
Chapter 64

AN: I again do not know when I will be able to post this but I'm hoping that it's just the next day after my last upload.

I'm freer than usual so I was able to write this chapter, the wifi did go down, but luckily, due to the donations, I was able to buy data for my phone, and I don't have to worry about internet for a bit. So, again... THANK You to those who donated, I wouldn't be able to write this it if weren't for you.


Rosalie's POV

I saw them, the Cullen's... Carlisle, Esme, and Edward...

My heart kept pounding hard in my chest, was she here too? Where is she? What do I do? Do I go to them? Say hi? Do I ask them where she is?

I just froze from where I was standing, looking at them. People would've found me weird if they saw this, but like me, all eyes were on them, like always, they were always eye-catching, wherever they went, all gazes were attracted to them, especially when they had Robin with them, her presence just demands attention, but not in a bad way...

The best way to describe it was like, if heaven just suddenly opened up to you, wouldn't you look, and keep looking? Wondering if you can walk into it or if you even deserve to do so?

She was a divine being that we mortals had the luck of meeting in our fleeting lives... Pure... Innocent... Well not so innocent... But whatever she did, or whoever she did, she still stayed as someone that one can only look from afar, unreachable, one can only pray that she'll glance your way, take notice of you, and hopefully let you have a taste of heaven...

And I'm both proud and a little guilty to say that I was among the lucky ones to actually see heaven in her hands. It irks me that she was far too skilled at it because of the experience of being with a lot of other women before me, but I moved past it, somehow, but not completely when she promised that regardless of her past dalliances, I would be her last...

I got lost in my musings, but I felt piercing gazes directed towards me, the first one I met with my own confused one was Edward's, he looked utterly angry at me, brows furrowed he he just saw and heard someone who hurt his beloved...

I then moved my gaze to the other Cullen's, and I was confused... They also looked angry at me... They looked like they were restraining themselves from coming over to me to beat me up or strangle the life out of me. I was more surprised that ever so sweet Mrs. Cullen was able to give such an expression. What happened?

I heard a scoff from the younger Cullen and saw him saying something to his parents in hushed volume, and the glaring parents looked away from me and left with the confused Resident doctor who was guiding them.

If earlier I said that the surrounding people's attention wasn't on me because of the Cullen's... Well, now they are all on me. They weren't blind, and they saw the exchange, they saw that the trio seemed to have some animosity towards me, and the gossiping people would have a field day with this.

I would be troubled thinking about it, but I'm more concerned about the fact that they didn't have Robin with them, I had to know, and why were they looking at me like that?

Wait... Did they know? Did she tell her? No, she wouldn't... She loves me too much to do that, she knows that it'll ruin my image to them, and my Robin won't do it... And remembering that, makes me feel more guilty... She endured and did so much for me... But I broke her heart, betrayed her trust...

It must've been Isaac, I wanna be angry at him, but I don't have the right to be... I deserve this. I can only try to make it right. I'll explain myself... Even if I feel like I don't deserve a second chance, I can't give up on her...


It's been a few days since they came and joined the medical staff, I heard that Edward was asked to join the soldiers, but declined and told them that he would be more helpful in the medical field than out there since he's studying to be a doctor like his father.

I haven't seen her at all, and when I lurked around them, I heard them talking to other people, and they did share that there was another person in their family but they were away, to heal from a b broken heart, and with that statement, they all sent a freezing glare at me... It was just for a second, and almost no one noticed it, but I did... They knew... And they're furious, I made even the most docile and nice couple in the world make that kind of expression.

I've been trying to talk to them in private, trying to see a chance to approach them, but for some reason, I don't know how, they seem to be able to sense my presence because whenever I get even a bit close to them, they will suddenly stand up and leave to do something, away from me. I have not been able to even greet or even stand face to face with them... I feel like they were avoiding me like I had the plague.

[AN: Giiiiiiiirl... I suggest you stay away or you'll die... Even mama bear is gunning to end you for hurting our angel 🤔]

The only place I have not tried to go to was Carlisle's office... They stayed there most of the time and I know it should have been the first place I tried visiting, but regardless of how brave I've been by trying to reach out to them in an open area, without people, I feel like, I can still escape if something happens... But if I go to the office, for some reason, I picture myself as a prey willingly entering a predator's den. And that's crazy, right? They might be furious with me, but they won't actually kill me, right?

[[AN: I don't know... They might you know, we'll I guess you don't know they're vamps and have suuuuuper heightened emotions, especially with the bond... They wanted to go to you and snap your neck for realsies 😋]

So here I am now... Standing outside of said office... Steeling my resolve... My hand knuckles up close on the door...

I can do this, whatever happens, I deserve it, I need to know where she is... Who she's with... If she's ok... Does she still think of me... I need to explain why I did what I did... And ask her what the hell she did to me back then... Why she lied to me... Deep breathes... In... Out...




Each knock., I had to fight the instinct that was telling me to run away, I could feel an ominous aura coming from inside, promising me pain... But they can't know it's me out here, right? So how could they be directing this killing intent towards me? Must be just my nerves.

I heard whispers and then movement, footsteps getting closer to the door... Then it was opened by Edward, who was weirdly enough... Was smiling at me, but after knowing him for quite a while, this was a fake... His lips curved and his eyes were crescent-shaped, but when you look closely at his eyes, it was cold... He hated me... Yet it did not diminish, but rather, it elevated his charms, and had there been any women or gay men around, they would've fallen for the younger Cullen...

"Oh, Rosalie, it's been a while, come inside, we have so much to catch up with..." His cold hands grabbed me by the arm.

I wanted to recoil and every fiber of my being screamed danger, but I gritted my teeth and pushed through my fear and smiled back at him like an old acquaintance... and followed him inside... Then he shut the door.

Unbeknownst to me, there was someone who witnessed all this, and seeing me willingly get close to another man enraged him, his ego hit and bruised... Swearing that he'll get her later for this.

Inside the office, after closing the door, Edward immediately stepped away from me and, before I could speak, I saw the Cullen Matriarch coming close to me, and soon, inside the room, the sound of a loud and hard slap to the face was heard...

Yes, Esme the ever so sweet and motherly Esme, just charged at me and then slapped me, I imagine this is how it would feel like to be hit by a brick to the face... But I didn't get angry, I just held the cheek that she hit, I could something metallic inside my mouth, I got hit so hard, that I got a cut inside my mouth, Esme went back to stand behind her husband, so did Edward...

All three of them were now looking at me with hostility... And I gulp nothing... My instincts are going crazy and are telling me to escape, run away, that if I don't, one wrong move, and I die... Well, they do love their Robin... She's their pride and joy... And I was the one that drove her away, broke her heart into a million pieces, and made her attend the wedding to witness my betrayal... I'm the scummiest of the scums... I should have just been honest from the beginning...

I saw Edward's eyebrows twitch, and he went to whisper something to his parents, whatever it was, it made their eyebrows twitch and their hostility, tho not by much, did lessen...

"It has been a while, since we last seen each other, and the last we heard of you was from our Isaac... And he told us a lot about what you did,... Care to enlighten us of your side of the story? ..." His gaze pointed at me, analyzing my expression, trying to catch any lies from whatever would come out of my lips.

Oh, boy... And like Robin always says...

Oh My Fucking ROB...


AN: Another chap so soon? Hehe... A short one, but still a chap right? Some people are complaining about the progress being slow but deleted their comments, so you won't see it... Again... I see deleted comments guys, but this ain't really a bad or malicious comment, so it's fine. But to answer that, I have nothing really to say or explain, that's just how it's playing out in my head you know?

Since I solved my internet problem for a while, I got a new Bluetooth keyboard and mouse that I can use on my phone to write, that's why I can write faster, it makes a hella lot of difference for realsies... Now I just need to buy at least a cheap tablet... So if any of ya'll could spare some dollars, it would be much appreciated, but again, only if you have any spare.

So as mentioned, to remedy and give ya'll another way to donate, I made a Kofi account, but you can still use the PayPal account to send it directly, it's actually better if you do that, but if not, you can just donate through Kofi. But just to remind you, while I need and would actually appreciate it if you do donate since that'll help me with my irlrealtuation, you don't have to. My FF is free to read. Ok? You're not obligated to donate. I already appreciate you just joining my journey with the MC.(links👇)



If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them on our Discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself. Here's the invite: 👇

