
Three Questions

'Really?' Sarai's eyes opened wide.

"Really?" Frey's expressive face filled with excitement.

'What are you doing?' The baker tried to make sense of the development.

'I will explain later,' Noble promised, unsure just how much she would actually be able to tell her friend.

'You aren't looking at Memories for the government, are you? Never mind, the less I know, the better.' Sarai pursed her lips.

"Three questions, but that is all." Sarai pushed the dyed-black hair back from her shoulder.

"That is more than fair, and three more than I deserve." Frey picked up his datapad and clicked on the screen. After a moment, he turned it around. "As a token of my thanks, which picture would you like to accompany the article?"

The tablet was filled with action shots of the fiery Awakened in the Dreamscape. Sarai had never really stopped to consider how she looked while fighting, but she realized now just how elegant and strong she appeared.

"I like that one, I think." Sarai's finger landed on one that had Queen Bee in the background.

Fireshing's spear was white hot with fire while Bee was striking out with her signature estoc. Sarai remembered the harrowing moment. That victory had been very sweet indeed.

"Wise choice," Frey approved as he took back the datapad and made a note of the picture. "That one was my favorite as well."

"I am shocked you had that many images ready at the drop of a hat," Sarai tilted her head to one side, genuinely curious.

"I have folders of images on all manner of different things. It's good to always be prepared." Frey answered easily.

'Huh, he really does!' Noble told Sarai through the Memory. She noted how Frey's emotions had stayed calm as he spoke. 'Guess that is what makes him a good journalist.'

'I guess being prepared for anything is important for both reporters and duelists,' Sarai gave a small smile.

The journalist took her pleasant expression as an invitation to continue. "Now that this is settled, I will ask my three questions."

"Two questions," Noble corrected him. "Your first one was asking Sarai which picture she preferred."

Frey looked slightly startled, but could not suppress his grin. "I suppose you are correct, Professor. You should hire her as your lawyer, Miss Sarai. I doubt anything gets by her."

The baker nodded. "I would tend to agree. Now, what were your two questions?"

"Right. First, what has been the best and what has been the hardest thing about going from fighting alone to battling as part of a team?" Frey could feel Noble's piercing gaze.

"That is two questions cleverly disguised as one!" The professor objected.

"When you officially become her lawyer, you can sue me," Frey winked.

"It is fine," Sarai leaned back in her chair. "Because the answers are two sides of the same coin. The best thing about dueling on a team is that you aren't alone. Someone has your back, plans with you, and will do anything to help you. That kind of support is invaluable both in the Dreamscape and life."

Sarai sighed before continuing.

"But that is also the hardest thing. Someone else's life is in your hands. You have to support and protect them just like they are doing for you. The pressure to be perfect, to live up to the job of teammate is no small thing. I take it very seriously. When things happen to Queen Bee, I take it personally now. While she would never hold me responsible, I owe it to her to always do my best."

'Aw, Sarai!' Noble kept her face straight even as her insides melted a little.

'I mean every word,' Sarai assured her.

"It seems like you and Queen Bee are very close," Frey commented as he took down some notes.

Sarai felt uncomfortable with his tone. Even though he hadn't asked a question, she felt compelled to answer him. "Battle forges friendships. Queen Bee and I have been in quite a few of those lately if you haven't noticed."

The grin on Frey's face acknowledged her words. "I've seen one or two," he chuckled. "Would you believe that I am still kicking myself about missing your debut?"

"You have one last question." Noble reminded the journalist politely.

"Ah yes, I nearly wasted it. I have no doubt if Miss Sarai answered, you would have insisted I was through." The reporter pretended to wipe his brow.

"Indeed I would!" Noble tilted up her chin defiantly.

"My actual final question is…Is there anything you wished people knew about either yourself or Queen Bee?" Frey held up his hand to forestall Noble's objection. "I used an 'or' so Fireshing may choose what she wishes to answer."

The professor swallowed her words, giving the reporter a mental point on her invisible score sheet.

"I want people to know that I'm not anything special. I work hard. I approached Queen Bee to form a team because I wanted to better myself. I did not expect to become so popular. That was never the goal. I'm still very overwhelmed with people's responses to me." Sarai blushed a little, adding an endearing quality to her humility.

"So you approached Queen Bee! Very interesting." Frey's hand whizzed across his datapad with all his notetaking.

'Did I make a mistake? I didn't mean to let that slip.' Sarai was concerned.

Noble dismissed the fear. 'You only said something that was true. You should get full credit for the idea to form a team.'

"Thank you for your time, Fireshing. This conversation has been most enlightening. Now, Professor Noble, has your friend Sarai ever told you her flaw?" Frey quirked an eyebrow at the blue-eyed Awakened.

"What?" Again Noble felt like she was being thrown for a loop. 

"You said I could only ask Fireshing three questions. I was given no limitation for you." The reporter looked innocently at the professor to wait for her rebuttal.

"Sarai has not told me her flaw. It is not something Awakened discuss often." Noble had a decent guess of what the other woman's flaw was, but it was only a guess. The professor wondered if Sarai had similar hypotheses in reverse. 

"Do you know if Fireshing has ever heard Queen Bee speak?" Frey leaned in, quite curious how the woman would handle his question. 

"Another thing we have not discussed. Such a shame you didn't use that as one of your questions with Sarai. I would have been quite curious to know her answer myself." Noble checked the time. "You get one last question. It is time for me to leave." 

 Frey understood. "What is the best thing about Fireshing--outside of the Dreamscape, I mean? I want to know the woman behind the spear." 

"Her heart is her defining characteristic. No matter what she is feeling, Sarai will go out of her way to do what is right. I want to be more like her." Noble smiled. 

'Awww, Noble!' Sarai blushed. 

'I mean every word.' Noble nodded. Pushing back her seat, Noble moved to stand. Frey just barely deactivated the spell tech before the professor bumped the ceiling of the invisible dome with her head. "This was, enlightening, to say the least." 

Frey hummed softly as he finished making his final notes. "I agree. May I quote you by name or would you prefer to remain anonymous?" 

"Best to keep the spotlight on the one who matters," Noble answered, dipping her head to her friend. 

"If I have any more questions, may I contact you?" Frey passed Noble a card. 

"As long as it is about how wonderful my friend is, you can ask me anything you like," Noble answered, shaking the man's hand. "Good day, Frey. I look forward to your article." 

Frey nodded enthusiastically. "I look forward to writing it!" 

"Good." After her initial outburst, Noble found she liked the reporter.

The professor did not like that Frey was digging into her work with the government, but she couldn't fault him for his curiosity. There was a story to be had, just not one that the government was ready to share. 

As long as he was singing Fireshing's praises, Noble was happy to part on amicable terms. 

"I can send a preliminary copy to you both if you like before it is published." Frey gave Sarai his card. "Contact me, and I will send it as soon as it is completed." The reporter departed with a bow. 

'He seems nice enough,' Sarai seemed to be talking to herself as much as Noble through [The Other's Voice].

'He does. And I am half-wondering if he was trying to send me a message by his visit.' Noble ran the man's words over in her mind.

'Oh? What message is that?'

Noble pursed her lips. 'The government has a leak…'
