
Chapter 45 The Beginning Of The End

_ _ _Carmen pov_ _ _

(Welp, today is the day I suppose.) I hummed as I overlooked my gathering forces.

[Finally, I was starting to get bored.] Goldy muttered, not that I was really listening.

Some time had passed since the final parts of my plan were put into motion, only around eight days mind you but it was still enough for everything to fall into place. At this very moment in time I was currently possessing one of my flying Scavengers as I watched the growing number of Xenomorphs assembling below me in mass.

There were Runners, Chargers, Praetorians, Drones, Warriors, Lashers and quite a few more, this also included some new rather unique variants that had only recently joined my swarm. For example, the Praetorian variant of the Bull Aliens, which I called Lancers, they resembled Chargers to some extent just slightly more nimble looking and with four massive horns growing from their heads.

There was also the Bruisers, created from those Ankylosaurus like creatures which I had begun calling Ground Shakers, not my best work but it's better then calling them "those Ankylosaurus like creatures" all the time. Finally there was the Detonators, creatures created from the Quakerpedes or the maggot things that shoot explosive white crap. Actually the Detonators had evolved quite an interesting ability, instead of spitting out a white substance they could now produce globs of lighter coloured hive resin, globs of hive resin that are highly explosive. They can fire the stuff out of their mouths with surprising accuracy and range, said globs will then explode when it comes into contact with either fire or the acid blood of a Xenomorph.

(Everything is already in place, I just need to give out the appropriate orders...) I hummed to myself as I hovered there, thankfully I had gotten better at this over the last couple of days or I would have more than likely fallen out of the sky by now.

Anyway, Goldy was relatively quick to ask. [Have you found your mommies home yet?]

(I have actually, it is within a ravine close to a small mountain range.) I responded while ignoring his clear attempt to annoy me.

[And you're sure that it's not some satellite nest or something like that?] He questioned but I had already investigated that possibility.

(I'm certain.)

I had made sure it was the right place, I had even had my spies look into the information the humans had gathered about my "mother" and her hive. In fact they had already discovered my location as well, however they were far too afraid to just walk into my stronghold with what little man power they actually possessed.

[Let's see if you can truly pull this off then.]

(Just shut up and watch, it's all you're good for anyway.) I hissed with a shake of my head.

[Hey!] He said with what I suspected to be a pout.

Ignoring him for now I opened up several dozen links with key individuals. <<It's time, time to put an end all of this.>>

<<Begin the final stage...>>

_ _ _Sargent Marcus pov_ _ _

"God damn it, get the hell off of me!" I yelled at the crazy bastard pinning me to the ground.

The asshole attempted to stab down at me with a knife but I moved my head out of the way just in time. "All of you are going to die."

"I don't give a shit!" I roared before stuffing my pistol into the fucker's open mouth and blowing his brains out.

Cursing under my breath at the blood that splattered against my face I shook my head as I pushed the now very lifeless corpse off of me in disgust. "Fucking hell..."

Getting back to my feet I was met with quite the sight indeed. I just watched for a moment as bullets filled the air while dozens of crazed lunatics tore holes in our outer walls with grenades and other such explosives only to then be gunned down by automated turrets and concentrated marine fire. Not to say that these bastards weren't going down easily, there were hundreds of them and they had somehow got their hands on military grade equipment.

Not one to just stand still with my thumb up my ass I picked up my pulse rifle and opened fire on a group who were currently trying to jump through a hole in the outer wall, my bullets shredded them to pieces before they even had a chance. Moving on from there however, I quickly dashed over to cover where some friends of mine were located, good thing too, as just then a grenade landed behind me, the blast from the explosion pushing me several feet forward.

"You alright?" Orion asked as he pulled me up next to him.

I was fine thankfully, however I currently only had one question to ask. "Where the fuck did these bastards come from?!"

"Don't know but they've already over run the patrols we had outside." Orion answered with a pissed off look on his face, not that I could blame him for that, after all we had friends out there who more than likely wouldn't be coming back. "Thankfully they have yet to majorly breach the bases defenses." He hummed while opening fire.

"The assholes just keep coming..." The guy next to him muttered.

"Just keep shooting you idiots!" I hissed while also being to open up while ignoring the ringing in my ears.

The guy wasn't wrong though, for every one of them that we killed three more took their place. The worst part was the fact that they were actually pushing us back bit by bit, mostly because of their numbers yes but also because of the fact they had access to weaponry they really shouldn't have had access to.

"Where the hell are those reinforcements?" I asked but didn't get the reply I wanted.

"I don't know."

_ _ _Ashley pov_ _ _

(It's all going according to her plan.) I hummed as I listened to the gunshots that echoed from outside. (Marvelous...)

"Who the hell wired this god forsaken thing?" Connors annoyed mumbling brought me out of my thoughts as I returned my attention to what was going on around me.

We were currently in the base's main power station, we "unfortunately" had to kill everyone inside before we could get to work but thankfully the battle going on currently was excellent cover for that. As for what we were doing, well, Connor was currently trying to tamper with the mess that was the base's primary generator.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" I ask getting an annoyed glare in return.

"You do realize I am a member of the maintenance staff, correct? I know my way around a generator." He hissed while continuing with his work. "Still, if I ever meet the idiot that jury rigged this fucking mess, well, let's just say I'll be the first to put a bloody bullet in his head..."

"Yeah yeah, just hurry up." I replied, causing him to roll his eyes at me.

"Keep rushing me and it'll only end up taking even longer." He huffed, causing me to grumble to myself.

Just as I was about to retort that however, the door to the room that we were currently within suddenly slid open to reveal a very confused male marine. The man seemed about to say something but stopped when he noticed the dozen or so bullet ridden corpses lining the room.

"W-what...what the hell have you done?" He asked while taking a step backwards as his face became deathly pale.

Sadly for him he wouldn't be getting all that far as me and Conner weren't the only ones here. "Sorry about this."

"Wai-!" Was all he got out before Red shot him through the back of the head instantly killing him.

"Damn...wasn't he a drinking buggy of yours?" Conner asked without looking up from his work.

"I consider it a mercy." Red simply hummed without any emotion in his voice.

"Cold." I chuckled not that he seemed to care at all.

Moving on from that little interruption however, things were going well, in fact they were going down right perfectly. Those disgusting filth outside were just as idiotic as I had originally suspected, it only took two things for them to stop fighting each other and unite together as one singular force all so that they could invade this very place.

First we had "accidentally" informed them all about what exactly Weyland Yutani planned to do after they had gathered all of the information and research they could from this damned rock. And secondly we had "unfortunately" leaked this base's location while also "mistakenly" saying that we had a working vessel that could allow them all to escape their gruesome fate. Secretly supplying them various military weaponry and explosives was just the extra push that they all needed to go along with this little suicidal assault we had suggested.

However it didn't actually matter if they won or lost, in fact their lives were completely meaningless in the grand scheme of things. All that truly mattered was that they pulled some of the attention away from my queen's primary objective, so in the end they were nothing but pawns to be used and discarded.

"Done, the power to most of the base's defenses have been turned off." Conner exclaimed, finally finished with the mechanical crap I didn't understand. "Unfortunately they'll probably be turned back on once someone with more than one brain cell realizes what exactly has happened, however it should at the very least give our "friends" outside an opening."

"Good." I mused while turning to leave. "Now let's get the fuck out of here already."

_ _ _3d person pov_ _ _

Back outside things were going poorly, especially when all the outer and inner defenses just shut down all of a sudden. "What the hell?!"

"Why the fuck did the turrets turn off?"

"The electrified fences are offline too."


Just at that moment several prisoners, who were emboldened by the deactivation of the base's defenses, rushed forward and tossed several grenades and other explosive devices which tore through several sections of the outer wall. It didn't take long after that for dozens upon dozens of the said prisoners to pour into the base in a mad rush, not to say that dozens more weren't gunned down by the hardworking marines that stood in their path but still.

"Kill them all." One of the armed thugs yelled but was quickly gunned down when several bullets ripped through his chest.


"They killed the boss of the Screaming Howlers!"

"Shut up and keep firing you idiots."

"Push them back!" A marine shouted over the fighting but things were quickly getting out of hand and everyone could see it rather clearly.

While all this was going on however, a rather heated conversation was going on deeper within the recently occupied military outpost. This conversation involved a very pissed off Mercer who was currently glaring at a screen that displayed two individuals.

"We need support immediately, damn it!"

"Having problems with a couple of prisoners, are we Colonel?" Mercer was really, really starting to dislike this asshole.

"Oh fuck you, you son of a bitch!"

"Would the both of you please just shut up alrea-!" The captain tried to say but stopped himself when a loud boom rang out from somewhere in the background. "Damn it, what the bloody fucking hell was that?"

It took a second for him to get an actual answer but eventually someone spoke up. "Sir, an explosion went off near the prisoner containment area." The person in question hesitated to continue but eventually did. "They're all out captain..."

"Having problems with a couple of prisoners are we~?" Mercer chuckled, causing the previously mentioned asshole to growl.

"God damn it...!"
