
Chapter 4

Welcome to chapter 4! (Also forgot to mention but Lucy is 14 right now.)

Lucy sighed as she looked in the mirror, time had passed by and now it was time for Ranger School to officially start. A few things had happened during the past few days, like she suddenly was given a weekly allowance out of the blue by someone, she didn't know who though, but she had a large allowance. Collei went shopping with Lucy to get her things that she needed. 

Lucy was a bit amused as Collei was mumbling about the things that they needed, though Lucy made sure to not point it out. Collei seemed to be comfortable around her. That night Lucy took a tour of the school since no one would really be out at night. She accidentally met one of the teachers, a woman with pink hair and, what looked to be, pink eyes. Her name was 'Calliope Mori', she seemed surprised that Lucy didn't know her. Lucy was confused at why the woman seemed shocked but shrugged it off and quickly returned to her dorm and got ready for bed. Unknowingly leaving Ms.Mori standing there in the hall confused, after all she was well known almost everywhere. Though, Lucy had a weird feeling about her… She just didn't feel human.

The next thing that happened was that Lucy kept running into other random teachers, like Ms.Watson, Ms. Gawr, and Ms. Takanashi. Lucy didn't think much of it, she also didn't think why other students seemed so excited to meet them. She just continued on with her day, well at least she would have if it wasn't for Collei dragging her to a hair stylist, since she remembered that Lucy mentioned wanting to cut her bangs a bit shorter. Though, she was wondering why she kept running into teachers since not many people met their teachers until school actually started. She also had a weird feeling about some of them, they felt… not human…

Just yesterday, Lucy thought she saw a pokemon stalking her, it looked to be a dual type, maybe fire and flying? It reminded Lucy of a Falcon. She didn't know who it belonged to or if it was just a wild pokemon that was in the area. Anyways, Lucy just ended up ignoring it as it probably was nothing.

Sighing, Lucy adjusted her Ranger uniform that they got a few days ago, this was going to be their permanent ranger uniform, and to be honest Lucy liked it. She heard from Collei that the one Amber has looks different because she started out at a different Ranger School for her first two years. (Just the outfit nothing else, also Ignore the poke-dex)


Lucy slightly adjusted her gloves and looked in the mirror once more, while it had a lot of colors she liked it. Besides, even if she didn't like it she couldn't do anything about it. Lucy's thought process is interrupted by a few knocks on the bathroom door. 

"Yes?" Lucy responds as she glances at the door, she knew it was Collei. Although, she didn't know what Collei wanted as Collei had her own bathroom. So there wasn't really a reason for her to come knocking at Lucy's bathroom. 

Collei:" You almost done? We have to get to class soon." Her voice sounded like a mix between nervousness and excitement. Lucy smiled slightly before taking one more look at herself in the mirror, seeing if she was missing anything, she saw nothing missing. 

"Yeah, I am done." Lucy opens the door and heads out of the bathroom, seeing that Collei was already at the door she walks over to her and opens the door to head out. Lucy and Collei walked side by side to their first class, since it was the first day they didn't need to bring anything with them so they were walking empty handed. 

Soon they make it to class around 10 minutes before the bell rings, much to the surprise of their teacher. They were female with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Oh. Good Morning you two. I wasn't expecting some students to get to class so early." The teacher says with a kind smile, next to the women was a pokemon. It was a bipedal, beagle-like Pokémon with white and brown fur. It has a long tail with an end resembling a paintbrush. Lucy was curious as she hadn't seen this pokemon before, it reminded her of a certain animal. "My name is Da Vinci, I will be your history teacher."

'Da Vinci? Like Leonardo Da Vinci? Is that just a coincidence?' Lucy thinks as she gets into a thinking pose. Letting out a slight hum, Lucy shrugs it off, thinking nothing of it. Not noticing that Da Vinci let out a silent sigh of relief. " My name is Lucy, and this is my friend, Collei. It is nice to meet you Ms. Vinci." 

Da Vinci:" Just call me Da Vinci, everyone calls me that." To Lucy, there was something… odd about this woman, not evil just… it didn't feel human. Shaking her head slightly, Lucy knows that she might be wrong, she has been wrong many times before. Though, she was confused as this has happened a few times in this school, with different people. 

"Lucy come on, let's go sit down, it is about time for class to start." Collei says, snapping Lucy out of her thoughts while heading to a seat. Glancing at the clock, Lucy sees that Collei was right, class was indeed about to start. 

"Hm, I guess I got lost in thought." Lucy walked to her seat, next to Collei. Soon enough students came rushing in 2 minutes before the bell. Meanwhile, Lucy felt… Annoyed? For some reason… Maybe it was because there were mostly rich snobs that looked smug. Glancing at Da Vinci, Lucy wasn't surprised to see that she looked annoyed. This school was a place to become Pokemon rangers, not for rich people who think that they own the school.

It also seemed that Lucy had bad luck as the snobbiest one sat right next to her with a ugly smug grin, he was overweight and not wearing the pokemon ranger uniform. Now, Lucy does not judge people on their weight or looks but she can clearly feel that he was a huge prick. She didn't care if he was rich, but if he tried to push his work on her she WILL rip it up right in front of him.

Lucy checked her schedule and sees that there was quite a few classes, there was 10 classes, 

History: Da Vinci

Math: Loid Forger

Health: Shinobu Kocho

English: Hizashi Yamada

Gym: Scáthach

Lunch: Freetime (No Teacher)

Survival class: Himeko Murata

Pokemon Movesets: Kokomi 

Rescue Class: Hololive (Multiple Teachers)

Cooking Class: Sanji