
Chapter 73

AN: Gomen, I was only planning to rest for like a day, but my phone broke. It took a while to get it fixed. So I couldn't write at all. So... Yeah. Fixed now. So here I am tryna write again.

Also, new fixation... Valkyrae! I'm kinda hooked to the point that I'm pondering the idea of writing a fanfic with her as the lead, but I'm not gonna do that here on Webnovel. Nope.

Ok, that's it for my life update. Here's the chap.



We've been in the area for almost 2 weeks now, at first we were permitted to lurk around the cabin-shaped urinal. They did offer to let us use it, but I unapologetically said through notes... °FUCK NO, but thanks for the offer°...

I half expected they would be more offended by that but they just let it go, and I think I even saw a ghost of an amused smile on the pack leader's lips.

I guess me bringing back Nasu, being only half vampire, their interest in my siren side, and also let's not forget me being stronger than all of them combined but still acting like a down-to-earth princess type who's not too shy or afraid to say they stink.

Also, I'm not too sure about this, I'm not an expert in human behavior, but based on what was shown in Canon and my observation with my own pup... Being what they are, shifters... They kinda have to isolate themselves, so their world tends to be small, so when something new appears or happens, and in this case someone new and shiny, we'll in my case glowing, they become more excited.

As expected, it was easier to deal with the younger ones but a bit harder with the elders of the tribe, but thankfully, tho their voices were heard and considered by the leader... That's just it, they can say whatever, but the final say is still with Ephraim.

What I'm trying to say is, the treaty was established. But I did make some changes to it, for the future of course. Yeah, I'm talking about Bella.

I explained to them about mates and how it works, and it became like an opening point for the changes I wanted to make from the canon treaty. I added that, with consent from the human that was mated to the vampire who is part of our coven, or we have vouched for, they can be turned, and that is not grounds for breaking the treaty.

I honestly wanted to inform them about vampxhuman hybrid babies too, but that'll be too much for their hearts to handle at the moment. They are still processing my existence, and barely tolerating me being half their nemesis's race. Baby steps.

I won't forget, hopefully... It is for my darling future niece who will be named differently, I will slap a bitch if I had to not have my niece named Renesmee. Like, what the fuck?

Also, a weird thing happened, but totally not unexpected, Ephraim showed interest in me, as well as most of the wolves, especially those who haven't met their imprints.

But, as you all already know, very very much... Perverts... I am very much gay, and I guess given how closed off their tribe is, and how old-fashioned they are, the idea of same-sex pairing has not been something they could comprehend or even imagine. I wish I figured that one out before I started rejecting him in a roundabout way, trying to spare his feelings... In hindsight, I shouldn't have cared for, it because he had already imprinted, and they chose to be together, so his proposing to me was a form of cheating right? But I guess being the pack leader and them wanting him to spread his progeny, they didn't think much of him having other partners.

Buuuuuut, I needed to form a good relationship with them, and I still need to have some changes in the treaty in the future so... I took my time to explain to him about gay people, and also shared about my mate's situation, it still wasn't getting through his thick skull, so I had to be more direct and told him straight up that I'd sooner fuck his wife, sisters, the rest of the women in the tribe and the rest of the eligible women in Forks than him.

Oh if you're wondering where his wife was and what she thought about all this, he asked me in front of her, and she was okayish with it, the elders weren't there, but I can't imagine them being ok with it. Nasu was fuming beside me and ready to pounce on him when he first asked me, but his mood gradually changed to amusement and pity in the end, he knew my type and the beefed-up fur ball wasn't it... Well, I guess unless they're female...

Besides, he's like.. Somehow related to that single hot female shifter in the canon universe. I wonder if I can meet her in the future too... Poor girl got screwed over by the guy, I get the whole imprint thing, but they can choose what type of connection they would have, and clearly, both of them chose to be together as a couple, guilt and insecurities may have played a part in it too because of the incident that disfigured her cousin. A whole lotta drama to be honest, but I guess it's better that they did split up because it would have been awkward if they both shifted and had imprinted to other people. I guess I'll help out the girl when I meet her in the future. I did have a crush on her when I saw the film.

Oh yeah, the imprinting, when Nasu learned about this, he freaked out, and to my amusement, he reacted just like Jacob, he kinda of rejected the idea of not having a choice, calling it like a slavery sentence... Because they'd have to live for that person for the rest of his life. He wanted to have a choice... He got so angry and started to shift, that Ephraim had to tackle him out of the house he got us to stay in, which was now in this time frame, within the tribe itself.

He kept howling and growling... Angry, I couldn't get what they were saying, but I knew that my little brother needed to calm down, and Ephraim was already having a hard time wrestling with him... So I had to step in to help, I was planning to knock him out or use my voice to calm him down, at this point, I still have not shared my voice with them, but I guess now is as good as any.

When Nasu was about to bite into Ephraim's neck, I started singing the same lullaby I sang to him when we first met.

He stopped his attack, his head slowly facing my direction, the ferocious expression slowly relaxing... All his attention was on me now, he didn't even care or notice that Ephraim slowly escaped to the side.

I knew everyone's attention was on me, the effect of my voice affecting them, but aside from a small worry that the stupid elders would use this as fuel to cause a rift and distrust or fear towards me, saying that I'm like a witch or something, but given the intention and feelings I'm trying to convey in the song, I don't think they'll convince anyone. Because all I'm conveying is love, comfort, family, and home...

Soon enough, something happened, something that even the elders didn't know about, no information about it was written in any of the knowledge that was passed down...

Slowly, everybody saw the strongest shifter that they had ever met, walked towards me... half convinced that this newly found family was going to be their next new leader... He did just beat their current Alpha.

When the currently shifted wolfy form Nasu arrived in front of me, everyone's eyes widened... The big strong alpha in their eyes suddenly stopped and stared directly into my eyes, like he was seeing the world revolve around me... I didn't have the wolfy instinct like them, but I figured out what was happening... He's imprinting on me.

Fuck... Wait, no, he chose to imprint on me, and we both can decide what that will be... He was able to choose... Wow.. I knew my boy was special. Good job little brother.

Soon, he was next to me, and tho we couldn't hear each other's thoughts, I could feel this connection, something similar to the bond I had with my family... No, something stronger, but not on the same level as my bond with Rosalie... My family can only feel my extreme emotions, but Nasu and I can feel each other's emotions and intentions, well, unless when we shut it off, yep, it can be shut off, I'm guessing it has something to do with my skill, the same skill that protects my mind...

So... Yeah, that happened... After that ordeal, as expected, the elders did try to make a fuss, but we were ignored, there was also a major deliberation about having Nasu replace Epharraim as the Alpha, but to everyone's surprise, we'll aside from me, since this boy basically can't hide anything from me anymore if I wanted to pry... He rejected the appointment as the leader and informed them that he would be leaving with me and that there shouldn't be 2 alphas in one pack, he was just someone who recently came in here and didn't really know the pack as much as Ephraim did and weren't as attached as he was.

The rest of the people felt touched, thinking that he was being so noble for such a young age, giving up such a highly regarded position. But I knew better, he did in some fraction mean what he said, but his main reason was, that he found the shoe situation bothersome, and he didn't want to be stuck here... Also, he will not admit it, but he wanted to come with me... Well, that is already a given, because he can't stray too far or too long away from me, we have to work with that somehow, figure out how to find a way to find loopholes or something.

After that was settled, I was fully accepted in the tribe, like a sister, the wife of one of their tribe members, but everybody knew we weren't like that, which was weird for them, but after a few taps of Nasu's knuckles against their skull or solar plexus... They got the idea to shut up.

They shifted their curiosity to my voice... My singing voice. And soon enough, All, yes All of the tribesmen were friendly towards me. Some women were also.. Very friendly... If you know what I mean, and given their heightened senses and gossiping, everybody knew who hooked up with me... And you know what? There was this one that everybody agreed to not speak loudly about, but I could already guess that due to their mental connection, the whole pack knew...

But... The supposed greenhat victim didn't care... I would feel guilty if it weren't for the fact that he let her come onto me... Didn't figure him to be a cuck to be completely honest... I heard that after her and I's entanglement, the pack leader took her and went wild with her... And after a while, it was confirmed that she was pregnant...

How did I let that happen? What happened to my rule of not hooking up with married women? Uh... I know it's not a convincing argument, but remember how I'm sorta immune, or more resilient with alcohol... Turns out that isn't the same with shrooms... Don't get me wrong, I had a high threshold, but the fact that I could get high amused me, so I went overboard, and one thing led to another... Don't worry, same as alcohol, I'm pretty sure, soon enough I would build resistance towards drugs too... Sadge...

Ei, just to make this clear, I did not bite her, that's not my baby... Not my baby... Nope, this is weird. I was happy for them but also weirded out a bit, but I just tried to ignore it. Nasu was teasing me, calling me the child's half-mama or something, the couple came to me and thanked me, saying that they were trying hard to get pregnant, but it just didn't come to them...

Fuck... This is like the 2nd couple who thanked me for indirectly helping them conceive a child... I have to leave, damn it, the eyes of the women changed when they gazed towards me... I fear that soon, the men will follow their leader's lead and send me their other half...

I made a decision and told everybody that we'd be leaving soon... A few days later. I was traveling with bratty Alpha...


A little after Robin left the Quileute tribe.

She wouldn't know until much muuuuch later, that a new legend was being formed about a hybrid, who looked like a Goddess and helped every couple conceive a child during her stay with them. Her insignia was added to their altar along with a sculpture that one of the tribespeoples who was °helped° by her made... It was beautiful... He poured his all into it... And everyone hounded him about the details... And the most helpful and strict were their leader and his wife... She gave him all the other details, the °finer° details... Giving the sculpture more life and liking to its model... But everyone agreed that it was nowhere near to the actual person... She was being hailed as similar to a goddess or spirit of fertility.


AN: Haaaa.. Hmmm longer... I guess, there's more that happened, I know that some of you would not agree about the bullshit bonds, and me messing with the canon kind of connections... Buuuuuuut... Eh🤷.

Also, a few years skip in the next chap, I'm slowly gonna do time skips to reach the most awaited meeting. Tbh I myself am growing impatient, but Robin just won't go there yet, bitch... I can't force her in my mind to move and just go there... Sorry...

Thanks for the power stones, comments, and support. Please continue to do so... For motivation. I need the cheering up.

So as mentioned, to remedy and give ya'll another way to donate, I made a Kofi account, but you can still use the PayPal account to send it directly, it's actually better if you do that, but if not, you can just donate through Kofi. But just to remind you, while I need and would actually appreciate it if you do donate since that'll help me with my irlrealtuation, you don't have to. My FF is free to read. Ok? You're not obligated to donate. I already appreciate you just joining my journey with the MC.(links👇)



If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them on our Discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself. Here's the invite: 👇

