
Feng Foxes vs. Shizi Dogs (2)

Max felt a chill run down his spine, causing him to miss the shot. 

He stopped for a moment and looked outside the large transparent window from their school's court. 

"Max missed!" Ailun exclaimed. "That means that I'm getting better at this!" 

Coach Guanyu frowned. "Why are you so distracted today?" he asked 

Fabin and AIlun turned to each other with knowing smiles. 

"He's thinking about the game between the Foxes and the Dogs," Fabin said. "Max really wants to watch it." 

"I want to watch it, too," Ailun complained. 

"Why are we training until the evening today, coach? I bet most teams are watching at the city's court." 

"True!" Fabin exclaimed. "Our game tomorrow isn't even with a strong team." 

The other players exclaimed in agreement. 

Coach Guanyu turned to glare at all of them, making them shut their mouths. 

"If you think we're practicing for the game tomorrow, then think again," he said. 
