
Chapter 33

AN: I woke up today and decided to write another chapter, and for some reason, I feel extremely jealous of the MC... 😶

Have any of you experienced the movie and novel description of falling in love? I know most would say no, and it doesn't really happen in real life, I'd agree... But it kinda happened to me before, tho I'm wondering if it's just because it was my first love, and that's just how it is for everyone's first.



Growing up as a woman in this time where women are raised to fit a specific mold, to fit and complement our male counterparts, taught to behave a certain way, and believe a books content religiously, with interpretations that somehow don't make sense to me, wasn't hard... It's always been like that, everybody never tried to even stray away from what was considered normal.

Until I met her...

I've always been friends with Rosalie, she was a beautiful woman no doubt, everybody acknowledged her beauty ever since she was born, she was different, at first I was jealous of her... I held envy in my heart, but as a good Christian woman, I knew it was bad, and wrong of me to feel this way, the girl might be a bit vain and clearly thrived with all the attention, but the more I interacted with her, the more I realized that we were just the same... Women that were being raised to be good wives, being molded to be wed to the best husband candidate that our parents will pick for us. She, like me, didn't have a choice in this matter. So what's to envy?

I actually feel a bit sorry for her, beauty without the power to back you up will only lead you to more trouble, and more exploitation... And her father's behavior didn't disappoint in that aspect, he really made use of her beauty to make connections.

So no, I didn't feel any negative feelings towards my best friend...

Again, that's up until SHE came into the picture...

I've been hearing a lot of rumors about the last member of this family, the ones that came out in public often, were extremely beautiful, they had this air around them... Like their different, they weren't bad, or acted like they were better than us... They were recognized as really good people.

The Head of the family, Dr. Carlisle, was a doctor, and a very good one at that... He didn't behave like a typical doctor or male at all, not that he wasn't manly, but he was gentle and caring, regardless of gender, or age... Every single one of his patients has shared that he was like a saint... He didn't act like he was God's gift to earth or womankind, he didn't take advantage of the women who kept throwing themselves at him. He was a family man, the perfect husband and father.

The matriarch of the family, Esme... She was older than her husband, they didn't hide that fact, but when normally it would have caused a lot of negative gossip because a younger man marrying an older woman was not common... Since men tend to choose significantly younger women to marry... But just looking at her, and interacting with her shut them all up. She was beautiful, a good cook, a warm presence, a welcoming smile always on her lips, an overall motherly vibe... The perfect wife. The couple complemented each other.

The firstborn, the son, Edward... He wasn't as welcoming, social, or open as his parents, but he was a gentleman... While other men leered or talked about women, he could be seen with an unpleasant expression, he also, like his father, never took advantage of the women who kept seducing him... It was like, he knew he was good-looking, that he could get any woman that he wanted, married or not, but he chose to stay chaste and respectful. Must be because of having a good role model.

And lastly, Robin Liesha Cullen... She didn't go out for a while, it was always just her family that mingled with us mortals, gracing us with Godly looks... But one day she decided to attend a party, and it was Rosalie's birthday.

It caused quite the intrigue, everybody's curiosity and interest were piqued as to why now, and how is she in person, only a few had seen her outside, and those few had described her beauty as ethereal, that she looked like she belonged in heaven... And many more ways that describe how unbelievably gorgeous she was, and that she was even more beautiful than Rosalie.

The people who heard all this, just thought that they may have been exaggerating, and how can someone be more beautiful than Rosalie? Is it possible for someone like that to exist? I too was part of the group that doubted the rumors... Until I saw her...

She walked in with her family, holding her brother's arms...

I don't know how or why, but I do not doubt that every single one of the attendees felt it, the atmosphere changed, the venue went quiet, and you could hear gasps and gulps that were done involuntarily with how quiet it became... I could heartbeat skip, then wildly kept beating...

She was everything that was described and more... There are no words to describe how she looked... She was like a dream you wouldn't mind not waking up from... If she was an angel telling you it's your time and she's here to guide you to the next place, you'd agree without complaints, just so you could spend what little time you have with her while being guided, you won't even care if it's hell...

She was visibly uncomfortable being around many people, which was understandable, it was publicly known that she never went outside or socialized much... And she did have a disability that would hinder her from going out on her own, plus her looks... I can only imagine how difficult and dangerous it would be for her.

Everybody at that party realized why the rest of the Cullen family was so protective of her... If their family member was anything like her, they'd probably do the same, the more devious or calculative ones were already imagining how they would've made use of her.

She went around with her brother and Rosalie, the birthday girl, and at first, she was shy, and a bit reserved, but eventually, she seemed to loosen up a bit with the hell of Rosalie and her brother.

A lot of the men wanted to close to Robin, but her brother blocked each and every one of them, respectfully of course. So no altercations happened... But she visibly welcomed the attention of the female guests... Nothing weird with that right? It's perfectly normal for a female to feel more comfortable with other ladies.

[AN: uhuh... Totally normal 😌 completely innocent thoughts there from the MC]

I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought this at that time, but I was expecting Rosalie to be a little miffed or challenged by her presence, but everybody was pleasantly surprised that the two got along quite well... In fact, they got along so well that they ended up becoming very close friends, they could be found almost always together at all parties and outside when they went out. They've become best of friends.

Rosalie is known not only for her beauty, and her ability to blend and socialize perfectly like a queen bee... But for those who truly knew her, she seldom gave a genuine smile from her heart, or got too close to anyone, because of how vicious other people can be, they can turn on someone as soon as you show your weakness or something that they agree on... That Rosalie, smiled, a beaming smile, everyone could see how vastly different she acted when dealing with others and with Robin... With her, she was free from all the pretense.

Eventually, being also Rosalie's close friend since childhood, Robin and I were introduced, and we interacted and got along well, but there was still this wall, I don't know if It was because of how intimidated I was in her presence, or how I felt like my heart would burst out of my chest when I'm in the same room with her... I felt like I wasn't worthy of interacting with her...

She wasn't doing to me really, she was pleasant... Welcoming, tho my heart felt like bursting, it also felt at home... I wanted to get close to her more... Get to know more of her...

So like Rosalie, I studied and learned sign language... And then I was able to communicate with her...

I was getting confused about what was happening to me... Why do I feel this way? Why am I acting this way towards her?

Then one day... We were attending another party... I had to go to the lady's room to freshen up and relieve myself. I went alone and left Rosalie for a bit, Robin had been gone for a while, but we figured that she too had to go freshen up or something, or got caught up by some of her new friends that she had made throughout the years, she changed from just having Rosalie and me to having a lot of female friends, none as close as Rosalie and I with her, but still friends.

While I was going back from the loo, I heard some rustling and moaning... And I'm not proud to say this, but there's not much entertainment in this world for us... So rumors, gossip, and scandals are some of the most entertaining things for us... And I was a healthy young woman, a human, who also had a healthy amount of curiosity about THAT subject.

So I moved closer to the door, quietly opening it a little, and looked inside... And what I saw shocked me... It felt like a new world opened up to me...

There inside the room were two women, engaged in an illicit affair... One woman had her back pressed against a wall, her legs wrapped around the other woman, her skirt lifted... And she was moving up and down, meeting the other's motion... Her face is a picture of pure lust and ecstasy... The woman bit her lips while being pounded, so as not to scream out in pleasure, but when she was about to give in and open her mouth, her partner removed her latching lips from the woman's exposed blossoms and sealed it with her very own... Drowning her scream... It seemed to have been the final straw for the woman, as she convulsed from what I can only imagine as the biggest release of her life, and after it, she went limp, and powerless, panting... But the sense of being fully satisfied can be seen on her face.

The other woman slowly put her down and helped fix her clothes and her... While the other kept pecking her lips, face, and neck...

I was so shocked the the scene I've witnessed, that I didn't fully see the people involved... So when The woman who held the other against the wall turned...

My eyes widened in shock... It was HER, our sweet innocent little Robin... Our pure angel... She was... She was doing THAT... with her mouth... With her hands...

When I still thought it was just two random women doing it, I didn't feel much... But knowing now that it was her... Blood went to my face... I could feel my face flush so badly... And this all too familiar feeling building up in my core... Ruining my undergarment...

I was suddenly too self-conscious to realize that I'd opened the door widely, exposing my presence to the two.

We all collectively had shocked faces, one had a horrified look mixed from being discovered. That girl hurriedly left, not bothering to even excuse herself and just went past me from the door.

All that was left was me and Robin, staring at each other.

After the initial shock of being seen, her eyes relaxed, and she just gave me a knowing grin... And By the Gods, it was something... The grin made my knees buckle, I had to hold onto the door.

Robin seemed amused by me and chuckled soundlessly... And signed me to close the door.

She apologized for letting me see something like that... To which I said °I don't mind°... And from that day forward, the wall broke...

But as soon as the wall broke, I discovered some things about me, and the people around me... First was, Isaac was gay... 2nd is I'm in love with Robin... And lastly... Robin and Rosalie are clearly in love with each other... Robin knew her feelings for Rosalie, but Rosalie was still clueless about how she felt...

But we could see it... Anybody who was around them enough could see it... They had feelings for each other. They always had, and I think they always will...

It hurt seeing her look at Rosalie like she was her world... The moment I realized my feelings, was also the moment I realized I couldn't have her.

They were made for each other... They fit so well together...

For a moment, I let myself feel it all, for the first time in my life, I felt it... I was truly jealous of Rosalie, I hated her... I resented her... I kept thinking why wasn't it me... I cried my heart out while burying my head in my pillow since I can't explain to anyone why I'm crying... I can't vent to anyone... Because my two friends are the cause of my heart breaking...

After a good cry... I took a deep breath and let go... I know I can't have her, and Rosalie is my good friend... I have no right to resent them... Unless I cut ties with them, and that's never gonna happen.

I still want them in my life, I still want her in my life... Even if it's just as a friend...

Time passed... Many things have happened... I've kind of moved on... I met my now husband and we have a beautiful daughter... I know it's unfair of me to not be 100% in love with my partner, but I was completely honest with Levi, and he said he didn't mind, and quite frankly, he understood, he also fancied Robin, but being male, he wasn't able to get close to her because of her brother and the known fact that she had a lover already. We bonded over her and ended up together.

I'm happy enough with my life, I didn't care much about being kicked out of my family... I had my friends, my chosen family. Who helped throughout the whole marriage, pregnancy, and birth ordeal...

I've moved on enough to joke around Robin about having her be together with me and my husband. Or joke around about how me and Isaac asked to kiss her to °test° if we were actually GAY.

And I've moved on enough to have a genuine smile on my face... Happy to see that they are finally being open to how felt about each other...

I look at them staring at each other from across the table, clearly forgetting that there are other people around... They looked at

each other with so much love... They aren't together YET... But it's just a matter of time, it's overdue... But we can see it, all those subtle glances, smiles, lust-filled eyes, jealousy when other women or men come in their orbit... The subtle touches that lingered... it's gonna happen soon...

I just hope that nothing comes up to ruin it.


AN: I said it before... VERA is GOAT...

Sorry about this chapter... I'm still new to writing spicy content. 😅 So if ya'll felt it to be awkward or weird... Sorry. I'm tryna be better. That's a weird thing to say, "I'm gonna be better at writing lemon" 😂

A sudden different PoV. 🙂 Just felt like it. Have you been in her position?

Thanks so much for all the power stones, still baffles me when I see someone send me 3 power stones at once... Thanks for all the comments, and thanks for not being d!)ks... And thank you to all those who gave a positive review.

If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them at our discord. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself, here's the invite👇

