
A Dream Come True

From above, it could be seen as a sea of pitch-black coloration, clashing against a couple of ants. But when a closer look is taken, more details sprawl into view.

The monsters were enormous in numbers, clustered together, their eyes blazing with unreasonable fury.

With savagery and madness, they clashed onto the small number of humans that opposed them.

But the power wielded by those humans did not make this battle as unfair as anyone would have thought.

With a sweep, ice cones the size of valleys spread around, freezing the monsters, both the ones in the air and the ones on land.

With a clench of his fist, Ryan shattered the ice cones in a shower of crude blood.

He did not pause and continued the attack. He was competent in close combat as much as he was in wide-area attacks.

But his ability to focus prevailed more in wide-area attacks. He had the kind of power that could take on multiple enemies at once.
