
Chapter 62

AN: Dunno when this will be uploaded since I'm writing this in between my actual job. Haaaah.. Why can't this be my main job...

My charger and phone kinda going cray cray on me atm. Soooo I bought a new charger...

I'm thinking of buying a cheap tablet to use for work, but I need to save up for it for now. I had planned to stock up on chapters since being able to use a keyboard felt good, but the charger situation kinda halted that.

So with the IRL nonsense outta the way, here's the next Chap!!!


STILL Rosalie's POV

After my memories came back, my emotions got messed up...

She lied to me all this time about being mute... I felt betrayed... But then again, I broke her heart, and she did say something about telling me a lot of stuff that will affect our relationship, which I'm guessing involves not being mute at all...

Then there's the thing she did... I don't know how to even describe it, what even was that? Did she hypnotize me to forget US? I kind of get why she did it... It was all for me... So I wouldn't get hurt or feel guilty about her... But I was still angry... Very angry... Not only at her, but me...

For her to take away and take away something from me without my consent... And for my stupid decisions that led her to sacrifice her happiness for my own... My heart hurt for both of us...

The regret I'm feeling right now is insurmountable that I have to focus so much just to barely function in my everyday life...

Speaking of my current life... My current Married life... My Husband just announced early on to both our families that he was leaving for the military... They were against it and both sides were trying to convince him against it... They were trying to get me to persuade him to not go since I'm now her wife... But How can I do that? That was always the plan, that was what we agreed to... And I kind of don't want to...

So... My Husband's family is now very dissatisfied with me... The mother in particular was regretting letting her son marry me... We have been married for a while now, we still have not gotten pregnant... And now he's off to only God knows where... Still without a child, and there's a big possibility of her being a widow soon...

But here's the thing... My husband was an only child... He's the only one who can carry the family name and inherit it, the couple refused to adopt or get someone from their relatives to carry on the legacy...

One night, I heard the couple talk hushed in the study room when I was heading to the kitchen... They thought I was already in deep sleep... And I heard something so horrifying but was also nothing surprising from the rich people's point of view... They are too selfish and possessive of their wealth.

They were discussing about impregnating me... Let me be specific... My father-in-law suggested that he impregnate me... Since it would seem that their son will not do it anytime soon, and there's a chance that he'll never come back... And said something about... It's fine since I'm already the family's property after marrying their child... It's better to make use of me than just have me here rotting and useless... They won't tolerate having me be widowed and remarry someone else, since that will be a dishonor for their family for some reason.

After that night... I sensed hostility from my mother in law... And my father-in-law started with his subtle advances... What can I do at this point?

I wanted to tell my family, to leave and go back to my family's home... But I remembered something odd about my parent's actions before the marriage... Especially my mother... She started to sound or look repulsed when the topic of Robin came up, my letters from Robin suddenly stopped, but I had a feeling that something was up with that... My things were rummaged... It wasn't obvious, it still looked like the way I left it, but I was always someone who paid attention to her things...

I can only conclude that she discovered my and Robin's relationship, and then told my Father... And that is why they pushed me to get married...

I was lucky... In a way, I was... Because out of all the people I was going to be set up with, I ended up with my current husband.

When we met the first time, I was determined to deny the marriage and maybe run off to somewhere, go to where Robin was... But when he and I got time alone, he wasted no time to tell me the truth about himself and offered me the deal... And after that, you know what happened...

I wanted to go away and search for her now... But I don't know where she is... Aside from saying goodbye to Vera, they didn't say anything else, no letters, nothing... But, truth be told, I don't even know if I have the right to chase her and ask for forgiveness... Setting aside the fact that she messed with my brain... I broke her heart... I betrayed her... And made her watch it...

Haaa... Maybe she's moved on... Maybe she's with some who-... Ehem... Woman she met from her travels... She did say that she wanted to travel a lot with me... But now, I guess she's doing that with someone else...

The unwillingness to give up and pain from the mental image of her being with someone else kept eating me inside... But I deserve this...

I might not deserve her anymore, but I'm not gonna let some old pervert or anyone at all touch my body... I only belong to her! I was safe when my husband was still here, but now that he's away, I have to think of a way to protect myself or somehow escape from here.

But being a woman in this period of time was hard, there's almost nothing one could do without the permission of the husband or their family... I have savings... But not so much as to live somewhere for a while looking for a job...

Ultimately, I have to make contact with my so-called husband, he's not so bad, and we did enter an agreement of sorts, it did not work out as planned but, between the two of us, he was the only one that got something out of this. He was able to go away from his family and be sort of free in the military... He told me stories about how a lot of those military men were also gay and played around on duty.

[AN: Idk if this is true or not, this is from a different time period and I just made it up for convenience, so please don't kill me]

He has not called or written much to his family, but we have been writing to each other without their knowledge... Prior to his deployment, we agreed to have him send the messages to Vera's home under a different name, and my messages will be sent to him under a different name as well, by either Vera or her husband... But those messages that I sent out in that way are just for important ones, the rest is sent along with his family's letter.



"Are you sure about this? Because it will be hard out there, and you won't have anyone to help you... Or protect you" Vera asked, worry etched on the young mother's face.

"Truly... This is the only way for me Vera... And you know that. They've escalated their moves and the treatment is getting worse..." I replied I shared with her about the situation at my In-laws... My Father-in-law has been more touchy, and his wife has been more vocal and showing her growing contempt for my presence in her home.

I look at the letter that I just received from my husband... Along with it came documents and signed consent from him to join the military medical staff as a nurse... They were desperate to recruit volunteers and were sexist enough to accept women applicants without a medical background just because they thought, it was just a nurse's job.

[AN: Again, I wrote this statement just for stories convenience, I do not know it if is true or not.]

"I want to say don't go... It's really dangerous out there, especially for a young beautiful like yourself. And your husband won't actually be there with you... You are going to be on your own... But I also know that you need this..." Vera said while looking dejectedly at her child.

" I just wish she was here to knock some sense into you and take you away... How can you be so stupid as to at the very least not tell her about your plan... Now it's too late... My child's Godmother is gone forever... Along with her queen of a Godfather..." Disappointment and regret were clearly heard in her voice, as to what that regret was, I'm not sure.

" But as stupid as you may have been, you are still my best friend, and I love you... I care about your well-being... I'm just sad that all my friends will now be away from me, My child might never meet any of you ever..." Her eyes became glassy, and a single tear fell on her cheek.

I felt guilty about having to leave... But as mentioned, I had no choice... So I just walked over to try and comfort her as much as I could... Hugging her, and she reciprocated with her own warm hug.

"I'm sorry... I'll write, I promise... I'll visit... But not for a while... Thank you very much for being our friend... We truly don't deserve you..."

With a promise and farewell, I will now escape to another more tolerable hell.


AN: You might've noticed that the format of Rosalie's POV has fewer dialogues, I kind of was torn between having a lot of it and not... But concluded that it's faster this way, and the story on her side progresses more. There will be more dialogues or some in the next chaps, but I am trying to get back to our MC's POV faster. It might take 2-3 chaps more of her POV before we get to go back to Robin, so please bear with me, OK?

As always, thanks for the comments, power stones, and review. I appreciate it very much, and it does help motivate me to continue, just simply knowing that there are people out there who anticipate my updates makes me wanna write more.

So as mentioned, to remedy and give ya'll another way to donate, I made a Kofi account, but you can still use the PayPal account to send it directly, it's actually better if you do that, but if not, you can just donate through Kofi. But just to remind you, while I need and would actually appreciate it if you do donate since that'll help me with my irlrealtuation, you don't have to. My FF is free to read. Ok? You're not obligated to donate. I already appreciate you just joining my journey with the MC.(links👇)



If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them on our Discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself. Here's the invite: 👇

