
Chapter 75

AN: Hello beautiful and awesome people. I have been gone for quite a while, I'm sorry about that, but I'm not gonna elaborate since it's a downer.

So that's my life update for now...

Here's the chapter.


Outside Olivia's and NJ's home


Do I really have to do this? Why can't I just move on and forget about them? I'm a freaking Hybrid for ROB's sake! We weren't meant to be together in the first place, I'll only endanger her and NJ...

What if she wants me to turn her? What then? Do I expect that I magically for some reason would have a connection with her too? Just because it sort of worked out for most of the people I met, doesn't mean it'll be the same for her, in the first place I should've already felt the connection if we did have one... for either of them. I like them a lot, I am very fond of them, I can even say I love them, to some degree, but is it the kind of love that's as strong as when you have an actual bond? NO. But if you think about it, it actually is more... in a way it is... because my feelings were formed without the influence of the bond.

This is my second life and I'm supposed to be living it more freely... why am I limiting myself? Besides, even if she decides she wants to get turned and ends up having a mate that isn't me, is that really a horrible thing? Won't that still be a plus because I'd have another eternal friend? I could make another deal with the kings for NJ to be turned at a later date if she wants to be turned to, but it's best to keep her in the dark before that. Also if Olivia still wants to be with me, we can make a connection of our own, I can give her a child...

Yeah... I can give her a child...

I know some of you are literally calling me crazy right now, but so what? If she wants it, why not? Am I in the right mind to make decisions like this at the moment? Probably not... having an enhanced mind, wisdom, and experience from my past life, and my present... I'm still confused as to what to do or respond to what life throws at me sometimes, but most of the time it works out somehow with me just doing whatever I feel like it at that moment, but for this... there's a lot to think about and consider, it's about mundanes, muggles, humans...

As some of you have figured out already, I am stalling. You would too if you were in my place, you'd deny it, but if you were in my shoes, you would too, you'd think that you wouldn't, but you will... but if not, well, good for you then. haaaaaah...

To be honest it was not the first time that I had considered putting a bun in someone's oven, I was hoping it was with my mate... but you know how that ended(for now). Then I experienced a domestic life, like a ready-made family of my own, a wife a kid...

Something within me is making me feel guilty about wanting to be with someone who isn't Rosalie, it's worse than when I get with other people intimately... because this one was an actual commitment I guess.

I was pulled out from my stall-... thinking? by someone calling my name, and for some reason, the voice sounded familiar, which is weird, I'm pretty sure I haven't met anyone with that voice.

I turned around and saw my boy in a protective stance, his back facing me, shielding me from the 2 new faces, well scratch that, not new, not new at all, but technically they were new faces... we haven't officially met yet. My eyes widened for a bit, surprise seen on my expression, but quickly changed curiosity...

Why wouldn't I? Have you guessed who they were? Of course, you did, ya'll are a smort bunch.

[AN: Nah, I'm just that predictable. but meh]

It's Alice and Jasper! They look similar to the movie version of them, but like the ones I met like my family, they are way more good-looking.

Alice was ignoring Nasu, and had her whole focus on me, smiling that sweet adorable smile of hers, but for some reason, I felt like something was different with this version of Alice... her expression? It was only for a second, but why did she look unhinged?.. can't be right? It's ALICE! Wait.. her eyes, it's not Gold yet... it's not fully red like it's about to turn gold...

I looked over to Jasper, and saw that he had the same eye color... also, it's not as intense but I can still sense the excitement radiating from him while looking at me... when I say excitement, I don't mean that they're lusting for me, but more like puppies excited to see their person.

Alice must've seen stuff about how we'll be in the future and shared it with her mate. I do intend to help poor little Jasper with his thirst. We're actually making progress with some research regarding blood pops, and if possible, I actually want to venture into the research for synthetic blood, but I'm guessing that I need to fund that myself, because I don't see Creepo ARO agreeing or letting research it. I could explain why, but that's a lot of words that I know you guys won't care about anyway.

But I'm getting sidetracked, I get Jasper still having that shade, but Alice? Wasn't she already Gold when she met with him? What happened?

"Robin!" Alice called out to me arms up, with a bit of jump in place, her face beaming with joy. "I know we look suspicious to you right now, but I swear we mean no harm, please please please please hear me out first, it's for your own good!" she said with a bit of urgency, but her eyes, pleading and doing a puppy dog eyes... That is so cute.

While her last statement didn't bother me because I already knew about her gift, it wasn't the same for Nasu, he took it as a threat to me and was about to attack, Jasper went to grab his mate who was still fully focused on me, waiting for my reply.

I hate doing this, I don't like commanding family...

"NASU, STOP" I calmly commanded him, I tried my best to just focus the compulsion on him... but given how close we all were and both of them also being vampires, they still heard me.

Nasu reluctantly followed my words and went back to standing close to me, still on guard, his eyes never leaving the 2 perceived threats in his eyes.

Contrast to him... Alice and Jasper were in a daze, I could even see a full honest smile from our pretty boy ex-soldier Jasper, both of them had soft expressions smiling at each other and then at me.

And then I heard...

"Didn't I tell you? Her voice sounds beyond beautiful... did you feel that? She wasn't even singing yet..."

"Yes you did, and you did not lie... she seems to be everything as you described... I can smell her scent from here, and it's calming me down, the pain from the thirst is ... is amazing, and her emotion... it's so calm and peaceful, amusement and affection? Even though we just met..."

Guys, we're just right here... I'm just right here, you know I can hear you, right? If I didn't know about the gift thing, you would sound crazy to me. Scratch that, even with the knowledge, you still sound crazy.

Ok, this version of the couple is a bit off... but I'm still gonna try my best to help them and give them love... nothing a bit of training can't correct right? I'll have them join my brother, Isaac, and Emmett. But I don't know if I can do the same treatment with Alice tho, the little pixie is too adorable...

But I have to ask why they're here. So I cleared my throat to get their attention, and I did, instantly.

"Why are-" I tried to ask but was cut off by the sound of a door opening, and hearing a familiar voice.

"Robin, Nasu? Why are you all just standing there?" Olivia asked confusion and mixes of other emotions flashed on her expression, some good, some bad. It seems like she didn't notice the couple.

I decided to just ask them about their reason for meeting with me this early, and moved to greet my lover... we have a lot to discuss... and I remembered all the things I was considering her, them... but before I could respond to her, I heard Alice's voice.

"Don't do it, it will not end well... please, believe me... hear me out first..."

Of course... drama, I mentally sighed... ROB... Just, why?


AN: Dun dun dun...

So yeah, that's the chapter... I'm easing myself into writing again. Did any of you expect them to show up suddenly?

Also... Thank you very much to those who continued to send power stones, and to those who still commented to check with me.. all the positivity. I really needed that, you don't know how much I appreciate you all😭.


So as mentioned, to remedy and give ya'll another way to donate, I made a Kofi account, but you can still use the PayPal account to send it directly, it's actually better if you do that, but if not, you can just donate through Kofi. But just to remind you, while I need and would actually appreciate it if you do donate since that'll help me with my irlrealtuation, you don't have to. My FF is free to read. Ok? You're not obligated to donate. I already appreciate you just joining my journey with the MC.(links👇)



If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them on our Discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself. Here's the invite: 👇
