
Playing With Enemies 

"Felicity Pennel, give up." One of the six individuals with a metal mask said in a victorious tone, looking at the beautiful blonde young woman. "Follow the advice of your guard. That way, you will live to fulfill your destiny."

"Or do the opposite and watch us end Grace's life." One of the others said in a frightening manner, his voice hissing as if he wasn't human.

Felicity swallowed her saliva as she looked at her remaining guard, Grace, and then at these cruel men who had already killed almost her entire group.

Given the state they were in, there was nothing to stop them from beating both of them, eventually taking her and doing whatever they wanted with Grace.

"Do it, young lady!" Grace said as she rested her back on Felicity's. 

Grace didn't mind dying. She had lived long enough, and there was no escaping this place. She knew these men would try to force themselves on her, but she was more worried about her lady.

Felicity was not only a noblewoman, socially superior to her, she was also a young woman Grace had watched grow up and helped protect since she was a newborn. 

"But..." Felicity hesitated, afraid to lose Grace but also afraid that these men would put her in even more danger.

"Humph! You have no choice!" One of the six men attacking her stepped forward and struck at one of Grace's vital points.

"Shit!" Grace screamed as she tried to defend herself, unable to dodge such an attack because the enemy's weapon would hit Felicity if she made such a move.

At that moment, a scream sounded from the sky mixed with the noise of something falling at great speed, attracting the attention of the men with hidden identities.

Three of the six men looked up to see what it was and saw a bulky man flying towards them at high speed.

This man was not tall, but his body was bulky. He didn't have much hair on his head and had tanned skin, which was hard to find in these lands. His clothes were ordinary, but the look on his face was anything but ordinary.

"What the fuck?" Shouted one of the three men looking at Atlas as he fell toward them, his fists ready to strike.

When he was only 15 meters off the ground, Atlas spun his body 360 degrees while suddenly slowing down.

After just one turn, he brought his two hands together and struck vertically downward, targeting the two masked individuals directly below him.


The moment his fists made the attack move, a loud sound echoed from the focus of the move as everyone around felt the power of the attack.

The attack was so fast that the two people below Atlas had no chance to do anything. Even before they were hit, they felt a surreal pressure on them, causing them to pass out before their bodies were crushed to the ground as if they were no big deal.

Sounds of breaking bones and splitting flesh emanated from the two individuals Atlas had targeted, bringing expressions of horror to the four companions of those two, as well as to the beautiful faces of Felicity and Grace.

Atlas himself made a strange expression as he realized he had used more power than Seth had recommended.

'Damn it! I crushed those two!' He thought of his leader's words and put a bitter smile on his face as he stopped where he fell and scratched his head.

"Ehh, what can I say..." He muttered as everyone in the group looked at him, except for the assassin who was trying to kill Grace. "You shouldn't stand in the way of a third-party landing site... Sorry I ended up killing you."

"That's..." One of the masked men changed his stance as he looked at Atlas. 

Atlas closed his eyes and moved one of his hands in front of his body as if he wanted to nudge someone.

A strong blast appeared, causing the man who was about to hurt Grace to miss his move as he was moved a few centimeters away from the woman.


His sword hit the void, and the situation in the area changed completely.

"Who are you?" One of the assassins who was there to kidnap Felicity and kill her entire group raised his voice as he stood guard against Atlas.

Atlas ignored this person and looked at the two beautiful women, who were sweaty and wounded. "I see one of you has a special skill. Not bad." He said, looking at them like an elder about to give advice. 

"It would be a shame if ordinary people took someone special, wouldn't it?" Atlas looked at Felicity, the only one there with an ability, the first person that, even remotely, resembled the people of his tribe that he had seen in these lands.

"Who are you?" Felicity asked, not as comfortable as some would be with the involvement of a third party in a fight.

Not knowing this stranger, she couldn't say for sure if his presence there was good or bad. Maybe he wanted to save her now, but that could lead to a bigger problem later.

Someone like her, who had been kidnapped twice in the last 17 years and who had to be wary of people who approached her because of her background, was always suspicious.

Atlas looked into Felicity's eyes as he ignored the four men shouting at him, two of them trying to approach him with guns in their hands and the other two keeping an eye on the two women.

Grace said. "I don't know what you want. But help us take care of these people first. We can talk later!"

This woman had more experience than Felicity. Atlas' identity and motives were important, but it was better to take out the four enemies in the area before worrying about that.

Atlas liked the middle-aged woman's comment and did what he had to do. "All right. Let's see how these four dance."

Atlas turned his attention to the men, acting normally as if they posed no threat.

But that was only natural for him. After all, Atlas' special power was not only that he was much more powerful than these people, but that he had super strength. His body was highly resistant. He was agile and could destroy a small mountain with one fist.

Dealing with these four was easy for him, but he still gave them a chance to attack, wanting to test these four opponents before killing them.

When the first of them attacked him with a sword, he defended himself with two of his fingers, smiling as he sensed what was behind the move.

'I will show you that Seth is not the only one who can learn the skills of others.' Atlas laughed as he played with the four, taking a sword from one of them instantly and using their fighting skills against themselves.
