
An Uphill Battle

Noble felt lighter than she had in ages. She kept having to remind herself to keep close to the floor.

People had looked strangely at the two women chatting lightly and walking arm in arm.

Well, that reaction was understandable. 

Everyone knew that Brenna had spent the night in the "guest suite" of the prison.

Many of them had seen the state of the Great Hall as well.

Yet, here were the two royals acting as if nothing had occurred.

'Far more has happened than they realize.' A smile bloomed on Noble's face.

After helping Sarai find and speak with Drune, her joy at the future prospects only grew. The two fell into conversation quickly allowing Noble to slip away for her own tasks.

By the time Noble knocked on Counsel's room at the base of the tower stairs, her face was radiant.

The man she had come to visit did not share the sentiment. 

Throwing open the door, Counsel's anger exploded. "Have you come to tell me more nonsense about how everything is alright?"

To his shock, he met two beautiful blue eyes.

"Yes, except it isn't nonsense. Everything is alright." Noble smiled so big that her eyes crinkled.

Counsel's scowl faded. "Lady Brenna!"

Overcome with emotion, he wrapped Noble in a bear hug and lifted her farther off the ground.

"You are not hurt!"

'I forget just how strong he is.' Noble winced in his firm grasp.

"Well, I wasn't until you hugged me!" she giggled.

Counsel released her suddenly. "Forgive me! I was just too excited." He glanced up eagerly at the circlet on her head. "So, you did it!"

"It is done," Noble beamed. She couldn't really take the credit for what had occurred, but that did not make her any less elated by the developments. 

"Why did you not call me for the duel? I should have been your second. Well, it is no matter. I am just glad this messy business is over with and you are well. I cannot believe Queen Emira is dead!" 

"You shouldn't believe it. My aunt is alive and well." The floating Awakened felt the mood of her companion shift.

"But the crown. You said it was done." 

Understanding his confusion, Noble nodded. "I am Queen but not by a duel to the death. My aunt stepped down willingly." 

"How is that possible?" Counsel pressed his hand against his head as if his world had been turned upside down. 

"Her Majesty had a change of heart. I was...very happy to convince her that my taking on the mantle of leadership was what was best for the kingdom. She even agreed that you should be pardoned for treason. The threat on your life is gone." 

Sarai had heard that Counsel was mistreated and did not think a death sentence was fair. So the statement was true, if a little misleading. 

Counsel studied Lady Brenna carefully. "All of that is very gracious of the Queen. What is the catch?" 

"No catch! In fact, now that I am Queen, if you don't want to be bound anymore, I will be happy to unbind you and give you a place of honor of your choosing." Noble watched the man's expression darken. 

"And there is the catch! That aunt of yours will stop at nothing to separate us, will she? Even giving you a kingdom!" Counsel took the new queen by the shoulders. "This is just another of her tricks. She will get what she wants and then take the kingdom back. Mark my words." 

Noble took a deep breath. It would be an uphill climb to convince the man that Emira had changed. 

"I can promise you that it won't happen. My aunt is not the same person who attacked me yesterday." 'Literally...' "You'll hardly recognize her." Noble bit her lip. 

Counsel tried and failed to contain his outburst. 

"Do you hear yourself? It is like she has replaced you!" 

"I know how this may look," Noble admitted. "But I am fully myself. Do not look so upset. This is a time to celebrate. Things are looking up! There will be no more shedding of blood by civil war, and as Queen, I can pardon all of the Old Guard. We can all join forces against the Tyrant! Crestfall will be free once and for all."

"You never liked the title Queen…" Counsel seemed to be weighing the woman's words.

"I will be happy to debate a better title once the Lord of the Mountains is gone." Noble earned a small smile from the man across from her.

"It sounds too good to be true."

Latching onto the momentary positive feeling, Noble fed the happy emotion with joy of her own. 

Noble had tried to calm the angry Queen a few times only to fan the flames of her ire instead.

She not only seemed immune to Noble's emotional influence but also resented the mind attack.

In hindsight, she realized that Emira was hiding her true power and was easily able to ignore the gentle nudges that Noble had sent.

Even her more forceful attempt had ended poorly.

Unlike the replaced Queen, Counsel accepted the feeling as his own.

"Just come to dinner tonight with my aunt. You will see the change for yourself," Noble suggested.

"Shouldn't I see her at the coronation before that?" Counsel arched his brow. "Or has she not agreed to a time for that?"

"Coronation?" Noble scratched her nose.

The passing of power had already technically occured, and she had hoped no ceremony would need to take place. 

Of course, that was silly. Royal changes of leadership always needed official events. 

"Oh! Yes, I think my aunt mentioned something about doing that this...afternoon. Not a big event, though. Just a few people. We can do something larger after the Tyrant is gone." Noble smiled wide, hoping to hide her discomfort. 

"Of course, she wants something small and quick. The fewer the people that know, the easier it will be to undo..." Counsel's words were more to himself than his companion. 

"No! The Queen...the former queen just wanted to make sure it all goes through smoothly and soon. You know how she is. Once she has made up her mind, she will not sleep until it is done. Think of this as a preliminary event for an even greater triumph."

Feeling his frustration waver, Noble tried her best to close the deal. 

"You can invite anyone and everyone you want. Well, anyone that will fit in the throne room. The Great Hall, I assume, is still out of use. You can even help me pick out a new crown to use for the coronation. I trust your judgment about which will be most appropriate for the occasion." 

 "This is what you want?" Counsel eyed her carefully. 

"This is what the kingdom needs," Noble responded. "A united front."

There was a long pause whild Noble held her breath. The man, at last, nodded.

"Very well. I will gather the guest list for your coronation and see that it gets done." The protector allowed a slight grin. "Did you want to pick out a crown now or later?" 

Noble tapped her chin. "I wouldn't mind a walk through the treasure room right now." 

Fake or not, pretty things were still nice to look at. 

"But first, there is someone I need to see. You don't happen to know where..." 

Noble's voice stopped short as the door at the top of the stairs splintered into pieces. 

A blur of fur and teeth burst forth from the opening and came bounding down the stairs. 

And it was headed straight for Noble. 

"Uh oh..."
