
Chapter 28

I returned to Ta Lo along with the rest of the sorcerers once the battle was over. Although some sorcerers remained behind in the mirror dimension to collect the carcasses of the dead monsters, a majority returned to Ta Lo.

As I fought in the battle against those interdimensional beasts, I realised what kind of responsibility rested upon Kamar Taj and Ta Lo.

Although I had known since start that Kamar Taj protected Earth from the threats of other dimensions, only now I knew what enormous responsibility it was.

Although we had defeated those soul sucking monsters quite easily, it was only because we had soul protection bracelets. Otherwise, one single attack and our souls would be sucked from our bodies.

That makes me wonder what kind of monster, the Dweller in Darkness sealed in Ta Lo was. No wonder, original dimension of the people of Ta Lo was destroyed.

"Peter! You did truly great in today's battle." Master Wong came to me and started praising me.

"I only did what I could." I said embarrassed.

"No, Peter. This time, you were truly great. Seriously, your presence was truly helpful in thinning the ranks of the monsters at the frontline. You lessened the pressure on us too much.

Because of you, I did not even need to join the battle until the end. Believe me, the battle would have been quite different if you had not there."

Master Wong continued praising me and counted my accomplishments one by one despite my embarrassment.

"Still, thank you for saving Hye-rin. Her grandfather was a great friend of mine. I do not know what I would have told him if she had died in the battle."

Hye-rin, so that was the name of that girl, huh. Sounds Korean which is rather obvious when looking at her appearance.

"Master Wong, Ancient One has asked for your presence." A sorcerer came and said to Master Wong.

Looks like Ancient One has already arrived. It was quite fast.

"It seems that I must now go, Peter." With one last pat on my back, Master Wong left.

"Apprentice Peter, I had not thought that you would do such a great job at today's battle."

Soon after Master Wong left, Master Mordo came and praised me.

This was quite unexpected seeing that Master Mordo didn't come near even my shadow since his defeat at my hands.

"I had not thought that you could do such a great job seeing that you had only been learning mystic arts for a mere 2 months." Master Mordo said rather haughtily.

Oh! It seems that he was still sour about his defeat.

"Still, you did a great job. Now, I must leave to give my report to Ancient One." Afterwards, Master Mordo left. He must still feel awkward around me.

"Peter, you were awesome, today!"

"Peter! When I saw you in the battle today, I felt like I was looking at a dragon!"

"Peter! That mystic art you used to chase that monster was truly awesome. What kind of mystic art is it?"

Several sorcerers who had joined today's battle came to praise me for my performance in today's battle. How awesome I looked while fighting, how I look like a dragon in my draconic form. Seriously I was being praised too much.

I was feeling a little shy after this much praise. After all, this was the first time I was getting such fame.

"Peter!" The girl whom I had saved, Hye-rin greeted me as soon as she appeared before my eyes.

"Thank you for saving me!" She bowed towards me, showing her gratefulness.

"It's nothing. Anyone who could do it would have done so, Hye-rin. That's your name right?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yes, Park Hye-rin." She introduced herself.

"Say, the sorcerers from Korea usually learn at the main headquarters. But you arrived from elsewhere." This was rather puzzling for me. After all, everyone who was from Asian continent studied at Kamar Taj in Nepal.

"Actually, you can say that I was home-schooled in mystic arts. My grandfather is a retired master. He trained me just casually but I turned out to be quite gifted in mystic arts."

So, that is the reason she fought rather amateurishly in the battle. She was home-schooled leading to her not having any practical experience.

"Ah! That's right." Suddenly, Hye-rin's face lit up.

"I was thinking how to repay you. My grandfather is a master in Armour making and enchantment. I will ask him to make an armour for you."

"There is no need for it." I didn't want to impose on her especially when I didn't save for any reward.

"No, I insist." Hye-rin was not ready to take a no for an answer.

"Apprentice Peter, Ancient One has called for you." A sorcerer delivered the message to me. He seemed rather shy referring me as an apprentice.

As I moved through the crowd of sorcerers, I could listen to the various phrases being sung about me.

Soon, I reached where Ancient One was. She was currently talking with Master Wong and Master Mordo.

"Ah! Peter. You are here." Ancient One addressed me upon seeing that I had arrived.

Suddenly, her eyes widened upon seeing me.

"Interesting," she muttered.

"How is your condition now? Are your instincts still running wild?" She questioned me immediately.

"No, I am now in full control of myself. It feels like my body and my mind are now completely in sync." Truly, it felt to me like the days where I was led around by my instincts like a puppet were long gone.

"Congratulations, Peter. It seems a true battle was the last thing you required to achieve complete control over yourself."

I was truly impressed by Ancient One's insight. She could always obtain the information she required just by observing someone.

"Anyways, you have performed truly well in today's battle. Everyone is singing your praises." She said pointing to the sorcerers still talking about me.

I felt a little shy upon hearing her words. Although I had received numerous praises today, it felt quite different to hear it from my teacher.

"Now that you have gained complete control over instincts and have more or less learned enough in the field of mystic arts, I believe you are now ready to be promoted to a sorcerer." Ancient One announced.

"Moreover, I believe you have gained quite a title already." She said pointing to the voices saying that I had the power of a dragon.

"Everyone!" Ancient One said loudly, drawing the attention of all the warriors and sorcerers who had participated in today's battle.

"Because of Apprentice Peter's achievement in today's battle, he has been promoted to the rank of a sorcerer." Ancient One announced.

Everyone present nodded their heads in agreement and clapped for me. It would be a shame for me not to be a sorcerer after today's battle.

"Despite Peter learning the mystic arts for only a few months, he has shown great talent in it. Moreover, his powers allow him to easily defeat most of our masters. As such, he has been given the title of 'Dragon Sorcerer'." Ancient One declared further.

To think that she would give me a title. A title was only given to the most promising sorcerers or those who had done something great in the field of mystic arts. For example, Master Zenitsu had the title of 'Thunderflash' because of his unique mystic art.

"Dragon Sorcerer! Dragon Sorcerer!"

Soon, everyone started chanting my title. As the chants of Dragon Sorcerer filled the air, I felt a surge of pride in everything I had accomplished since my arrival at Kamar Taj.

*End of Dragon Sorcerer Arc*

And with this, we have finished the entire Kamar Taj arc. I know that in this arc, the chapters were rather short but I promise you that most of the future chapters will be larger.

I will not say much. Just this much that I hope you liked my story and will continue to like it in the future. See you in the next arc, "The X-Dragon"!

Unfortunately, I will not be able to update the story tomorrow as I would be busy readying the next arc.

As I have said earlier, for the rest of this month, there will be a total of 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye
