
Untie Him, Yuri

The Petrov mansion and the organization had no one running them currently, and he needed to be there, at least until Mr. Petrov awoke from his temporary coma.

Sighing, Dimitri undid his tie, discomforted. It was a bit hot in the car, so he asked the driver to turn the AC on.

A few minutes passed, but nothing happened.

"Are you deaf?" he asked, raising his head from the phone to stare at the partition that separated him from the driver in dark shades. "Turn the damn AC on. It's fucking hot in here." His hand reached for the bottle of water in the car, and he opened it, swallowing a mouthful of liquid.

No response came from the driver.

Growing beyond frustrated, Dimitri turned off the phone, hanging up the call he was about to answer.

But it was just then that he realized the change of scenery outside. This was not the route to his father's wine company.
