
Volume 0 (46): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 46 : Barloen College Part 2.

Cereldya, Bethzave and Marshack enters in the Cafeteria, one of the sides of the room, is purely for the different foods available, there are quite a few of cooks and fast food stalls, snacks and drinks.

Still, there is a clear delimitation on the hierarchy inside this hall, dividing on three areas the space.

The Common Area has large and silm tables with slim benches as long as the room allows it.

The second one is the Reserved Area, their tables vary in size but you must pay for the access to these places.

Lastly, the Secure Area, not only has the best furniture and can be personalized too due to being the most expensive of the three, you need to prove your worth to deserve going inside, which is why it remains alone, devoid of any activity.

‡—My mother mentioned this is the same design that has the Cafeterias in Öfthênjör Åcademy; Said Cereldya walking towards the Reseerved Area, due to the Jitaris having a table already on her name, in which other two females of her Species are welcoming the Damsel.

She speaks on Mathirn language one more occasion »‡—Here we are safe, and is better if our interactions are reduced in public.

Cereldya is obviously using this as an excuse, a good one on this case, because she doesn't approve that her Mother is actively pursuing someone, aside from her father, she never thought it was an individual that match the Jitaris Sovereign.

However, the revelation of Cla'ryon towards the relationship she had with Cereldya's deceased father only get the situation worse.

It would have been more tolerable if the male in question were older, but today, after watching the Basic Assessment of Marshack's Evolution, she is completely terrified.

One thing is to hear what he did to the Ludbarian Fleet attacking the Prinean, and another to be present on that sheer amount of progress the Hûrngöth possess as an Entity from the Existence, he doesn't reach a Millennium and is capable enough to face her Mother head on.

The fear she feels is so ingrain in her as the disgust of knowing her Mother would happily sprouts the descendants of such monster if she gets the opportunity, and the same goes for Bethzave and her Mother, the Empress of the Mathirn, Esveth.

With the Jitaris out of the way, the young Mathirn couldn't be more happy, "Meeting Marshack" on the Trans Layer Train can be considered a fortunate coincidence, and as such, it is not really necessary to keep distance from the male she is so interested.

On the other hand, going separate ways surely is not an option, everyone is aware of the beauty the Mathirn females has while they don't employ their Mantis Trait, and that attracts unwanted attention.

In truth, occurs regardless of the company, but, without a doubt, it is more annoying while she is alone, that encourages those around to pursue her more insistently to win her attention.

‡—My Mother has her own table too Bverxkka; Bethzave said and then asks, not letting this occasion to be wasted »‡—Would you like to have breakfast with me?.

This is a not so innocent question, everytime the opportunity arises she asks this, because most Entities can't stand the eating habits of her Species.

The Mathirn not only consume living creatures, in fact, they consume Sentient Entities if they are equal or below to being an Elevated Species, only High Species and more evolved ones are saved from their jaws under the condition of not being enemys.

Marshack doesn't really care about such trivialities, which is why he accepts the proposition ‡—Indeed, it would be my pleasure, show me the way …

The pair advance for a minute before taking the seats of the mentioned table, in which an already ready meal is on display.

Standing face to face, the two younglings are going to proceed to take the food, both Species have a similar concept about nourishment, if is eatable and helpful to you, ingest it and don't complain.

That is why Bethzave considered Marshack's needs when placing the ordered meal with her Slaidt, of course, without forgetting to test him with them too.

‡—This are some of the most representative dishes of my culture, as well as a few of my favorite foods, i hope they are of your liking. Bethzave demeanor doesn't betrays her intention.

The Apex is more direct ‡—Bethzave, i don't find food of my liking at all, because for me the flavor is inexistent, but if it nurtures me, then you could say, it is of my liking.

The Mathirn perceives relief on her thoughts, after knowing Marshack on the flesh a Standar Day ago (50 hours), the female couldn't read him properly once, she still can't, but a fact keeps repeating consistently on Marshack's behavior, he doesn't lie, is sincere, ruthless, caring, straightforward and curious, attitudes that she always had find attractive, and thinks are absolutely necessary for whoever that wants a relationship with her.

§ Æmber Caterpillar §

Quality 20 ★ Category 5

Nutritional Level • 4.05

Nutritional Index • > 120,000

§ Æmber Plasma §

The first meal is a large bowl filled with this cooper Caterpillars that are almost a Vul (Half meter) in lenght, with a Yellow Amber Plasma glowing Zohar on their silhouettes and patterns of Emerald Ember Plasma energy pulsing across their bodies.

Bethzave grabs one of the Caterpillars with her right hand, biting the creature in the middle of its body, sipping the animal's fluids with her jaws, just to ingest it whole once it is half dehydrated so she can stuffed the creature inside of her mouth.

Finishing swallowing the Caterpillar, Bethzave looks Marshack unweavering stance ‡—Is important to not kill it until is inside of your body to maximize the efficiency on the nutrientes absorbed.

The Hûrngöth doesn't reply, instead he grabs a Caterpillar, piercing the flesh of the animal with his wine metallic teeth and eight menacing fangs, four with the same metallic tone as his darkest purple hair with an energy glowing lilac edge, and the other four fangs are metallic ambar gold with glowing emerald edges.

Bethzave notices this and her mind has a short circuit {How he has Æmber Damasium Fangs, only woman can have them after achieving their fifth Millennium?!}.

Marshack ingest the fluids, dehydrating the Caterpillar enough to eat it in one bite, a high amount of Æmber Plasma is abruptly released inside his mouth, the development doesn't surprise him, he knew about this after watching Bethzave eating, still, is an invigorating sensation for the Hûrngöth.

Which is why he grabs another Caterpillar and repeats the process of ingestion with a light smirk.

After the seventh one he eats, the Hûrngöth inquires ‡—Bethzave, how this creatures have "Category 5" while i am "Category 0"?.

The Mathirn reply apologetically ‡—It is an unsolved mystery Bverxkka, there is only two ways for anyone and anything to achive having a Category above zero, surpassing Quality 25, or "Block Nodes" and the enhanced form, "Absolute Ambivalent", with sufficient of one another or having both, is possible, extremely difficult, but not unheard, however, there is a lot of Creatures that have higher Category without going above Quality 25, and still, no one has a clue about this matter, not even Öfthênjör Åcademy.

{Bethzave is not lying to me, I still don't know how clear her intentions are, especially after the act of [Mimic] her Mother Esveth}.

»‡—Are you ready for the next ones Bverxkka?; Asked the Mathirn with a tint of mischief in her voice.

‡—Indeed; Replied Marshack while grabbing another Caterpillar that is fastly devoured by the Apex …
