
Chapter 78 Going to the Mountain

"Now, now... Don't look at me like that, Ms. Ainsley. I assure you, there is a reward awaiting all of you," the Director reassured, sensing Hera's puzzled expression.

As Hera was called out, she became aware of her confused gaze fixed upon the Director, who had yet to divulge the nature of the reward.

The Director nodded to the villagers, and ten of them promptly positioned themselves in front of Hera and Xavier. Their ages spanned from around 11 to their 50s. The younger ones appeared visibly nervous, fidgeting, and displaying an understandable hesitancy in front of the camera.

"I assume that the other participants will at least take another 45 minutes on the road due to their progress, I will first introduce to you the reward you'll get for getting here first..."

At this moment, the crew brought out a roulette, its surface blank, providing no clue as to the potential rewards it held.
