
Volume 0 (39): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 39 : Words have value Part 2.

A new Meeting takes place at the Congress Hall of the Confederation on the planet of Nïvarth.

This is the third Meeting the Hûrngöth are participating, and the complete Delegation is present once more.

In the previous encouter, Carteon as the Designated Councilor of the Hûrngöth, transmitted Marshack's words towards the Confederation Delegations, mentioning the offensive approach his Species was going to adopt against the Ludbarian and Formickrean threats, eradicating them without further delay.

Offering the conquered territory free of charge to whoever wanted to make use of it, under one condition, grant the knowledge about Stellar Maps, Layers and similar explored palaces, as well the permission to move unrestricted through said territories.

Most Delegations laughed mockingly at the statement and the petition.

That was a Standard Week ago, today, all of them are stupefy with the proofs displayed with holograms in the center of the Congress Hall, showing the information about the space taken away by the Hûrngöth from the Ludbarian.

The extension wasn't small, and next to the territories usurped by the Formickrean from other Species, made around 9.2% of the total dimensions of the Nevïs Galaxy.

An uproar of requests are fastly issued by most Delegations, some wants to retrieve what belonged to them, others are interested in certain strategic locations either for its military value or a particular resource intrinsic of the region.

But the outcome is different of what everyone could think of, as Marshack, the Current Sovereign of the Hûrngöth, strands up from his seat proclaiming firmly with his stoic and now imposing demeanor ‡—All territories, are already distributed between my Allies, and those who have the courage or intelligence to partake in a obvious opportunity …

»‡—The space can be used freely by the Species allowed inside, still, remain as Hûrngöth domain, so don't approach, any businesses you have, with us or those present in the conquered territories, perform them outside, any visitors must be under strict vigilance and only after they get the permission to enter into our space.

Silence permeates the Congress Hall, in the previous Meeting, it seemed like a crazy joke to conquer one eleventh of the Galaxy in a bit more than a Standard Week.

Nevïs is not large, still, the clusters of stars extends for 18,700 Standard Light Years (Less than a third of the Milky Way}, even a peaceful expansion and colonization of the said extension, couldn't be done in the time span issued, which gives ideas to the Delegations to sneak in their fleets, to take possession of the unprotected and undeveloped space.

Without further delay, the Meeting concludes with bittersweet outcome for the majority of Delegations who quickly leave the Congress instead of attending the following Reunion.

The Mathirn, Jitaris and Hûrngöth Delegations advance inside of the Party Hall to take their seats in the area designated for the founding members thanks to the former integrants of this group, heading to the corner of this semicircle room.

But when they are taking their respectives seats, Cla'ryon occupies Marshack's place and the Hûrngöth simply sits on the legs of the Jitaris while Duchess Delené sits to the right side of the Apex alongside her Niece Noble Niyeth and Carteon.

The Empress of the Mathirn shows her beautiful wings that glows with pink brightness as she observes the closeness of the other two Sovereigns.

‡—How is the state of your relationship with him, Cla'ryon?; Inquire with trepidation the Empress, the Tsarina embrace Marshack tightly and reply with evident teasing ‡—I inadvertently proposed to him …

Stupefy the Empress can't believe what she has heard ‡—You mean engagement?.

Cla'ryon doesn't answer, instead her Zohar of Ice Blue Crio Plasma shines around her body, the Empress complain almost immediately »‡—That is not fair, you are so mean Cla'ryon …

The Sovereign of the Jitaris stop playing around and comfess with seriousness ‡—Do not worry, you can still be a concubine …

The Empress of the Mathirn is not happy at all about that implie and the blades on the arms of her natural emerald exoskeleton lights up, radiating Yellow Amber Plasma.

Garktesy and the two Jitaris Councilors generates simultaneously in front of the sitting couple a translucent Ice Blue Crio Plasma [Barrier] integrated by 18 equilateral triangles.

The energetic emition startled Marshack, who instantly waves his left hand covered with Red Pyro Plasma, destroying the [Barrier] in one motion just to replicate the action performed by the Jitaris to create his own [Barrier], but is bigger enough to cover Cla'ryon and Duchess Delené with this protection made up of a few thousands of small hexagons that shine with a transluscent glow of Yellow Amber Plasma.

‡—Enough teasing Cla'ryon; Marshack's tone is so commanding that even the displeased Empress deactivate her natural weapons as the Hûrngöth deactivate the [Barrier], turning his head towards the Jitaris Delegation.

»‡—Refrain yourselfs from carrying out this type of actions, "I" almost destroy you due to this recklessness.

Marshack observes the Mathirn Empress and with gentleness in his voice comments his posture »‡—We Hûrngöth must have multiple "Partners" and "Lovers" in order to be capable of reproduce, and of course, this is not counting our need for reaching Fertility Age …

»‡—Marriage is an event relevant for us, because represents the willingness of the involved parts in preserving and supporting the actions, believes and legacy of the ones you marry, that is why Cla'ryon, by requesting me to take care of the her Youngest Daughter during the period the Damsel is going to study at Barloen Collage, was not different than Proposing to me …

»‡—I am mentioning it to clear up any misunderstanding between us, since "I" want our relationship to be fruitful and not only in terms of our alliance, in case my opening sentence towards you was not direct enough Empress of the Mathirn …

‡—Esveth; Said meekly and embarrassed the female Mathirn, acquiring a metallic pink on some parts of the now metallic emerald exoskeleton, she obviously has lost control over her [Adarga], using the [Active Adarga] in the process …

‡—As you desire Esveth; Marshack's reply unleashes the Zohar of Yellow Amber Plasma around the silhouette of the Empress.

For him, she is absolutely beautiful, and right now, Esveth is much more attractive than before, after all, the most necessary parameter for his Partners is Evolution, and high control over Plasma is intrinsic of an appropriate development on this regard.

The scene doesn't last long as the 4th Commander Maw'wldler interrupts ‡—My Empress, your presence is required.

‡—Speak freely 4th Commander, i have nothing to hide from my future husband, in fact, gives them our entire database.

‡—I will do as you command my Empress; Happiness sounds in the tone of the male Mathirn, he was hoping for this outcome since he saw the Hûrngöth, however, the motive of his intervention is primordial and the seriousness of his tone denotes it ‡—The Avizjiel attack several Solar Sistems on several Galaxies, but an Unknown Swarm of Creatures that appear out of nowhere has wipe them out and launched a large offensive against the Skårdiån Galaxy, the Preëmtor and Greekyan are already engaging in combat, the Prinean have been informed too, and with the Ludbarian out of the Nevïs Galaxy, they can send almost all their fleet stationed here to back up the rest of our neighbors in our home Galaxy …

The Empress of the Mathirn thinks for a few seconds ‡—They want to make an assembly to coordinate our defenses, let me guess, Swambell'Forge idea.

‡—Is as you suspect my Empress; Replied de 4th Commander, Esveth stands up from her seat and the Hûrngöth and Jitaris does the same.

‡—We are going too; Said Cla'ryon »‡—The integrants of Swambell'Forge are famous for their assassination attempts, if something happens, we are going to support you.

Marshack adds ‡—The population under your rule is part of the legacy you have, "I" will do everything in my power to assist you too Esveth …
