
Flash from the Past

A myriad of things ran through Noble's mind as she rushed through the campus.

Should she have done a more thorough check on Bee Two? Her cursory glance might have missed something serious. 

It would be better to check in the morning when Noble had a clearer head. 

But would she have a clearer head in the morning? Or would she just have a new set of worries? 

Noble would need to make a new schedule to balance her classes and new assignment in the government. What would that even look like?

And there was the problem with Fort and his taking the notes. The two of them would have to hash out their issues before they went to sleep that night. 

Noble vowed long ago never to enter the Dream Realm while angry at him, and that had extended to him going to bed as well. Tomorrow was never guaranteed. 

Today's anniversary was proof of that fact. 

'Government order or not, I don't know what possessed Fort to take something that belonged to me.' Noble felt the same sense of betrayal that she had before. 

The professor resisted the urge to call her husband and demand an explanation. With how she was feeling, it was unlikely that she would even listen. 

It was better to get out her frustration in a healthy way. Like a friendly sparring match. It was quite convenient that someone was waiting for her to have one just now. 

"I'm so sorry!" Noble rushed into the training room a few minutes later in her hastily donned workout clothes.

"You always are, and I always forgive you," Sarai laughed lightly. 

She was sitting in a chair by the table where combatants often stored their personal items before sparring. The auburn-haired beauty smiled brilliantly before popping something in her mouth. In her lap was a box of exquisite chocolate morsels.

Sarai offered the box to her friend. 

Noble recognized the package as the one she had gotten the other Awakened for her birthday. The gift had been expensive, but Sarai did love real chocolate. 

"I'm not hungry just now," Noble had not eaten lunch, but with everything that had happened, her body did not crave food. 

"You were already late. Don't make me eat alone too," Sarai pouted. 

'Such a sweet soul, and always so willing to share even her nicest things.' Noble peered into the box and selected a cream-filled creation. The small bit of heaven warmed her spirit and soothed her soul. "Thank you." 

"So, what made you late this time? Did someone have a memory that turns everything magenta?" Sarai's favorite color was purple, and she wouldn't mind seeing more of it in the world. 

"No, nothing like that." The professor frowned. All the emotion threatened to come spilling out but she forced it down. "I can't talk about it, but I promise it was a good reason." 

"I see." Sarai closed up the box and stood. "Then we won't talk about it. Are you ready to spar?" 

"As ready as I'll ever be," Noble reluctantly summoned her secondary armor. The silver suit neatly wrapped around her workout clothing and shone with a metallic radiance. 

"We can postpone for another day," Sarai offered, her brow knit in concern. She could clearly see something was off.

"No, I promised we would practice, and I have already made you wait long enough. Let's get down to business." Noble summoned the protective covering for her hair as well as the [Unlikely End]. 

Summoning her Dreamscape weapon was a risk. But as no one had walked into their practices for the past two weeks, Noble decided it was worth it. She wasn't in her regular armor, so even if someone did happen upon them, they would be unlikely to connect the mild-mannered professor to the imposing Queen of Duels. 

Sarai transformed herself into the recognizable visage of Fireshing. In her hand, sparks dissipated to reveal her signature spear. She raised one eyebrow.

The duel began abruptly. The two women had been practicing at least every other day either at the Academy or–on the weekends–at Noble's home. They had come to know each other well enough not to ask the other when to start. 

The first few strikes by Sarai were experimental in nature. The fiery Awakened hoped to pull Noble into making a mistake early to gain an advantage. 

It worked. Sarai was able to thrust her spear past Noble's guard and force a burst of fire at the professor's head. While the flicker was not enough to really hurt an Awakened like Noble, it was warm enough to singe the tips of her eyelashes.

The professor flew backward, not even bothering to take fake steps to do so. 'Two blunders in one.'

"You'll have to do better than that!" Sarai teased. "Is your mind floating away without your body?" 

"What?" Noble blinked. 

The auburn-haired duelist had disappeared, replaced by a spunky teenage boy. His blond hair waved in the breeze while his blue eyes sparkled with mischief.

"I said you are doing it again. You know, where your brain leaves your body and floats away. And here I thought it was all of you that was always being pulled to the sky!" The young man's voice was filled with laughter.

 He swung a wooden sword around his body before hoisting it into the sky like the string of a balloon. Then he pretended to drift off into the clouds.

All around them, the spring buds were beginning to bloom in the city park. 

Noble shook her head with a weary grin. They had had this exact conversation so many times. "You know, I very much regret telling you my flaw. Why did I ever do such a thing?"

"You just wanted to get in good with me so that I would let you marry Dad," the boy wrapped his mouth around the last word like it was the sweetest candy. 

"Ah yes, I remember. You took full advantage by trying to ask me every sordid detail about my life that you could. Very clever, young man." Noble squinted at the boy with a scowl.

"Come on, Mom, you aren't still mad about that, are you?" There was hesitation in the teen's voice.

"I could never be mad at you, Seb. I chose you and your father, and I love you. Don't ever doubt that." Noble reached up and tousled the boy's hair. 

"I love you too, Mom." Despite his age, the boy wrapped himself around the woman in a bear hug, catching one of her arms in mid-air. 

Seb was already taller than she was, and the action caught her off-guard. Hugging him back, she reveled in the moment.

"Now, enough stalling," Noble patted his head lightly. "We really need to work on your sparring." 

Noble held up her wooden practice sword. 

"I have almost a whole year and a half before I can even be infected with the spell. Can't we just enjoy the park?" Seb gave a dashing smile.

'He is almost the same age as Honey right now.' Noble thought. The scene around her wavered, disorienting her.

"What do you even know about fighting? Your Aspect isn't good for combat." Seb's goofy face took any of the sting out of his words. He was still trying to stall, and an argument was a great way to accomplish his goal. 

Noble shrugged. "You are right. I will talk to your dad about hiring a tutor when he gets home from work today." 

Seb's eyes widened. "No, no! I take it back, sparring with you is perfect! Teach me your ways! With your training, the Nightmare Spell doesn't stand a chance against me." The boy stabbed at the air to slay an invisible foe. He looked back at her and his expression changed. "Mom? What's wrong?…" 

Noble felt her face. Tears were streaming down it. This hadn't been part of the original event. They were supposed to spend the next hours sparring. 

'Not that it was enough. None of it was in the end.' Noble studied the boy in front of her, memorizing every detail of his face. He was so young and innocent. Her heart beat wildly against what would happen. 

"Are you crying?" Seb's voice sounded strange, more feminine than she remembered. 

'I wish I could have been more help to you, Seb. You deserved so much more. I love you.' No matter how much she tried, the words would not come out. Seb's face and the park around them faded from view.

Noble blinked. Sarai was staring at her with a concerned expression. Her spear was at her side.

"I am sorry..." Noble suddenly remembered where she was and wiped the tears on her cheeks with the back of her finger. "My mind drifted as you said. I am here now, though."

Noble took a slow deep breath and exhaled. 

"Let's spar!"
