
CHP 33: Training Time...

~Jacob's Pov~




"Welcome to my humble abode, any initial impressions?" Bulma said cheerfully, flashing a grin as she looked at me expectantly, I returned her smile, glancing around their residence, "It's quite impressive, I must say." The architecture here was pretty decent.

Bulma beamed with pride before disappearing into the house. After a few moments, she reappeared, followed by two other individuals. "Jacob, I'd like you to meet my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Briefs."

I inclined my head slightly in greeting, "It's an honor to meet you both. I'm Jacob, the one who had the pleasure of assisting your daughter and, in turn, helping to save the planet."

Mr. Briefs nodded in acknowledgment, his brow furrowed in thought. "I appreciate your efforts, young man. You're welcome to stay here as long as you need. We can never have too many heroes under our roof." He smiled gently.

Mrs. Briefs smiled warmly at me, "Please, make yourself at home. We're always happy to help those in need."

I bowed slightly, "Thank you for your kindness and generosity. I'll do my best not to impose."

"Oh stop it. A young man like yourself needs to be less stiff, come in, my wife just finished preparing food." He offered, but unfortunately I had prior arrangements.

"I wish I could but since time was of the essence, I need to start as soon as possible, I spoke with both Goku and another to help. But, as soon as we're finished, I'll come straight here." I stated.

The man nodded in acceptance while Bulma looked slightly disappointed, "Alright son, take care now." He waved me off while I did the same.

Immediately I flew off, thinking off how I would navigate this all, since goku here wouldn't be learning Kaio-ken, we would need to push each other much harder than initially planned. Piccolo would keep up, he was talented enough...

After a few minutes, I spotted Goku and Piccolo in the distance. Goku was seated while Piccolo stood alone. I swooped down to join them, greeting them with a cheerful "Hey!" to signal my arrival.

I only heard a groan from the green giant... 

"I'm always ready for a good spar, but since we need to all train, I know a good spot. Follow me."

Goku seemed pretty excited, and to be honest, so was I, I felt like my new saiyan side was happy for the challenge, not that I wouldn't be regularly, but this felt like a new emotion in a sense, "Well, it seems like you guys ready for this. Alright, let's follow you." As soon as I said that, goku dashed off...

While Piccolo looked surprised, "Who last gets there is the bird-brain." I shrugged, immediately dashing after goku. While chasing after the orange after images, I saw Piccolo behind me, pissed off as all hell. Whoops...


"So this is the place, not bad, and its a nice open area too." I looked around seeing the grass flowing freely; I could get used to this place...

"Yeah, sometimes... I come here to just meditate ya' know..." Goku said smiling

"*Tch* Are you both gonna start? Or keep up the useless reminiscing?" Piccolo scoffed.

"Alright, he's got a point goku, we should start now. Since you both are weaker than me collectively, you both will need to attack me together, or you won't stand much of a chance." Goku looked excited, getting into his stance, while Piccolo looked less thrill, likely agitated because he got called weak...

"Let's begin!" I shouted, readying them and myself for the onslaught I'm gonna put them both through.

The three of us faced off, the tension in the air now high... I could feel the power radiating off of Goku and Piccolo, even as they held back. I took a deep breath, focusing my energy and readying myself for the fight...

With a battle cry, Goku charged at me, his fists flying, yet all blows with their own purpose. I easily deflected his blows, my movements fluid and precise due to my increase in strength. I could feel the power behind each punch though, but I remained unyielding since I was holding back too.

Piccolo quickly joined the fray right after, launching a volley of energy blasts at me. I dodged and weaved, using my new speed and agility to avoid each attack. I countered with a flurry of kicks, each one striking Piccolo with pinpoint accuracy...

The fight raged on, the three of us locked in a fierce battle. I could feel my energy waning and recharging at the same time, but I refused to give in, the saiyan cells in my body wanting to continue. I pushed myself to the brink, using every ounce of strength I had to hold my own against both of them.

I could tell something was off with my energy, like it wasn't efficient as it should be, but I shook it off and continued.

Goku and Piccolo worked together, coordinating their attacks in an attempt to overwhelm me. But I remained steadfast, my movements sharp and calculated. But, through this exchange, I could feel myself growing stronger with each passing moment, my muscles aching for a split second before they recovered fully...

As the fight reached its end, I unleashed more of my power, launching a devastating blast of energy, sending Goku and Piccolo flying away. They landed in a heap, their bodies battered, bloodied and bruised.

I stood tall, my breathing heavily before my regeneration kicked in. I had pushed myself to the limit in that small timeframe, but in the end, I was the obvious victor.




"Great job guys." I said, outstretching my hand to both Piccolo and goku, while only goku held on, the former helping up himself."

"Haha~ Where'd you learn how to fight like that?" Goku asked tiredly, now slightly bloody from the collision, as well as piccolo...

Piccolo just walked off, as if ready to leave, but before he could, "You know this continues tomorrow, right?" I made sure to tell him, he stopped himself before flying off slowly. He would be fine since he could regenerate, but...

Goku on the other hand, I wouldn't be so sure about going tomorrow, he should get a sizeable increase from this since I beat him pretty badly. This could be an issue in our efficiency from now on.

"I'm pretty beat-up, but our spar was amazing!" Goku laughed, I smiled with him as well, "Hey goku, mind closing your eyes for a second?" I asked.

"Uhhh, sure?" He did so, "Alright, you might feel a slight tingling sensation, but whatever you do, don't open those lids, got it?" I said sternly, goku looked unsure but nodded hesitantly.

With his permission, I used my virus, adding DNA to his so that it could improve his regeneration rate a good bit... I felt him squirm a bit, but he lasted, and I finished the process, "Alright, we're done. With this, you should be up and running tomorrow." I said, but he just looked confused.

"Alright, see ya' later..." I waved him off, while he did the same...

I took one last at the landscape, it was far more rugged than before since we fought for a good while, it was almost night... Since I had the time, I absorbed both Goku and Piccolo's DNA, which I didn't feel pain towards, at least not much.

Just the usual bones and organs shifting a bit, nothing out of the ordinary there. But, there was a difference...



Name: Jacob Mercer

Age: 18+ / 47,456 Years old

Height: 195.1 Cm

Weight: 160kg

PL: 2042 --> 2835.56

Charka: (Converted to Ki = 6.6 --> 11.4)

Ki energy (Ki * 10): 420.2 / 420.2 --> 461 / 461

Talent Value: SSS++ --> SSS+++ / Z+ [TRANSCENDED???]

Chakra Affinity: Water, (True) Lighting, Wind, Earth and Fire

Kekkei Genkai: Ice-Release


Physicality (Mix of Strength, Speed and Endurance): 42 --> 49.4 / ?????

Ki (KI): 11.4 + 46.1 --> 57.4 / ?????

Charm:10.3 / 11.1 --> 11.6 [TRANSCENDED???]

Intellect: 30.9 / 58.4


New) True Zenkai I: Allows the user to gain an increase of power when near death, the minimum boost is 30% to a maximum boost of 150% stronger after recovery... Now, you have a extremely low chance at getting a super Zenkai, which increases your strength between 20 - 50 fold...

(New) Battle Genius: Allows one to be highly proficient in martial arts, allowing the user to copy, create and predict martial arts to a tremendous extent...

(New) Powered Regeneration: Allows the user to supercharge their body parts or entire body with ki to supercharge healing properties.





I didn't gained much, other than the increased regenerative albitites, and better fighting Iq, but the best reward here was my increased Zenkai capability, Now on a base level I could get 30% to 150% stronger when near death. However, I could get a small chance at achieving a super Zenkai, which which at the bare minimum allows me to grow 20 to 50 times stronger.

If that isn't overpowered, I don't know what is... Even my potential got a small boost, though... I'm still not sure about the 'Z' part of it, maybe it was my hidden potential or something, who knows. Another thing I realized was just how strong I had gotten from this little spar.

I nearly increased my power by 50 percent, taken we that we were almost training all-day, and it doesn't feel like just 50% either, yet I felt numerous amounts of times stronger than before...

Still, I had an issue, my ki and chakra... They were two distinct forces... I felt like I wasn't using even half of my true power during the fight. This could be a problem, the likely aren't synergizing well. Which means I'll have to find a way to combine them both if at all possible...

'I have a lot left ahead of me...'








