
Chapter 24

AN: when can a day off, be an actual day off? Like just lazing around not having to do anything, no work, no chores... Ugh.

For this chaps scene, I actually had two visions for how it will go, and each of them has a completely different approach to how the future chapters will go... while I'm writing this... I still haven't decided as to what I'm going to choose, so I'll decide as I go/write I guess.


One month time skip, the Wedding day of Claire

Location Wedding


So I decided to also rope my brother into coming with me and Rosalie to the wedding, because I realized that it'll be weird for just 2 girls to attend together without a man in this time period, and I can't leave Rosalie alone when I venture off somewhere else for a bit.

We were just waiting for the wedding to start when one of my lady friends greeted me and slipped a note to me. I discreetly read it, and it was from Claire, asking to meet me before the wedding starts.

Now, I pretty much have an idea of what this is about... Oi, no, not that! I did not get her pregnant! Where have you read that I bit someone during THAT!... Ugh... I tapped Rosalie's arm to get her attention.

[AN: well... Wasn't me... But can you blame them? 🤷]

*I'm just going to the ladies' room for a bit, can you please stay here with my brother? I'm afraid the flock of desperate women wanting to get married will kidnap him* I asked and then held her arm.

"But will you be ok alone? maybe you should take your brother with you." She asked in concern.

*Not you too, I can handle myself, and it's just me going to the ladies' room, there are a lot of people here. I'll be fine, at least you'll have someone to accompany you while I'm gone.* I retorted, then sent a pointed look at Eddie.

Then I quickly walked away before she could protest.

I navigated through the confusing house, giving up on using the mini-map that was on the back of the note, and opted to just follow her scent. Which led me to the bride's current waiting room, I guess.

I opened the door and was greeted by a hug from the bride. I let her hug me while I push her further inside the room to close the door.

She was about to kiss me, but I blocked it with my hand and slowly pushed her away from me.

*What are you doing? You're about to get married. Haven't I already told and emphasized before that I do not get with married women.* I asked with an eyebrow raised.

Yeah, she knows how to sign, most of the girls in the club know how to sign, but Claire... Claire was almost as fast as Rosalie when she learned how to sign... I noticed that she's a bit over-enthusiastic with everything about me. But she hasn't really done anything extreme... She even managed the club, but I guess now we can't have her there anymore. Yes, yes, I'm awesome, I basically led a couple of young women to learn sign language... I didn't force them, they learned by themselves.

"But I'm not married yet. It's not against the rules right?" She said then bit her lip looking at me with lust.

Damn it, that's a very cliche line! And usually, people at the receiving end of that line end up in trouble! I'm not gonna fall for that. Does she think I let my lower half decide for me? Psh... I rolled my eyes at her.

"Come on, I'm about to get married... I don't really want to... But my father... He wants this for the family... But we both know who I lo-" She was about to say the forbidden word so I interrupted her by covering her mouth and I shook my head to say No.

*No you don't, we're just friends, Claire, we just messed around, you're just confused* Fuck, I sound like an asshole.

"Don't tell me how I feel! I am capable of knowing exactly what and how I feel about you! About Us! Don't you feel it too? Don't say you don't because I can feel it whenever you touch me." She responded with so much emotion and a bit of cray cray in her eyes.

This is getting more cliche every second that passes, fuck... I have to de-escalate this somehow and then leave...

*Claire... I apologize for invalidating your feelings... But you and I are not on the same page, we've had our fun, I won't deny that I do find you attractive, but I'm not going to ruin your life for it. You deserve a normal life. Get married, have children, and grow old with your husband* I tried reasoning with her.

"So you're worried about me? Is that why you're refusing my feelings? I don't care about all that, I can leave it all so we can be together, we can go somewhere else where they won't find us! I know it's going to be difficult at first, but I can work for us! Or we could open a store together, I'll take care of you!" She said while trying to reach out to me, but I avoided her clutches.

Shit! This is bad, this is bad, this is full-on crazy mode, I have to go, what do I do, I didn't watch enough chick flicks to know, fuck... Honesty? Just be blunt that I don't like her like that? That I don't want to be with her? Ffffuck... Oh, Isaac! I have a beard. Yes!

*Claire, there's no easy way to say this... But I don't feel the same way about you... I appreciate your feelings, and I apologize that I may have led you on that we could be something more... Besides, I have Isaac, he-* I was explaining but got cut off by her.

"We both know that Isaac is not the reason you are refusing, you don't love him, you are just using him to avoid people gossiping. I know why you're saying all of this" She said, her jaw clenched in anger, then continued.

"It's HER right? You're in love with HER, YOU'RE WAITING FOR HER?!" she screamed at me.

*Who are you even talking about? Please calm down and lower your voice, people will hear you*

"Oh please! Don't try and pretend that you don't know who I'm talking about. Rosalie! It's Rosalie, it has always been Rosalie for you. If you love her so much, why don't you make a move on her like you did to us? Scared? You're scared to be rejected by her right? From what I heard she's clearly undeniably, what was the term you used... Ah, STRAIGHT! So you're just using us as a replacement for her"

That left me speechless for a bit. I do have a massive crush on Rosalie, but love? Haaah, that's a bit of a stretch right? I am not in love with my best friend, that is such a cliche trope for gays... I was about to retort and deny all of it but she continued.

"But I don't care about that, I'm willing to wait and I'm sure you'll love me too, you'll forget about her Robin... You two won't ever happen, but this, us... We could be something, I accept you, and I'm willing to give it all up for us... Just give us a chance..." She pleaded, her eyes already glossy with tears that were threatening to fall any second now.

I just stared at her, I felt sorry for the girl... I did this to her... I should have been more mindful of their feelings... Who knows, maybe some of my other lady friends also feel the same way... it's a bit much to say that I shouldn't have been playing around with them in the first place because I'm young, and I'm not the type to hold back my more tame urges, we're still technically children, but I should have been more clear...

I walked towards her and brought my hand to her face, my thumb wiping the tears that finally decided to fall. The poor girl, her makeup is all ruined...

*Claire, even if I say yes... And follow everything you have planned, deep down, do you think it will really work out? That we will live happily ever after? That people will accept us wherever we move to?... No, it won't, they won't... And I know that you've already realized that... That's why you agreed to the marriage. yes, you might have been forced by your family's circumstances, but you also have realized that whatever this... Whatever we have here between us... This could never work... We're doomed to not work out... But at the very least, we've had beautiful memories together... I care about you Claire, I might not feel as strongly as you, but I do care for you enough to let go and wish you all the happiness a woman of your caliber deserves. Let's not end things with us with a bitter memory, but a smile from your pretty face I've grown to like so much. Ok?* I said, and then tried consoling her along with a hug, I held her head on the crook of my neck while patting her back.

"I'm sorry, you must think I'm crazy now. You're right... Everything you said was right... I'm so sorry about mentioning Rosalie, that was going too far, I now know firsthand how hard it is to confess your feelings, the fear of being rejected, and end up losing the person in the process. Don't even try to deny it. You might not want to admit it, but it's true..." She replied while tightening her hug.

"Could you do me a favor?" She asked softly. Pulling back from me a bit so she can see my face while still hugging me.

*If it's something humanly possible, sure... Anything.*

"Can you kiss me?... Kiss me like you love me... This is my only wish before I let go... Please?" She asks... pleading.

I couldn't say no to that face... And it's all my fault, to begin with... I reach out my right hand to hold the back of her neck, gently caressing... I looked at her adoringly, like she's the only person that I see and matter at this very moment... My left arm wrapped around her waist... I then bridge the gap between us... Pressing our lips together... Forgetting all our worries... Nothing else matters at this moment...

Her arms snaked their way up, wrapping around my neck, and deepening the kiss... She opened her mouth to give access... Which I obliged... Coiling our tongues together, neither one of us is trying to fight for dominance like we used to... This wasn't like that anymore... We're just enjoying the last moments we'll be sharing feeling each other's warmth...

My right hand now caressing her back, feeling her shiver from every stroke... My left hand gently squeezing her waist... Trying to restrain myself from going further...

I guess we were both too focused on each other, that we didn't notice the presence behind us, then we heard the door close, we were both startled and let go of each other.

Fuck, I think somebody saw us... Wait... This scent... No... Please ROB No... Sweet mother of boobs... I knew it, I heard the lines, such cliche lines, something always goes wrong for those on the receiving end! And guess what, I also did their stupid mistake of not locking the fucking door! What do I do?!

"What do we do? Someone saw us. Oh my God... What's gonna happen to me... My father is going to kill me, no... He's going to make me a nun!" Claire was panicking.

Seeing her state, I set aside my own panic, to comfort the girl.

*It's fine, I think I know the person who came... I'll talk to them... Just try to relax... Fix your makeup, I'll get someone to come help you ok? Just stay here. And see you later* I reassured her, gave her a kiss on her forehead, and then left to follow the scent of the person who came. I encountered one of Claire and I's mutual friends from the club, and instructed her to help Claire out. After doing so, I went to continue my search, but it led me to where all the people were waiting for the wedding to start.

When I finally found the owner of the scent, we locked eyes... And she had this concealed anger and disappointment in her eyes...

'shit...' I just thought to myself, afraid of what's to come next.


AN: I already deleted that one very offensive review. I left the others since it doesn't bother anyone much, and I think they did read a bit, but just didn't like the ff, so I couldn't fault them for that.

Sorry about the awkward intimate scene, as you already know, I'm not very good at descriptions, and English isn't my first language... But I'll try to be better.

Thanks for all the reviews, I love reading them again now and then to motivate myself. I appreciate all the comments and power stones. I hope we all continue to get along. 😘
