
Chapter 39

AN: I've been getting a lot of ideas for another story lately... But I can't do multiple stories, so my notebook is getting full at the moment.

How come I feel like I'm so worn out from work, but I'm still broke? 🤣




It took us a looooong time to travel by ship... Gotta say I am not fond of being trapped in the middle of the sea with a bunch of humans... It was not easy for me, and it was harder for my mom and brother... Dad did better because of his gift.

We had to live off blood bags of animal blood preserved in coolers, we asked for ice in the ship, and Dad paid a lot for it so they wouldn't question us. I had to calm my family with my scent. So we were all stuck together for almost the whole trip.

[AN: If you think this method does not actually work... Let it goooo... Puhlease. 🙏]

I left Leo with Rosalie while I'm gone, it'll be hard for him to travel this far, I wasn't sure if he was even allowed to stay with us in our room... So I left my boy to my mate, who by the way was thrilled, along with her two brothers. Their mum, not so much, but still.

We were now in a taxi, on our way to the Volturi castle.

We've already been staying in Italy for 2 days now, this is our third. We couldn't exactly just barge in there, we had to give notice. Dunno how Edward did it in the movies, but subjects can't really easily see the royals right, well maybe it's because of Dad and their interest in Ed's gift. Luckily, Dad used to work with them, so he was able to get an audience directly with the kings.

*I told you already, I'll tell you the secret later ok? You're so annoying! Can't a girl have her own secrets?!* I tell Edward...

*Mommy tell him to shut up, he's being so annoying right now. We've talked about this already.* I signed to her and then clung to her arm like a child asking her mum to reprimand her sibling.

Mom and Dad laughed at our antics and Edward glared at me. Truthfully, the reason Edward is acting like this is because I locked the memories they had of how they found me, and how they turned me... Also my compulsion gift. And suggested some memories in their mind to create new acceptable and safe memories that'll replace the original for Aro to see.

It wasn't easy to suggest the memories, the images had to match, and I had to be very detailed... From the color of the things around, smell, weather, facial expression... Etc. I even cheated a bit to make it easier, I had them be in different places in some of the memories as much as possible. It'll all come back later after I say the trigger phrase. I made it into a phrase because I was afraid that it would accidentally come undone if I accidentally said the word.

So right now, my family has no recollection whatsoever of those memories, and also the talk we had about our countermeasures. Since my mind is safe from the creepy dude, I don't have to worry. But to be safe, I haven't turned off my mind shield skill, and Edward's brotherly instinct is going overdrive, being paranoid and worried bout me, because I'm not letting him hear my thoughts, not even music.

I managed to not raise suspicion from our parents, but Eddie's being difficult. He's convinced that I'm suffering from depression again or something, and no matter what I said to convince him, didn't work. I'm seeing the annoying Edward from the movie right now. And I wanna smack him so bad.

I'm doing this for us, oh my Rob... Just you wait on our next spar l, I'll break you! Hmp.

I've too much to think about now. I'm pumping myself for the meeting, I'm basically doing a solo mission here... I'm the only one who knows the plan... I need to be convincing, I need an Oscar-worthy acting... I will get them to agree with me sharing the truth about me and our bond... And permission to delay her turning for a few years.

Some would say complain why even bother asking for their permission? Why expose yourself and just hide it until it's time to turn her... Nobody's gonna know...

[AN: They're gonna know... 🤭]

Remember Bella's situation? Don't want that. I'd rather be a free woman, I don't want to have to keep looking over my shoulder, I've decided to keep the Volturi... Their already-established connections, resources, and networks are useful for me... So I'm going to have to compromise and work within the rules. Make friends inside, so I can bend them... Uh, that sounded wrong... Control them? Still feels iffy...

[AN: Ma'am... You're kinda turning into an S... And some people came for fluff... Uh... You're branding is changing 😅]

Ugh... I miss her already... I hate this time period, it's almost impossible to make international calls... Sending her mail would take forever, at best we'll be able to exchange once a month. I just have to endure it and bullshit my way out here fast to come home to her. I bring my hand over my necklace that had me and Rosalie's picture together.

I'm excited to see the twins. I really reaaaaally want to take them under my wing. When I just saw them on the screen in my past life and got to know of their past, I did just feel a little bit of pity and did think of wanting to make friends with them, save them... But when I came into this world and whenever they passed my thoughts... My chest feels like it's being squeezed when I remember how they are living... Being used as weapons, robbed of their childhood... Ugh, I'm suspecting that I have some kind of bond with them... But what kind? I don't know yet.

"Sweetheart" I heard my mom call out to me breaking me from my thoughts and looking at her and Dad.

"We all know that you're really a good girl, and everybody will love you... But can you please behave and not... tease... the kings..." My dad said with a wry smile.

"No pranking them, or making fun of them... Or flirting with any of them. You're a mated woman now..." my brother added with a teasing grin.

My hand immediately went up and flipped him off, which got slapped down by my Mom, looking at me in disapproval, to which I just returned with a cute pout, which melted away the knot between my mum's eyebrows.

Cute it justice. I stuck my tongue out to Edward. Who's the favorite now huh?

*I think you should warn Edward too, he's a bit of a hot head and stupid too. If he hears something he does not like, he might not attack them directly, but he might say some rude or snide remarks.* I said, remembering how he behaved whenever he was around the Volturi in the movies and the FF. Dude really was stupid, why antagonize them on their own turf and why the hell would you keep running your mouth on someone who can mentally inflict pain on not only you but all of the people around you... He kinda still is the same, especially whenever he hears something about me in people's minds.

I'm not just saying this for him to get into trouble, but to also warn him to behave... Because I'm 100% sure that he'll be hearing a lot of nasty things from the vampires that will see me. I'm not being conceited when I say this... But I am incredibly, unbelievably, hot... Let me borrow one of my mate's descriptions of me post sex...

"you're like an Angel... You look so pure and innocent, and I've felt like I sinned just thinking of sullying you with my thoughts alone... But I'm willing to go burn in hell afterward if it meant I could be with you even for just a night..." Such a romantic right?

Vampires can be very honest, passionate, direct, and quite obsessive with their desires... I guess aside from having their emotions dulled or numbed through time... living a long life has made them treasure and cling to anything that can make them feel something. So I can't blame them much on that front. My presence WILL cause a lot of dead hearts to beat. Rob has gone overboard with my looks and charm, and for some reason, I'm really starting to believe that I have a passive skill to turn people yandere for me. I still shiver with cold sweat when I remember when Rosalie warned me to not cheat on her.

[AN: At this point, I'm not gonna deny it. I kinda figure out that I have a preference for Yandere's... 😐 So just enjoy it. So jealous 😩]

Our parents realized how true my statement was, so they vehemently warned and reminded Edward to also behave up until we arrived near the castle.

We were welcomed by 3 guards who guided us inside the castle. I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't the twins who welcomed us. As expected, the 3 of them were in a daze for a moment before Dad cleared his throat to bring them back to reality and guide us.

It's so dark and gloomy, way to go with the stereotypical lair guys.

*Dad, did you seriously wear those robes? And gaudy attire? Like for real?* I ask my dad with a sheepish smile, I can't imagine him wearing such God-awful clothes, I think he'd look good in it, yes... But they look cringe and chuuni... Like their trying so hard to have this ancient villain-like look.

For the second time today, my mum swatted my hands before the guards noticed me signing. And gave me a stern look, telling me to behave. I tucked my hand behind me and responded with an innocent look.

I heard a snort of amusement from my brother, clearly agreeing with me. I'm not much of a fashionista like Alice, but I am from the future... I have been slightly altering my family's fashion sense throughout the years, still acceptable for the time period, but a bit more modern style. I even got Rosalie to change her hairstyle to longer and less heavy curls... She has more like a wavy hairdo lately, she noticed how much I loved long flowing hair... And I've never followed the trend of short hair with curls on my own, I kept it straight and wavy, I style it with different kinds of braids and accessories.

It actually caught on, and many women in New York started to copy my style. It was inevitable, seeing two women sporting a fresh look, why wouldn't they try to copy it?

I was messing up the fashion history? What did you expect? I endure the current trend. Nuh-uh... I want to see my mate looking more gorgeous...

[AN: when people investigate/research the fashion and hair trend in the 1930s, they'll see your name bruh. 🤣]

We reached a big double door with intricate carvings. So I guess this the the audience room? One of them spoke.

"The Olympic Coven has arrived." two of them each pushed a door and opened it for us. The one who announced our presence looked back at us and stepped aside, she looked at me with a smile and gestured for us to proceed.

I kept my expression neutral, I didn't want to fuel this person's desires toward me. I want to make this trip as quick as possible with less trouble.

We came face to face with the Kings sitting on their thrones. Caius, Marcus... And the creepy ass pervert dude Aro... Who was currently smiling in a very rapey way... Gah... I had to control myself from visibly frowning in disgust after seeing his expression. Edward, not so much, his face contorted into pure disgust, I saw it and quickly grabbed the back of his head to guide him in kneeling and bowing to the kings.

'Control yourself! We've literally talked about this. Whatever you're reading off of them, set it aside for now and at least seem neutral. I'll be fine.' I warned and assured him again.

"Arise, let us see your faces... Ah, it has been a long time my friend, I see that you're coven has grown..." Aro said, looking over us while settling his sights more on Mom and me.

They already met Edward before, and they knew about my mother in advance, since we did use their connections for the legal papers for Mom... But they weren't aware of my existence.

"Is she Edward's mate?" Aro asked curiously.

Like instinctual, both I and Edward covered our mouths and made gagging sounds and gestures. Disgust is clearly on our faces. Which surprised everybody.

"No, they are not... You already know Edward... But these are other two are my mate Esme, and our adopted daughter Robin Liesha Cullen..." Dad explained and introduced us while gesturing to me and mom.

The three kings focused their attention on both of us, looking us over before they all focused on me... They clearly have noticed that I was different. Aro still was sporting that creepy smile, Caius was frowning and looking at me with caution, and Marcus had a glint of interest in his eyes but just for a second before it came back to looking like he was dead inside. Poor guy...

"Aro, let's not waste any more time, quickly check directly with your gift. She's different from us." Caius urges Aro while still casting a cautious look at me.

To be honest, I was expecting a lot more hostility from Caius given how he acted towards Renesmee's existence... Maybe there's still a chance that I can manipu- ehem... Convince him to be on my side.

"Very well, Carlisle, my old friend... If you will, let me verify some things." Aro held out his hands for my father to reach.

Dad didn't say or do anything extra and just went straight to Aro and let him read his memories. I was sure about my skill, but I could still feel my back sweat from anxiousness.

"Ah... Interesting... Your mate is able to love your coven unconditionally... But your daughter... Very... Very special indeed... A siren who got turned at the age of 10... Very young age to be turned, younger than our Twins Jane and Alec... But you aged normally, and still am growing... Interesting, we haven't encountered or seen any records of hybrids... And your gift is quite powerful too... Being able to affect people's emotions through your singing, your music... Come here child, let me have a look at you" he beckons me still with that rapey smile.

Fuck, I don't want to... But I grit my teeth and went anyway. For the family... For Rosalie... I kept reminding myself.

He grabbed my hand tightly, caressing it slightly, it sent an unpleasant feeling throughout my body, goosebumps all over. Ugh. He tried to read my memories, but he was clearly unable to. He already expected it, because he read that I was able to block Edward's gift.

"Interesting... You've acquired quite a good member here Carlisle... I'm jealous of your luck..." Aro kept staring at me while speaking.

I heard a growl from my brother, and surprisingly or not so surprisingly... My mother. They didn't like how Aro was looking at me... And Edward must've heard his thoughts.

The guards moved forward and went on a battle stance, ready to attack them.

Dad quickly held them on their shoulder, trying to calm them down. This made them stop growling, but they were still sending hostile looks towards Aro...

Dang, I was expecting it from Eddie, but Mom?... °Momma, don't look at him like that° ... I thought worriedly for Mom, I don't want her to get hurt if the pervert gets angry.

[AN: hey, what about your brother you mama's girl 😐]

"Oh my, your family cares deeply about you... Let's discuss further at a different and more comfortable location about the purpose of your visit... For now, let's have you demonstrate your gift" Aro laughed and suggested.

I sighed in relief and decided to do a tiny prank...

I walked in the middle of the room and activated my gift, music could be heard... They were all focused on me now... And I smirked a little bit, I tried to hide it... But Edward was able to see. And I saw him shake his head in resignation.

I opened my lips and started...

-Dernière Danse by Indila-

🎶Ô ma douce souffrance

Pourquoi s'acharner? Tu recommences

Je n'suis qu'un être sans importance

Sans lui, je suis un peu paro

Je déambule seule dans le métro

Une dernière danse

Pour oublier ma peine immense

Je veux m'enfuir, que tout recommence

Oh, ma douce souffrance🎶

I closed my eyes, feeling the song... I'm determined to sway their emotions... Especially one of the kings.

🎶J'remue le ciel, le jour, la nuit

Je danse avec le vent, la pluie

Un peu d'amour, un brin de miel

Et je danse, danse, danse, danse

Danse, danse, danse

Et dans le bruit, je cours et j'ai peur

Est-ce mon tour? Revient la douleur

Dans tout Paris, je m'abandonne

Et je m'envole, vole, vole

Vole, vole, vole🎶

I started to sway and dance a little... Expressing the message and emotion of the song more. I could sense the majority of them already being affected completely enthralled...

🎶Que d'espérance

Sur ce chemin, en ton absence

J'ai beau trimer, sans toi, ma vie

N'est qu'un décor

Qui brille, vide de sens

J'remue le ciel, le jour, la nuit

Je danse avec le vent, la pluie

Un peu d'amour, un brin de miel

Et je danse, danse, danse, danse

Danse, danse, danse🎶

I looked up and directed my gaze towards the kings... And lingered on Marcus just for a second more than the rest. I saw the emotion that I was looking for pass by his eyes as quickly as it came.

🎶Et dans le bruit, je cours et j'ai peur

Est-ce mon tour? Revient la douleur

Dans tout Paris, je m'abandonne

Et je m'envole, vole, vole

Vole, vole, vole, vole

Dans cette douce souffrance

Dont j'ai payé toutes les offenses

Écoute comme mon cœur est immense

Je suis une enfant du monde🎶

At this point, no one was spared. Everyone was affected... Some did have a bit of resistance like the kings, but that's to be expected since they've been around for so long, their minds should have been honed for a long time. But they were still in a bit of a daze, they were still in control, but Their emotions were stirred, making their brains a bit foggy.

🎶J'remue le ciel, le jour, la nuit

Je danse avec le vent, la pluie

Un peu d'amour, un brin de miel

Et je danse, danse, danse, danse

Danse, danse, danse

Et dans le bruit, je cours et j'ai peur

Est-ce mon tour? Revient la douleur

Dans tout Paris, je m'abandonne

Et je m'envole, vole, vole

Vole, vole, vole, vole🎶

I finished and gave them a bow and the most innocent and sweetest smile before going back to my family's side.

I felt Edward elbow my arm.

"We're in Italy, not France you stupid." He whispered. He knew it was just a tiny prank, it barely even counted as one. But he still had to dispel any possible problems for me by making it seem that I just made the stupid mistake of choosing a French song.

I gave him a grateful smile, linked my arms with his, and waited for what was to come next.


AN: finally in Italy! Weeeeeeeeee!

I wish I could have more time to write. But time is money, and humans unfortunately need a lot of it to live. Ugh. I'm starting to consider doing this seriously as a side job, but I'm not too confident about it.

Anyway, I'm going to be busy again. Just a tiny bit busy, but this time I get to sleep decently at least. So there are still updates. I made this chap longer to compensate. 😉

THANKS to all the power stones. We're getting up there on the popular list and recommendations. It's unbelievable how fast the numbers have grown... I still love and appreciate reading and replying to your comments, so please keep doing it... It makes me feel encouraged to see your presence.

If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them at our discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself, here's the invite👇

