavour." Demeter replied with a small smile and a hand covering her mouth, as she looked at me.

I turned my head and looked at the sky, this was certainly going to be a very interesting experience.

Which is already quite interesting as this is the first time I haven't been alone. I chuckled and looked at the two who were now seen chatting amongst each other.


The End.

Author Note: Polls are still open, please leave your comments and thoughts and don't be shy to leave suggestions and what you think. Other than that, have a nice day.

As some of you might have noticed by now, I am leaning towards pairing the MC with one of these two. Or if I make a small Harem, perhaps both.

Let's just see how it develops.
