
The Red-Haired Killer!

Chapter 49: The Red-Haired Killer!

The ground trembled violently, the sounds of collapsing buildings and monstrous roars filling the air.

"The city... it's being invaded by monsters..."

Lefiya stammered, her eyes wide with terror as she witnessed the chaos unfolding outside the warehouse.

The once beautiful view of the city was being torn apart by monsters that had erupted from the depths of the dungeon below, transforming the night into a scene of utter devastation.

Ais, her hand instinctively reaching for her sword, glared at the armored figure.

"Is that you?! Did you summon these monsters?"

The person, whose face was partially obscured by bandages and a helmet, ignored Ais's accusation and began to shed her armor.

"Ugh, this armor is way too tight. My chest hurts from all the squeezing," she grumbled, her voice surprisingly high-pitched and feminine.

With a forceful yank, she shattered the chest plate, revealing a womanly figure beneath.

She then ripped off the remaining pieces of her disguise, including the bandages around her left eye, exposing fair skin and short, crimson hair.

However, the cold glint in her eyes starkly contrasted with her attractive appearance.

"So that's why she destroyed that guy's head… to hide her true identity…" Shiro muttered, observing as the woman revealed her true face.

It looked like the woman had peeled off the face of the murdered armored man and worn it as a mask, attempting to create confusion and slip away while the other adventurers were focused on her supposed female form.

However, Lulune had already swapped the item she wanted, forcing the woman to give chase and ultimately resort to destroying the guy's head to conceal her actions.

It was clear now – she was the murderer.

"Enough games. Hand over the orb!" The red-haired woman demanded, drawing her sword and lunging towards the orb near the scared chienthrope.

Ais reacted instantly, intercepting the attack with her own sword.

Sparks flew as the two swords clashed, and the two were locked in a struggle for dominance.

"Get out of my way!" The red-haired woman snarled, pushing Ais back with immense power.

"This force... you're Level 6," Ais realized, feeling the force from the desperate sword.

"So what?" The woman retorted, her lips curling into a smirk.

They abandoned Lulune as their battle escalated into a high-speed duel, silver flashes of their swords illuminating the darkness.

"You, the one called Lulune, take the orb and meet up with our captain near the plaza!" Lefiya, regaining her composure, issued the command.

Lulune darted towards the orb, but the ground beneath her feet suddenly split open.

A monster looking like a carnivorous plant emerged, blocking her path.

As everyone's attention was diverted by the new threat, the red-haired woman delivered a swift roundhouse kick, sending Ais crashing into the wall.

She then sprinted towards the fallen orb.


A loud crack resonated, and the woman stumbled, clutching her stomach painfully.

Suddenly, there was a hole in her stomach with blood constantly oozing out.

She turned around, her eyes blazing with fury, to identify the source of the attack.

There stood Shiro, with a strange, silver-white object about 20 centimeters long in his hand.

And smoke wafted from its barrel.

"I've said it before, a good diversion tactic never gets old," he said with a smirk, noticing the surprised looks directed at him.

He then quickly holstered the gun, this "gift" from the first world he transmigrated into.

Since the woman had already experienced the gun's effect once, it wouldn't be as effective again.

However, imbuing bullets with magic offered a useful long-range attack option.

In this world, where adventurers need to constantly hone their ability values, firearms aren't good for growth.

But against enemies, there was no need for chivalry or fair duels.

"Ais, let's finish this quickly. There are still monsters wreaking havoc in the city," Shiro said, helping Ais up from the debris.

Sensing her opponent's strength, Ais nodded, ready to give it her all.

"[Tempest!]" The blond-haired girl chanted, and a green wind enveloped her body, drastically increasing her speed.

In a flash, she was in front of the red-haired woman, their blades clashing once more.


But for the first time, an expression of surprise flickered across the woman's face.

But it was quickly replaced by a playful smile.

"This wind... I see. You're Aria, aren't you?"

Ais's eyes widened in shock after hearing the familiar name after a long time.

"That name... how do you know it?!"

"Who knows?" The woman replied, her smile widening into a malicious grin.

Suddenly, a cry pierced the air – the shrill cry of a baby emanating from the fallen orb.

The fetus within began to thrash and writhe, its tiny hands tearing through the orb's membrane.

With astonishing speed, it leaped out, hurtling towards Ais.

Shiro, who was about to assist Ais, was forced to halt his advance, and didn't hesitate to intercept the fetus heading towards the blond-haired girl's direction.

He didn't know why it was so fixated on Ais, but he was certain nothing good would come from letting it reach her.

As if sensing danger, the fetus twisted mid-air in an unnatural posture and instead slammed into the carnivorous plant, merging with its body.

"Oooooooooooooh!" The plant shrieked as the fetus burrowed into its body.

Red lines snaked across its surface, originating from the point of contact.

The monster's mouth opened in a slobbery wail, and its body began to expand rapidly.

Like a grotesque metamorphosis, the plant evolved at an alarming rate, its cries drawing more of its kind from the dungeon walls, which then fused with its ever-growing form.

The monster's body gradually took on a humanoid shape.

Finally, reaching a critical point, a female figure burst forth from the plant's remains.

However, calling it humanoid wasn't entirely accurate.

The creature resembled a horrific fusion of a woman and an octopus, its ten legs composed of the carnivorous plants, each writhing independently as if possessing their own consciousness.

The sight reminded Shiro of the half-human, half-worm monster he and Ais had defeated before.

Though their lower bodies differed, they were undoubtedly of the same species.

The newly evolved monster immediately launched its attack, its tentacles lashing out from all directions.

"Lefiya, protect yourself and Lulune! Leave this monster to me!" Shiro shouted as he dodged a tentacle aimed at him.

The tentacles then started raining down like a barrage, forcing everyone to scramble for cover.

"Now!" Seizing a gap in the monster's assault, Shiro reached out and grabbed a tentacle embedded into the ground.

As if triggering a mechanism, the monster's body began to disintegrate, starting from the point of contact and spreading rapidly.

This massive creature might have posed a great challenge to others, but to Shiro, it was merely a target.

Sensing the pain originating from its lower half, the monster split in two, its upper and lower bodies fleeing in opposite directions.

"Can it also do that?!"

"[Unleashed streak of light, bow limbs of the holy tree. You are an expert of the bow. Shoot, sniper of the fairies.]" Suddenly, a chant reached Shiro's ears.

"[Penetrate, arrow of absolute accuracy!!]"

With the completion of the chant, a volley of fireballs soared towards the airborne upper body of the monster.


A thunderous explosion soon followed, leaving behind only the monster's magic stone on the ground.


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