
CH: 38 A Family's Hope

Anton is incredibly busy.

Aside from his dual-track study of spells and potions with Fiennes, he also has the responsibility of taking care of a large family.

The enormous snake Nagini needs to be fed daily, and sometimes he has to unlock the door to let it roam and stretch. Being confined to a room every day is not ideal.

The goblin Pedro is in a coma and requires a doctor to administer a dose of glucose. Of course, a Confundus Charm is necessary as well.

Sometimes, Fiennes accidentally wanders into the neighbor's house and frightens the residents. Anton has to knock on their door and cast the Obliviate spell, a charm he hasn't quite mastered.

As for Lupin, his performance is steadily improving. He exudes more personal charm and appears exceptionally energetic.

However, Anton still needs to consume the 'Polyjuice' potion occasionally, visit the old foxes at headquarters and the French branch, and personally handle important business with significant clients.

And, of course, the night of the full moon every month is impossible without Anton.

Anna also relies on his guidance. This quiet and prideful little girl spends her days immersed in the suitcase, playing with the enormous machine that now stands at 10 meters tall.

He also needs to take her out to sunbathe occasionally, but of course, the timing must be coordinated with Nagini.

Furthermore, he has to teach a lesson to the young man who delivers meals, so that he doesn't continue to arrive late every day. And he must send a thoughtful birthday gift to the lady at the dry cleaners, expressing gratitude for her meticulous care.

Being a 10-year-old child, he worries about managing such a large family.

It's truly challenging.

But it's all worth it.

Lupin now carries a confident and energetic expression, Anna has grown significantly taller in just a few months, Nagini's injuries have completely healed, and Pedro has managed to survive.

And as for Anton himself, after studying diligently for a while, he has finally achieved his first breakthrough.

That night, he smiled and summoned his family members.

He drew the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the hall, lit candles, and gazed at Fiennes, Lupin, and Anna with a smile on his face.

He placed a box on the small round table, gently opening it to reveal a chubby bird.

"Its academic name is the Avis charm, and its potion name is the Fauxmorph potion," Anton explained, his voice filled with excitement.

He lifted the bird, and in an instant, it transformed into the same color as his fingers. Its translucent body was so convincing that it seemed to vanish.

With a flick of his wand, the plump bird flapped its wings and soared through the hall. As the backdrop shifted, it continuously changed colors, seamlessly blending with its surroundings.

Anna's eyes shimmered with adoration as she gazed upon the captivating creature. "What an adorable bird," she whispered in awe.

The Avis charm, with its plump and round figure, bore a striking resemblance to the beloved Angry Birds that held a special place in the hearts of children.

Lupin stood beside Anna, equally astounded by the sight before him. "I've never encountered a bird like this before," he remarked, his voice filled with wonder.

Fiennes standing nearby let out a hearty chuckle, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "That is because this potion is exceedingly rare and difficult to obtain. It is a treasure that eludes most individuals, including Lupin, who faces the harsh reality of financial hardship and struggles to afford even the basic necessities of life."

The mischievous nature of Fiennes remained unchanged.

Anton carefully draped a dark fabric over the vibrant purple crystal, causing the bird to vanish from sight in an instant, leaving everyone in awe.

"Wow, it's disappeared," Anna exclaimed, her eyes darting around in curiosity, searching for any trace of the elusive creature.

Lupin raised his wand, his voice filled with determination. "Revealio!" he commanded, hoping to unveil the hidden bird.

To their disappointment, nothing happened. The bird remained concealed from their view.

Anton, with a smile on his face, stepped forward to provide an explanation. "Except under the ethereal glow of the Moropi Pavilion crystal stone, this creature, which bears a resemblance to a bird, is actually an unseen spore mass. The Invisibility Charm can only reveal its true form, but it remains inherently invisible to the naked eye."

With a flourish, Anton removed the cloth from the crystal stone, revealing the bird perched gracefully on the chandelier, suspended in mid-air. Though still resembling a chameleon, it could now be faintly seen by those present.

"Now, for the next..." Anton began, his voice filled with anticipation.

"It's time to witness a marvel!" Anna interjected, her excitement palpable.

Anton closed his eyes, his wand moving with precision as he performed intricate gestures and uttered incantations under his breath. Gradually, his entire figure dissolved into thin air, leaving no trace behind.

"Wow!" Anna exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder as she watched the plump bird take flight around the illuminated fixture, eventually landing beside its original counterpart.

The plump bird gracefully descended from the air, landing delicately on Anna's outstretched palm. It playfully pecked at her hand, eliciting a joyful giggle from Anna.

Once again taking flight, the bird underwent a breathtaking transformation in mid-air, morphing into a red-haired boy before their very eyes.

"This is my latest creation," Anton declared proudly, his voice filled with a sense of accomplishment.

Lupin stared at him in astonishment. "An Animagus transformation?" he questioned, his disbelief evident.

Anton smiled, raising a finger and wagging it playfully. "It's not a metamorphosis; it's a magical illusion created by the Protean Charm that imitates the essence of the subject and adopts its form. I call it the Illusionary Transfiguration."

Fiennes chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Haha. Anton has dedicated himself to the pursuit of knowledge and has developed this spell through his own studies. Let us give him a round of applause for his ingenuity."

"Indeed," Fiennes continued, his voice filled with pride. "While I have provided guidance, it is Anton's brilliance that has allowed him to build upon the spell scholarship of Fiennes."

Anna and Lupin clapped enthusiastically, their admiration for Anton evident in their applause.

Anton's expression turned serious, his gaze shifting between Anna and Lupin. "I presented this spell to you today not to boast about my skills, but to inquire if you noticed anything peculiar about the earlier demonstration?"

Anna and Lupin exchanged puzzled glances, their brows furrowing in confusion. Even the Fiennes seemed at a loss, his eyes narrowing in contemplation.

Anton wielded his wand with precision, causing the bird to be drawn towards him and gracefully land in the palm of his hand. With a flick of his wand, he directed his magic towards himself and the bird, initiating a mesmerizing transformation.

"I underwent a metamorphosis, morphing into a potion, and then back into my true form," He explained, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity.

Anton's gaze swept across the faces of those gathered, his eyes filled with anticipation, hoping that someone had caught on to the significance of his demonstration.

However, all he encountered were perplexed expressions on the children's faces, their brows furrowed in confusion.

A sigh escaped Anton's lips as he spoke, "Did none of you realize? This transformation is reversible!"

"It transcends bloodlines, race, and even biological characteristics. It is not bound by any specific magical spell," he continued, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration.

Anna still appeared bewildered, her confusion evident in her eyes. On the other hand, Lupin's breathing quickened, and he nervously glanced at Anton, his voice trembling as he spoke, "Are you suggesting..."

"Haha, Lupin, you've finally caught on!" Anton exclaimed, snapping his fingers in triumph. "This is merely the beginning. While I have successfully replicated the transformation using a relatively simple spell, I intend to delve deeper into more intricate realms through my ongoing studies."

Anton's gaze locked onto Anna and Lupin, his eyes filled with determination.

"Even beings bound by blood curses, like humans and werewolves," he declared boldly, his words carrying a weight of significance.

As the term "blood-cursed humans" escaped Anton's lips, Anna's expression turned blank, clearly unfamiliar with the concept. However, a sense of pride radiated from her, her admiration for Anton's achievements shining through.

Lupin rushed forward, his hand gripping Anton's arm tightly, his throat constricting with anticipation. "Are you saying...?"

"Yes!" Anton's voice thundered, reverberating through the room. "By treading this path, I can restore werewolves to their human form and transform blood-cursed beings into humans once more."

He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "However, this will require time, and I cannot ascertain when it will reach fruition."

Lupin trembled, tears welling up in his eyes. He pressed his lips together, his entire body quivering with emotion.

"I..." His voice cracked, hoarse with suppressed anguish.

Struggling to compose himself, he continued, "I am willing to wait! Even if my hair turns white with age, even if my legs fail me, even if I have but a single day left to live, I yearn to become whole again and find solace in the embrace of the earth."

His words were almost drowned in a sea of tears, his pain palpable.

Finally, the typically reserved old man let out a resounding roar, as if releasing the anguish he had carried for decades, and hurriedly retreated to his room.

As the door closed, faint sobs could be faintly heard.

A profound silence enveloped the room, each person lost in their own thoughts.

Fiennes sighed, his gaze drifting towards Anna and Nagini's quarters, before speaking softly, "You little rascal, you've given everyone hope, but you mustn't let that hope be shattered. It would be too cruel to bear."

Anton met his gaze with unwavering determination. "I will accomplish it!"

His voice resounded with unwavering conviction, echoing through the room, a promise to all who listened.
