
The Rescue

Katsu and Shelly continue to run through city alleys. When they turn the corner to see Katsu's house destroyed by a meteor. Shelly puts her hand over her mouth.

SHELLY: "Oh my God…"

Katsu runs over and in horror sees his mother pinned on her back a metal pole in her hip and into the ground.


He runs over and tries to pull the rod out. It doesn't work.

MOM: "The one time I'm actually glad you snuck out honey."

Katsu is still trying but the pole is stuck.


Shelly snaps out of it and runs to help him. They both pull up on the rod but cannot pull it out. Behind them the meteor that devastated the house begins to open and crack.

MOM: "You two need to get out of here. It's no use. We'll all die here."

KATSU: "I'm not leaving you!"

Katsu remembers what his dad asked before leaving, *flashback*

DAD: "Promise me you'll keep the girls safe while I'm gone OK?

Katsu nods his head.

*end flashback*

KATSU: "I promised Dad I'd keep you safe!"

Tears in his eyes. The Iceman fully out of his "egg" turns around and starts to approach them. Mom looks and sees the threat coming.

MOM: "OK one more time and if it doesn't work you go. Ready?"

KATSU(nods in tears): "Yea."

MOM: "Ok 1…2…3… pull!"

The three of them are grunting the pole sliding slowly out as the Iceman is gaining ground slowly.



The pole is shown flying from her body and through the air. It then lands back into the ground. Katsu is now on his back and gets up to see his father throwing Mom on his shoulder.

DAD: "We have to get to the city's underground safe house. HURRY!!"
