
chapter 10

After the sex game Ash and his slaves had a moment prior, Ash gave Alexa a tour of the house, showing her the dorm room she'd share with the rest of the girls last, allowing the reporter the chance to unpack her things and find a bed to call her's. After her brief introduction to the mansion, Ash left the reporter to her own devices, turning his attention to Cynthia and Dawn, the two of which were now dressed in their normal attire. "So you girls ready to head out and do some shopping?" Ash asked the pair.

"I'm ready when you are, Master." Cynthia replied. "Ok good. Just remember what I told you. Whenever we are in public, you must address me by my name, not by Master. We can't have people looking at us if you want to start acting slutty. We don't need that kind of attention." Ash finished. As the trio left the mansion grounds, Ash gave commands to Serena, ensuring that she hold the fort down while they were gone.

"Alright then Cynthia, why don't you take us to Celadon City? I hear the department store there just opened a shop with all the kind of exotic clothing we need." Ash said, beckoning to Cynthia's car. " Of course Master." Cynthia obeyed, saying the word Ash didn't want said in public. She could barely help it however, her Master was an absolutely splendid man, but she eventually got the memo, vowing to stick to calling her Master by her true name for the rest of the time they were outside the house.

As Ash hopped into the back seat with Dawn, Cynthia got in the driver seat of her jeep, putting the keys in the ignition. As they drove down the dirt roads of Pallet Town, Cynthia announced to her passengers that the trip to Celadon would take about an hour. Upon Cynthia saying this, Ash decided to take a nap, resting his eyes.

Just then, Ash saw a bright light. A light that shown a rainbow hue. As the light dimmed, he realized what he saw was none other than the mind stone he possessed. Realizing that he was surely dreaming, Ash reached for the stone, only for a wave of light to consume him, a shell of blue energy surrounding him: Aura. After all, it was aura that fueled the mind stone and submitted the enslaved targets of the stone to the user. Ash became even more perplexed, wondering if his dream was a sign of anything.

He was wrong, as he heard a voice call out to him from the blue void. "Ash. Its me, Riley." the voice spoke. "Riley? What's going on here, what am I supposed to be seeing?" Ash asked. "You are looking at the mind stone. I've told you that its an ancient artifact, not some simple trinket. Your use of the stone has been quite unique, I'll say that much. I mean, I knew you'd use it the way you did, but you exceeded far what I suspected of you. To be frank, I've been observing you and your new play things for a few days now." the voice continued, echoing in Ash's mind. "Do not worry, I shall not impede your goal. In fact, I wished to help you in another way. You know how I told you not to lose the stone? Well, that should mean you should never have it leave your side. Make a necklace for the stone, wear it around your neck, so something to ensures is stays on your body." the voiced advised him.

"Trust me, you won't regret it. The stone serves another purpose, one I neglected to mention in the note, as I never knew you'd go so far with your new power. The stone serves as a symbiotic tool. Not only do you feed it your aura to enslave the minds of those of your choosing, but the stone can give you so much more in return. When the stone's had enough of your aura, it returns back any excess energy it didn't need two fold, revitalizing its user." the voice of Riley added.

"Now do you understand why you must never lose it? Any aspiring villain or madman of this world would want such a priceless item for themselves. To enslave the minds of many to do their bidding while supplying its user with near unending stamina, vigor and life." Riley said sternly. "Why I decide not to impede on your actions, as slightly worry-some as they are, it is because I trust you are strong enough to protect it. As the Champion of Kanto and as a fellow aura guardian, I would think of no other man to deem worthy of such an object. My link is fading, you are going out of my range of telepathy, so our conversation must end here. Heed this warning, and on an off the record statement, enjoy your fun." the voice of Ash's old friend ended with a slight tease, just as it began to slowly fade away.

All of the sudden, Ash was woke by a small, gingerly nudge by his partner in the back seat. "Wake up silly, we're here." Dawn said, excited and desperate to go inside the market place. "We're in Celadon already?" Ash asked, surprised at how he'd already slept for an hour's time. As the message he got in his dream still echoing in the back of Ash's mind, the raven haired man rubbed his eyes, looking up to the front seat at his slave Champion.

"Here Ash, put these on." Cynthia said, handing him a pair of sunglasses and a hat. Cynthia always was one to think quick on her feet. What with Ash being the Champion of Kanto walking together with the Sinnoh Champ, people would be begging to get them to sign autographs all day long. Glad that his slave thought ahead of time, Ash grabbed the pseudo disguise, placing a kiss upon Cynthia's mouth only after looking to make sure nobody was around. As Cynthia hummed in satisfaction by her Master's boldness, the trio got into character, with Ash and Cynthia wearing head and eye wear to conceal their presence.

As the three entered the large building, the sight they laid their eyes upon was amazing. A sprawling mall, with shops that decorated its many halls and floors. The store itself was practically a city within a city. Ash led the group to a directory board, reading the map it had to show them to the store they wanted. Realizing the adult's clothes shop they intended to go to was several floors up, the three took an empty elevator up a few levels. While waiting for their destination, Ash gave his slaves' asses a quick, yet firm squeeze, getting small little moans of approval in response.

"I can't wait to see what sexy outfits this store has to offer you my, beautiful slaves." Ash said under his breath as the doors opened up on the 9th floor. Ash and his entourage then travelled down the long corridor, turning into the shop they were looking for, noticing a large interior, decorated with clothing for erotic intentions. This shop had it all, from maid outfits with skimpy skirts to show off the wearer's ass, the belly dancing uniforms with only bras for tops, skin tight clothing that could be ripped apart for easy entrance for a mate. Ash let his female friends explore around, hoping their expertise would allow them to pick out the garments they wanted as well as what they thought was best for their slave sisters back home.

While Ash left the two to explore, he went deeper into the store himself, hoping her could find something nice for Serena specifically to wear. After dating her for two years and now knowing her body like the back of his hand, Ash knew instinctively knew what size he needed to get. Just as he was lost for ideas on what he should get, he turned, seeing a seductive nurse outfit just begging to be worn by his favorite slave.

Ash reached to grab it, only for his hand to collide with another. It was a rather smooth and pretty looking hand from what Ash saw. As his hand retreated from the outfit, Ash turned his attention to see who exactly was intending to grab something so specific. As he turned, his eyes held witness to a beautifully slim body. With a wave of the woman's golden blonde hair, Ash got a view of the woman. It was Elesa, the Nimbassa City gym leader from Unova!

Ash backed away in shock. He knew the woman was a model, but even after 10 years of him last encountering her, she didn't look a day over 25. "Elesa?!" Ash gasped, realizing he was on the verge of shouting. "What are you doing here?" Ash continued with a hushed voice. "Hmmm, do I know you from somewhere?" the supermodel questioned. As the man took his sunglasses off the reveal his face, her eyes lit up in recognition. "Ash? Is that you? Wow, its been a while!" Elesa said, belated to see a former gym challenger of her's, even if he didn't make such an excellent first impression back in the day. "While its true I'm prone to forgetting people, I'll never forget those scars on your face. I remember them being so flush with embarrassment when you had to leave your gym battle mid match to get a pokemon!" Elesa said, mocking Ash, yet never intending any ill will in her joke.

"Oh, I stop by shops like this every now and then to give myself inspiration on what fabulous outfits I'll design myself." the gym leader proudly announced, answering Ash's question. "So what exactly is a guy like you doing in a place like this? You do know this is a woman's clothing shop right? Or..? Oh, you're into that kind of stuff. It's okay, I never judge a person for their style." Elesa said, misunderstanding the situation. "Oh, no its not that at all!" Ash stammered, hoping to clear the air so she didn't misperceive him as something he wasn't. "To be honest, the truth of the matter is that-" Ash tried to say, having his sentence cut off by Cynthia and Dawn's return. "Hey Ash, we choose all the clothes we wanted for us and the rest of the girls and-" Cynthia began to say, cutting off mid-sentence, noticing Elesa.

"Oh my god, Elesa! How's it going girl?!" Cynthia said happily, receiving a greeting and a smile in return from the model. "Wait you two know each other?" Ash questioned, wondering what was even going on. "Ash, remember how I told you how I had sex once with a woman long ago, and it was some of the most amazing stuff I ever experienced in my life? Well, this is her. Elesa was my first." Cynthia said proudly, giving her friend a quick kiss on the lips for old time's sake. "We met back in Undella town in Unova. When I was staying there in my villa over the summer a couple years back, I met this beauty in a clothing store. She and I quickly hit it up, discussing fashion and training Pokemon, one date led to another, and we eventually had sex." She added, with Elesa still blushing due to the earlier compliment Cynthia gave her just a moment prior.

"We had to break up for a while, as our jobs prevented us from spending time together." Cynthia said sadly, regret forming in her tone. "Maybe it doesn't have to be that way Cynthia." Ash said, a devious idea forming in his mind. Ash turned his attention on the electric gym leader. "Elesa, I'd like to tell you the truth about me and Cynthia. She's my slave. We hit it up a few days ago, and I gave Cynthia the offer of a lifetime, serving me loyally and obediently for all the pleasures in the world I can offer her. In fact, I have an entire harem of beautiful women who now live to serve me hand and foot." Ash said to the gym leader, the huge wave of information initially overwhelming the supermodel.

"My idea is this. What if I gave you a job?" Ash purposed. "You clearly like Cynthia's company, and you really do look like a really pretty gal, so my offer is this: Would you like to join my harem? You'll a devout slave under my control as well as Cynthia's with her being one of my Mistresses for the harem. You'll live in my mansion in Pallet Town, eat the finest food, have the greatest sex, and you'll even be able to have a handful of willing slave sisters ready and able to assist you with your modeling career. With you thinking of inspiration as to what outfit you'll wear, you'll have tons of diversity when it comes to the body types of women I have at my disposal. So what do you do say? I really hope you'll take us up on it." Ash said, hoping he can win her commitment and devotion.

As the whole deluge of info was still too much for her to handle, Cynthia spoke up, snapping her supermodel friend to reality. "Please, oh please won't you join us Elesa? We can finally be together again this way." Cynthia pleaded to her friend. "But, but what about my home? My gym?" Elesa asked, her mind weighing her options, even if the offer already was quite tempting for her acceleration in her career, as well as spending time with her old lover again. "We can sort out all the details once we've squared you away. For now, would you like to see the home where you'd be staying? I'd imagine that'd be an important detail for one so diligent as you are." Ash said slyly, hoping his flattery could win her over then and there.

"Alright, let's give it a look." Elesa said, finally caving in to the suggestion. As Ash and his slaves bought the outfits they needed for the harem, they led their new supermodel friend to the jeep parked outside, setting course for Pallet Town immediately. "I've never been to Pallet Town, I'm afraid. What's it like?" Elesa asked, turning to the driver to her left. "Oh, you'll just love it there. My Master here has his mansion built in such a beautiful place! While all of Pallet Town is just pretty countryside views in general, his mansion faces the prettiest lake I've ever seen outside of Lake Valor back home." Cynthia answered wistfully, hoping that her friend will soon be convinced to be her slave sister.

After the hour long return trip, the group of four existed the vehicle, Elesa staring in awe at the massive house she was soon to set foot in. As Ash led his hopefully soon to be slave into the house, the group was greeted by Ash's harem. Elesa jumped back, a blush of half embarrassment, half lust flushing onto her face. All of the women there were beautiful, their naked forms giving the model a treat for her eyes. Ash quickly led the group inside, locking the door behind so nobody would see his gathering of women.

"What did you get for us Master?" May asked. "Did you buy use some kinky outfits?" Flannery added. "Who's the new girl?" Korrina asked. "Ladies, let me introduce to you Elesa, well known fashion model and clothing designer in Unova. I was just gonna show her around, see if what I have to offer tickles her fancy." Ash stated, leading the Gym leader through the mansion, with his hand on her back while Cynthia's was on her ass.

"As you can see, we have many rooms with many features. In fact, I still have some rooms open for renovation, but we'll see where that takes us." Ash said. "Here is the girls' dorm room." Ash stated, opening the door to an expansive room with comfy beds, a couple couches, and a TV for the girls when they wanted to watch a few late night movies in bed. "If you do choose to stay with us, I can assure you that you will have plenty of room to work with." the man continued.

"But what about privacy?" Elesa asked. Doesn't it seem weird to you guys that all us women are sleeping in this one room? Sure its big, but what if I want to change in private or something?" she continued. "Now see, that's one thing my harem takes pride in." Ash replied, addressing the model's concerns. "In this slave harem, we do not judge each other. In this house, we live together without our insecurities, responsibilities or our concerns of our past or normal lives." Cynthia added, hoping that her input who help settle down her friend.

As it turns out, it did help, as Elesa felt calmer, knowing she could feel trust in this place. As a model, she always had to feel like she was constantly on her game, and if she slipped up even once, she'd be ruined. But if nobody was going to berate her for making a mistake once in a while, Elesa gave the thought some true consideration.

"If you take up my offer, we will have to agree to some terms." Ash spoke up. "Yes of course, Ash." Elesa replied, wondering what these terms exactly were. "If you agree to be a part of my harem, you will be signing your life off to me, in a way." Ash added, hoping that little detail wouldn't close the deal off immediately. "By this, I mean you will live as my obedient slave, much like Cynthia here. You will obey my orders without question, and you will obey the orders of your Mistresses too, those two people being Cynthia here, as well as Serena. After we're done here, you can meet her for yourself." the raven haired man added on.

"As my slave, any command is absolute. I will own you, body, mind, and soul. You will be my sex slave, my fuck puppet, my toy I will get to use and abuse however I wish. And for example, if I were to wish that you and I had a threesome with Cynthia, you'd obey willingly, loving every second of it because it was I gave you that command. Your reason to live, beyond your desire in your modeling work, will be to serve me faithfully. In return, you'll get all the kinds of pleasures you want, from money to items you would simply want. Or maybe you'll just want pure, unadulterated sex? Speaking of which, we'll be having sex. Lots and lots of sex. I hope that doesn't bother you." Ash finished.

With a look aimed towards Cynthia, Elesa still unsure if she should commit to something like this. She ended up getting a nod in return, Cynthia hoping she could coax her old sex partner into joining the harem. With one last thought about it, Elesa made her decision. "Yes. I will gladly accept your offer. I will be your obedient slave and I will endeavor to keep you and Cynthia happy!" Elesa declared, a strong conviction forming in her heart.

Just like that, she felt like she belonged there in the harem, felt like she was property of Ash. She embraced her new life, hoping her new experiences in life will be nothing but happiness and pleasure. She wanted to prove her worth immediately to her new Master. "So, now what would you like me to do Master?" Elesa inquired curiously, hoping she'd make a good first impression right off the bat. "Wow, she's calling me Master already, and I didn't even have to use the mind stone on her." Ash thought in his mind, a devious smile on his face.

"Well, its nice that you'd ask me that Elesa. Its a tradition in this harem when we induct a new member into our fold, me and another woman of my choosing get to claim you. Come with me, I'll lead you to my bedroom." Ash said, grabbing his newest slave by the hand. "Hey Cynthia, care to join us?" Ash said, teasing the Sinnoh Champ. "Certainly Master, I'll be right up." she said, walking off to get something before hand. As Ash lead his newest slave into the bedroom, he commanded her to undress. Without the need to be told twice, Elesa took off her tight pants, revealing her slender, naked legs to her new owner.

"You like what you see, my Master?" Elesa asked as she continued to strip, revealing her c cup sized breasts to him after she removed her top. As his slave stood still, waiting to be claimed, Ash began to undress himself, revealing his toned body and large phallus. As Ash heard a gasp of awe come from his supermodel slave who was clearly checking him out, Cynthia entered the room, a strap on fitted onto her naked form. "You ready for this, you dirty little slut?" Cynthia asked, teasing her partner.

As Ash prepared to go down on the electric gym leader, he thought to himself, smiling contently, knowing that if he was charismatic enough to seduce a sexy supermodel into being his willing slave in a matter of a couple hours, and all without the mind stone, then no woman alive could truly resist him. With his thoughts now turned to his new slave, Ash licked his lips in anticipation to see how great a supermodel's body truly was.
