
Chapter 1: Beginning

Main Character Pov: 

It's been around several years since I met the Outer God whom I finally was able to figure the name of His name was Aexalton and he was one of the Oldest Outer Gods in existence.

He took on a human appearance to make it easier for us to communicate.

I have been playing video games and rewatching many anime shows with him, I never thought the day would come when such a being would be so interested in Human Pop Culture, this guy basically became an Otaku and started to really annoy me by making all these anime and video game references. When I introduced him to Jojo Bizarre Adventures the dude would NOT STOP making Jojo references.

He was also a massive fan of Dragon Ball, who would have known?

Right now, I was playing Xenoverse 2 with him and he was kicking my ass, how the hell did he get so good at this?

"DAMN IT!" I yelled out as i threw the controller after losing a game.

"HAHAHAHAHA! YOU SUCK AT THIS!" Aexalton laughed as he won again. 

Cheeky bastard.

" Hey! it's not my fault you suck at video games!" He retorted back as he read my mind.....


I sighed as I had gotten used to his shenanigans.

I can't believe it's been a couple of years since that day, time sure moves quickly.

"Well when you live as long as I have you would get used to it." Aexalton commented with a backhand wave as he continued to play the game.

"You sure love reading other people's minds." I spoke with a sigh.

"For us Outer Gods, reading mortals is as easy as breathing we can't control it, it's your fault being so fragile." The Outer God spoke without mincing his words.

That hurt, I am not going to lie. But then again, this is what I get for hanging out with such a powerful being.

"Oh, come on don't be such a whiner." Aexalton spoke with a chuckle.

" It's been a while since we made that deal about me teaching him how to play video games." I spoke nostalgically as I recalled the memories and sat down next to him.

The Outer God in question hummed as he paused the game and turned around with a hand on his chin.

"It sure has.... I suppose it's my turn to fulfil my end of the deal, after all throughout the heavens and the earth I alone am the Chosen one." the Outer God spoke with a pose as light began to surround him.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes with a loud groan as he had struck once again with one of his anime references.

I rubbed my face in second hand embarrassment.

"Really?" I asked in the flattest tone I could muster.

He chuckled in return.

"All kidding aside, it's true that it's about time I fulfil my end of the deal. You provided me with a lot of fun with these memories of yours, thank to that I was introduced to the world of anime and video games!" He spoke in a happy tone.

"Oh yeah, I am so happy for you." I spoke sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes at me.

"You should really lighten up, anyways since you gave me such a nice new hobby, I am going to be generous with your reward! I had no idea I was missing out so much!" Aexalton spoke in a sad tone at such a tragedy.

"You must have been really bored to say something like that." I said to him.

"Oh, you have no idea! It was getting so dull around here." He spoke with a sigh.

I chuckled at that, he had told me many tales about his life and a lot regarding the Outer Gods, Aexalton was basically a Chief Outer God King of a group of Outer Gods named Suecradeixa who are basically nigh-omnipotent. 

They only did one thing, and that was sleep all day, according to Aexalton.

"Anyhow, regarding my reward I have something especially prepared for this!" Aexalton spoke with evil smirk as he snapped his fingers.

A holographic screen appeared in front of me.

[ You have been nominated as a Transmigrator!


You have been nominated as a Transmigrator!


You have been nominated as a Transmigrator!


My eyes widened as I gaped as I read the words on the screen, I looked back at Aexalton who was laughing at my reaction.

"Wait, are you going to transmigrate me? Where?" I asked him hurriedly.

"Don't worry I already prepared a world of my choosing." He said with an evil smirk.

"WHAT??? WHAT WORLD???" I yelled as I asked him, promptly shaking him by the shoulder's as he reacted by laughing evilly.

"You will find out when you get there. I will say one thing though, it's a very dangerous world." He spoke as he wagged his finger.

"OH, COME ON! SERIOUSLY??" I complained loudly at him.

"Come now. Luckily for you, I know that sending you as you are right now will mean certain death for you, so I will grant you a single wish, ONLY ONE and no wishing for Omnipotence or anything of that sort. Choose wisely this wish could be your cheat for survival in this new world." He spoke with a serious tone.

I almost tripped at that.

"One wish? Come on that's very stingy of you, do you really think that's enough to ensure my survival?" I complained a bit more.

He looked at me seriously for a bit before sighing.

"I tried to be neutral as possible, but I suppose I can't. Those years we spent together were quite entertaining. Very well, I will give One Wish and a bonus gift, you will see it when you arrive in that world." He said with a heavy sigh.

I smirked victoriously; this was better than nothing.

"Okay then, I already know what I want for my Wish." I spoke with hidden excitement.

He eyed me curiously with a raised eyebrow.

"What is your Wish?" He asked me curiously.

"It's something you will also like." I spoke with a smile.

"Oh? Now I am curious what is your Wish?" he asked a bit more curiously.

"I want you to send me there not as a human, but something else...." I added mysteriously.

His eyes widened.

"Are you asking me to...?" He asked with both extreme curiosity and some excitement.

"Yes, I want you to bring me there as a Saiyan, not just a Saiyan but a Saiyan God." I told him with a wide grin on my face.

Suddenly he broke out laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I LIKE THIS WISH!" He roared out with laughter after I told him my wish.

I chuckled alongside him as he laughed out loudly.

I knew I just HAD to make this wish; the Saiyan Race was just too good to pass up, they had no limits and could continuously grow stronger. I knew that I needed SERIOUS POWER when he told me it was dangerous, cause when this guy says 'Dangerous' he doesn't joke around.

I have complete confidence that the powers of a Saiyan, no... a Saiyan God will carry me through the trials of that world.

"I would have never expected THAT! But you have made a wish decision, this does make things very interesting. I will grant your wish; I just need to make a couple of adjustments to align the allotted power scaling systems and different powers to fit the narrative of the world and make it fit perfectly into one another without making any disturbance." He spoke more to himself rather than me towards the end.

He kept murmuring some words to himself, most of which I couldn't hear.

After a while he turned back to me and smirked.

"See you later, come back when your strong as me." He spoke, and before I could say anything I was interrupted by him snapping his fingers, I wobbled as darkness took over.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The End.

Author Note: I hope you all enjoyed that chapter, the next chapters will be longer now that the prologue and first chapter are out.
