
The Appreciation Of An Existence

[Flashback to Squad 40's first meeting, after Saku awoke from getting knocked out.]

Shelly(towards Saku): "If you want my honest opinion, your only redeeming quality as of right now is your respectable strength which can help me protect what I cherish most. In return to you, I won't deny my 'womanly' instinct to protect your dog, since it's one of the cutest things I've been able to see in a long time. 'Plus, we still have to spar with swords and I'll admit I'm not fully comfortable in that skillset.'"

[Back to the present Roronora City, the Don Laban, her Homie Hathor, and the Don's Takamagahara guests are walking passed a familiar urban setting.]

Saku: "You lying bitch!"

Shelly with her hands behind her head, gives an irritated side look towards him.

Shelly: "What are you crying about now?"
