

She smiled, her eyes locked in mischief with a mocking smile still lingering on her lips. "I guess you didn't know."

"What the hell, Itzel! " Dave snapped, anger laced in his voice as he jerked to his feet. " Shut the fu*k up." He warned, glaring at Itzel who seemed unintimidated by his threat though her smile had flattened.

Victoria on the other hand, was too anxious to keep her calm. She tagged her son's arm, slightly pulling on it as she requested for sole explanation.

"Can you tell me what this ia about, Dave?" Anxiety seem to take the better of her at every passing minute. Knowing how negative an influence it will be on their family if it should be something bad. "What did the three of you do?"

Emelia turned to her daughter, her brows creased. " Stop this right now, Itzy." She uttered with some degree of urgency. But Itzel just smiled, averting her gaze to Dave's mother as she ignored Emelia.
