
Chapter 13

Third person POV

When the couple arrived home, they immediately got out of the vehicle as fast as they could.

As soon as the door was opened, the strong smell of cleaning agents wafted all around the house. But there was still that scent of blood coming from the living room's direction. They felt scared at what they would see in there, but they had to go... They had to make sure they were ok.

They can feel phantom heartbeats from their dead hearts, the same way you humans get when they are facing something scary.

But before they could proceed further, Edward sensed their arrival and went to them first.

He had a somber look on his face, he looked like he wanted to cry, and he looked tired and in need of sleep.

"What happened?" Carlisle asked his son, concern on his face.

Esme walked over to the boy and pulled him into a hug.

The younger vampire didn't know how or where to start, he just stared at them with his dull eyes. Having to share it all again, relive all that he has witnessed and the experience. Just thinking about it made him feel exhausted.

"Where's Robin?" seeing her son's response, she got more worried.

With this question, Edward knew that he couldn't avoid it, they had to know, and he already felt sorry for them, he had an idea as to how this would affect them.

He looked at the couple back and for a bit before opening his lips to speak, deciding to just rip the band-aid.

"She's currently sleeping in the living room"

The mother was about to speed off to the living room but Edward stopped her by grabbing her arm.

The couple gave their son a confused look, asking as to why he was stopping them from seeing her.

"She just managed to sleep not long ago... Let her sleep more... It is best if we talk first"

He said while giving his parents a pleading look.

Seeing and hearing their son's response, although reluctantly, they both agreed, sending worried glances towards the living room's direction.

"You should sit down first" Edwards stated with a worried look for his parents.

The couple just went along with him, anticipating whatever it was about to be shared with them. They held hands and gave their son a look, asking for him to start.

And so he did... He told them everything that has happened since they left. He didn't leave a single detail out... Every mind fucking thing that he's had witnessed and how he dealt with it.

Suffice to say, the couple did not take it well. With every word he uttered, describing the horror that their little girl has had to experience while they were off to God knows where their faces kept morphing from different kinds of hurt, sorrow, rage, and guilt... They felt extremely guilty, this wouldn't have happened if they had not left.

Hearing their thoughts, Edward felt for them. It's a bit of a relief that they hadn't witnessed the scene themselves because it would have made them feel worse... If that's even possible.

"We're moving. I still think it's too early for her to meet them, but that's the safest and best place for her right now." Carlisle said with conviction but with a hint of worry.

"Where?" His mate asked, wondering as to where exactly he was planning to take them that made him give that look.

"Are you sure? You know them, they've had a bad experience with Immortal children, they might not take too kindly of our presence there. We can take her somewhere else." Edward shared his concern.

"I know. But she has grown now, she's still a bit young and small, but she's big enough to not be considered an immortal child. We just have to convince them. Make them understand. She'll be surrounded by family, mostly women, which is for the best right now given the context of ...That... The location is also ideal for her... She just tasted human blood, her thirst will be harder for her to control." the patriarch explained.

"Are you sure that it will work out if we just explain? Carlisle, our daughter is in a very fragile state right now, if there's going to be a conflict-" Esme said with concern but he got cut off by her mate.

"There won't be any conflict. They'll believe us. They are good people. Family..." he said, sounding more like he's trying to convince himself.

"It's best if we don't go to them directly with Robin. You go there first, explain it to them, maybe bring the files from when she was still just Siren, and some pictures we had taken of her growing up." Edward suggested.

"I think you should go with him, just in case something does happen, so you can help each other escape or when explaining" Esme suggested with concern.

Edward had a reluctant look, he didn't want to leave her side. He knows Esme's right, it made sense, but he just wanted to be around her, to protect her. He was already protective before, but with what happened, her brotherly instincts are on overdrive right now.

But he knew he had to agree, it was for the best, and Esme would be there with her, so he just gave them a nod to agree.

Having reached an agreement regarding the move. Carlisle decided to share another piece of information with them.

"I would like to share something that would clear the feelings that you may have been feeling since you met Robin" he stated while looking at them.

The mother and son just look at him confused but don't say anything, they just glance at him to go on.

"By now you all know about mates... which are the Soulmates, your partner for life, your lover, your other half... That's the most common connection, it's stronger for us nonhumans, we actually feel the connection, something inside of us tells us about our connection, and it instantly bonds us together, we can deny it, but it will hurt us until we finally accept... One can keep denying the mate bond, maybe find happiness with something or someone else, but they will never be as happy or complete as to when they are with their mate."

He looked at them to see if they were still following the discussion before proceeding. And they are.

"now... Not many know this, but that's not the only kind of soul bond there is, it's very rare, and only a few have ever experienced it and documented it... There are many more... There are also familial bonds. Like soul parents, mother, and father... Soul siblings... And that is what I believe we have with Robin." he finished explaining and just waited for their reaction.

At first, both of them just looked a bit confused, and shocked, and then realization and understanding can be seen on their face. It made sense now... Everything made sense... But they didn't resent the connection or felt like their feelings for her were just a byproduct of the bond... They loved her, just that.

Unbeknown to them, the same girl they were talking about, just heard the whole conversation.



My senses are still extra high right now, and my body is still on high alert, so I woke up when Edward left carefully to intercept our parents.

How am I feeling? To be honest... Numb... I think my old life's habit of pushing all the negative feelings down and ignoring them because I need to function to live my day-to-day life to earn money, is kicking in.

That's messed up and unhealthy. I know, but that's how broke people dealt with shit ok. Not everybody can pay to lay on a comfy sofa with someone listening to everything that's wrong with you and then helping you fix yourself.

As always this is shit, I've been given shit again. Every time, you give me happiness, you force me to feel safe enough to trust... enough to not always be on alert that you're not going to screw me over again... But no... What did I ever do to you? Did I somehow fucked you over in one of my past lives? Is that how it is? Is that why? Screw you!

It's not even an equal exchange! It's like you make me happy by giving me a lollipop so you had to have tripped me over to land on a fucking knife that just somehow was conveniently embedded on the floor. Fuck you!

Anyway, It seems I'll be meeting the Denali's earlier than expected... I guess I can think of that as a silver lining, we still have to convince them that I'm no immortal child, but I believe it'll work out, I always get lucky after a shitty experience.

If my memory serves me right, Eleazar Is there, he has the gift to see others' gifts as well, will he be able to see mine? I don't think so, that fucking ROB did say my past life and skills will be hidden unless I want to share it. I hope I can share at least the skill Spotify or sirens voice, but I don't know how it presents itself to Eleazar if he does see it, imagine him saying "You have a gift of Spotify premium"... That would be funny to hear for me, but confusing for the others.

They could help me train... Ooooh, I'll get to see Kate, I do have a small crush on her from the movies, she's so pretty, and her personality seemed cool. I'll get to work with Irina too, I need to save that woman from her unfortunate future, I still am not sure if Laurent was her mate, that's gonna be a problem if he was, I wish he wasn't... I'm not sure yet how I'll deal with him.

Oh, we have a soul bond. Huh... Kinda explains why they risked everything for me when we just met then. It kinda sounds awful, but the knowledge that they are bound by our soul's connection hence they can't leave me and not love me, reassures me a little and kinda makes me happy.

I know I'm now okay-ish, but since I now don't have to worry about having to have to function in society to keep on living, I kinda want to process all my shits, my baggages... I know it won't be an easy or pretty experience not just for me, but also for all the people that would be around me, but I owe myself this much right? I deserve to have a healthy mind right? I want to be ok.

So all of the experiences from both lives... I'll process it all right now... I'm going to let myself feel it all. And as soon as I decided on this...

Tears fell from my eyes... My body shaking from my sobs...

It would seem that my family heard me, and decided to finally see my state... I was scared... It didn't make sense as to why I would feel that... I knew they didn't blame me... I knew they loved me unconditionally... I heard it all come from their own lips... But I just was scared... I'm still scared...

I heard them coming through the door, their footsteps coming closer. Then stopped a few steps away from me.

I looked up at them, and there I saw their faces. They looked worried, guilty, and heartbroken. But I also felt love coming from them, don't ask me how I felt it, but I just did... They just gave me this look... Like they are ready to burn the world for me if it means I'll get to be ok.

I let out a cry and held out my arms to beckon my mother to come. Her father wanted to rush in too, but Edwards stopped him because he knew how I'd react to physical touch from the male gender right now... So the two men just stood there from a comfortable distance, not wanting to scare me.

"I'm so sorry baby, we're so sorry... Everything is going to be ok now... I'm so sorry" she kept repeating while engulfing me in a tight hug, shaking from tears that she could never shed.

This feels good... It feels warm... I'm gonna be ok... With these people... With my family... I can finally be ok.


AN: Do you know what is so good about writing your own novel? The story moves when you move it.

Do you know what sucks about writing your own novel? The story only moves when you move it.

Fuck. 😑
