
Hidden Feelings

Passing by with her dance partner, Alice squeaked the news into Noble's ear. She moved on with an ecstatic smile, leaving Fort both confused and amused. 

"What was that?" He whispered to his wife.

"Alice said she told me so. The last thing I heard her say was about matchmaking Lady Changing Star to Ascended Sunless," Noble offered. 

"Well, it seems there may be some merit to her claim." Fort spun his wife in a half circle so that she could look behind where she was a moment before. 

"I see." The Professor watched a silver-haired beauty be led around the floor by her dark-haired companion. 

The two were completely engrossed in one another. Sunless and Nephis were quite the stunning pair. Their fluidity of movement reminded Noble of the sun and moon. Both had their perfect place as they orbited around the cosmos of the dance floor. 

"Were we like that once?" Fort pulled her attention back to himself.

"Young?" Noble teased. 

"You know that isn't what I meant," the man eyed her seriously. 

The professor closed her eyes for a moment and felt the emotions coming off of the two Masters. She pursed her lips. 

Beneath their serene expressions, Nephis and Sunless were anything but calm. Lady Changing Star was particularly good at hiding the turmoil bubbling inside her.

"What is it?" Fort tilted his head to one side.

"Probably nothing," Noble shook her head. "Anyway, I don't like comparison. We are us and they are them. I would much rather focus on us." 

She kissed the man, much to his surprise.

"You aren't ok with me kissing you in our own front yard, but here is just fine?" His mouth hung open slightly.

"Are you complaining?" Noble challenged him.

"Not in the slightest." He pressed his lips to the woman's quickly. "Hm, it seems the love birds are leaving. Should we sneak away as well?"

Noble looked in the direction of the two Masters who were hurriedly leaving the main hall. While others whispered about a tryst between them, Noble could sense the truth.

Their exit was anything but romantic.

"Let's just dance," Noble pulled Fort close. "The evening will be over all too soon, and my coach will turn back into a pumpkin…"

Taking the cue, Fort shut out the rest of the world in favor of the only person in the room he cared about. The two spent the next hour dancing in each other's arms before taking a break for refreshments. 

After finishing something red and sweet, Fort shot his wife an apologetic glance. 

"I know that look. My prince charming is about to leave his glass slipper behind..." Noble smiled softly.

"I don't think that is how the story goes, but I do need to make my rounds and charm all the important people in the room. I have to make the government look good." Fort graced her with his most charming grin.

The professor knew that this was a requirement for his job. Fort had been sent to be seen and socialize. It was time to get to work.

"Would you like to join me?" The man offered his elbow. "I know it is not your favorite thing, but at least we would be together."

As a child and teen, Noble had been taken to all sorts of political functions where she was expected to play nice and be polite at all times.

She had seen her mother and father be insulted to their face all while being forced to keep her cordial smile. It had always felt wrong, but the stability of relations was more important than personal feelings in such situations.

This was one of those times.

"I would do anything for you, my love," Noble hooked her hand in the crook of his arm. "Let's go make some new best friends."

Fortunately, most of the interactions were pleasant and brief. Fort was very good at making contact, saying something witty or memorable, and then concluding the conversation on a positive note.

The Deputy Director claimed he had taken classes to master the skill of diplomacy, but there was no masking his natural talent.

Noble only needed to take the lead a couple of times, and that was only due to her prior connection to the group. One occasion was when they encountered Awakened Moon among a group of socialites. The other, unsurprisingly, was when a former student recognized her.

"Professor Noble helped me discover a secondary enchantment on a Memory. Saved my skin when I was attacked by a vicious hoard of corrupted flies. I wonder if you might look at something else I picked up since then!" Awakened Bruno raised his eyebrows expectantly. 

"I would be happy to help!" It gave Noble great pleasure to know she had made a difference in someone's life. That was the reason she became an instructor in the first place. And she wouldn't stop helping just because a student had Awakened. "Bring it by my room sometime, and I will have it analyzed."

"Thanks, Prof!" 

Because most legacies went through their training outside of the Academy, the professor was not surprised to see almost none of her former students at the party. This young man was a rare treat.

On the other hand, Noble saw more than one duelist that she had faced in battle. It was fascinating to see them outside the ring in a more normal setting.

That is if a ball thrown by clan valor could remotely be considered normal. While a few had the same personalities as they did in the Dreamscape, some were the polar opposite of their duelist persona.

Out of all of them, only one seemed to recognize her.

"You seem very familiar," the duelist eyed her critically. "Have we met?" 

"If we have, I hope it was a pleasant meeting!" Noble smiled brightly. 

"Not too pleasant." Fort feigned jealousy as he placed his hand protectively around his wife's waist.

The dramatic move brought a ripple of chuckles from the other guests in the circle.

"I will think of it, eventually," the Awakened deflected, happy to allow a change of topic.

And so the evening went.

Noble lost count of how many people she had met, but it was at least in the hundreds, possibly more. Her mind was awash with faces and her soul was imprinted with other people's emotions.

Just when Noble thought they might actually be reaching the end of their circuit, she heard someone call their names.

"Deputy Director Fort! Awakened Noble." Director Kenz motioned for them to draw near.

The government Master was talking with someone obstructed by a pillar. 

Although Kenz wasn't a direct superior of Fort, it was better to come when called than to ignore him.

Fort took his wife's hand. "Last one, I promise." 

Noble laughed softly. "Am I that easy to read?" 

The man shook his head. "No, you look like you could do this all year. But I am done, and you need at least a dozen more dances." 

Fort led his wife through the crowd and right to Kenz. It was only when they got around the pillar that he was able to see who the director was talking to. His muscles stiffened.

"Good evening, Director Kenz." Fort bowed slightly. Normally the two would shake hands, but the formality of the event required something more. 

"Thank you for joining us. This is Deputy Director Fort and his wife, Awakened Noble." Kenz motioned to the pair with an outstretched arm.

Upon their introduction, Fort's bow deepened and Noble dipped a cordial courtesy. 

The Deputy Director smiled. "Pleased to meet you, Saint Madoc of Valor. Thank you for welcoming us into your estate."

"The pleasure is all mine," the stately gentleman answered. "You are just who I wanted to see."
