
Doug's Cooking

Everyone turned to stare at him when Karl made that announcement.

"Say that again? Did you just say that you're in the first year? As in, you're planning to make Ascended during the end of your first semester's exams? When did they even test you to Awakened? It's not midterms yet, is it?" Bob asked.

"No, we're still not at midterms. Actually, I think I will miss them because of the mission. But I was tested to Awakened three weeks after I got to the Academy, when Hawk started to really grow in potential. Rae and Thor joined us a few weeks later, but they're growing fast." Karl explained.

"They're growing exceptionally fast if they're already this size and were infants when you got them. At least, I assume that they were newborns at the start of the school year?" Bob asked.

"Eggs, actually. I got them all as eggs, and I've raised them from that." Karl agreed.
