
Volume 0 (37): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 37 : Clear Intentions Part 5.

As Marshack Epsidion feline tail penetrates the obsidian bramble bed, a screeching sound is heard.

The Hûrngöth retracts his appendix, pulling out something from the furniture, showing he is grabbing firmly with the terminations of his extremity an elongated Vanta Black Leech Eel, large enough to have 4 Vul (2 meters) of length.

This animal writhes in pain screeching again while the furious young man increases the pressure of his grip due to the anger of the interruption in his intimate moment with the Sovereign.

§ Vanta Incsuc Leeching Eel §

Quality 21

§ Black Vanta Plasma §

The creature is recognized by the database integrated in the new Slaidt of the Apex, as well as the Tsarina.

This beast show its teeth menacingly and attempts to chomp a part of Marshack's head, the Hûrngöth moves slightly his tail, impeding the aggression to reach him.

Letting the creature near his face, however, he bites back with his wine razor sharp fangs, beheading the Leeching Eel just to devour it whole hastily with savagery in the following second.

Marshack's horns grown another tiny bit, his Trait has improved once more, first by ingesting the Foam of Cla'ryon and the second time by eating the Eel.

With the threat eliminated, the Apex returns to his usual demeanor, sparing the inhabitants of Jericho's Solar Sistem from his predatorial glance and feral disposition.

—The creature's pheromones were hidden within mine due to the similarity between their functioning … ; Acknowledge fascinated the Hûrngöth.

The Tsarina instead has a preoccupie stance as the event is not different than a failed assassination attempt —Bverxkka, i didn't knew …

He looks at her with confusion and she corrects the sentence »—I wasn't … ; Terror invade the Sovereign, it doesn't matter if she is not the perpetrator, because the occurrence passed under her watch.

—Comprensible; Marshack express nonchalantly »—This was one of the trickiest and stealthiest creatures that exists on Hûlfhednär, but i don't have records of they being that long or patient …

{Not to mention the Quality, how it was so high?}.

»—I didn't use the [Bicromy] to not delve into the secrets of your Territory, my apologies for the intrusiveness of my actions and the unsightly manners in my eating …

»—More importantly Cla'ryon, how did you realize the creature was hidden lurking at us?.

{He is not mad with me?!} —I didn't; The Tsarina confess apologetically »—I just … , couldn't reach the climax the first time, that never happens to me before, and then the unnecessary remark about you making me orgasm fast, i understood there, that we were affected by external interference …

An awkward silent starts as the nervousness of the Sovereign increases, Marshack inquires with confusion about this sudden change of attitude in the female —Cla'ryon, what is having you so tense?, i already scan the Solar Sistem and a few Standar Light Years around, there is no other Eel …

—I put you in danger …; Said the Tsarina with conflicted emotions, she asked for him to stay and this happens.

Marshack smile with amusement and then he brakes into a laudly laugh absent of any restrain or decorum.

The last time he perform this action, he wasn't 5 Hûrngöth Years old (70 human years), his evident mocking is overseen by the Sovereign as he calms down relatively fast questioning the female with amusement.

—Cla'ryon, What do you think would have been the outcome of events if "I" had allowed the Eel to bite me?.

The Tsarina is taken a back, for sure he is a high Quality Entity, there is no way he can't defend himself from a simple bite —Your "Body Shield" would intercept the aggression?.

{Body Shield?, is different to the Personal Shield?}.

Ignoring the fact he reply —There is no need for me to do that, the eel would be splatter around all over the room the instant it contacts me by the [Reactive Kinetic Armor], staining with the vices of the creature this beautiful garden design you build for us.

—So, you are not angry Bverxkka?; Asked the Sovereign

—Not any more; Answers the Hûrngöth »—I already kill the Eel.

—I was referring, to me Bverxkka …

He is confuse —Why should i be angry with you?, grateful, sure, plaesed, evidently, but not angry, i haven't ingested unprocessed or synthesized food in decades, not counting the eel that basically jump willingly to my mouth, much less drinking …

Marshack's attitude and posture turns demanding »—And you know Cla'ryon, i am still thirsty, come to the bed, so we can make amends one another …

The Tsarina clarifies his doubts with that sentence and agrees to the order issued by Marshack, lying her back over the intact part of the obsidian bramble bed.

After all, if he is not offended by what happened, then is no need for her to refrain and reject the pleasure he is offering so insistently.

Without wasting time, Marshack places himself between Cla'ryon's legs, licking carefully the privates of the female, *Ahhh*, the moan escapes the Tsarina's mouth as she gropes her smooth voluptuous breast.

Increasing the pace of his bumping tongue, Marshack starts to discharge Electron shocks on the female, this time, employing natural Electrons too, accelerating the release of foam with the incoming orgasm of Cla'ryon.

The subsequent hours are filled with a never ending wave of orgasmic sensations for the female, Marshack doesn't allow her to rest, tiring out the stamina of the Sovereign who ends up asleep and completely dry out on the pistil with a swollen filament, unable to produce more foam on the current time for the Hûrngöth to melt into a cooling drink to quench his thirst.

Afterwards, the Tsarina of the Jitaris wakes up revitalize, looking at Marshack tenderly, his mane has reverted to the abundant hair, beard and mustache of before, covering again the armored skin he has due to the [Active Adarga].

The Hûrngöth tilt his head, rubbing gently with his right hand the left cheek of the woman —Have you rest appropriately Cla'ryon?.

The Sovereign is delighted and her answer is portraying said stance —More than that, it was magnificent, i even feel a few millions of Standard Years younger … , what about you Bverxkka?, did you enjoy my company?.

Marshack doesn't respond verbally, instead he gets closer to Cla'ryon, licking shortly the lips of the Jitaris Sovereign, just to bite them lightly and finish his action with a quick peck.

The caresses are well received by the smiling woman, who moves her body towards the Hûrngöth to embrace him lovingly in a tight and tender hug.

He allows the closeness, interpersonal space is highly respected by the Hûrngöth, that is why Partners and Lovers are so easy to identify in the Species.

—Bverxkka …; The Tsarina calls for Marshack attention with longing tone »—I know that you are going to be occupied, and i travel a lot myself, still visit me, i really enjoy this encounter …

—I enjoy this experience too Cla'ryon; He whisper to the female »—Next time, i am not going to let you rest …

—Oh My!, you sure are cocky! … ; Said the Tsarina nuzzling Marshack's nape fervently as she sniffs him »—And your scent is so captivating that i could do this all day long …

He reply with longing too —Unfortunately my future Lover has entrusted me her Youngest Daughter, i can't stay longer …

His tone recovers the usual stoicism »—I have a Civilization to stabilize, and a couple of Galaxies to purge from the Ludbarian, Formickrean, Plasmatic Creatures and some Lakyr stealth ships, who knows, maybe a few Neutronic Warheads strikes unexpectedly their territories …

Cla'ryon laughs mischievously shortly as she moans —Ruthless; On Marshack's ears, nibble them lustfully, the young Hûrngöth concede the pursue of the Tsarina, going down to lick passionately the privates of the Jitaris Sovereign a last occasion before his depart …
