
Chapter 49

AN: haloooooo I skipped a day of writing because of... LIFE. Yeah. Sux.

Btw. Some sent me donations and pulled me out of my funk, I thought they appreciated my work enough to do that huh? but they didn't tell me their username! so how can I properly thank you huh? You, yes you with the Pikachu profile in PayPal, and you with the Genshin Chara profile, I'm talking bout you guys, or girls, idk which one you are. So I'm just gonna say, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, you're not obligated to, but you still did, and it helps a lot in my current situation.

So here's the promised next chap.


1935 Gatlinburg, Tennessee


In a little town in Tennessee, a pair of pink and golden eyes were scanning the humble place they were passing to go hunting.

The young man of the two was showing a bit of annoyance on his face, eyebrows knitted into a knot.

He didn't want to go to this little place, since there was not much to enjoy here, he wanted to go somewhere more lively, somewhere with more people and where the nightlife was colorful. But noooooo... His best friend wanted to pass here for some reason, and as a good friend, since she's still all sad because of her mate, he just let her win this one.

He didn't get how the mate thing works or feels like, but seeing Carmen and Eleazar, Carlisle and Esme, and lastly... Robin and Rosalie... He could guess that the feelings they had for each other were intense, and forever... He wanted that too...

But he did think that she was being weird right now, she was very persistent that she wanted to go here... he just didn't know why... For now. He'll get it out of her.

While the new addition to the Cullen coven was also looking around. Robin was also looking around, trying to find clues as to where she could find Emmett. She's

Just hoping that they weren't too late, she couldn't remember the exact date when Emmett got attacked, so the best she could do was to go here early and wait. She doubts that the event/plot will happen as soon as we get here. We might be able to meet him before it happens, so I'm kind of in a moral dilemma now... Does she let it happen?

If She lets it play out like in the canon, he'll be traumatized, and in a lot of pain... But if she doesn't, she doesn't know how to convince him... She wants a bear of a brother... He's not Rosalie's mate in this universe, so She doesn't have anything or anyone to entice him to join our kind, she believes he had a family before he got mauled by a bear.

She then looked at Isaac, and gave him a wry smile, if only this guy was his mate... But that would be too coincidental right? Me having Rosalie as my mate, and then my best friend turns out to be Emmett's mate? No, right?



Isaac and I were just walking around the town trying to find a diner, it's a good place to go to get information since they'll be spending quite a bit of time here, they needed to get accommodation, hopefully, there's somewhere secluded.

During the 2 years they stayed with the family, she trained Isaac's gift and in combat, the Denali's helped too, getting closer to her best friend, finding his personality quite amusing and pleasing.

Her family also arrived... And as expected when they learned about what happened with Rosalie, their reaction was so big and intense.




"We're baaack! Who's here? Guest?" Isaac cheerfully announced and asked when he caught a whiff of new scents.

They just got back from training in the woods and hunting. He might not recognize their scents since the last time he met them, he was still a human... But I knew who they were and while I was happy to see them again, I was a bit scared too, I knew that I'd have to tell them the truth after releasing their memories... Ugh.

I followed him inside and was greeted by two figures running off to me, I smiled and opened my arms wide to welcome them. I'm so thankful that my body's strength and endurance had improved, because if it hadn't, I would've been tackled to the ground, and would have had a few broken ribs with the amount of force I was hit with.

I caressed their heads as they buried their face in the crook of my neck. I have been away from the twins for quite a bit, but for vampires, it shouldn't be that long, but I get why they're acting like this. I've also missed them a lot, corresponding through letters took too long, and I couldn't stop myself from worrying how they were doing.

The Denali coven was dumbfounded, they'd known the twins for a long time now, and they hadn't seen them act like this ever, they never thought that they could even have any other emotion aside from negative ones... they have a history together, a not so good one at that, I have to fix that too later huh?

I greeted my parents and brother while the twins just hung onto me. We all sat together in the living room, and my heart was beating fast. I looked at them one by one and asked the Denali's, Isaac, and the twins to leave for a bit because I needed to use my gift.

After they left, I immediately released their memories and watched them process the situation for a few seconds, then I saw my mother get up, followed but my Dad and brother, I escaped the twin's hold and welcomed my family's hug.

"My baby, you had to deal with those kings all by yourself, I'm so sorry honey..." my mom dry sobbed. It hurt seeing her like this. I wish vampires could at least cry themselves out, it's like the world said it doesn't care for their mental health, if vampires could vent by having a good cry, I think they'd be less aggressive yah know?

"That felt unpleasant, if possible, never do that again to us," Edward said while still hugging me.

Dad didn't say anything and just nodded at me with a concerned look.

One by one, the others came back and now included Coraline, she wasn't here before, I'm guessing that her parents were worried about her meeting the twins, given their cruel reputation, but seeing that I tamed the two, they decided it was safe enough.

The moment Jane and Coraline's eyes met, they froze in place and just kept staring at each other like they were the only two people in the world. Oh my... Aside from Isaac, Everyone knew what was happening, my family was happy, but the Denali's had a wry smile, they felt really conflicted now, they didn't know how to feel...

Isaac was going to comment about it, but we all sent him a glare, which made him immediately shut up. Their stare-down broke when Coraline's parents guided her inside to their usual spot, and the rest followed, the two newly met mates weren't staring at each other anymore, but they kept stealing glances at each other. Alec was frowning throughout this exchange, and I get why. I held each of both hands and they intertwined theirs with mine naturally.

We all set aside the young one's affairs and continued catching up with one another, the year may not be much for vampires, but a lot could still happen within it, I tried my best to have the focus of the discussion with only their stories, I know it's useless to do so, but I'm scared ok!

"Honey, I noticed you haven't told us why you're here, and why Isaac was turned. Is something wrong?" Dad questioned.

"She's avoiding telling us about it. You're hiding something, spit it out." Edward added with a frown, but there was a look of concern in his eyes.

"Baby, it's fine... Whatever it is, we'll handle it." Mom said, then slapped Edward's arms a little for phrasing it rudely. Yep, I'm mommy's girl.

I bit my lower lip in anxiousness while my family just looked and waited for me. But what kinda pisses me off is the Denali's, I might not have Jasper's gift, but given their expressions, I can see that they've been anticipating this scene, I swear, if they could eat, they'd be munching on popcorn right now, Oi Kate! What's with that smile!

"I'll tell you! Me me me!" Isaac volunteered and started talking before I could even react and stop him... And given how useless it was to stop him now, I just let him finish sharing the events that transpired, my heart hurting more and more while listening, I couldn't zone out again and not listen, because of what happened last time.

After Isaac's storytelling was done, the expected outburst didn't come. My family just sat there staring at me with a blank expression. They weren't raging out, but why does my heart still feel somethings wrong? And after a few seconds, I found out why.

The three of them abruptly stood up and were about to leave, and given what was discussed and how much they loved me, it wasn't a mystery for anyone in the room as to where they were heading, and what they planned to do.

I panicked and moved quickly to block and grab them. I couldn't reach all three, so I shouted Isaac's name audibly, and he understood what I wanted from him.

I was able to get a hold of Mom and Dad's arms and Isaac was able to grab Edward's, my brother was the fastest among us, but he didn't expect to be stopped, and let his guard down... I was hoping that it would end there and they'd wake up from their cloudy minds from their rage, thinking of getting revenge for me, punishing the sinners who dare make their precious little angel cry. But I guess I was being too naive.

My parents shook free from my hold, without dealing damage to me, even in their enraged state, their instinct to protect me from the bond was still strong enough to stop them from harming me, so I was able to get behind them, wrapping my arms around their neck, given the position, they can't do anything to me without harming me... But that can't be said to be the same for Edward and Isaac, Edward pushed Isaac hard, and if my bestie hadn't been training diligently with me, he would've been dealt with a lot of damage, he swiftly and nimbly moved then countered Edward's attack and held him from the back, while Edward was struggling from his hold, a bit feral to be honest, I'm wondering if he's having a bit of flashback when he wasn't able to be there when I was attacked.

I gotta admit, that as much as I was thankful for the bond, it does have its cons... Their love is too intense. Tho I'm not sure if that's how it is for others too...

The twins didn't know what to do, they were also very angry and upset with my mate, but their heads were still clear enough to process the situation, their mother had decided to forgive and move on for now, so they wanted to respect her wishes. At the same time, I noticed that Jane was inching a bit closer to Coraline, her posture showed that she was ready to protect her if an accident occurred.

Edward was somehow able to twist his body and snake his way out of Isaac's hold, showing his many years of experience, he was about to head leave all of us, but...

I'm sorry big brother, I know you'll feel awful after this, but since we've re-established the no using of gifts on each other without permission, this is the best and fastest way I could think of that would save you 3 out of this state.

I sped up in front of him, he hasn't gained momentum yet, so I easily caught up. He was too unfocused and his mind unclear, that he didn't sense me coming towards him and blocking his way, it was too late when he did, he directly crashed into me, propelling me far away from them, my back hitting a tree.

With my strength and endurance, I wasn't actually hurt, but I acted like I was, making myself look pitiful at that moment. Showing a bit of a pained face that looked like I was holding back, and trying to put up a brave face, but I let my eyes moisten, and a single tear on the side of my right eye.

Seeing my appearance, everybody's logic was turned off, and could only feel sorry for me. The Denali's and my children felt guilty for not helping, my parents for losing control, and Edward fell to his knees just looking at me. Isaac already let go of him, intending to head to me, but before he did, he smacked my brother on the back of his head in annoyance. I knew he was the only one with a clear head at the moment, and saw through my deceit, but he didn't say anything and just helped me up.

After that, a lot of apologies were said, and the place would've flooded with tears of they could cry, not only from the women but also from the men. They were still upset, but like the twins, they decided to respect my decisions. But after having their mind cleared, my mother figured out that I deceived them, and I was scolded.

Flashback end


Present time

A lot has been discussed after that incident, especially about my Jane and their Coraline, but that's a story for another time. My family stayed for a year, the twins couldn't stay long and had to go back after, but promised to visit, and Coralined also promised to visit Italy with her parents.

My family decided to travel, Dad suggested that we go for the military route, help the military hospital or something because there has been buzz about an incoming war, they learned about it early on because the Volturi had connections around the world, they had to keep up with the current human government state.

And my family, being good samaritans, thought of helping out as medical staff. But I had to do something around 1935, so I refused their suggestion for now, and said that I'd like to travel with Isaac for a few years, and have fun. Move on by exploring and meeting new people. It was clear that they didn't want me to leave them again, but given what happened to me, they couldn't say no.

So here we are now, at a diner... In a small town, where Emmett supposedly lives somewhere around here. As I ordered my food and Isaac was just looking around, bored.

The waitress kept looking back and forth between me and Isaac, but more on me, with a blush. I gave the girl a smile after finishing stating my order.

"You tapping that tonight?" Isaac asked with a grin.

I just shook my head and looked outside, observing the town.

"You know... It's been a while since your pot has been watered, and I'm afraid that it's all dried up and turned into dust at this point. You can have fun you know, you're not bound to anything or anyone right now, you're still free." I just rolled my eyes at him, too lazy to have this discussion again. And he just scoffed at me in annoyance, but I knew that it wasn't the last time I would hear about it again.

As my order arrived, I called out to the blushing waitress, well not really called out, but more like grabbed her wrist gently, which made her blush more, like she was going to faint any second now. I let go and signed, Isaac ready to translate.

*Do you know anywhere we could go to rent a place, a house in a secluded part of the town? Possibly close to the forest, since we love nature so much* I smile at her, while Isaac conveyed my words exactly as I signed.

The waitress was in deep thought for a bit, and we were just waiting for her response when we heard a voice coming from behind her, and our gaze went to him.

"How about my place then?"

With that goofy himbo-like smile, there stood the not so big of man yet that was all too familiar to me.



AN: as promised. Here's Emmett!

I made this chapter just a tiny bit longer than usual, I wanted to do more, but my time is very limited at the moment. If I wasn't too guilty about receiving the donations without uploading anything, I would've taken a bit longer to upload this. It was an unexpected blessing, so again... Thank you very very much.

For those who gave positive reviews, thank you... For those who still kept sending power stones... Thank you... And for those amusing me with their comments and suggestions, thank you. Please continue doing so.

Imma be shameless since I was advised that I should do it... Since it would still be the person's choice to donate or not. If you wish to send support... Just if... here's my PayPal 👇


If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them at our discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself, here's the invite👇

