
Chapter 2

2 months, and 14 days.

That's how long she's been here since the reincarnation. Within this time frame, 7 surgeries extracting organs, collecting blood, and other experiments were performed.

'With the regeneration skill, I heal faster than normal, but the downside is that it uses my body's natural healing process speeding it up, meaning... The drugs they use to numb me don't work much... So it hurts... A lot. I can't scream, because it would hurt more...'

She just kept staring at the ceiling lying down.

'but this time, I think they overdid it... I actually think I'm gonna die now... It hurts so much before... But now I'm numb to it... I'm slowly feeling weaker and weaker... My healing can't keep up with all the damage... Of all the things they could take... They took my heart. MY HEART! Who lives without a heart ?!'

She wanted to cry... But she's too done with all of this. No matter how much she cries, begs, or curses the one who sent her here, nothing will change.

'Well, at least I'm gonna die now, I can't escape, no help is coming... Hopefully, this will be a true death this time. I swear when I see that ROB I'll punch the shit outta him!'

While thinking this, she didn't know that her thoughts were heard by a passing vampire who could read minds. But due to the censoring of some of her thoughts, he only heard parts of it.


1922 Petersburg West Virginia

Edwards Pov

"I'm going to hunt for a bit," he says while walking out, he didn't have to shout since they're all vampires living here.

They just moved but will only be staying for a short time to sort out some papers for them, since Esme is still a newborn, it's still dangerous for her to be near humans. They're planning to move to Alaska soon to help her control her thirst and teach her the alternative means to do it. Their coven doesn't drink human blood, they only drink from animals, and that's why their eyes are gold instead of red.

"Edward, wait. We'll come with you. Esme needs to hand too, and I'll need help in case something happens." Carlisle, his adoptive father said to him.

"Sorry for being a bother" Esme, his now adoptive mother said, eyes getting glossy from tears that will never be shed. He hears her thoughts, belittling herself for being weak and lacking self-control. Which she shouldn't, because it's normal to have a hard time controlling your thirst when you're a newborn, even Carlisle said he had trouble doing so, and his gift helped yes, but he did still struggle at first. Adding to all this, she's still grieving the loss of her child.

"It's fine Esme, let's all go..." he waited for them outside.

When the couple came out, he gave them a warm sincere smile and then signaled them to follow as he ran to the forest.



Done and full from their hunt, they were running off to go home when he heard a thought from somewhere.

'Well, at least I'm gonna die now, I can't escape, no help is coming...'

He suddenly stopped, trying to listen and concentrate. Which alerted the couple following him.

"Edward, is everything ok?" Carlisle asked worriedly, reaching his hand to Esme, and pulling her close to him to protect her from possible harm.

"Blood, fresh blood," Esme said suddenly. Her senses are still better than them since she's still a newborn.

Carlisle held her tighter, worried that her wife would lose control and search for the source.

"No, it's different... I don't crave it... It's calming... It smells. Calming... But the smell is too strong, they must be bleeding a lot!" Esme visibly panics. "We must help them!"

Ignoring his parents, he listened to the person's thoughts, and all he heard was she was dying. She sounded so young. He looked at the couple and called out.

"I heard someone's thought nearby, it sounds like a child... A female child... And it seems like she's really hurt and dying, she already accepted it and knows that no help is coming" he told them, feeling sad and hurt for the child.

Esme, hearing that it was a child started to pant heavily like she was having a panic attack, which is impossible now because they do not need to breathe anymore, her eyes glossy, and held Carlisle's arms looking at him with a pleading look.

"Please Carlisle, let's help her. She's just a child... I beg you... Please..."

Seeing her like this, Carlisle's unbeating heart shook and eventually gave in. He'll see the situation first and try to help however he can.

Since Esme was the one with the strongest sense of smell right now, they let her lead the way. Which led them to a secluded area in the forest.

There stands a decent-sized simple mansion. It wasn't anything extravagant, but the atmosphere of the place was gloomy and dark. The place didn't seem like anyone took time to take care of the house.

"She's here..." Esme whispered to us while looking around trying to see where the scent was located.

Now that they're this close, they can smell it too... It was faint and refreshing... They now understand when she said that the scent was calming... If sunshine, warm hugs, and Christmas had a scent, this would be it... It's hard to explain. Her scent didn't make them want to drink her blood.

While lost in their thoughts, Esme found a small rectangular window on the 2nd floor, the scent was strong coming from there.

She didn't think, she jumped over the balcony and went inside, straight to the room adjacent to the window. The room was locked, she didn't care and just broke the door down. The noise woke the residents of the house and also the two men who were supposedly looking out for Esme and helping with the rescue. Two people came out, seemingly a couple dressed in their pajamas each holding a gun, before they could shoot, Carlisle and Edward ran to them, pushing them both to the wall, rendering them unconscious. They took the guns away and went with Esme inside the room.

There they saw a child, who looked no older than 5 lying on a bed, covered in bandages soaked in blood. Especially around her chest area. She lay there still, but still breathing. But they all noticed it.

She didn't have a heartbeat.

But she's still breathing. How can that be?

Esme sped toward the child, calling Carlisle over to check on her. With a shocked, enraged, and then pitying look... His next words broke their hearts.

"she doesn't have a heart anymore, they took her heart... She should be dead now... But somehow, she's still holding on, but she won't last long" he looks at the child with pity and regret.

"No! No! No! Bite her... Bite her ... It can work! Please" Esme screams hysterically towards her partner.

I looked at her, shocked. She proposed to turn a child into a monster like us. But she's too young to die. I'm torn between agreeing and not. I chose to stay silent and just try to see if I could hear more thoughts from the girl, but it seemed like she already lost consciousness.

"Esme, I can't... She's too young... She'll be an immortal child, they are too dangerous for the world, for us... We'll also be killed by the Volturi because it's against the law to create immortal children" Carlisle responded to her pleading. Which brought an indescribable crazed look on his partner's face.

"she's just a child... She can't die... No... I'm going to lose my baby again... No!"

It happened too fast, we were already next to the girl Esme grabbed the child's arm and bit her, spreading the venom into her body.

"Nooo! What have you done!" Carlisle screamed at her and pulled her off the girl.

"I have to save her! We have to save her!" She kept trying to go over to the child.

The girl started to wake up. Her eyes open. He looked at us. We were momentarily shocked that she was conscious after all this. I know the venom will take effect any moment now, but she woke up before it did... She'll feel it more. The pain.

Esme broke free from Carlisle's grasp and went to the girl, held her hand, and kept muttering assurance to the child that everything was going to be ok.

Her partner just stood there, looking at her with a difficult expression.

I decided to walk and read the child's mind to get more information to help.

'Please destroy everything here... Please don't let them have any piece of me...' then she fainted again. I didn't get what she meant at first, then memories flashed in my mind, all the things they'd done to her. I couldn't take it, I was brought to my knees from all the memories, I didn't experience it, and I didn't feel it, but just seeing it all broke me.

After seeing all of it. I wanted to cry... I wanted to cry for her... This poor child...

I don't approve of killing, but this... Those two... they aren't human, they are monsters!

Before Carlisle could stop him he went over the two unconscious MONSTERS and ripped their throats off.

As I watched them slowly die, Carlisle grabbed me by the collar.

"What have you done? Why did you kill them? This is not right! We do not kill humans!" he shouts clearly angry for what I've done. But I don't regret it.

"they're not humans, they are more of a monster than us! I saw it all from her memories!" I forcefully removed his hand from my collar, looked at the now dead couple on the floor then went inside to fullfill her wish. But before I went back, I looked back to him and said.

"looked around Carlisle, you'll see why"

After leaving those words, I finally went back in.
