
Volume 0 (42): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 42 : Realizing the differences Part 1.

The visit of Cla'ryon, Norraine and Marshack to the Skårdiån Galaxy, continues with them inside the Vessel Soft Touch, specificly on the Observation Room with the company of the Mathirn Empress Esveth, and Bethzave, one of her Daughters.

As the Apex had express, the Unknown Swarm invading the Skårdiån Galaxy are the Formickrean, with the capacity of Marshack's and Norraine's [Bicromy] alongside the scanners of Soft Touch, they achieve easily to spy on the ongoing space battle 136 Standard Light Years away between the creatures entering the Galaxy through an intermittent pinkish anomaly, against the Preëmtor and Greekyan Vessels.

The over grown incoming insects have multiple variants in their forms, as well many Species across their lines.

Such as black wasps, grey moths, hazelnut Mantis, indigo bumblebees and orange dragonflies.

However, the most recurrent and numerous of the said Species are similar to scorpions with burned caramel exoskeleton, of course, this creatures are large enough to surpass 3 and a half Vul (1.75 meters) of height, 4 and a half Vul (2.25 meters) wide with 13 and a half Vul (6.75 meters) of length not counting the tail.

They have big clunky pincers composed of three robust claws with sharp bright edges of white and blue energy, the tail is 60% longer than the rest of the body, and the stinger is capable of firing a mix of whitish Null Zionez and Natural Electrons, much more concentrated than the ones present on the pincers.

Norraine is the first one to speak giving her opinion ‡—The Formickrean are more aggressive and organized than when we purge them from Nevïs Galaxy.

‡—Indeed; Reply Marshack with seriousness as he wave his hand trying to decode the electromagnetic waves that send and receive the Formickrean »‡—That is because was not present one of these commanding their actions.

Marshack's sight is locked on a big fat grey moth, her colour is litmus and darker than the rest of her class and has a cyan cover on her silhouette.

‡—My Empress; Soft Touch informs with a tint of preoccupation »‡—This Creature has a Level 25 [Body Shield], Level 15 [Personal Shield] and a Level 1 [Added Adarga Shielding], is not going to be damaged by the Greekyan, and the Preëmtor doesn't have enough potency to finish this enemy with their [Ballistic] Orange Prio Plasma, unless we back them up destroying the [Body Shield].

Marshack is absolutely flabbergasted by the sentence of Soft Touch, not only because he is surprised about 3 different types of Shields, if not due to the incongruity he has just heard, forcing him to ask with a tint of incredulity ‡—You said this Preëmtor have access to Grade 6 ammunition, and they are unable to bypass this incredibly weak Shields?.

Bethzave doesn't follow the overall meaning, she berely reach Level 12 on her [Personal Shield], her [Body Shield] remains stagnated on Level 9 and she has not acquired the [Added Adarga Shielding], dreaming with it almost on daily basis, still, she clarify this matter to the Apex ‡—That is because they only have Tier 1 ammunition, and is due to the "Weapons" the Preëmtor employ, as you probably have noticed, they have a tendency wide known to use Fighters Ships, and only a handful of the Preëmtor has the capability or the wealth to afford Grade 6 ammunition of Tier 2.

‡—Oh, that explains a lot … ; Marshack's voice is quite detached and even a bit downcasted, he is evidently disappointed about this revelation.

Truth be told, he hates weapons, for the matter, he is disgusted by technology in general, because it makes everyone weaker and dependant, he mentioned this in the past to Alaney, that is the reason the Academic Eminence start to dive into Bio-Organic Technology, aside the obvious discoverment that it is better this type of technology the more exceptional the user is.

Norraine affectionately hugs the Apex, placing his head against her prominent and soft breasts, the Bio-Organic Suit doesn't interfere with the motion as she says understandingly with amusement ‡—Not everyone can go shooting ammunition of Grade 5 and Tier 8 or above as if they were speaking words as the warriors of our Civilization does …

The connotation of this is severe, and Marshack quickly wants the answer ‡—That means … , "I" exaggerate the measures i imposed on everyone due to being paranoid about the dangers around us?.

Norraine looks at him with care and the gentle voice of the female Hûrngöth assure him slightly ‡—You were just a bit eccentric, and was not unfounded, the plasmatic creatures, the Skyfallen and the situation we finally deal with, was an eye opener, personally, i see it as a good thing, they can defend themselves without you being present all the time, that translate in you having more freedom to act with me or others, and now with this females that are crazy about you …

Marshack perceives relief, even if is just for an instant ‡—That is quite pleasant to hear My Bride, still, i don't want to feel useless …

The Apex inquire looking directly to his crotch, although in reality his vision continues to the neurological processor of the Vessel »‡—Then can we strike this Formickrean moth from here with one of your weapons Soft Touch?.

His inquire doesn't surprise anyone present, and the fact he wants to remain anonymous is understandable too, he, Duchess Delené and Cla'ryon shouldn't be on the Skårdiån Galaxy at all.

Soft Touch runs a simulation before replying with excitement to the Apex ‡—I need to be closer or having a Torpedo of higher Grade and Tier, but for that, the permition of My Empress is required.

‡—Go ahead, get filled with his energy, my impatient and voracious Vessel.

With the approval of the Empress, Soft Touch begins the integration of Yellow Amber Plasma, Golden Pure Offensive Energy "Blingzt" and Gravity, all provided by Marshack.

The Torpedo is [Ballistic], a Grade 6 and Tier 3 ammunition ready to be fired, and this in not delayed as Esveth commands the attack ‡—Blast it apart!; Her voice is excited, is rare to use [Ballistic] ammunition, much less employing a Tier above 2.

The Torpedo is expulsed by Soft Touch, the Amber Golden ovoid travels incredibly fast, entering Over The Flow just to sink in the Stream Flow a second later.

Marshack is extremely focused on the matter, attentively studying and analyzing everything occuring in his sight {I didn't knew it was possible to shoot from normal space to Over The Flow or the Stream Flow}.

The Torpedo keeps advancing, with the current speed is going to impact in less than 9 seconds.

The fact that the Hûrngöth, Norraine and Marshack are employing the Quelizt to perceive everything slower is not helping with the expectant explosion.

The [Ballistic] ammunition goes out of the Stream Flos and Over The Flow, striking the oblivious litmus grey moth, her [Personal Shield] is pierced on contact, the same happens with the [Body Shield].

However, the [Added Adarga Shielding] holds strongly for half a second before being penetrated by the Torpedo.

The Golden Amber ammunition breaks through the moth's exoskeleton, embedding itself several Vul inside the creature before exploding in a powerful but small detonation that destroys about a seventh of the moth's body.

The lost of a leader always leads to chaos, and that is what occurs, the different types of Formickrean start to battle each other, it is not like they ignore their other opponents, being the Preëmtor and Greekyan, is simply they attack the most nearby hostile that is different to them.

‡—The Formickrean are more territorial than us; Joke Bethzave as the Mathirn, don't tolerate when others enter uninvited, which is one of the reasons they like the Hûrngöth so much, their mental processes and actions are quite similar …
