
Chapter Six: Reunion between Family.

Author Important Note: I realized that the images for the character's appearances for Hades, Poseidon, Adamas, Hestia, Demeter and Hera got deleted by accident in the last chapter, so I reuploaded them again. You can go to the previous chapter and check them out.


Third Person POV:

[ Note: Information about the Gods and their ranks.]

Within then vast reaches of the cosmos there are countless of beings: from ordinary powerless mortals to creatures of supernatural origin and even gods.

Each supernatural being is given a head start by birth as opposed to ordinary mortals and humans. They are divided by several lifeform classifications and Tiers within those classifications.

The most complex creatures with the most unique attributed are the Gods, Among the Gods exist different classifications to the divine beings, such as the legendary immortals of the Norse such as the Jotun or Ice Giants of Jotunheim, Aesir's of Asgard, Vanir's of Vanaheim, Elf Gods of Alfheim, Runic Dwarves of Nidavelir and the Muspell's or Fire Giants of Muspellheim.

The Immortals of the Greeks such as the Titans, Giants, Nymphs, Pleiades and the Grecian Gods. Deva Gods and Vedic Gods of Hinduism, The Buddhist Immortals of Buddhism, Ennead of the Egyptian Pantheon, The Tuatha Dé Danann of the Celtic Pantheon, the Yazata's of Zoroastrianism along many other different divine races from various other pantheons.

All of which exists within one of the most pantheon inflated worlds within the cosmos, Earth. Beyond those realms exist the Alien Gods, simple known as 'Gods of Another World' the difference between Alien Gods and those of the Outer planes is that the Alien God Classification refers to beings of the stars that exists WITHIN the boundaries of the Inner Planes, which brings us the most powerful classification of the Inner Planes. The Primordial Gods otherwise known as the Protogenoi and the peak of divine existence. This very unique and extremely powerful classification of beings splits into three different levels.

The First Order Primordial's, The Second Order and the Third and Last Order of Primordial's.

The most efficient way to gauge mortals and supernatural beings would be by using the Official System which governs the Universe and creates a balance which allows Supernatural beings to prosper.

The system had given all the entities of the universe different Lifeform Categories, within each category are Tiers which refers to what is to be considered as status of your very existence within the confines of creation.

[Author Note: I already wrote heavily detailed paragraphs regarding this information, but I know some of you all don't even bother reading the auxiliary chapters, so I won't bother reminding you guys anymore]

There are six different Lifeform categories each with their own Tiers, going from weakest to strongest:

Each tier is further separated by three sectors.


Low Ranked Conceptual Tier: Arch Protogenoi Class

Middle Ranked Conceptual Tier: Arch Protogenoi Class

High Ranked Conceptual Tier: Arch Protogenoi Class


1. Infinitesimal Lifeforms

Tier 0.1: Micro-Infinitesimal Class.


Tier 0.25: Microcosmic Class


Tier 0.5: Microscopic Class


Tier 0.75: Micro-organism Class


2. Mortal Lifeforms

Tier 1: Super Lesser Class


Tier 2: Lesser Class


3. Supernatural Lifeforms

Tier 3: Low Class


Tier 4: Middle Class


Tier 5: High Class


4. Legendary Lifeforms

Tier 6: Elite Class

EX: Low Class Dragons, Semi-Ultimate Tier Supernatural Creatures


Tier 7: Ultimate Class

EX: Middle Class Dragons and lesser half of Ultimate Class Beings.


Tier 8: Monarch Class

EX: High Class Dragons and Upper half of Ultimate Class Beings.


5. Mythological Lifeforms

Tier 9: Mythical Class

EX: Ultimate Class Dragons and Lesser Demigods


Tier 10: Sub-Divine Class

EX: Elite Demigods and General Class Dragons.


Cosmic Tier: Divine Class

EX: Low Class Gods and Ordinary Dragon Kings.


Supreme Tier: God Class [ Mc is currently at the lower end of this Tier, barely being inside this Tier.]

EX: Middle Ranked Gods, Minor Alien Gods and Peak or Great Dragon Kings.


Ascendant Tier:  Heavenly Class

EX: High Ranked Gods, Major Alien Gods and Heavenly Dragons.


6. Extradimensional Lifeforms

Aspect Tier: Primordial Class

EX: Chief Gods such as Zeus and Odin, Supreme Class Gods [ Strongest Gods of their respective Pantheons who are on the level of the Chief God despite not being named a Chief God] such as Thor and Zeus's Brothers, Most Third Order and Second Order Primordial's are in this tier alongside Dragon Gods and Low-Class Outer Gods.

EX 2: Beings such as Y'Ddraig Goch, Albion Gwiber individually as the summit of this tier and the barrier between the Aspect Tier and Conceptual Tier, even outclassing Primordial's such as Gaea, they are also considered the summit of power of the Final Generation Primordial's and stronger than most Final Generation Primordial's and many Second Generation Primordial's. Only rivalled or being compared to by a few rare individuals from other pantheons such as Tartarus, Astarte, Sun Wukong, Yuanshi Tianzun, Odin, Belial, Angra Mainyu and Spenta Mainyu.


Conceptual Tier: Arch Protogenoi Class

EX: Most of the Progenitor Gods, First Order Primordial's, such as The Abrahamic God and Para Brahman, True Dragon Gods and certain abnormalities such as Surtur and Apophis, who are the calamities harbingers of their pantheon who are foretold to bring apocalypse upon not just the gods but all of existence.

Then there are anomalies amongst the Gods such as Thor, Hades, Amaterasu, Lugh and Ra, who through special circumstances became the strongest amongst their pantheons and can reach this level after fulfilling a set of conditions.

One such condition is the ultimate fusion of various beings and entities of the Egyptian pantheon with the Supreme God of Ancient Egypt, Ra.

Even fusing with some of the Primordials and even the Progenitor of the Pantheon as Ra had merged with both Atum and Amun respectively, not to forget to mention that Ra, who is easily considered at the peak of the Aspect Tier alone in his base form had also fused with Horus at some points creating Ra - Horakhty.

Moreover, the fusion between the Primordial's and the Supreme god resulted in them turning into the Atum - Ra merged form in different occasions to fight all the Ogdoad, then there is also the merged fusion known as Amun-Ra, which was done in order to combat Apophis and adapt to his never-ending growth each time he revives, which ended up making them even stronger than most of the First Order Primordial's. 

The Trimurti, despite being already on this tier in both their base form and true forms can make themselves even stronger by merging into one singular being, making them stronger than all of the beings and entities of Hinduism except for their Progenitor, Para Brahman. Other beings on this level are Middle-Class Outer Gods such as the Dark Tapestry Gods are also in this tier.


Unbound Tier: Omni Tier

EX: The top echelon of the Macrocosm, the true rulers of all of existence and completely all-powerful entities. The Strongest Outer Gods such as Aexalton are around this level, as well as the Omni King, the Grand Priest and the Supreme True Dragon God Zalama.

[Author Note: That is the basic summary of the hierarchy of this verse.]


~ Back with the story~

Main Character POV:

As we left Kronos's Palace and Mount Othrys behind, Metis was using her Chariot to take us back to Crete as fast as she possibly could, we heard massive rumblings as the sky and land was seemingly shaking as a massive amount of energy was flowing out from the Palace where Kronos was.

Luckily for us however, we managed to cross a rather decent distance between us and Kronos's Palace. Not to forget that this Chariot also had tons of enchantments from Gaea herself to prevent him for trying to sense our whereabouts.

It's a miracle we haven't been caught yet, as God's of a certain realm have an innate advantage against beings who do not belong to those realms. Especially someone like Kronos who is a ruler of said realm, meaning that we were basically fighting a crocodile in water.

However, thanks to Gaea. If Kronos was a Great White Shark that was trying to eat a couple foolish fish. Then Gaea was a whale that blocked the view of the Great White Shark.

We were really lucky to have a Primordial help us with this rebellion.

I sighed as I noticed that several people on the ship looked on edge, as if though they were really uncomfortable with the current situation, Metis and Zeus sat on the front of the Chariot whilst Poseidon was at the furthest end in the back along with Hestia.

Adamas and Hades sat together in the middle left as opposed to Demeter who sat with Hera in the middle right, I was sitting alone in the middle of everyone. As we travelled, I came to a sudden curious realization and idea.

What if I tried to change the future Greek Pantheons and Olympians for the better? In Greek mythology there were undoubtedly some very questionable moments and actions that the Gods had done. I couldn't help but wonder, what if I tried to prevent that from happening? 

I sighed and left that idea aside for later and coughed gaining the attention of everyone in the Chariot.

"Zeus, Metis shouldn't the both of you start informing these guys about your future plans?" I reminded them as they seemed to be distracted by the amount of pressure on the atmosphere due to Kronos's current rage.

Metis blinked as Zeus sent me a grateful look for changing the atmosphere before nodding and clapping to gain everyone's attention.

"Very well then, brothers and sisters I am sure you would have guessed this by now, that man we just fled from was our father Kronos, who happens to be the King of the Titans who are currently our enemies." Zeus began with a simple start and continued.

"The person who instructed me to come and save you all today was our mother, Rhea who was fed up with Father continuously swallowing her children all due to a prophecy that he received from his father, our grandfather Ouranos who told him that-" Zeus continued the very long story as the next 30 minutes was a very long explanation from Zeus about the story behind Kronos, Rhea, Ouranos and Gaea and their identities and positions.

During the explanation I kept a close eye on the reactions of the siblings who were all paying serious attention to the explanation by Zeus and looked very intent on hearing this story and try to understand why their father had swallowed them by birth, which ended up scarring them and deeply influencing them.

I noticed some like Hades, Hera and Adamas look quite serious as they heard the tale of Zeus, and Adamas and Hera visibly grew veins of anger on their foreheads after hearing the reason why they were swallowed, Unlike Hades who listened without his expression changing. Whilst other such as Hestia, Demeter looked a bit disheartened and saddened by the fact that their father did all this for just a mere prophecy.

Poseidon looked livid as he scowled in disgust at how petty Kronos was, and how someone who was supposed to be his father behaved, I even heard him mutter something like 'What a pathetic excuse for a Divine being', which surprised some who didn't know much about Poseidon's behaviour such as Zeus and Metis, but the rest of Poseidon's siblings looked undeterred as if they were already used to his attitude, heck some like Adamas, Demeter and Hera even agreed with Poseidon's words.

Zeus looked a bit amused, but he continued his story.

"That's why Kronos ended up swallowing his own children, which led to me. Mother Rhea was able to save me by tricking Kronos into swallowing a Stone Statue with the help of our grandmother and was able to successfully trick him."

"To think that someone like him is our father, this is absolutely unacceptable." Adamas spoke clearly upset.

Demeter nodded alongside him.

"What a sorry excuse for a father, doing this to his own children for a mere prophecy, how pathetic can he be?" She criticized in a very serious tone.

"I absolutely refuse to call that disgusting worm as my father, to think he swallowed us and kept us inside his stomach for something such as fear of losing his throne, he deserves the absolute worst kind of punishment for such an act." Hera said hatefully in a dangerous tone with venom in her voice.

Hestia on the other looked quite saddened by the story and didn't comment.

Poseidon on the other hand looked to be in a contemplative state as he gazed at the ground with narrowed eyes filled with disgust for the disgusting vermin that called himself a King of Divine Beings which only increased even more after hearing how Kronos had imprisoned every newborn God due to their immense potential to surpass titans and not even his children were spared as he swallowed them, which went completely went against his ideology of what a Divine Being should act and behave.

Meanwhile Hades kept silent as he gazed at the ground, however I can see his arms tightening as he crossed them and clenched his fists rather tightly. His face carrying a complete cold and indifferent expression as he opened his mouth to speak.

"He is completely unworthy of being called a King, much less a Father. How unsightly that he keeps falling lower and lower the more I hear about him. His actions are extremely shameful and completely unworthy of that of a King." Hades finally spoke with a cold emotionless tone, coming to the conclusion that their father was absolute scum and did not have any hope of salvation.

Zeus would have continued the story if it weren't for the fact that we were nearing the secret base.

"Brace yourselves! we are about to cross Crete's barrier and enter the island. We will meet Lady Rhea and Lady Gaea shortly." Metis informed as we entered the secret barrier as our Chariot shook slightly.

We passed through the terrain and arrived in front of the cave system where Amaltheia, Gaea and Rhea were in front of the cave to greet us.

As the Chariot landed, Rhea ran quickly towards it to greet her children who awkwardly gazed at their mother uncomfortably. 

"My children, I am so glad that you're all safe! I missed you all very dearly." Rhea spoke with a gentle tone as she gazed at all her children.

All of them did except for Hestia who smiled brightly at seeing how much their mother cared about them and immediately jumped to hug her.

Everyone else slowly came down from the Chariot. I quickly left the group and sat in a comfortable distance as I gazed at the group, Metis grabbed Zeus and took him to where Gaea and Amaltheia sat.

I watched as Rhea hugged Hestia back and sobbed tearfully.

"My sweet daughter Hestia I could recognize you right away! are you okay? I can only imagine how hard it was for you to be inside of your accursed Father's stomach." Rhea spoke as tears fell from her eyes as she hugged her daughter tightly and patted her back.

"It was painful at first, being all alone but I eventually did get used to it. Thankfully my other siblings were there to help me forget the loneliness." Hestia spoke to her mother honestly with sadness as she hugged her back.

They spoke for a couple of more seconds before Rhea broke the hug and looked at her other children.

"Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Adamas come, let me take a closer look at you." Rhea spoke as she gazed at her children, whom all looked extremely uncomfortable, save for Poseidon who had an unreadable expression on his face as he gazed at the Ground next to his mother as he seemingly listened to her words.

Unsurprisingly the first person to move towards Rhea, was Hades. Hades from Record of Ragnarök was of the best brothers in fiction, so it was no surprise to see him so open and caring towards his family.

Who walked towards his mother and spoke.

"It is nice to finally be able to meet you mother, I believe you already know who I am?" Hades spoke as he gazed at his mother who smiled tearfully as another one of her children stepped up to greet her.

She hugged Hades, who was taken aback by the sudden physical contact but didn't resist.

"Of course, how could I forget my eldest son? You have grown extremely tall and handsome, Hades." Rhea spoke as she rubbed her son's cheek affectionately.

'Man, this is really wholesome.' I thought as I saw Hades converse with Rhea for a couple of sentences before they broke the hug and another one of her children stepped forward, which was Demeter.

In a similar pattern, Rhea hugged and conversed with all her children after Demeter was Adamas who looked really nervous and somewhat shy around his mother and after that was Hera who glared coldly and indifferently at her mother.

"Why are you looking at me like that daughter?" Rhea asked her youngest daughter who scoffed.

"You expect me to hug you when you didn't bother to do anything as Kronos took me away and swallowed me up? I also heard that you were able to save Zeus, yet you didn't do that for any of us!" Hera sneered as she spat her words out.

"Hera, I tried many times to stop him, but I couldn't stop him. He was too strong, far stronger than I was." Rhea spoke to her daughter saddened by how she behaved towards her.

"I also wanted to believe that there was good in him, that he could perhaps forget about Father's words and provoking and didn't act so paranoid towards his own children, but I was wrong.... By the time I was pregnant with Zeus, I had given up on him there was no semblance of the man I once loved, the throne he attained after overthrowing our father got through to his head." Rhea continued as she bitterly remembers all the memories she shared with Kronos.

"That doesn't explain why you were able to save that brat Zeus but not us." She spoke quietly as she pointed at Zeus.

Zeus seemed ready to retort back and yell at her for calling him a brat but was stopped by Metis, Amaltheia and surprisingly even Gaea.

The rest of Rhea's children such as Demeter and Adamas who were inside Kronos looked at Rhea, looking quite expectant at her answer as they wondered about that too.

As for some such as Hestia who was the first born and Hades who was the smartest out of most of his siblings with his intelligence being only compared with the likes of Poseidon who just stood and heard everything as he had his eyes closed and perhaps Hera who was the most cunning out of the three sisters.

"In order to trick Kronos, I needed help, and it took me a while to contact Mother and ask her for help. She was the one who came up with the stone statue plan." Rhea informed her daughter who seemed to understand the situation more clearly now but still seemed unconvinced.

Hera clicked her tongue and merely looked away.

Rhea just smiled sadly as she moved and tried to hug her daughter who surprisingly didn't resist.

"My precious daughter...." Rhea murmured; this broke the dam.

Hera finally stopped tensing her body and wrapped her arms around her mother, her usual proud, cold and arrogant expression and scowl was now gone and was replaced by a sad and somewhat vulnerable expression as she hugged her mother tightly and let out a few tears.

She is a Goddess of Family, so she was bound to forgive her mother anyways.

"Promise...Promise me that you will not let me experience something like that again, going through that was very frightening and scary." Hera spoke gently towards her mother who smiled warmly.

"I promise that from now on, I will be the amazing mother that you all deserve." Rhea replied to her daughter as she gently stocked her head.

The hug lasted a whole minute before Hera awkwardly broke the hug and turned around, her face red as her expression went back to being prideful and cold although the red on her cheeks that showed how embarrassed she was to have done that in front of everyone were as clear as day.

Rhea finally turned her attention the last member of her children, her once innocent and curious child had turned into an extremely handsome and tall many, Poseidon noticing everyone's attention on him opened his eyes as he sighed in disinterest and gazed at the ground, not looking at his mother.

Rhea walked towards Poseidon and looked at him as she stood in front of him.

"My sweet boy, why aren't you looking at your mother?" Rhea asked her son as she lifted her hands and stroked his face and cheeks.

Poseidon stood silent as Adamas, Demeter, Hestia and even Hera moved uncomfortably. Zeus, Metis and Amaltheia on the other hand were confused by Poseidon's behaviour.

Hades on the other hand seemed to have a neutral expression as he gazed at the interaction between his most respected sibling and mother. 

Gaea however seemed to look at everything with some intrigue as the behaviour of this grandchild seemed to pique her interest.

"My dear son, I find it odd that even during your birth, you seemed to be Apathetic and Indifferent towards everything and everyone, even during the first moments of your birth and during the final moments where your father swallowed you. That apathetic and indifference never changed, do you truly not care about anything?" Rhea questioned her son, who was silently contemplating his mother's words.

Rhea hugged her son, who didn't even resist or tense up and remained perfectly still.

Poseidon's lips twitched for a moment and opened his mouth, his eyes finally landing on his mother's eyes.

This shocked all of his siblings who were inside of Kronos's stomach alongside, even Hades seemed perplexed by his brother's actions.

"I shall recognize you as my mother. However, there is something you always need to keep in mind. The Gods are perfect, and as such I shall expect nothing less than that from you." Poseidon began to speak, sharing his ideology with everyone for the first time as everyone seems to be paying attention to the God's words.

"The Gods have no need for plots, no need for schemes and ploys, no need for arguments and pettiness, no need for betrayals and no need for any support, no need for unnecessary foolishness that goes against our nature, that's what we divine beings are, ever since the beginning we are meant to embody the very aspect of perfection, such are the gods." Poseidon continued.

"As long as you lot do not disgrace what it means to be a God, you and I shall not have any problems." Poseidon finally concluded and ended his speech, his words making the whole atmosphere very tense as his word's sunk down through everyone's minds.

Rhea seemed absolutely taken aback by the words of her son alongside the likes of Demeter, Amaltheia and Metis, who on the other hand seemed stunned by his mindset.

Hestia was seen looking at her brother with sad eyes as she thought that was a terrible way to live.

Zeus and Adamas on the other hand felt impressed by the mindset of their brother. Especially Hades who was the only person who figured that Poseidon probably had a rather strict ideology considering his behaviour, but he didn't expect it to be this profound and cruel.

Hades wasn't the only one as Hera also seemed quite intrigued by her brother's philosophy.

Gaea was the most intrigued as she seemingly smiled.

'What an interesting grandchild I have.' she thought inwardly, finding Poseidon to be the most interesting out of the group of siblings.

The silent was deafening as everyone seemed to have been deeply contemplating Poseidon's words, I let out a chuckle gaining everyone's attention including Poseidon.

I began to laugh out loud, surprisingly enough Poseidon's brother's Hades, Zeus and Adamas joined my laughter. Which was quite unexpected but then again, they were the brothers of the canonical Record of Ragnarök Poseidon, so this ideology must have been quite compatible with them.

All of the men except Poseidon were laughing which invited odd looks from the women as they looked at us not knowing what was going through our heads, Poseidon however remained still until he stopped gazing at his mother and broke out of his mother's embrace, surprising her and had a small smile on his usually indifferent, cold and apathetic face.

"Have you come to a realization? the true inner makings of a god." Poseidon spoke to his brothers and me after turning around towards our direction, still looking at the ground.

"I don't know about that however I do believe that I do have a similar ideal to you. That is to never doubt myself, never disappoint, never back down, never surrender, and to always push myself towards the brink of my abilities and never accept defeat." I spoke to him, earning several looks from those presents and made Poseidon cross his arms and hum thoughtfully.

"Hahahahahaha, how fascinating! absolutely wonderful." Hades laughed after hearing my words.

I totally did not rip off any of these lines and quotes, do not doubt it.

"Now that you and I speak there is something that had been catching my attention about you, I had been rather curious about you as you have a unique essence, presence and energy which is quite different I had seen so far compared to the numerous divine beings on this plane, Yet your presence is undoubtedly that of a God which is somewhat odd, It's as if you were a foreigner." Poseidon began as I seemingly had his attention.

Judging by the look from the other siblings who were inside Kronos, it seems all of them were able to sense that I was not from here, what innate senses it seems they can easily sense.

"You did hit the nail on the hid, I am not of Greek Origin you can call me a Foreigner Deity. However, that is a story for another time" I quickly responded, Thankfully Poseidon didn't seem to care enough to prod into that can of worms unlike some of his other siblings who looked intrigued by my words.

" I see, well I don't really care about that however, you did bring up a rather interesting phrase. Which is to 'Always push yourself to the brink of your abilities', Care to elaborate upon that specific detail?" Poseidon questioned me, which I responded to by nodding in affirmation.

" Sure, what I intend to say is that whilst I do agree with several of the points you have made, I do have an issue with a certain aspect of what you described. I feel as if the idea of flawless supposed perfect being can be rather limiting." I spoke gaining curious looks from Zeus, Hades and Adamas.

" Explain yourself." Poseidon quickly commanded, feeling somewhat apprehensive as he narrowed his eyes at the ground below after hearing what I had said.

"To me the very definition 'Perfect' refers to a being who has allowed himself to become stagnant, for if I came to think of myself in that way, I would never be able to improve, always remain at the same level, never become stronger and never overcome my limitations." I began my words surprising Poseidon who seemed thoughtful, and it caught the interest of Hades, Zeus, Adamas, Demeter, Hera and Gaea.

"Whilst at first glance, the ideology of a perfect God with no flaws seems rather sound and astute. It isn't exactly a flawless belief, as that very belief might also place some sort of a mental block that stops you from seeing things at a much wider view and range, thus limiting your very own perspective which has dangers of leading you towards stagnation." I continued, at this statement Poseidon seemed a bit more apprehensive as he seemed to not share the same opinion, but I saw a flicker of understanding and a flash of recognition in his eyes.

"If we truly were to think of ourselves as flawless beings that would be similar as saying that we are satisfied with our current level, which means that we will never find a reason to improve ourselves. For me what makes a Perfect God isn't the ideal of being perfect, but we as God's should not limit ourselves for perfection but strives for something even greater, perfection will not define us." this time around my words hit the nail as everyone seemed to be interested in the implications of my words, including Poseidon who seemed to be thinking about my words deeply.

"That is what I believe a God is, Gods are beings who beings that through their self-improvement and continuous evolution shall shape and define Perfection itself through our own will and existence, rather than imitating perfection like mortals do. Whatever we Gods do and make of will define the meaning of perfection itself, to constantly strive for infinite growth, whether it be in wisdom, knowledge or power." I continued.

"That is what makes us Divine Beings the sort of entities we are, we have an ability that no other supernatural beings possess, the ability to infinitely grow." I finally concluded, my words seemingly deep in everyone's minds, my words gaining the completely bamboozled looks of Metis, Amaltheia, Rhea and Gaea who didn't think I could say something so profound and follow such an ideal, as I always acted somewhat goofy,

Hestia on the other hand looked at me weirdly after hearing my words. She does not like violence so I can understand why she reacts in such a way. I also had gained the approved look of Adamas and Zeus who really like my way of thinking if the massive grins on their faces was anything to go off by,

I also saw Hades, Hera and Demeter looking at me with interest and waited for me to continue, Hades seemed to be the most interested of the bunch. Hera seemed to have a rather blight glint in her eyes as she gazed at the scene, whilst Demeter seemed to be looking at me and Poseidon in an analytic way.

"So, what you are saying is that to you, the Gods are beings who should never settle to a certain state in which makes them limit themselves, Gods are beings who should strive for constant improvement, Gods are beings with the capacity for infinite growth. Is that the gist of it?" Poseidon suddenly questioned, as his gaze turned upwards, surprising me as he gazed at me, shocking those who were stuck in Kronos's stomach and were accustomed to Poseidon's behaviour once more.

I nodded at his inquiry. 

"I must admit, what you are implying is quite sound. However, it is not without flaws as you had made an error. The ideal of a perfect deity who is exempt of flaws does not necessarily mean stagnation and limitation of one's continuous growth, like you pointed out earlier perfection is not what makes a God, but a God is what defines what perfection is, we aren't like mortals and are not and can never bound to such concepts, for we gods are the incarnation of concepts themselves. We Gods are destined to embody and represent ideals which befit our stature and does not sully the ways of our very own existence." Poseidon replied and continued.

"However, I do view the points and philosophy that you had just spoken of as an ideal that is also worthy of a divine being as it does not disgrace the Gods in such a way that it defies what we as divine beings stand for and go against our way of being, if you truly do follow such an ideology then I can respect those ideals." Poseidon added and kept talking.

"Whilst I do prefer my own ideals, I find your words and ideology acceptable as those ideals do not come into conflict with mine but rather expand on them and compliment them, which gives me much to think about. You said your name was Nocyr Aglaed, correct?" Poseidon finally ended his rant and asked.

I nodded, making him nod back.

"I shall remember that name." He spoke to me with a last glance before looking at the ground once more before he walked away.

I watched as Poseidon walked away, I smirked and looked up at the sky. I had long decided to befriend the Greek Quartet Brothers of Hades, Adamas, Poseidon and Zeus, it was worth getting to know and befriend all of the Future Strongest Gods of Greek Mythology or at least make them have a favourable impression of me, I thought about it and having the Greek Pantheon and Olympians as allies would be extremely useful in the future, of that there was no doubt.

What really made me wonder is how things will turn out seeing as all brothers were their Record of Ragnarök variants which definitely made things more interesting and unpredictable due to nature of these unusual variations of the Greek gods.

Even more interesting is that they are all quite young so they might behave a bit differently than they would in the manga but not by much.

I mean just look at Poseidon, Zeus and Hades. One is a perfectionist who is quite dedicated and thorough with his ideals, the other a battle loving maniac who seems to be anything, but paranoid as opposed to how the myths described him and the supposed gloomiest 'god' in Greek Mythology was actually quite sophisticated, extremely dignified, charismatic, handsome, mysterious and one of the best brothers you could possibly ask for.

The Record of Ragnarök versions of the Greek Brothers was by the far the most interesting versions I had seen and read about the Greek Gods.

I chuckled as I thought of the possibilities of what this could mean for the future.

[Image of the Big Four Greek Brother's Standing Together.]

~ Several Hours Later~

After that whole entire conversation with Poseidon ended, Rhea gathered her children and continued to speak to them trying to get to know them more, especially Poseidon and Hera. She also informed all of them all of the plans and long-term mission regarding Kronos and the upcoming war, the goal is to defeat Kronos and his army and overthrow him as his reign had brought nothing but Chaos, Discrimination and Disorder to the Greek Pantheon.

Most of the new gods in our group seemed to like the idea as to them Kronos was a lost cause, except for rare exceptions such Hestia who seemed rather upset and disappointed that there is no other guy to stop her Father other than war.

Even Poseidon approved and agreed with the prospect of this war, as he seemingly deemed Kronos as a complete and utter trash who was absolutely worthless as he had disgraced the divine with his actions.

Hades continued to stroke his chin as he watched how Rhea conversed with Hestia and Demeter and was silently listening to his mother and sister's stories, seemingly engrossed in the stories.

He was one of the few people to see the man who ate him as a baby, Kronos with nothing but a neutral expression alongside Poseidon, but after hearing everything from Zeus and Mother regarding the events that transpired in the Greek Pantheon and its past, he was completely displeased with how his supposed predecessors and forefathers acted, especially Kronos who in his eyes was unfit to be a true king.

They already got rid of the rags they wore and have cleaned themselves by now as they used their Ethereal Energy, each one adopted their own style of clothing as they changed out of their rags and wore their own preference piece of wear.

I sat a fair distance away looking down at the other Gods interact, I watched as apparently Zeus and Adamas were now seen arm wrestling with Metis and Amaltheia watching beside them, and Poseidon being a couple of meters away from them as he was originally declared the judge of this contest despite the God's completely disinterested behaviour, which made him reject their request flatly without even bothering to look at them. 

With him rejecting, Zeus retorted to asking Metis who sighed and agreed due to the young deity's constant insistence. 

I chuckled as I leaned.

"I must say, that was quite a speech you gave." A feminine voice spoke, referring to my earlier conversation with Poseidon. I was suddenly broken out of my thoughts as I glanced in the direction of the voice and was surprised to see Hera with her usual cold, prideful and haughty expression and her enigmatic queenly aura.

I took this moment who observe her more clearly.

Her features as sharp as ever, her beauty completely enchanting and alluring, which seemed completely paranormal, supernatural and breathtakingly unreal due to how flawless her appearance was.

Gods really are built different most of the Goddesses and Gods I had seen so far had seemingly otherworldly levels of beauty and attractiveness except for rare cases of Gods such as Adamas who seemed to be the least attractive amongst his siblings, although if you put aside the monster-like features such as the green skin, fangs, wild hair and black markings on his body you would notice that he was also quite handsome using human standards.

I couldn't help but feel lost in those deep, sharp and vibrant red eyes that were seemingly glowing as her long silky and smooth silverish white hair that cascaded down her shoulders and back alongside her newly self - materialized long dark purple dress was somewhat flowing and waving thanks to the winds around the area,


[Author Note: For those who are curious about their appearance, I already told you all at the beginning of the chapter in a note that I re-added the images for the character's appearances in the last chapter.]


"Oh Hera, what brings you here?" I asked her to wonder about what she wanted, having never really interacted with her before this making this our first actual conversation.

"Nothing in particular, I was just tired of all the noise they were making and came here since you looked so comfortable sitting under that tree, it had piqued my curiosity." She spoke as she was walking.

"Well, I just like to spend some time to myself and organize my thoughts." I blinked and replied.

"I see." She spoke as she stopped walking as she arrived next to me and leaned on the tree as she stood next to where I was sitting and gazed at the others alongside me.

"They are quite the rowdy bunch, aren't they?" Hera spoke as she gazed at Zeus and Adamas who were both struggling in their arm-wrestling match and kept trash talking each other loudly only to be smacked in the head by Rhea and be scolded by her to be nice to each other which made them complain.

"Maybe, but I suppose that's the joy of being part of a family, to have people to bicker and laugh with, to have people who understand you." I spoke somewhat yearning fully as I had never had the chance to experience any real emotional ties with anyone, especially during my 18 years of life as a Human on Earth as I was raised as an Orphan.

"As a Goddess who has the Domain over the very aspect and concept of Family itself, I know that quite well. " Hera spoke as her eyes glazed momentarily.

"It's just a shame that you all experienced terrible examples and had someone like Kronos as your only source of inspiration for parenthood." I narrowed my eyes as I spoke, wondering what would have happened if Kronos HADN'T swallowed his children and instead tried to be a decent father. 

'I guess unless someone writes a fanfic about the Main Character reincarnating as Kronos, we will never find out, would we?' I couldn't help but inwardly laugh at that inner joke.

Hera's mood seemed to change into annoyance at the mention of her Father and replied to my comment.

"Yes, that accursed man certainly is far from the ideal representative of what a parent is. " Hera rolled her eyes sarcastically as she spoke venomously.

'It's hard to tell whether you guys will ever truly forget that whole experience, I bet it was really traumatizing.' I concluded inwardly and gazed at her.

"Well, you don't have to worry. It's only a matter of time before Kronos and his army fall." I assured her, as Kronos had lost to the Olympians in almost every series adaptation of Greek Mythology.

"Oh, and how can you be so sure? We all felt his power reaching all the way to us during our way to Crete and all of us are currently completely outclassed except for Grandmother Gaea who is the only person here who could Kronos's Generals and Kronos himself. What's to stop that bastard from finding us eventually and imprison us, or even worse what if he tried to swallow us again?" She asked me with a raised eyebrow before glancing at everyone else before looking back at me.

At this I slowly stood up and gazed at Hera who looked back at me intensely as I stood up and stood in front of her.

"I will admit that we are currently completely outclassed, not only by Kronos and his Generals but most of the upper titans, however like I had told Poseidon earlier. We as Gods should never yield, surrender and through constant improvement we will eventually surpass those Titans." I had tried to assure her once more. My words seemingly surprising her for a moment.

I let out a smirk as I brought my hand up and caressed my hair and forehead.

"You can also rest assured; I will not allow Kronos to even touch you, let alone swallow or imprison you. I vow on my pride as an Outer God that I will protect you." I promised with serious conviction as I glanced at Hera who looked stunned for a moment not focusing or paying much attention to the term 'Outer God' that I had brought up, as my vow drew her attention more than that.

I saw her cheeks grow red as her cold, dignified and prideful expression seemingly softened into a gentler one as she looked away from me momentarily.

"You shouldn't go around saying something like that to a woman so casually." She muttered in a low voice as she turned away, but I was able to hear it. 

However surprisingly, she turned around 

"Fufufufufu, As I had thought, you are really an interesting being." Hera giggled and later added, a small smile could be seen on her beautiful face as she crossed her arms below her voluptuous bosom which highlighted her extremely perfectly shaped figure.

"I am flattered, I suppose?" I replied as I decided to accept that statement as a compliment.

We kept talking to each other about a couple of stuff and getting know more about each other before we were called over by Rhea, who was gathering everyone to talk about something.

"Now everyone, now it's time we all discuss about future preparations. Kronos will definitely send his minions all over the Greek realms to look for you now that we gained his attention." Rhea informed us, which made everyone go serious.

'This was going to be a long day.' I thought inwardly in a rather comical exasperated way.


The End.

Author Note: The Poll is currently underway, the next chapter I will officially pick someone to pair him with. I still am thinking about the romantic aspect of the story, I will go along with the prospect of creating deep relationships without any rushing and proper character development. 

I had seen most votes on Scathach, which will be quite difficult to efficiently plan considering how far away we are from the modern era. 

If it wasn't clear already, I am pairing him with a Greek Goddess. It's not decided whether or not this would be a single pairing or a small harem. If this does miraculously go the harem route Its definitely going to be small. I am going to be extremely logical with these pairings, I don't want to try to do what most fanfic writers do and invent whatever out of their brain and sacrifice character development and realism for fan service.

PS: Its 4.5 billion BCE if you guys forgot about the current date. The reason why it's so far back compared to Nasuverse, Riordan and DXD due to Saint Seiya and Record of Ragnarök Gods who are billions of years old. With Zeus from ROR being so old he was stated to have witnessed the big bang itself his current appearance speaking volumes, and imagine the shock to see Hades, Adamantine and Poseidon who are even older than him look like young adult males.
