

"I thought you had given up looking into the gate that attacked our children's school!" Fort looked up from the datapad and narrowed his eyes at his wife. 

The professor's ears burned. "When you told me you thought the fixation was unhealthy, I stopped mentioning it to you. My progress stalled a couple of weeks ago, but I never gave up." 

"So you let me believe something that wasn't true?" Fort lowered the datapad to the desk, betrayal clear in his eyes. 

Noble shook her head. "It's not like that. You were so adamant that I should give it up, but I know there is something there. I didn't want to bother you again until I had evidence to back up my claim. You have enough to worry about."

Fort couldn't deny that he had had a rather strong reaction to Noble's inquiries. He placed his head in his hand. "I still wish you had told me." 

"And suffer this look of disappointment?" Feeling the amount of pain coming off her husband, Noble's heart softened. "I am sorry. Your urging me to move on made me feel like I was looking for something that wasn't there. I kind of like to keep my crazy to myself." 

Fort's mood shifted slightly. Another emotion was mixed in with the rest. Guilt. 

Noble frowned. "But I'm not crazy, am I? There is something. You weren't telling me to give up because there was nothing to find. You were telling me to give up because there was something you didn't want me to discover…"

The Deputy Director hesitated. "Noble…I.." 

"It makes sense. The documents I gathered were about another unexpected gate opening. Gates open all the time. Why would the Government suddenly make all of the information surrounding it classified? Only if there was something worth hiding. Was the information on the other gate equally squashed?" Noble's accusatory glance was met with a frown as Fort pressed his lips together.

"You know I cannot speak on this." 

But that was all the confirmation Noble needed. "Then that is why I could find hundreds of articles on Mongrel's heroism, but no research or logistics. I wish you had told me. It has felt like I've been losing my mind!" The professor clapped her hands onto the desk.

Fort reached across to place his hands on hers. "I hope we can let the matter rest now."

"How many more gates have appeared without proper warning?" Noble's eyes again began to swirl with endless cycles of color. 

 Fort cleared his throat lightly. "I guess that's a 'no' for letting things rest then…"

"I mean it. How many more? Five?" Noble sensed her husband's emotions. "Ten? Twenty? More?" 

The Deputy Director remained silent. 

"Then the Obel scale is failing again…" Noble's words hung in the air. "The last time it failed–"

"We cannot talk about this. Ugh, it's no wonder my superiors this morning were so upset when they found out about the breach…" Fort mumbled the second part as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "If word gets out that you know anything at all…You need to go. I'll handle it." 

"Handle what? What's wrong?" Noble felt a rise in her husband's anxiety. He was usually so stable, so this constant change in mood was beginning to unsettle her. "Have I gotten you into trouble as well?" 

"Don't worry about it. Don't you have a class this afternoon?" Fort suddenly changed the subject. His wife was too good at reading people, and he had given her far more information than he intended already. 

Noble raised her eyebrows. "I canceled it when you asked me to come here." 

"Still, I think it would be best for you to head back to the Academy. The technician may have some questions for you before he leaves. I will keep you apprised of the case as it pertains to you. If you like, I can find someone to walk you back to the front gate." The deputy director once again took on a formal tone. 

Noble squeezed her husband's hands. "Fort–" 

There was a knock at the door, causing a small alarm to ring in the room. The deputy director furrowed his brow as he disengaged the security protocols. It was the only way to be heard as Fort called, "I really do not wish to be disturbed right now, Teddy!" 

"I gathered that when you did not answer my text, my call, and the datapad alert. But this is important!" Teddy responded, exasperated.

Noble looked down at the electronic device. At some point in their discussion, Fort must have turned it off. 

"You should probably see what she needs." Noble shrugged as she blinked her eyes back to their normal blue. 

Fort sighed. "Alright Teddy, what is it?" 

"You have a visitor," Teddy answered vaguely.

The door opened, but it was not Teddy who entered. Noble furrowed her brow. 

She knew the amiable young man who entered the office. Noble had seen him just that morning in the Dream Realm. 


The dark-haired man gave a slight bow. "Awakened Noble. Deputy Director. I am most glad to see you both together. I do not think that has ever been the case before!" 

"If you have come to tell my husband that I love him, now isn't the best time." Noble remembered her request before she had parted with the Awakened hours earlier. "Though I must say you are a most dutiful messenger." 

The young man smiled, pleased at her compliment. But it quickly faded. "Alas, I do not come here on personal business. I have been trying to contact you, Deputy Director Fort, but your robust security measures made it necessary for me to come in person." 

Noble glanced at Fort, his face held a neutral expression, but she could feel his underlying tension. "You said it was important. What is this about?"

"The Boss needs to see you. The sooner, the better." Venster jerked his thumb out the door. The chief of staff gave no further explanation.

The corners of Fort's mouth tipped downward. Clearly, he did not like this turn of events. "I will make sure my wife gets safely to the gate and then be there in a moment. Please let the Chancellor know I will come as soon as I am able." 

Venster rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, this is awkward. You see, both you and Awakened Noble are requested to join the Boss in his office. He was very insistent on this point." 

The couple looked at each other. Obviously, someone had informed the Chancellor of Noble's arrival. 

"My wife is not available to meet just now…" Fort began, but the professor interrupted. 

"We will be out presently to accompany you, Awakened Venster." Noble nodded.

"Very good, Ma'am." Venster stepped out into the waiting area and shut the door. 

"You can't go with me," Fort looked at his wife with a profound sense of concern.

"I got myself–and you–into this mess, I am going to be by your side to face whatever comes. We are a team, remember?" Noble's words melted the man's resolve. 

As much as he wanted to protect his wife, they really were better together. 

He stood and offered his arm. "I do hope you have some of that winsome charm left for the Chancellor." Fort smiled at her. 

"I'll do better than that. I'll be honest. All of you have enough secrets around here without me adding to them." Noble raised one eyebrow. Their conversation might have been interrupted, but it was certainly far from over.

"Fair enough, my love," Fort gulped unconsciously. He wasn't sure whether he should be more worried by his wife's determination or the Chancellor's sudden summons.

Though the answer in the end was easy.

He should be very worried about both.
