
Chapter 725: Getting Married_1

In the evening, Zhou Shuren was startled awake by the sound of thunder, just as a flash of lightning streaked across the sky, casting a brief glow in the pitch-black room, followed by an ear-shattering clap of thunder.

Zhou Shuren sat up and reached for his coat, intending to go outside and take a look.

Zhulan was also awakened by the thunder. With each flash of lightning and peal of thunder, she quickly grabbed her clothes, her mind on her son.

Zhou Shuren had already put on his shoes. Shen Xing was still keeping watch outside, and when the door was pushed open, he saw the dark night sky illuminated by lightning, as if a dragon were darting chaotically through the air.

Shen Xing was visibly elated, "Sir, it's raining."

Zhou Shuren's mouth quirked up, "Yes, this downpour is sure to be a heavy one."
