
It's beginning to look a lot like.....

This is power, I'm back again, Hopefully till december or so.//...

...Time:night Place:aunty ems Status:Embarrassed.....

"....Uh... who are you exactly?" The son of the sea god spoke up as he eyed me cautiously, completely ignoring my former question rude. Erm.... I don't know at this point lemme think of a name real quick for girl form. 

[Achilles: Bitch]

[Medusa: Bitch]

Mhm... Audrey sounds decent.

"You guys can call me Audrey I guess..." I spoke uncertainly, my self esteem is plummeting, thanks bastards.

[Achilles and Medusa: Our pleasure.]

"Ok then....Audrey what are you?" Annabeth spoke up this time, looking guarded and ready to strike at anytime. I stuck a deadpan before responding in a monotone voice. 

"Snake lady."

[Medusa: Snake loli]

How do you know what that is? 



[Medusa: I'm you....Arthur]


[Achilles: ;)]


Snapping out of my mental anguish I noticed my statement caused all three of the monster bai...Demi-gods to look up at me in confusion, most likely due to the fact I was to pretty to be compared to any snake ladies they had ever met. A devilish grin appeared on my face as I had a funny idea. 

[Achilles: Nice try Diddy.]

Aw come on. 

"Alright were playing twenty questions now, you guy's asked 2, I get to ask 2 deal?" 

They all seemed to come to an agreement through a series of nods and glares, before eventually they all nodded in confirmation. 

"Ok then, I know what you guys are, just not why y'all are so far from home, care to explain?" I asked putting a hand under my chin in order to look inquisitive. 

"Well, it's a long story..." Percy spoke up hesitantly. 


Guess who's back, not slim shady....

[????: FUCK YOU!!!]

Wow that's aggresive what did I do.

[Left your one semi-intriuging fan fic to die for eight years dumb ass.]

I'm a whimsical little guy.

[Nah you fat as fuck]

Fuck you

[????: fuck you]

