
Rest Well, My Friend

"What are they doing?" A captain squinted at the unnatural cloud.

After dipping down momentarily, the deranged creatures now circled overhead in a frenzy. For a moment, the world below was eerily calm. 

Too calm.

"I think they took something up with them. But what could be so interesting that they all went crazy like that?" A palace guard answered as much to himself as the man beside him.

The captain shivered. "I don't want to think about it."

"You two. Where are you supposed to be?" Theo snapped at the soldiers. Frustrated, he kept moving without waiting for an answer. "Those go over there! Don't get in a neat little line! Make it harder for the creatures to scoop you up, blast it!" 

In the plaza nearest to the palace, the General did not waste the inexplicable opportunity by staring at what he could not change. He used every blessed second to rally the men into the best defensive formations.

Things had moved far too quickly for his liking. 

First Counsel had been wrapped up in the theft of a priceless artifact, then the barrier was discovered to have failed after over a hundred years, and now the Tyrant's horde was gathering for an assault.

To top it all off, he was having to change the plans he and the Queen had painstakingly made.

Since the battle was supposed to take place outside the barrier, Theo was quickly adjusting his methods to protect the citizens and attack the corrupted monsters.

Things could not get any worse!

In the respite before the storm, he tried to prepare for the new obstacles in the ever-changing field of play.

"Do we try to shoot them down, General?" One soldier behind a ballista asked as Theo passed.

The war machine had been built hastily in the past couple of weeks based on a design from the Queen. However, it had never been meant to be used inside the city, so it sat awkwardly in the plaza adjacent to the communal fountain.

Considering the man's words, Theo paused from his orders to glance up at the sky. He frowned.

"They are out of range, for now. We shouldn't waste our supplies." Theo glanced over his shoulder and his voice became sharp. "Are you two still gawking? This is your life at stake and mine too. Get your head on straight!"

The dressing down had the desired effect. The captain and guard snapped from their reverie to continue their preparations, wary of the turmoil overhead, but steeling their nerves against the coming battle.

Satisfied, the general barked the rest of his orders. Everything was set.

With nothing else to be done, Theo checked his armor, taking a last peek at the sky. His eyes quickly darted toward the palace.

Was it his imagination, or did he hear a human scream above the fluttering of wings?


"Kosi!" Noble pulled her eyes from the sky to run toward the golden Symncus. 

Using her gauntlet, she brushed off the glassy dust from her friend. He was still breathing, but barely. 

Nickel was at her side in a moment. 

Most of the poor creature's face had been eaten away including the skin around his teeth. The black bile left behind pooled in the makeshift bowl beneath him.

"What happened?" He dismissed his protective black mask as he stared in horror.

"Counsel poisoned him." Noble spat bitterly. "What do we do?" 

"Noble! Nic!" Sarai hurried toward them. Her face was filled with worry. Wha--"

"Counsel put a spell on the Heart and fused it with his body. He was attacked and taken into the clouds but not before he poisoned Kosi," Nickel spoke quickly to apprise Sarai of all that had occurred. 

"No!" The redheaded woman held her hand to her mouth as she saw what had become of the faithful protector. 

"Sarai?" Noble's heart filled with hope. "Quick, your Memory!"

The other woman held out her hand and a very different vial formed on her delicate palm.

Sarai opened the container, the one that helped defend against indigestion and poison, and immediately dropped it into what was left of Kosi's mouth.

"How long should it take to work?" Noble was becoming frantic.

The creatures overhead would not be satisfied staying in the sky for long, and all three humans needed to join the army and be ready for battle.

But none of them could tear themselves away from the hurting creature.

"I am not sure. I think it would be pretty immediate, but I've never taken it after being poisoned that I know of…" Sarai felt her emotions spiraling out of control.

The [Drops of Healing] from the vial bubbled before turning as black as the rest of the putrid poison.

"It-it didn't work…" Noble's breath hitched. "How could it not work?!"

"It isn't a high enough grade Memory," Sarai furrowed her brow.

"No!" Noble refused her words even though they were undeniable. "It has to work!"

How could she fight without Kosi? He was supposed to battle by her side in the final conflict! While Noble knew she would have to say goodbye, it wasn't meant to be like this!

"It can't be!" Noble sheathed her sword and patted the Symncus. "You are going to be fine. We will figure this out."

She could feel Kosi's emotions become more distressed. The creature choked. His breathing became labored. He convulsed, spitting black liquid from his mouth.

He whined as he caught a turbid breath. 

As the poison dug deeper into the creature's body, blood mixed with the putrid foam. 

"He's not going to make it," Nickel whispered gently. 

Noble took the vial from Sarai and poured more drops into what was left of Kosi's jaw. This time the black foam devoured it immediately.

"Noble," Sarai grabbed her friend's arm gently. Tears streamed down her face. "I'm sorry." 

Kosi whined again, his voice weaker than before as he shook. 

Noble pulled her arm away from her friend's grasp. "I cannot leave him like this!"

Her protector was dying. How could she let him do it alone?

Overhead, the mood shifted. The creatures' frenzy became more pronounced. There was no time left. 

The Symncus's agony radiated from his body, piercing Noble with each new sadness. She wanted to help him. 

Stop his pain. 

Kosi looked at her and whined softly. His eyes were clear and still. The request in his marred face caught Noble off guard. She staggered back.

"I cannot!" she told him. 

The Symncus coughed as more blood and blackness spilled onto the glass bowl around him. 

He looked at her again, this time more frantically. His eyes flicked up at the sky and then back at her. 

Noble understood his fear.

How hideous would it be for the abominations to eat him while he was still living? He was defenseless against them. 

Noble could not protect his body fully while fighting the Tyrant. 

More than that, Kosi deserved better than the indignation and agony of this slow death. He had gotten her through this Nightmare, saving her life twice.

There was no way to make it up to him.

Kosi growled weakly, begging her for one final favor.

Her heart sank.

How could she refuse?

Noble patted the creature's side. His heartbeat was erratic. Each pumped struggled against the poison inside him while also allowing the ruinous venom to claw deeper into his core.

Noble swallowed back a sob.

Lifting the Ruby Tear, she placed it lightly between two of Kosi's ribs. The Queen wanted to be anywhere but where she was even if that meant battling the Tyrant head-on by herself.

But deep down, she knew she could not abandon her furry friend in his time of need.

"Are you sure?" Noble wanted more than anything for Kosi to absolve her of this burden. To take the request back. To release her from his plea.

'Please tell me to stop!' 

But Kosi nodded with a groan and rested his decaying head. His eyes closed as he tried to hold still. 

With tears streaming down her face, Noble plunged the sword into Kosi's chest and directly into his heart. She felt his final beat. Her own heart nearly stopped with it.

Kosi's eyes reflexively opened wide with a jolt of pain, then they shut for the last time.

Strangely, Kosi's last emotion was one of peace. His muscles relaxed, and his body went still.

Noble pulled out the bloodied blade and lowered her head.

"Rest well, my friend." 

[You have slain a Transcendent Demon, Kosi the Symncus.]

