
I Will Always Seek You Out

"She rushed over and explained that you'd left before her but had gone to return some materials to the storeroom. That was when it all clicked. We had searched everywhere yesterday, except the storeroom."

Jace's expression turned dark at the possibility of losing her if they hadn't listened to the gateman.

"Do you think she's there?" Jace had asked at the time, his patience fraying.

"Why even ask?" the gateman had replied, suddenly animated. "We need to check now!"

"Lead the way," Jace had commanded as he practically carried the gateman there. 

"That was when Randall heard the faint sound of banging and followed it," he continued. "I heard you, Grace, just as you…" His voice faltered, and he clenched his jaw as the memory of finding her slumped and unresponsive hit him hard. "Just as you collapsed."

He shuddered when he recalled the sight as  they finally pried the door open… he had seen her, collapsed on the floor, pale and barely conscious. 
