
95 – Tuchanka (4)


"Now?" Wrex was shocked when Samael and the others returned after a few hours, saying it was time. He wasn't mad, he was just surprised.

He didn't even know what they had gone to do. He was still basking in the glory of everyone around him, so it came as a surprise when Samael appeared out of nowhere.

"Yes, now. Are you up to it?" Samael knew how anxious Wrex was beneath his tough facade, so he was using his 'authority' to encourage Wrex to move.

As expected, Wrex nodded and got up from his seat. The playfulness from a few moments before was nowhere to be seen. "Let's go."

He relayed a few orders to those below him. After all, even without him there, things had to go on. It was something small, just to ensure no one caused any trouble while he wasn't around. Though he knew it was a wasted effort, as Krogans tended not to listen and often caused trouble anyway.

"Wait. Where's Grunt?" Samael asked after Wrex finished relaying his orders. While he didn't mind the young Krogan having fun around Tuchanka, he believed Grunt needed some sort of supervision, not for his sake, but for the others. After all, Grunt wasn't the average Krogan.

Wrex had a grin on his face. "Hehe. Samara's with him, just like Kasumi and Thane... probably. To be honest, those two creep me out a bit with their trick of appearing and disappearing out of nowhere. The others were around, doing something."

Sure enough, Samael only had to look around to find the other members of the crew. They were chatting together with some Krogans.

It seemed that being surrounded by friendly faces gave them a boost of confidence, as they weren't afraid of facing the Krogans. Joker and EDI were even kissing, finally making progress in their relationship.

With that, Samael felt reassured. It was time to finally release the Genophage Cure.

Javik, who was nearby and silent for the past few hours, asked before Samael could say anything, "Do you mind if I join?"

"Feel free." Samael then gave one last look around the team that was going. It consisted of him, Shepard, Wrex, Tali, Liara, RR, Mordin, and Javik. "Everyone ready?"

There were nods all around.

"Then let's go."

Soon, everyone boarded the MAKO once more, heading toward the last Shroud on Tuchanka, hoping not to find trouble along the way.

In the meantime, Wrex, who was in high spirits, chatted away with everyone and no one in particular. "So, after the cure is released, I'm thinking of facing Kalros, the Mother of All Thresher Maws. Anyone up for it?"

Questioning gazes rolled around the MAKO, so RR, from the driver's seat, took it upon herself to answer, "Let me explain. Kalros is considered the Mother of All Thresher Maws due to its size, strength, and the records about its age. Based on the few registered sightings of the creature, it is recorded to be around 1,000 meters long, almost rivaling Sovereign in size."

Just for comparison, the average Thresher Maw measures around 30 meters. In contrast, the Reapers ranged from 160 meters to 2 kilometers in size, meaning Kalros could face them with almost no problem. This is exactly what she did in Mass Effect 3 when she killed a Reaper attacking Tuchanka.

"It lives on Tuchanka, but no one knows exactly where. Facing it in combat is regarded as a great honor, and just seeing it in action is more than enough."

So, it made sense why Wrex wanted to face it. Not only would it be fun, but it would also strengthen his position as the Krogan Emperor, as literally no one in the past century had confronted Kalros and lived to tell the tale.

"Hehe, RR gets me. So, anyone interested?" Wrex asked once more.

Samael wore a nostalgic expression, having joined this same "adventure" with Wrex many times in past cycles. Almost every time, they ended up retreating after seeing Kalros, but it was always a thrilling experience.

Kalros was also one of the few things Samael couldn't interfere with, making it special for him. He loved things that changed but also cherished those that remained constant across cycles.

'It seems we will meet each other again...'

He was visiting many old friends at this moment in time. First the Thorian and now maybe Kalros.

While he had never managed to establish contact with the creature, he held a great deal of respect for it, as it consistently stood up against the Reapers whenever they attacked the planet.

"Count me in," Samael said first, confirming his participation, and soon others followed suit.

"Me too."

"Why not?"

Everyone except Mordin confirmed their participation. Wrex looked at the Salarian with pleading eyes, prompting Mordin to sigh, "Okay, okay. I will participate, yes. Happy?"

Wrex nodded, clearly pleased to have everyone on board. "I'll tell Grunt about it too. The kid will love it."

Not long after, they arrived at the last remaining Shroud of Tuchanka. Samael wore a somewhat grim expression. After all, this place didn't exactly give him good vibes or memories.

'Mordin dies here most of the time. I've managed to prevent some of those deaths, but sometimes... Well, today will be one of those days where he survives; I will make sure of it.'

He had witnessed his old friend die too many times, so he vowed to protect him in this last cycle. Though he felt uncomfortable being around the Shroud, he was on a mission and would see it through to the end.

RR parked the MAKO, and as soon as the door opened, everyone disembarked in formation, on high alert, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

Samael didn't inform Wrex nor Javik about the STG team that tried to detonate the bomb as he didn't need to. But caution was necessary for what they were about to do, so the high alert made sense.

The previously joking atmosphere had vanished, as everyone present understood the gravity of the mission.

Mordin was the last to exit, carrying a briefcase that contained the cure. He held the briefcase tightly, fearful that fate would take it from his hands.

Everyone had their weapons ready and slowly made their way toward the Shroud. They entered the tower and made their way deep inside. Mordin led the way, as he was a Salarian familiar with the Shroud's structure.

As mentioned earlier, the Shroud was a massive tower-like structure primarily designed to aid Tuchanka's atmosphere. Now, however, it served as a trap to ensure no one could use it to distribute something like a cure, if one were ever created.

To release the cure safely, they needed to reach the highest floor, place the cure in its designated spot, and finally release it into the planet's atmosphere.

It was just a few more steps, but everyone there could feel the pressure in the air. The decision they were about to make was enormous.

Finally, after moments of walking, where everyone was on edge, afraid of their own shadows, they arrived at the elevator that would take them to the top.

Less than two minutes later, the elevator reached the highest floor. Samael, RR, Wrex, Shepard, and Javik stepped out first and surveyed the room.



With those shouts, Tali, Liara, and Mordin exited the elevator and the Salarian immediately began his work.

He opened the briefcase and took out a vial containing the cure. Mordin made his way to the center of the room, where there was a control panel.

He tapped it a few times, and from the panel, a compartment emerged. It seemed designed to hold something—probably the substances that "helped" Tuchanka's atmosphere, but now it would hold the cure.

Mordin carefully placed the vial in the compartment, tapped the panel a few more times, and the compartment slid back inside.

Now, just one more click, and the cure would be released into the world. However, Mordin hesitated to press the button. It was understandable, he was essentially betraying his own species.

Of course, he was also undoing his previous actions, but it was a heavy decision to bear. It was also a little bit poetic, that the device they were using to spread the cure, the Shroud, was originally a trap built by the Salarians.

The whole situation was weird, to be honest. The Krogan had helped the galaxy more than one way for a long time, got arrogant, paid the price for that, and now the Salarians were the villains of the situation.

Samael noticed Mordin's hesitation and Wrex's growing concern and decided to offer his support while inspiring the others. "What makes a good leader?" he asked rhetorically as he approached the Salarian. "Is it the person with high charisma who attracts others to their side? Is it someone who can make difficult decisions? A person who behaves well under pressure?"

Everyone was paying attention, including Mordin.

"If you answered yes to all of those questions, you would be correct, but you would also be missing a key detail: the willingness to live with the consequences of your choices."

"No matter the situation, you must have the will to continue living, just as you have in the past and just as you will in the future with the decisions you make today."

"Do you think the decision you are about to make is the correct one?" he asked, this time more sincerely.

Mordin nodded slowly, pressing the release button a little more, but still not committing fully.

"Then don't hesitate. If you don't want to carry that burden alone, I can take it on for you. You are not alone in this, and you are also helping the Krogans and the galaxy. We will need them in the upcoming war.''

Samael placed his hand above Mordin's, not applying any pressure. "We will deal with the consequences of today in the future. Together."

Mordin looked at Samael and then at the people behind him. They weren't judging him; rather, they were looking at him with acceptance, ready to support whatever decision he made.

The Salarian took Samael's hand off his and said, "Thank you."

Samael nodded, allowing the Salarian to make the final call. Soon, Mordin closed his eyes and pressed the button, declaring, "No more Genophage."


Immediately after pressing the button, a cloud containing the cure was released into the Tuchanka atmosphere. Any Krogan coming into contact with it would be free from the Genophage.

A new era for the Krogan was now upon the galaxy. What would come of it? Only time will tell.

Samael had made a similar decision in the past, but he never lived long enough to witness the results of that choice. However, whatever awaited him now, he would face it head-on.

Wrex looked emotional as he watched the cloud with the cure being dispersed through the planet. With this, his species now had the chance to grow stronger while not repeating the errors of the past.

Countless memories of babies, some of them even being his, dying flashed through his mind. What followed was pain appearing in his eyes, but it was soon filled with resolution.

He vowed to be better than his ancestors and those in power in the past. He looked at his crew, that now could be considered his family. Even Shepard, who came late to the party, was considered part of his family.

Wrex said with a tone filled with sincerity, as he looked at Samael,'' From today on, you are my brother, not out of blood, but out of choice. Anything you want from the Krogan, you just need to ask.''

Samael nodded, appreciating the feeling. Wrex then looked at the rest of those present, '' All of you, the crew members of the Phoenix, even those not present, are my family too. You are forever an ally of the Krogan species, so don't hesitate to ask for help.''

Everyone noticed Wrex's sincerity and was touched a little. They knew the choice they took today would change a lot in the future, but as everyone said before, for them to worry about its consequences, they had to survive the war against the Reapers.

Samael patted Wrex's shoulder, '' Let's go, brother. We still have a lot to do. Let's celebrate the Krogan new beginning, then continue on our path.''

Wrex nodded, '' Let's go.''

If you find any grammar error, please let me know so I can fix it!

Thanks for the support and see you on Monday!

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